private void updateBgImage() { Iterator iter = controls.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Control control = (Control); control.setBackgroundImage(showBgImage ? BG_PATTERN_IMAGE : null); } }
private void updateBgColor() { Iterator iter = controls.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Control control = (Control); control.setBackground(bgColors[bgIndex]); } }
private void updateEnabled() { Iterator iter = controls.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Control control = (Control); control.setEnabled(enabled); } }
private void updateFgColor() { Iterator iter = controls.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Control control = (Control); control.setForeground(fgColors[fgIndex]); } }
private void updateVisible() { Iterator iter = controls.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Control control = (Control); control.setVisible(visible); } }
private void handleNewFeature() { final Control control = fCategoryViewer.getControl(); BusyIndicator.showWhile( control.getDisplay(), new Runnable() { public void run() { IFeatureModel[] allModels = PDECore.getDefault().getFeatureModelManager().getModels(); ArrayList<IFeatureModel> newModels = new ArrayList<IFeatureModel>(); for (int i = 0; i < allModels.length; i++) { if (canAdd(allModels[i])) newModels.add(allModels[i]); } IFeatureModel[] candidateModels = newModels.toArray(new IFeatureModel[newModels.size()]); FeatureSelectionDialog dialog = new FeatureSelectionDialog( fCategoryViewer.getTree().getShell(), candidateModels, true); if ( == Window.OK) { Object[] models = dialog.getResult(); try { doAdd(models); } catch (CoreException e) { PDEPlugin.log(e); } } } }); }
private void setControlActive( List<Control> controlList, List<Control> controlListForTable, String[] controlIds) { for (Control control : controlList) { control.setActive(false); for (int i = 0; i < controlIds.length; i++) { if (control.getId() == Long.parseLong(Utils.isEmpty(controlIds[i]) ? "0" : controlIds[i])) { control.setActive(true); } } controlListForTable.add(control); } }
private void updateFont() { Iterator iter = controls.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Control control = (Control); control.setFont(font); } // Force layout if (controls.size() > 0) { Composite parent = ((Control) controls.get(0)).getParent(); parent.layout(true, true); } }
private void showControlGroup(String group, boolean show) { List<Control> controlList = propGroupMap.get(group); if (controlList != null) { for (Control control : controlList) { GridData gd = (GridData) control.getLayoutData(); if (gd == null) { gd = new GridData(GridData.BEGINNING); control.setLayoutData(gd); } gd.exclude = !show; control.setVisible(show); } } }
private void updateRoundedBorder( final int width, final Color color, final int topLeft, final int topRight, final int bottomRight, final int bottomLeft) { Iterator iter = controls.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Control control = (Control); Object adapter = control.getAdapter(IWidgetGraphicsAdapter.class); IWidgetGraphicsAdapter gfxAdapter = (IWidgetGraphicsAdapter) adapter; gfxAdapter.setRoundedBorder(width, color, topLeft, topRight, bottomRight, bottomLeft); } }
/** Adds validation overlay component to the control. */ private void addValidationOverlay( final AttributeDescriptor descriptor, final IAttributeEditor editor, final Object defaultValue, final Control label) { final ControlDecoration decoration = new ControlDecoration(label, SWT.LEFT | SWT.BOTTOM); decoration.hide(); final FieldDecoration requiredDecoration = FieldDecorationRegistry.getDefault().getFieldDecoration(FieldDecorationRegistry.DEC_ERROR); decoration.setImage(requiredDecoration.getImage()); decoration.setDescriptionText("Invalid value"); final IAttributeListener validationListener = new InvalidStateDecorationListener(decoration, descriptor, defaultValue); globalEventsProvider.addAttributeListener(validationListener); editor.addAttributeListener(validationListener); label.addDisposeListener( new DisposeListener() { public void widgetDisposed(DisposeEvent e) { globalEventsProvider.removeAttributeListener(validationListener); editor.removeAttributeListener(validationListener); decoration.dispose(); } }); }
/* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.eclipse.pde.internal.core.IPluginModelListener#modelsChanged(org.eclipse.pde.internal.core.PluginModelDelta) */ public void modelsChanged(PluginModelDelta delta) { final Control control = fPluginTable.getControl(); if (!control.isDisposed()) { control .getDisplay() .asyncExec( new Runnable() { public void run() { if (!control.isDisposed()) { fPluginTable.refresh(); updateRemoveButtons(true, true); } } }); } }
@Override public void update() { for (int key : methodMap.keySet()) { if (myGame.bsInput.isMousePressed(key)) { super.update(key); } } }
private void updateCursor(final String selection) { Cursor cursor = null; Class swtClass = SWT.class; if (selection != null) { try { Field field = swtClass.getField(selection); int cursorStyle = field.getInt(swtClass); cursor = Display.getCurrent().getSystemCursor(cursorStyle); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } Iterator iter = controls.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Control control = (Control); control.setCursor(cursor); } }
static void processDoc1(Document doc, int docno) throws IOException { // process document // System.err.println ("Parsing: "+docno+"/"+doc); String script = JetTest.config.getProperty("processDocument"); // if there is a name tagger, clear its cache if (JetTest.nameTagger != null) JetTest.nameTagger.newDocument(); Span all = new Span(0, doc.length()); Control.applyScript(doc, all, script); }
/** set tickFlag according to OldTick and NewTick */ public synchronized void setTicks() { tickFlag = (OldTick < NewTick || (NewTick < 0 && 0 < OldTick)); /* System.out.println(Scalar + " -> " + DisplayScalar + " set tickFlag = " + tickFlag); */ OldTick = NewTick; if (control != null) control.setTicks(); }
private void updateBgGradient() { Iterator iter = controls.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Control control = (Control); Object adapter = control.getAdapter(IWidgetGraphicsAdapter.class); IWidgetGraphicsAdapter gfxAdapter = (IWidgetGraphicsAdapter) adapter; if (showBgGradient) { Color[] gradientColors = new Color[] { BGG_COLOR_BLUE, BGG_COLOR_GREEN, BGG_COLOR_BLUE, BGG_COLOR_GREEN, BGG_COLOR_BLUE }; int[] percents = new int[] {0, 25, 50, 75, 100}; gfxAdapter.setBackgroundGradient(gradientColors, percents); } else { gfxAdapter.setBackgroundGradient(null, null); } } }
@RequestMapping(value = "/icga/InternalCtrlGapAnalysisAC.html", method = RequestMethod.POST) public String InternalCtrlGapAnalysisACPost(HttpServletRequest request, Model model) { logger.debug(" :: InternalCtrlGapAnalysisAC POSt ::"); String controlIds = ""; List<Control> controlList = adminService.getAllControl(); for (Control control : controlList) { String checkboxStatus = request.getParameter(control.getId() + ""); if (checkboxStatus != null && Constants.CHECK_BOX_ON.equals(checkboxStatus)) { controlIds = controlIds + "," + control.getId(); } } controlIds = Utils.isEmpty(controlIds) ? "" : controlIds.substring(1, controlIds.length()); logger.debug(" ControlIds : " + controlIds); if (Utils.isEmpty(controlIds)) { Utils.setErrorMessage( request, Utils.getMessageBundlePropertyValue("icga.analyzeByControl.noIdisSelect")); return "redirect:./InternalCtrlGapAnalysisAC.html"; } return "redirect:internalCtrlGapAnalysis.html?icga=0&controlIds=" + controlIds; }
public Composite fillGeneralOption(Composite generalTabContent) { GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(); layout.marginWidth = 0; layout.marginHeight = 0; layout.numColumns = 3; generalTabContent.setLayout(layout); XModel model = getXModel(); if (model == null) model = XModelFactory.getDefaultInstance(); support.init(model.getRoot(), data); Control c = support.createControl(generalTabContent); pcl = new PCL(); support.addPropertyChangeListener(pcl); fWizardModel = getSpecificWizard().getWizardModel(); mpcl = new MPCL(); fWizardModel.addPropertyChangeListener(mpcl); GridData data = new GridData(GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL); data.horizontalSpan = 3; c.setLayoutData(data); data = new GridData(GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING); generalTabContent.setLayoutData(data); Label properties = new Label(generalTabContent, SWT.NONE); properties.setText(JsfUIMessages.DataTableWizardPage_Properties); data = new GridData(GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL); data.horizontalSpan = 3; properties.setLayoutData(data); propertyListEditor.setObject(propertyListObject); Control propertiesTable = propertyListEditor.createControl(generalTabContent); data = new GridData(GridData.FILL_BOTH); data.horizontalSpan = 3; propertiesTable.setLayoutData(data); return generalTabContent; }
