public static void createTestFiles() { try { System.out.println("Creating test files ... "); Random rand = new Random(); String rootname = "f-"; long[] sizes = {0, 1, 50000000}; File testdir = new File(dirname); FileUtil.mkdirs(testdir); for (int i = 0; i < sizes.length; i++) { long size = sizes[i]; File file = new File(testdir, rootname + String.valueOf(size)); System.out.println(file.getName() + "..."); FileChannel fc = new RandomAccessFile(file, "rw").getChannel(); long position = 0; while (position < size) { long remaining = size - position; if (remaining > 1024000) remaining = 1024000; byte[] buffer = new byte[new Long(remaining).intValue()]; rand.nextBytes(buffer); ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(buffer); position += fc.write(bb); } fc.close(); } System.out.println("DONE\n"); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.printStackTrace(e); } }
public static void runTests() { try { // SHA1 sha1Jmule = new SHA1(); MessageDigest sha1Sun = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1"); SHA1 sha1Gudy = new SHA1(); // SHA1Az shaGudyResume = new SHA1Az(); ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(1024 * 1024); File dir = new File(dirname); File[] files = dir.listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { FileChannel fc = new RandomAccessFile(files[i], "r").getChannel(); System.out.println("Testing " + files[i].getName() + " ..."); while (fc.position() < fc.size()) {; buffer.flip(); byte[] raw = new byte[buffer.limit()]; System.arraycopy(buffer.array(), 0, raw, 0, raw.length); sha1Gudy.update(buffer); sha1Gudy.saveState(); ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[56081]); sha1Gudy.digest(bb); sha1Gudy.restoreState(); sha1Sun.update(raw); buffer.clear(); } byte[] sun = sha1Sun.digest(); sha1Sun.reset(); byte[] gudy = sha1Gudy.digest(); sha1Gudy.reset(); if (Arrays.equals(sun, gudy)) { System.out.println(" SHA1-Gudy: OK"); } else { System.out.println(" SHA1-Gudy: FAILED"); } buffer.clear(); fc.close(); System.out.println(); } } catch (Throwable e) { Debug.printStackTrace(e); } }
// Takes the byte array received from the server and parses. // The server responds with a UDP packet containing 4 integers. The // integer array returned contains has those 4 integers. public static int[] partA(byte[] response) { ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(response); checkHeader(bb, 16, 0, STEP2); int[] res = new int[4]; for (int i = 0; i < res.length; i++) { res[i] = bb.getInt(); } return res; }
/** * Get text content of a source file. * * @param path The canonical path of source file. * @param charset Source file encoding. * @return Source file content. */ public String read(String path, String charset) { String str = null; byte[] bin = read(path); try { str = Charset.forName(charset).newDecoder().decode(ByteBuffer.wrap(bin)).toString(); } catch (CharacterCodingException e) { App.exit("Cannot read " + path + " as " + charset + " encoded file"); } return str; }
private void dispatchMessage( TcpAddress incomingAddress, ByteBuffer byteBuffer, long bytesRead) { byteBuffer.flip(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug( "Received message from " + incomingAddress + " with length " + bytesRead + ": " + new OctetString(byteBuffer.array(), 0, (int) bytesRead).toHexString()); } ByteBuffer bis; if (isAsyncMsgProcessingSupported()) { byte[] bytes = new byte[(int) bytesRead]; System.arraycopy(byteBuffer.array(), 0, bytes, 0, (int) bytesRead); bis = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes); } else { bis = ByteBuffer.wrap(byteBuffer.array(), 0, (int) bytesRead); } fireProcessMessage(incomingAddress, bis); }
