public static void startServer(Class<? extends Filter> filter) throws Exception { _tester = new ServletTester("/ctx"); HttpURI uri = new HttpURI(_tester.createConnector(true)); _host = uri.getHost(); _port = uri.getPort(); _tester.getContext().addServlet(TestServlet.class, "/*"); _dosFilter = _tester.getContext().addFilter(filter, "/dos/*", EnumSet.allOf(DispatcherType.class)); _dosFilter.setInitParameter("maxRequestsPerSec", "4"); _dosFilter.setInitParameter("delayMs", "200"); _dosFilter.setInitParameter("throttledRequests", "1"); _dosFilter.setInitParameter("waitMs", "10"); _dosFilter.setInitParameter("throttleMs", "4000"); _dosFilter.setInitParameter("remotePort", "false"); _dosFilter.setInitParameter("insertHeaders", "true"); _timeoutFilter = _tester.getContext().addFilter(filter, "/timeout/*", EnumSet.allOf(DispatcherType.class)); _timeoutFilter.setInitParameter("maxRequestsPerSec", "4"); _timeoutFilter.setInitParameter("delayMs", "200"); _timeoutFilter.setInitParameter("throttledRequests", "1"); _timeoutFilter.setInitParameter("waitMs", "10"); _timeoutFilter.setInitParameter("throttleMs", "4000"); _timeoutFilter.setInitParameter("remotePort", "false"); _timeoutFilter.setInitParameter("insertHeaders", "true"); _timeoutFilter.setInitParameter("maxRequestMs", _requestMaxTime + ""); _tester.start(); }
public Filter() { minCost = 0; maxCost = MasterDeck.getHighestCardCost(); attributes = EnumSet.noneOf(Attribute.class); colors = EnumSet.allOf(ColorFlag.class); cardTypes = EnumSet.allOf(CardType.class); cardTypes.remove(CardType.CHAMPION); cardSets = EnumSet.allOf(CardSet.class); }
public final void testGetThe1000Articles() throws CoreException { AggregatorItem folder = getCollection().getChildAt(EnumSet.allOf(ItemType.class), 0); System.out.println(folder); for (int a = 0; a < 1000; a++) { AggregatorItem item = ((Folder) folder).getChildAt(EnumSet.allOf(ItemType.class), 0); System.out.println(item); if (item == null) fail("Retrieved item is null"); // $NON-NLS-1$ } }
private void initializeLeftPanel( @NotNull final PanelState panelState, @NotNull Provider<TabBuilder> tabBuilderProvider, @NotNull HistoryPanel historyPanel, @NotNull final TemplatesContainer templatesContainer) { TabSelectHandler historyHandler = new TabSelectHandler() { @Override public void onTabSelected() { selectHistoryTab(); } }; Tab historyTab = tabBuilderProvider .get() .presenter(historyPanel) .selectHandler(historyHandler) .title(locale.runnerTabHistory()) .visible(REMOVABLE) .scope(EnumSet.allOf(State.class)) .tabType(LEFT) .build(); leftTabContainer.addTab(historyTab); TabSelectHandler templatesHandler = new TabSelectHandler() { @Override public void onTabSelected() { state = TEMPLATE; panelState.setState(State.TEMPLATE); templatesContainer.selectEnvironment(); templatesContainer.changeEnableStateRunButton(); view.hideOtherButtons(); } }; Tab templateTab = tabBuilderProvider .get() .presenter(templatesContainer) .selectHandler(templatesHandler) .title(locale.runnerTabTemplates()) .visible(REMOVABLE) .scope(EnumSet.allOf(State.class)) .tabType(LEFT) .build(); leftTabContainer.addTab(templateTab); }
static { SYMBOL_ID_MAP = new HashMap<Short, TemplateTokenType>(); for (TemplateTokenType type : EnumSet.allOf(TemplateTokenType.class)) { SYMBOL_ID_MAP.put(type.getIndex(), type); } TREE_SYMBOL_ID_MAP = new HashMap<Short, TemplateTokenType>(); for (TemplateTokenType type : EnumSet.allOf(TemplateTokenType.class)) { TREE_SYMBOL_ID_MAP.put(type.getTreeIndex(), type); } }