public void changeControlState(boolean enabled) { if (getControls() == null) return; Iterator it = getControls().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { ISootOptionWidget control = (ISootOptionWidget); if (control.getControls() == null) continue; Iterator conIt = control.getControls().iterator(); while (conIt.hasNext()) { Object obj =; ((Control) obj).setEnabled(enabled); } } }
private void createSourceViewer(Composite parent) { sourceFileViewer = new TreeViewer(new Tree(parent, SWT.MULTI | SWT.H_SCROLL | SWT.V_SCROLL | SWT.BORDER)); sourceFileViewer.setContentProvider(new WorkbenchContentProvider()); sourceFileViewer.setLabelProvider(new WorkbenchLabelProvider()); sourceFileViewer.addSelectionChangedListener( new ISelectionChangedListener() { public void selectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent event) { java.util.List list; ISelection selection = event.getSelection(); boolean newFilesSelected = false; if (selection instanceof IStructuredSelection) { list = ((IStructuredSelection) selection).toList(); for (Iterator i = list.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { IResource resource = (IResource); if (resource instanceof IFile) { if (checkIfFileInTarget((IFile) resource) == false) newFilesSelected = true; } } setAddButtonEnabled(newFilesSelected); } } }); sourceFileViewer.addDoubleClickListener( new IDoubleClickListener() { public void doubleClick(DoubleClickEvent event) { addSelectedFilesToTargetList(); } }); Control treeWidget = sourceFileViewer.getTree(); GridData gd = new GridData(GridData.FILL_BOTH); gd.widthHint = SIZING_LISTS_WIDTH; gd.heightHint = SIZING_LISTS_HEIGHT; treeWidget.setLayoutData(gd); }
/** * Clear the link to the VisAD display. This will subsequently cause {@link #getDisplay()} and * {@link #getControl()} to return <code>null</code>; consequently, information stored in the * Control might have to be reestablished. This method invokes the method {@link * ScalarMapListener#controlChanged(ScalarMapControlEvent)} on all registered {@link * ScalarMapListener}s with this instance as the event source, {@link * ScalarMapEvent#CONTROL_REMOVED} as the event ID, and the control as the event control. * * @throws RemoteException Java RMI failure * @throws VisADException VisAD failure */ synchronized void nullDisplay() throws RemoteException, VisADException { if (control != null) { control.nullControl(); ScalarMapControlEvent evt; evt = new ScalarMapControlEvent(this, ScalarMapEvent.CONTROL_REMOVED, control); notifyCtlListeners(evt); } control = null; display = null; ScalarIndex = -1; DisplayScalarIndex = -1; scale_flag = back_scale_flag; if (axisScale != null) axisScale.setAxisOrdinal(-1); }
/** return true if application called setRange */ public synchronized boolean checkTicks(DataRenderer r, DataDisplayLink link) { if (control == null) { /* System.out.println(Scalar + " -> " + DisplayScalar + " check tickFlag = " + tickFlag); */ return tickFlag; } else { /* boolean cflag = control.checkTicks(r, link); System.out.println(Scalar + " -> " + DisplayScalar + " check tickFlag = " + tickFlag + " cflag = " + cflag); */ return tickFlag || control.checkTicks(r, link); } }
public synchronized boolean peekTicks(DataRenderer r, DataDisplayLink link) { if (control == null) { /* boolean flag = (OldTick < NewTick || (NewTick < 0 && 0 < OldTick)); if (flag) { System.out.println(Scalar + " -> " + DisplayScalar + " peek flag = " + flag); } */ return (OldTick < NewTick || (NewTick < 0 && 0 < OldTick)); } else { /* boolean flag = (OldTick < NewTick || (NewTick < 0 && 0 < OldTick)); boolean cflag = control.peekTicks(r, link); if (flag || cflag) { System.out.println(Scalar + " -> " + DisplayScalar + " peek flag = " + flag + " cflag = " + cflag); } */ return (OldTick < NewTick || (NewTick < 0 && 0 < OldTick)) || control.peekTicks(r, link); } }