/** * Check if the first X characters of a byte stream match a String. * * @param data The byte array to process * @param pattern The String to match * @return True if the pattern was found, false otherwise */ private static boolean bytesEqualsString(byte[] data, String pattern) { byte[] bytes = new byte[pattern.length()]; Charset csets = Charset.forName("US-ASCII"); boolean fin = false; int currChar = 0; // remove any CR and/or LF characters at the beginning of the article // data while (!fin) { if (currChar >= data.length) break; byte in = data[currChar]; ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[] {(byte) in}); CharBuffer cb = csets.decode(bb); char c = cb.charAt(0); if (data.length > 0 && (c == '\n' || c == '\r')) currChar++; else fin = true; if (data.length == 0) fin = true; } // extract bytes (chars) to check from article data for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length && i < data.length; i++, currChar++) { byte in = data[currChar]; bytes[i] = (byte) in; } // decode byte data to characters ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes); CharBuffer cb = csets.decode(bb); // compare these characters to the pattern String for (int i = 0; i < pattern.length(); i++) if (cb.charAt(i) != pattern.charAt(i)) return false; return true; }
static void test() throws Exception { ServerSocketChannel ssc = null; SocketChannel sc = null; SocketChannel peer = null; try { ssc = InetSocketAddress(0)); // loopback connection InetAddress lh = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); sc = InetSocketAddress(lh, ssc.socket().getLocalPort())); peer = ssc.accept(); // peer sends message so that "sc" will be readable int n = peer.write(ByteBuffer.wrap("Hello".getBytes())); assert n > 0; sc.configureBlocking(false); Selector selector =; SelectionKey key = sc.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_READ | SelectionKey.OP_WRITE); boolean done = false; int failCount = 0; while (!done) { int nSelected =; if (nSelected > 0) { if (nSelected > 1) throw new RuntimeException("More than one channel selected"); Set<SelectionKey> keys = selector.selectedKeys(); Iterator<SelectionKey> iterator = keys.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { key =; iterator.remove(); if (key.isWritable()) { failCount++; if (failCount > 10) throw new RuntimeException("Test failed"); Thread.sleep(250); } if (key.isReadable()) { done = true; } } } } } finally { if (peer != null) peer.close(); if (sc != null) sc.close(); if (ssc != null) ssc.close(); } }
static void testMixed(Charset cs) throws Throwable { CharsetDecoder dec = cs.newDecoder() .onMalformedInput(CodingErrorAction.REPLACE) .onUnmappableCharacter(CodingErrorAction.REPLACE); CharsetEncoder enc = cs.newEncoder() .onMalformedInput(CodingErrorAction.REPLACE) .onUnmappableCharacter(CodingErrorAction.REPLACE); List<Integer> cps = new ArrayList<>(0x10000); int off = 0; int cp = 0; while (cp < 0x10000) { if (enc.canEncode((char) cp)) { cps.add(cp); } cp++; } Collections.shuffle(cps); char[] bmpCA = new char[cps.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < cps.size(); i++) bmpCA[i] = (char) (int) cps.get(i); String bmpStr = new String(bmpCA); // getBytes(csn); byte[] bmpBA = bmpStr.getBytes(; ByteBuffer bf = enc.reset().encode(CharBuffer.wrap(bmpCA)); byte[] baNIO = new byte[bf.limit()]; bf.get(baNIO, 0, baNIO.length); if (!Arrays.equals(bmpBA, baNIO)) { throw new RuntimeException("getBytes(csn) failed -> " +; } // getBytes(cs); bmpBA = bmpStr.getBytes(cs); if (!Arrays.equals(bmpBA, baNIO)) throw new RuntimeException("getBytes(cs) failed -> " +; // new String(csn); String strSC = new String(bmpBA,; String strNIO = dec.reset().decode(ByteBuffer.wrap(bmpBA)).toString(); if (!strNIO.equals(strSC)) { throw new RuntimeException("new String(csn) failed -> " +; } // new String(cs); strSC = new String(bmpBA, cs); if (!strNIO.equals(strSC)) throw new RuntimeException("new String(cs) failed -> " +; }
private void writeMessage(SocketEntry entry, SocketChannel sc) throws IOException { byte[] message = entry.nextMessage(); if (message != null) { ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(message); sc.write(buffer); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug( "Send message with length " + message.length + " to " + entry.getPeerAddress() + ": " + new OctetString(message).toHexString()); } sc.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_READ); } }
