public List<DashboardFilterProperty> getVisibleProperties() { List<DashboardFilterProperty> results = new ArrayList<DashboardFilterProperty>(); Iterator it = properties.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { DashboardFilterProperty dashboardFilterProperty = (DashboardFilterProperty); if (dashboardFilterProperty.isVisible()) results.add(dashboardFilterProperty); } return results; }
public DashboardFilterProperty getDashboardFilterProperty(String propertyId) { Iterator it = properties.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { DashboardFilterProperty dashboardFilterProperty = (DashboardFilterProperty); if (propertyId.equals(dashboardFilterProperty.getPropertyId())) return dashboardFilterProperty; } return null; }
public DashboardFilterProperty[] getBeingFilteredProperties() { List results = new ArrayList(); Iterator it = properties.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { DashboardFilterProperty dashboardFilterProperty = (DashboardFilterProperty); if (dashboardFilterProperty.isBeingFiltered()) results.add(dashboardFilterProperty); } return (DashboardFilterProperty[]) results.toArray(new DashboardFilterProperty[results.size()]); }
public DashboardFilterProperty getDashboardFilterPropertyForCurrentFilter( String dataProviderCode, String propertyId) { Iterator it = properties.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { DashboardFilterProperty dashboardFilterProperty = (DashboardFilterProperty); if (dataProviderCode.equals(dashboardFilterProperty.getDataProviderCode()) && propertyId.equals(dashboardFilterProperty.getPropertyId())) return dashboardFilterProperty; } return null; }
// Calls dashboard filter to get static properties but keep properties instance configuration. Is // propety is found on this instance properties List thsi instance is returned. public DashboardFilterProperty[] getStaticPropertiesForCurrentFilter() { DashboardFilterProperty[] staticProperties = getFilter().getStaticProperties(); if (staticProperties == null) return null; DashboardFilterProperty[] results = new DashboardFilterProperty[staticProperties.length]; for (int i = 0; i < staticProperties.length; i++) { DashboardFilterProperty staticProperty = staticProperties[i]; DashboardFilterProperty property = getDashboardFilterPropertyForCurrentFilter( staticProperty.getDataProviderCode(), staticProperty.getPropertyId()); if (property != null) results[i] = property; else results[i] = staticProperty; } return results; }
public void beforeRenderComponent() { super.beforeRenderComponent(); // Initialize the dashboard (loads all its kpi panels) DashboardHandler.lookup().getCurrentDashboard(); // Get the filter. DashboardFilter filter = getFilter(); // Check all visible properties exist. Iterator props = properties.iterator(); while (props.hasNext()) { DashboardFilterProperty dashboardFilterProperty = (DashboardFilterProperty); if (!dashboardFilterProperty.isPropertyAlive()) props.remove(); } // Check if filtered properties for this filter component are already in dashboard filter. DashboardFilterProperty[] beingFilteredProps = getBeingFilteredProperties(); for (int i = 0; i < beingFilteredProps.length; i++) { List dfProperties = Arrays.asList(filter.getPropertyIds()); DashboardFilterProperty beignFilteredProp = beingFilteredProps[i]; if (!dfProperties.contains(beignFilteredProp.getPropertyId())) beignFilteredProp.setBeignFiltered(false); } // Check filtered properties and hide from available filter properties (set property not // visible) String[] propIds = filter.getPropertyIds(); for (int i = 0; i < propIds.length; i++) { String propId = propIds[i]; DashboardFilterProperty prop = getDashboardFilterProperty(propId); if (prop == null) { DashboardFilterProperty parentProperty = filter.getPropertyInParentDashboards(propId); if (parentProperty != null) { prop = new DashboardFilterProperty( parentProperty.getDataProviderCode(), propId, getFilter(), null, true); properties.add(prop); } } else { prop.setBeignFiltered(true); } } }
public String serializeComponentData() throws Exception { // Serialize visible properties and options. StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(sw); int indent = 0; printIndent(out, indent); out.println("<dashboard_filter>"); Iterator it = properties.