/** * Assumes that the folder item created in the previous method still exists and attempts to delete * it. Fails if the item did not exist and if it still exists after deleting it. * * @throws CoreException */ public final void testDeleteFolder() throws CoreException { AggregatorCollection collection = getCollection(); // Assume the folder was added in the method above AggregatorItem item = collection.getChildAt(EnumSet.allOf(ItemType.class), 0); if (item == null) { fail("Folder item could not be retrieved"); // $NON-NLS-1$ } item.getParent().trash(item); item = collection.getChildAt(EnumSet.allOf(ItemType.class), 0); if (item != null) { fail("Folder item was not deleted"); // $NON-NLS-1$ } }
public static MimeType get(String typeOrExtension) { for (MimeType m : EnumSet.allOf(MimeType.class)) { if (m.getType().equalsIgnoreCase(typeOrExtension) || m.getExtension().equalsIgnoreCase(typeOrExtension)) { return m; } } return MimeType.PNG; /*Iterator it = lookup.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry pair = (Map.Entry); if } // Check first if we give in the name of the mime, like svg, png, pfd MimeType mime = MimeType.valueOf(type.toUpperCase()); if (mime != null) { return mime; } // if not matched above, check if we can lookup the mime based on the content-type mime = lookup.get(type); if (mime != null) { return mime; } // else return default return MimeType.PNG;*/ }
static { lookup = new HashMap<>(); for (WdMailMergeMainDocType e : EnumSet.allOf(WdMailMergeMainDocType.class)) { lookup.put(e.value(), e); } }
/** * Gets localization bundle. * * @param bundleNames name of bundle. If {@code null} all bundles are included. * @param locale optional locale. If {@code null} HTTP headers are queried for acceptable language * @param sorted optional flag to partially sort result bundle items by value. Default is {@code * true}. * @return the bundle */ @GET @Produces({MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON}) public SmartGwtResponse<Item> getBundle( @QueryParam(LocalizationResourceApi.ITEM_BUNDLENAME) Set<BundleName> bundleNames, @DefaultValue("") @QueryParam(LocalizationResourceApi.GETBUNDLE_LOCALE_PARAM) String locale, @DefaultValue("true") @QueryParam(LocalizationResourceApi.GETBUNDLE_SORTED_PARAM) boolean sorted) { if (bundleNames == null || bundleNames.isEmpty()) { bundleNames = EnumSet.allOf(BundleName.class); } Locale localeObj; if (locale == null || locale.isEmpty()) { List<Locale> acceptableLanguages = httpHeaders.getAcceptableLanguages(); localeObj = acceptableLanguages.isEmpty() ? Locale.ENGLISH : acceptableLanguages.get(0); } else { localeObj = new Locale(locale); } Control control = ResourceBundle.Control.getControl(ResourceBundle.Control.FORMAT_PROPERTIES); ArrayList<Item> result = new ArrayList<Item>(); for (BundleName bundleName : bundleNames) { try { if (!BundleName.PROPERTIES.equals(bundleName.getFormat())) { continue; } result.addAll(readBundle(bundleName, localeObj, control, sorted)); } catch (MissingResourceException ex) { LOG.log(Level.WARNING, bundleNames.toString(), ex); throw RestException.plainNotFound( LocalizationResourceApi.ITEM_BUNDLENAME, bundleName.toString()); } } return new SmartGwtResponse<Item>(result); }