public final void unserialise(final byte[] data) { final ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(data); this.m_id = bb.getInt(); this.m_isChallengeGoal = (bb.get() == 1); try { final byte[] targetPosition = new byte[bb.getInt()]; bb.get(targetPosition); this.m_targetPosition = new String(targetPosition, "UTF-8").intern(); this.m_isCountDownJauge = (bb.get() == 1); this.m_jaugeMaxValue = bb.getInt(); final byte[] jaugeVarName = new byte[bb.getInt()]; bb.get(jaugeVarName); this.m_jaugeVarName = new String(jaugeVarName, "UTF-8").intern(); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { ScenarioBinaryStorable.m_logger.error((Object) "Exception", (Throwable) e); } }
public final void unserialise(final byte[] data) { final ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(data); this.m_id = bb.getInt(); this.m_order = bb.get(); this.m_gfx = bb.getInt(); final byte[] cdata = new byte[bb.getInt()]; bb.get(cdata); try { this.m_criterion = new String(cdata, "UTF-8").intern(); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { ScenarioBinaryStorable.m_logger.error((Object) "Exception", (Throwable) e); } this.m_success = (bb.get() == 1); this.m_itemId = bb.getInt(); this.m_itemQty = bb.getShort(); this.m_xp = bb.getInt(); this.m_kama = bb.getInt(); this.m_guildPoints = bb.getInt(); }
protected void fill(GOut g) { BGL gl =; Coord dim = new Coord(tdim, tdim); for (int i = 0; i < order.length; i++) { ByteBuffer data = ByteBuffer.wrap( TexI.convert(back, dim, new Coord(order[i][0] * tdim, order[i][1] * tdim), dim)); gl.glTexImage2D( GL.GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + i, 0, GL.GL_RGBA, tdim, tdim, 0, GL.GL_RGBA, GL.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, data); } }
static char[] decode(byte[] bb, Charset cs, boolean testDirect, Time t) throws Exception { String csn =; CharsetDecoder dec = cs.newDecoder(); ByteBuffer bbf; CharBuffer cbf; if (testDirect) { bbf = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(bb.length); cbf = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(bb.length * 2).asCharBuffer(); bbf.put(bb); } else { bbf = ByteBuffer.wrap(bb); cbf = CharBuffer.allocate(bb.length); } CoderResult cr = null; long t1 = System.nanoTime() / 1000; for (int i = 0; i < iteration; i++) { bbf.rewind(); cbf.clear(); dec.reset(); cr = dec.decode(bbf, cbf, true); } long t2 = System.nanoTime() / 1000; t.t = (t2 - t1) / iteration; if (cr != CoderResult.UNDERFLOW) { System.out.println("DEC-----------------"); int pos = bbf.position(); System.out.printf( " cr=%s, bbf.pos=%d, bb[pos]=%x,%x,%x,%x%n", cr.toString(), pos, bb[pos++] & 0xff, bb[pos++] & 0xff, bb[pos++] & 0xff, bb[pos++] & 0xff); throw new RuntimeException("Decoding err: " + csn); } char[] cc = new char[cbf.position()]; cbf.flip(); cbf.get(cc); return cc; }
static CoderResult decodeCR(byte[] bb, Charset cs, boolean testDirect) throws Exception { CharsetDecoder dec = cs.newDecoder(); ByteBuffer bbf; CharBuffer cbf; if (testDirect) { bbf = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(bb.length); cbf = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(bb.length * 2).asCharBuffer(); bbf.put(bb).flip(); } else { bbf = ByteBuffer.wrap(bb); cbf = CharBuffer.allocate(bb.length); } CoderResult cr = null; for (int i = 0; i < iteration; i++) { bbf.rewind(); cbf.clear(); dec.reset(); cr = dec.decode(bbf, cbf, true); } return cr; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ByteBuffer encode(GridNioSession ses, GridClientMessage msg) throws IOException, GridException { assert msg != null; if (msg instanceof GridTcpRestPacket) return encodeMemcache((GridTcpRestPacket) msg); else if (msg == PING_MESSAGE) return ByteBuffer.wrap(PING_PACKET); else { byte[] data = marshaller.marshal(msg); assert data.length > 0; ByteBuffer res = ByteBuffer.allocate(data.length + 5); res.put(GRIDGAIN_REQ_FLAG); res.put(U.intToBytes(data.length)); res.put(data); res.flip(); return res; } }