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { DashboardFilterProperty dashboardFilterProperty = (DashboardFilterProperty); printIndent(out, indent + 1); out.println( "<property id=\"" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml(dashboardFilterProperty.getPropertyId()) + "\" providerCode =\"" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml(dashboardFilterProperty.getDataProviderCode()) + "\">"); printIndent(out, indent + 2); out.println("<visible>" + dashboardFilterProperty.isVisible() + "</visible>"); if (dashboardFilterProperty.getSectionId() != null) { printIndent(out, indent + 2); out.println("<section>" + dashboardFilterProperty.getSectionId() + "</section>"); } printIndent(out, indent + 1); out.println("</property>"); } // Serialize options. printIndent(out, indent + 1); out.println("<options>"); printIndent(out, indent + 2); out.println("<shortViewMode>" + isShortMode + "</shortViewMode>"); printIndent(out, indent + 2); out.println("<showLegend>" + showLegend + "</showLegend>"); printIndent(out, indent + 2); out.println("<showRefreshButton>" + showRefreshButton + "</showRefreshButton>"); printIndent(out, indent + 2); out.println("<showApplyhButton>" + showApplyButton + "</showApplyhButton>"); printIndent(out, indent + 2); out.println("<showClearButton>" + showClearButton + "</showClearButton>"); printIndent(out, indent + 2); out.println("<showPropertyNames>" + showPropertyNames + "</showPropertyNames>"); printIndent(out, indent + 2); out.println("<showSubmitOnChange>" + showSubmitOnChange + "</showSubmitOnChange>"); printIndent(out, indent + 1); out.println("<showAutoRefresh>" + showAutoRefresh + "</showAutoRefresh>"); printIndent(out, indent + 1); out.println("</options>"); printIndent(out, indent); out.println("</dashboard_filter>"); serializedProperties = sw.toString(); return sw.toString(); }
// Return if is needed to serialize and save properties after this call because properties that // does not exist on current filter or data providers must be deleted from persistence. // return: must clear serialized trash properties after deserialize process saving this data. public boolean deserializeComponentData(String serializedData) throws Exception { // Load options and visible properties if (serializedData == null || serializedData.trim().length() == 0) {"No data to deserialize."); return false; } DOMParser parser = new DOMParser(); parser.parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(serializedData))); Document doc = parser.getDocument(); NodeList nodes = doc.getElementsByTagName("dashboard_filter"); if (nodes.getLength() > 1) { log.error("Each dashboard filter component just can parse one <dashboard_filter>"); return false; } if (nodes.getLength() == 0) {"No data to deserialize."); return false; } boolean needsToSerializeAfter = false; serializedProperties = serializedData; Node rootNode = nodes.item(0); nodes = rootNode.getChildNodes(); for (int x = 0; x < nodes.getLength(); x++) { Node node = nodes.item(x); if (node.getNodeName().equals("property")) { // Parse visible properties. String dataProviderCode = node.getAttributes().getNamedItem("providerCode").getNodeValue(); String propertyId = node.getAttributes().getNamedItem("id").getNodeValue(); String sectionId = null; boolean visible = false; NodeList subnodes = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < subnodes.getLength(); i++) { Node subnode = subnodes.item(i); if (subnode.getNodeName().equals("section")) { sectionId = subnode.getFirstChild().getNodeValue(); } if (subnode.getNodeName().equals("visible")) { visible = Boolean.valueOf(subnode.getFirstChild().getNodeValue()).booleanValue(); } } Long lSectionId = sectionId != null ? Long.decode(sectionId) : null; DashboardFilterProperty filterProp = new DashboardFilterProperty( dataProviderCode, propertyId, getFilter(), lSectionId, true); filterProp.setVisible(visible); if (filterProp.isPropertyAlive()) properties.add(filterProp); else needsToSerializeAfter = true; } else if (node.getNodeName().equals("options")) { // Parse component options. NodeList options = node.getChildNodes(); String showRefreshButton = null; String showPropertyNames = null; String showClearButton = null; String showApplyButton = null; String showSubmitOnChange = null; String showShortViewMode = null; String showLegend = null; String showAutoRefresh = null; for (int i = 0; i < options.getLength(); i++) { Node option = options.item(i); if (option.getNodeName().equals("showRefreshButton")) showRefreshButton = option.getFirstChild().getNodeValue(); if (option.getNodeName().equals("showPropertyNames")) showPropertyNames = option.getFirstChild().getNodeValue(); if (option.getNodeName().equals("showClearButton")) showClearButton = option.getFirstChild().getNodeValue(); if (option.getNodeName().equals("showApplyhButton")) showApplyButton = option.getFirstChild().getNodeValue(); if (option.getNodeName().equals("showSubmitOnChange")) showSubmitOnChange = option.getFirstChild().getNodeValue(); if (option.getNodeName().equals("shortViewMode")) showShortViewMode = option.getFirstChild().getNodeValue(); if (option.getNodeName().equals("showLegend")) showLegend = option.getFirstChild().getNodeValue(); if (option.getNodeName().equals("showAutoRefresh")) showAutoRefresh = option.getFirstChild().getNodeValue(); } this.showPropertyNames = Boolean.valueOf(showPropertyNames).booleanValue(); this.showRefreshButton = Boolean.valueOf(showRefreshButton).booleanValue(); this.showApplyButton = Boolean.valueOf(showApplyButton).booleanValue(); this.showClearButton = Boolean.valueOf(showClearButton).booleanValue(); this.showSubmitOnChange = Boolean.valueOf(showSubmitOnChange).booleanValue(); this.isShortMode = Boolean.valueOf(showShortViewMode).booleanValue(); this.showLegend = Boolean.valueOf(showLegend).booleanValue(); this.showAutoRefresh = Boolean.valueOf(showAutoRefresh).booleanValue(); // Enable auto-refresh if necessary on start. if (this.showAutoRefresh) setRefreshEnabled(true); } } return needsToSerializeAfter; }