public static ActMood valueOf(ST code) { // set up the _codeMap if needed for the first time if (_codeMap == null) { synchronized (ActMood.class) { // that one time might just as well keep it thread-safe if (_codeMap == null) { _codeMap = new HashMap(); for (ActMood concept : EnumSet.allOf(ActMood.class)) { ST conceptCode = concept.code(); if (conceptCode != null && conceptCode.nonNull().isTrue()) { _codeMap.put(conceptCode, concept); } } } } } if (code.nonNull().isTrue()) { ActMood concept = _codeMap.get(code); if (concept == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException( ("unknown code " + code + " at codeSystem = " + "2.16.840.1.113883.5.1001" + ", domain = " + "ActMood")); else return concept; } else return null; }
static { lookup = new HashMap<>(); for (WdFindMatch e : EnumSet.allOf(WdFindMatch.class)) { lookup.put(e.value(), e); } }
/** @return the file filters which can be used to load a file */ public static FileFilter[] getLoadingFilters() { Collection<XcosFileType> used = EnumSet.allOf(XcosFileType.class); Iterator<XcosFileType> it = used.iterator(); final FileFilter[] filters = new FileFilter[used.size() + 1]; final String[] extensions = new String[used.size()]; final String[] descriptions = new String[used.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < extensions.length; i++) { final XcosFileType type =; descriptions[i] = type.getDescription(); extensions[i] = type.getExtension(); } /* * One file filter for all valid extensions */ filters[0] = new FileNameExtensionFilter(XcosMessages.ALL_SUPPORTED_FORMATS, extensions); /* * Then one file filter per enum value. */ for (int i = 0; i < descriptions.length; i++) { filters[i + 1] = new FileNameExtensionFilter(descriptions[i], extensions[i]); } return filters; }
protected CompleteReferenceProcessor() { super(null, EnumSet.allOf(ResolveKind.class), myRefExpr, PsiType.EMPTY_ARRAY); myConsumer = new Consumer<LookupElement>() { @Override public void consume(LookupElement element) { myIsEmpty = false; CompleteReferenceExpression.this.myConsumer.consume(element); } }; myPreferredFieldNames = addAllRestrictedProperties(); mySkipPackages = shouldSkipPackages(); myEventListener = JavaPsiFacade.getInstance(myRefExpr.getProject()) .findClass("java.util.EventListener", myRefExpr.getResolveScope()); myPropertyNames.addAll(myPreferredFieldNames); myFieldPointerOperator = myRefExpr.hasAt(); myMethodPointerOperator = myRefExpr.getDotTokenType() == GroovyTokenTypes.mMEMBER_POINTER; myIsMap = isMap(); final PsiType thisType = GrReferenceResolveUtil.getQualifierType(myRefExpr); mySubstitutorComputer = new SubstitutorComputer( thisType, PsiType.EMPTY_ARRAY, PsiType.EMPTY_ARRAY, myRefExpr, myRefExpr.getParent()); }
static { lookup = new HashMap<>(); for (MsoBlogCategorySupport e : EnumSet.allOf(MsoBlogCategorySupport.class)) { lookup.put(e.value(), e); } }
static { int value = 0; for (ResourceField e : EnumSet.allOf(ResourceField.class)) { e.m_value = value++; TYPE_VALUES[e.getValue()] = e; } }
public final void testAddArticle() throws CoreException { AggregatorCollection collection = getCollection(); // Create the feed Subscription feed = TestUtils.createNewFeed("Feed title"); // $NON-NLS-1$ // This should also add a new folder automatically as we did not specify // the location for the feed. Folder folder = collection.addNew(feed); // Create the article Article article_a = new Article((AggregatorItemParent) folder, UUID.randomUUID(), feed.getUUID()); article_a.setGuid("myGUID"); // $NON-NLS-1$ // Add it to the collection collection.addNew(new Article[] {article_a}); // See that it's there (at position 0 in the folder) AggregatorItem item = folder.getChildAt(EnumSet.allOf(ItemType.class), 0); if (item == null) { fail("Article item could not be retrieved"); // $NON-NLS-1$ } // And that the item is a folder if (!(item instanceof Article)) { fail("Returned item is not article"); // $NON-NLS-1$ } Article folder_b = (Article) item; // Compare the basics compareAggregatorItems(article_a, folder_b); }