private void setControlInActive(List<Control> controlList, List<Control> controlListForTable) { for (Control control1 : controlList) { control1.setActive(false); controlListForTable.add(control1); } }
/** * control list with applied in no of transaction * * @param request * @return */ @RequestMapping(value = "/icga/getJASONforExistingControlList.html", method = RequestMethod.POST) public @ResponseBody JasonBean getAssignmentList(HttpServletRequest request) { logger.debug("Control List Controller "); String page = request.getParameter("page") != null ? request.getParameter("page") : "1"; String rp = request.getParameter("rp") != null ? request.getParameter("rp") : "10"; String sortname = request.getParameter("sortname") != null ? request.getParameter("sortname") : "projectName"; String sortorder = request.getParameter("sortorder") != null ? request.getParameter("sortorder") : "desc"; String query = request.getParameter("query") != null ? request.getParameter("query") : "false"; String qtype = request.getParameter("qtype") != null ? request.getParameter("qtype") : "false"; String controlIds = request.getParameter("controlIds") != null ? request.getParameter("controlIds") : "0"; String tableName = request.getParameter("tableName") != null ? request.getParameter("tableName") : ""; String controlIdsListAsString = ""; JasonBean jasonData = new JasonBean(); List dbColumnHeaderList = new ArrayList(); int totalControl = 0; List controlList = new ArrayList(); List<Cell> entry = new ArrayList<Cell>(); List allControlList = new ArrayList<Cell>(); Map<String, Integer> countMap = new TreeMap<String, Integer>(); try { String partSql = !"0".equals(controlIds) ? InternalControlGapAnalysisController.getStringForComparingControls(controlIds) : ""; allControlList = adminJdbcService.getControlIdList(controlIds, partSql); controlIdsListAsString = getCommaseparatedStringFromList(allControlList); String[] controllIdsArray = !"0".equals(controlIds) ? getUsedControlsByControlIds(controlIds, controlIdsListAsString.split(",")) : controlIdsListAsString.split(","); countMap = countStringOccurences(controllIdsArray, adminJdbcService); if (countMap != null && countMap.size() > 0) { logger.debug("AMLOG:: countMap size: " + countMap.size()); jasonData.setPage(Utils.parseInteger(page)); for (String string : countMap.keySet()) { Map map = new HashMap(); Long controlId = !Utils.isEmpty(string) ? Long.parseLong(string) : 0; logger.debug("AMLOG:: controlId: " + controlId); // Control control = new Control(); Cell cell = new Cell(); Control control = controlId > 0 ? (Control) adminService.loadEntityById(controlId, Constants.CONTROL) : new Control(); /*control.setId(controlId); control.setName(controlName);*/ control.setTotalUsed(countMap.get(string)); cell.setCell(control); entry.add(cell); map.put("control_name", control.getName()); map.put("transaction_type", control.getTransactionType()); map.put("total", countMap.get(string)); controlList.add(map); } int totalItem = controlList != null ? controlList.size() : 0; Map mapForHeader = new HashMap(); mapForHeader.put( "name", "control_name"); // key=flexigrid parameter name, value = dbField Name mapForHeader.put("transactionType", "transaction_type"); mapForHeader.put("totalUsed", "total"); dbColumnHeaderList.add(mapForHeader); request.getSession().setAttribute(tableName, dbColumnHeaderList); jasonData.setRows(entry); jasonData.setTotal(totalItem); jasonData.setDbColumnHeader(dbColumnHeaderList); if ("max".equals(rp)) { logger.debug("SMN LOG: custom controlList size=" + controlList.size()); TransactionSearchController.setTotalListSizeAndListInSession( totalItem, controlList, request); } } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.debug("CERROR: Real Time Project exception : " + ex); } return jasonData; }
/** reset tickFlag */ synchronized void resetTicks() { // System.out.println(Scalar + " -> " + DisplayScalar + " reset"); tickFlag = false; if (control != null) control.resetTicks(); }