public CommandResponse actionFilter(CommandRequest request) { try { // Init attributes for start applying the filter. filterPropertyErrors.clear(); // Parse parameters and set the filter. Iterator visiblePropertiesIt = properties.iterator(); while (visiblePropertiesIt.hasNext()) { DashboardFilterProperty dashboardFilterProperty = (DashboardFilterProperty); // Is property already in the dashboard filter?. Then is not possible to filter by this // property, it's already added to dashboard filter. if (dashboardFilterProperty.isBeingFiltered()) continue; if (!dashboardFilterProperty.isPropertyAlive()) { log.warn( "Trying to filter by " + dashboardFilterProperty.getPropertyId() + ". This property is not in any dataset."); continue; } if (!dashboardFilterProperty.isVisible()) continue; Object[] result; try { result = requestProcessor.parseDashboardProperty( request.getRequestObject(), dashboardFilterProperty); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error parsing property " + dashboardFilterProperty.getPropertyId() + ".", e); continue; } if (result.length != 3) { log.error( "Error parsing property: '" + dashboardFilterProperty.getPropertyId() + "' for dataProvider: '" + dashboardFilterProperty.getDataProviderCode() + "'"); continue; } Collection allowedValues = (Collection) result[0]; Object minValue = result[1]; Object maxValue = result[2]; if (allowedValues == null && minValue == null && maxValue == null) continue; // Set the filter with this property. Dashboard currentDashboard = DashboardHandler.lookup().getCurrentDashboard(); if (currentDashboard.filter( dashboardFilterProperty.getPropertyId(), minValue, true, maxValue, true, allowedValues, FilterByCriteria.ALLOW_ANY)) { return new ShowCurrentScreenResponse(); } } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error trying to filter properties for dashboard", e); } return null; }
public void actionStore(CommandRequest request) { Map parameters = request.getRequestObject().getParameterMap(); // Initialize parameters and properties to default. showPropertyNames = false; showRefreshButton = false; showApplyButton = false; showClearButton = false; showSubmitOnChange = false; isShortMode = false; showLegend = false; showAutoRefresh = false; properties.clear(); notAllowedProperties.clear(); // Component options. if (parameters.containsKey(PARAM_SHOW_REFRESH_BUTTON)) showRefreshButton = true; if (parameters.containsKey(PARAM_SHOW_PROPERTY_NAMES)) showPropertyNames = true; if (parameters.containsKey(PARAM_SHOW_CLEAR_BUTTON)) showClearButton = true; if (parameters.containsKey(PARAM_SHOW_APPLY_BUTTON)) showApplyButton = true; if (parameters.containsKey(PARAM_SHOW_SUBMIT_ON_CHANGE)) showSubmitOnChange = true; if (parameters.containsKey(PARAM_SHORT_MODE)) isShortMode = true; if (parameters.containsKey(PARAM_SHOW_LEGEND)) showLegend = true; if (parameters.containsKey(PARAM_SHOW_AUTO_REFRESH)) showAutoRefresh = true; // Component properties. DashboardFilterProperty[] allProperties = getAllPropertiesForCurrentFilter(); for (int i = 0; i < allProperties.length; i++) { DashboardFilterProperty property = allProperties[i]; String dataProviderCode = property.getDataProviderCode(); String propertyId = property.getPropertyId(); String visibleParamKey = new StringBuffer() .append(PARAM_VISIBLE) .append("/") .append(dataProviderCode) .append("/") .append(propertyId) .toString(); String drillDownParamKey = new StringBuffer() .append(PARAM_SECTION) .append("/") .append(dataProviderCode) .append("/") .append(propertyId) .toString(); boolean isVisible = parameters.containsKey(visibleParamKey); Long sectionId = null; if (parameters.containsKey(drillDownParamKey)) { String sectionIdStr = ((String[]) parameters.get(drillDownParamKey))[0]; if (!PARAM_DRILLDOWN_DISABLED.equals(sectionIdStr)) sectionId = Long.decode(sectionIdStr); } if (!isVisible && sectionId == null) continue; // Property must be added? DashboardFilterProperty prop = getDashboardFilterPropertyForCurrentFilter(dataProviderCode, propertyId); if (prop == null) prop = new DashboardFilterProperty(dataProviderCode, propertyId, getFilter(), null, false); // Check if another property with same identifier. if (getDashboardFilterProperty(propertyId) != null) { // Another property with same id is already set to the filter. // Filter cannot use two properties with same property id., so show warning. notAllowedProperties.add(prop); continue; } // Add property to this component. properties.add(prop); // Set property parameters prop.setBeignFiltered(false); prop.setVisible(isVisible); prop.setSectionId(sectionId); } }