static { lookup = new HashMap<>(); for (WdTextureIndex e : EnumSet.allOf(WdTextureIndex.class)) { lookup.put(e.value(), e); } }
private ArchiveApplicationEntity createAdminAE( String aet, String[] image_tsuids, String[] video_tsuids, String[] other_tsuids, String pixConsumer, String pixManager) { ArchiveApplicationEntity ae = new ArchiveApplicationEntity(aet); ae.setAssociationAcceptor(true); ae.setAssociationInitiator(true); ae.setMatchUnknown(true); ae.setSendPendingCGet(true); ae.setSendPendingCMoveInterval(PENDING_CMOVE_INTERVAL); ae.addRejectionNote(INCORRECT_WORKLIST_ENTRY_SELECTED); ae.addRejectionNote(REJECT_FOR_PATIENT_SAFETY_REASONS); ae.addRejectionNote(INCORRECT_MODALITY_WORKLIST_ENTRY); ae.addRejectionNote(DATA_RETENTION_PERIOD_EXPIRED); addTCs(ae, null, SCU, IMAGE_CUIDS, image_tsuids); addTCs(ae, null, SCU, VIDEO_CUIDS, video_tsuids); addTCs(ae, null, SCU, OTHER_CUIDS, other_tsuids); addTCs(ae, EnumSet.allOf(QueryOption.class), SCP, QUERY_CUIDS, UID.ImplicitVRLittleEndian); addTCs(ae, EnumSet.of(QueryOption.RELATIONAL), SCP, RETRIEVE_CUIDS, UID.ImplicitVRLittleEndian); addTC( ae, null, SCP, UID.CompositeInstanceRetrieveWithoutBulkDataGET, UID.ImplicitVRLittleEndian); addTC(ae, null, SCP, UID.VerificationSOPClass, UID.ImplicitVRLittleEndian); addTC(ae, null, SCU, UID.VerificationSOPClass, UID.ImplicitVRLittleEndian); ae.setReturnOtherPatientIDs(true); ae.setReturnOtherPatientNames(true); ae.setLocalPIXConsumerApplication(pixConsumer); ae.setRemotePIXManagerApplication(pixManager); return ae; }
static { lookup = new HashMap<>(); for (WdDefaultTableBehavior e : EnumSet.allOf(WdDefaultTableBehavior.class)) { lookup.put(e.value(), e); } }
static { lookup = new HashMap<>(); for (WdLayoutMode e : EnumSet.allOf(WdLayoutMode.class)) { lookup.put(e.value(), e); } }
static { opcodeMap = new HashMap<Integer, Opcode>(); for (Opcode opcode : EnumSet.allOf(Opcode.class)) { opcodeMap.put(opcode.getOpcode(), opcode); } }
/** * Add the given permission to the permission set. * * @param permissions The permission set * @param toAdd The permissions to add * @return The same permission set as passed in */ private static EnumSet<Permission> addPermission( EnumSet<Permission> permissions, Permission... toAdd) { for (Permission onePerm : toAdd) { // Permissions that infer other permissions need to be listed here and // set the inferred permissions as well as itself. // // Always add the permission itself and then call this method to add // the inferred permissions. switch (onePerm) { case ADMIN: permissions.addAll(EnumSet.allOf(Permission.class)); break; case SQL: permissions.add(SQL); addPermission(permissions, SQLREAD, DEFAULTPROC); break; case SQLREAD: permissions.add(SQLREAD); addPermission(permissions, DEFAULTPROCREAD); break; case DEFAULTPROC: permissions.add(DEFAULTPROC); addPermission(permissions, DEFAULTPROCREAD); default: permissions.add(onePerm); } } return permissions; }
public static enum Expansions { COUNT("count"), RATE_MEAN("meanRate"), RATE_1_MINUTE("1MinuteRate"), RATE_5_MINUTE("5MinuteRate"), RATE_15_MINUTE("15MinuteRate"), MIN("min"), MEAN("mean"), MAX("max"), STD_DEV("stddev"), MEDIAN("median"), P75("p75"), P95("p95"), P98("p98"), P99("p99"), P999("p999"); public static EnumSet<Expansions> ALL = EnumSet.allOf(Expansions.class); private final String displayName; private Expansions(String displayName) { this.displayName = displayName; } @Override public String toString() { return displayName; } }
/** * Setter for the property 'connectionTracingEvents'. This method is called by the container * * @param tracingSpec A comma delimited list of {@link HzConnectionEvent} */ public void setConnectionTracingEvents(String tracingSpec) { if ((null != tracingSpec) && (0 < tracingSpec.length())) { List<HzConnectionEvent> traceEvents = new ArrayList<HzConnectionEvent>(); for (String traceEventId : tracingSpec.split(",")) { traceEventId = traceEventId.trim(); try { HzConnectionEvent traceEvent = HzConnectionEvent.valueOf(traceEventId); if (null != traceEvent) { traceEvents.add(traceEvent); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { log( Level.WARNING, "Ignoring illegal token \"" + traceEventId + "\" from connection config-property " + "connectionTracingEvents, valid tokens are " + EnumSet.allOf(HzConnectionEvent.class)); } } this.hzConnectionTracingEvents = EnumSet.copyOf(traceEvents); } else { this.hzConnectionTracingEvents = emptySet(); } }
static { lookup = new HashMap<>(); for (MsoColorType e : EnumSet.allOf(MsoColorType.class)) { lookup.put(e.value(), e); } }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void onToggleSplitterClicked(boolean isShowSplitter) { terminalTab.setScopes(isShowSplitter ? EnumSet.allOf(State.class) : EnumSet.of(RUNNERS)); if (isShowSplitter) { panelState.setSplitterState(SPLITTER_ON); view.setLeftPropertiesPanel(leftPropertiesContainer); view.setRightPropertiesPanel(rightPropertiesContainer); } else { panelState.setSplitterState(SPLITTER_OFF); view.setGeneralPropertiesPanel(rightPropertiesContainer); } if (TEMPLATE.equals(state)) { panelState.setState(TEMPLATE); leftTabContainer.showTab(locale.runnerTabTemplates()); if (SPLITTER_OFF.equals(panelState.getSplitterState())) { rightPropertiesContainer.showTab(propertiesTab.getTitle()); } } }
public RestTransportServer(RestContact contact, final AppServerHandler appServerHandler) { = contact; server = new Server(contact.getPort()); ServletContextHandler servletContextHandler = new ServletContextHandler(); servletContextHandler.setContextPath("/"); // servletContextHandler.addServlet(new ServletHolder(new // RestTransportServlet(appServerHandler)), "/*"); servletContextHandler.addServlet(new ServletHolder(new NotFoundServlet()), "/*"); final Injector injector = Guice.createInjector( new ReefyServletModule(), new AbstractModule() { @Override protected void configure() { binder().requireExplicitBindings(); bind(GuiceFilter.class); bind(new TypeLiteral<AppServerHandler<RestContact>>() {}) .toInstance(appServerHandler); } }); final FilterHolder guiceFilter = new FilterHolder(injector.getInstance(GuiceFilter.class)); servletContextHandler.addFilter(guiceFilter, "/*", EnumSet.allOf(DispatcherType.class)); server.setHandler(servletContextHandler); }
static { for (TransactionStateDeserialization value : EnumSet.allOf(TransactionStateDeserialization.class)) { nameToValueMap.put(, value); idToValueMap.put(value.getId(), value); } }
enum Result { Unsupported, Replied, ReplySuccess, ReplyFailure; public static final Set<Result> VALUES = Collections.unmodifiableSet(EnumSet.allOf(Result.class)); /** * @param name The result name - ignored if {@code null}/empty * @return The matching {@link Result} value (case <U>insensitive</U>) or {@code null} if no * match found */ public static Result fromName(String name) { if (GenericUtils.isEmpty(name)) { return null; } for (Result r : VALUES) { if (name.equalsIgnoreCase( { return r; } } return null; } }