/** * Handles control packet. * * @param data raw packet data that arrived on control PPID. * @param sid SCTP stream id on which the data has arrived. */ private synchronized void onCtrlPacket(byte[] data, int sid) throws IOException { ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(data); int messageType = /* 1 byte unsigned integer */ 0xFF & buffer.get(); if (messageType == MSG_CHANNEL_ACK) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug(getEndpoint().getID() + " ACK received SID: " + sid); } // Open channel ACK WebRtcDataStream channel = channels.get(sid); if (channel != null) { // Ack check prevents from firing multiple notifications // if we get more than one ACKs (by mistake/bug). if (!channel.isAcknowledged()) { channel.ackReceived(); notifyChannelOpened(channel); } else { logger.warn("Redundant ACK received for SID: " + sid); } } else { logger.error("No channel exists on sid: " + sid); } } else if (messageType == MSG_OPEN_CHANNEL) { int channelType = /* 1 byte unsigned integer */ 0xFF & buffer.get(); int priority = /* 2 bytes unsigned integer */ 0xFFFF & buffer.getShort(); long reliability = /* 4 bytes unsigned integer */ 0xFFFFFFFFL & buffer.getInt(); int labelLength = /* 2 bytes unsigned integer */ 0xFFFF & buffer.getShort(); int protocolLength = /* 2 bytes unsigned integer */ 0xFFFF & buffer.getShort(); String label; String protocol; if (labelLength == 0) { label = ""; } else { byte[] labelBytes = new byte[labelLength]; buffer.get(labelBytes); label = new String(labelBytes, "UTF-8"); } if (protocolLength == 0) { protocol = ""; } else { byte[] protocolBytes = new byte[protocolLength]; buffer.get(protocolBytes); protocol = new String(protocolBytes, "UTF-8"); } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug( "!!! " + getEndpoint().getID() + " data channel open request on SID: " + sid + " type: " + channelType + " prio: " + priority + " reliab: " + reliability + " label: " + label + " proto: " + protocol); } if (channels.containsKey(sid)) { logger.error("Channel on sid: " + sid + " already exists"); } WebRtcDataStream newChannel = new WebRtcDataStream(sctpSocket, sid, label, true); channels.put(sid, newChannel); sendOpenChannelAck(sid); notifyChannelOpened(newChannel); } else { logger.error("Unexpected ctrl msg type: " + messageType); } }
public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws IOException { int index; DatastoreService ds; MemcacheService ms; BlobstoreService bs; URLFetchService us; FileService fs; Map<String, List<BlobKey>> blobMap; BlobKey blobKey; BlobInfoFactory blobInfoFactory; BlobInfo blobInfo; int postCount; int postIndex; String postType; String postText; String postDelpw; String postShowgallery; DataObj dataObj; String filelink; String picUrl; HTTPResponse picRes; List<HTTPHeader> headerList; String picMime; String[] fileNamePart; AppEngineFile picFile; FileWriteChannel writeChannel; PostObj postObj; List<PostObj> postObjList; String linkID; resp.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); resp.setContentType("text/plain"); try { ds = DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService(); ms = MemcacheServiceFactory.getMemcacheService(); bs = BlobstoreServiceFactory.getBlobstoreService(); us = URLFetchServiceFactory.getURLFetchService(); fs = FileServiceFactory.getFileService(); blobInfoFactory = new BlobInfoFactory(ds); blobMap = bs.getUploads(req); postCount = Integer.valueOf(req.getParameter("input_post_count")); postObjList = new ArrayList<PostObj>(); for (postIndex = 0; postIndex < postCount; postIndex++) { try { postType = req.getParameter("input_post_type_" + postIndex); if (postType == null) { continue; } postText = req.getParameter("input_post_text_" + postIndex); postDelpw = req.getParameter("input_post_delpw_" + postIndex); postShowgallery = req.getParameter("input_post_showgallery_" + postIndex); if (postShowgallery == null) { postShowgallery = ""; } if (postType.equals("file") == true) { blobKey = blobMap.get("input_post_file_" + postIndex).get(0); if (blobKey == null) { throw new Exception(); } dataObj = new DataObj(); dataObj.fileid = createUID(); dataObj.posttime = new Date().getTime(); dataObj.delpw = postDelpw; dataObj.blobkey = blobKey; dataObj.putDB(ds); blobInfo = blobInfoFactory.loadBlobInfo(dataObj.blobkey); filelink = "http://" + req.getServerName() + "/down/" + dataObj.fileid + "/" + blobInfo.getFilename(); postObj = new PostObj( dataObj.fileid, filelink, blobInfo.getSize(), dataObj.posttime, dataObj.delpw, postShowgallery); postObjList.add(postObj); } else if (postType.equals("url") == true) { picUrl = postText; picRes = us.fetch(new URL(picUrl)); headerList = picRes.getHeaders(); picMime = "application/octet-stream"; for (index = 0; index < headerList.size(); index++) { if (headerList.get(index).getName().compareToIgnoreCase("Content-Type") == 0) { picMime = headerList.get(index).getValue(); break; } } fileNamePart = picUrl.split("/"); picFile = fs.createNewBlobFile(picMime, fileNamePart[fileNamePart.length - 1]); writeChannel = fs.openWriteChannel(picFile, true); writeChannel.write(ByteBuffer.wrap(picRes.getContent())); writeChannel.closeFinally(); dataObj = new DataObj(); dataObj.fileid = createUID(); dataObj.posttime = new Date().getTime(); dataObj.delpw = postDelpw; dataObj.blobkey = fs.getBlobKey(picFile); dataObj.putDB(ds); blobInfo = blobInfoFactory.loadBlobInfo(dataObj.blobkey); filelink = "http://" + req.getServerName() + "/down/" + dataObj.fileid + "/" + blobInfo.getFilename(); postObj = new PostObj( dataObj.fileid, filelink, blobInfo.getSize(), dataObj.posttime, dataObj.delpw, postShowgallery); postObjList.add(postObj); } } catch (Exception e) { } } linkID = postFile(us, postObjList); if (req.getParameter("specflag") != null) { resp.getWriter().print("" + linkID); } else { resp.sendRedirect("" + linkID); } } catch (Exception e) { } }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { //////////////////// STAGE A////////////////////////////////////////// int portNum = 12235; // InetAddress ip=InetAddress.getLocalHost(); InetAddress ip = InetAddress.getByName(""); DatagramSocket sock = new DatagramSocket(); byte[] response = new byte[HEADER_SIZE + 16]; String partA = "hello world\0"; byte[] buf = createBuffer(partA.getBytes(), 0, STEP1); DatagramPacket packet = new DatagramPacket(buf, buf.length, ip, portNum); sock.send(packet); packet = new DatagramPacket(response, response.length); sock.receive(packet); int[] a2 = partA(response); // putting the 4 ints from server into int[] // for (int i = 0; i < a2.length; i++) { // System.out.println(a2[i]); // } ////////////////////// STAGE B//////////////////////////////////////// int numSent = 0; int send = a2[0]; int len = a2[1]; portNum = a2[2]; int secretA = a2[3]; System.out.println("The secrets:\nA: " + secretA); sock.setSoTimeout(500); // .5s while (numSent < send) { // create packet buf = createBuffer(partB(numSent, len), secretA, STEP1); packet = new DatagramPacket(buf, buf.length, ip, portNum); sock.send(packet); // send packet try { sock.receive(new DatagramPacket(response, response.length)); numSent++; ByteBuffer temp = ByteBuffer.wrap(response); checkHeader(temp, 4, secretA, STEP1); // System.out.println(temp.getInt()); // For debug. See if counts up by 1 } catch (SocketTimeoutException e) { // if there's a timeout, try again continue; } } response = new byte[HEADER_SIZE + 8]; // 8 bytes -- 2 integers sock.receive(new DatagramPacket(response, response.length)); ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(response); // Header checkHeader(bb, 8, secretA, STEP2); // reset the port number to the one given portNum = bb.getInt(); int secretB = bb.getInt(); System.out.println("B: " + secretB); // close the UDP socket sock.close(); /////////////////////////// STAGE C/////////////////////////////////// Socket socket = new Socket(ip, portNum); InputStream in = socket.getInputStream(); OutputStream out = socket.getOutputStream(); response = new byte[HEADER_SIZE + 16]; // 4 ints given to us this time; bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(response); // Header checkHeader(bb, 13, secretB, STEP2); // num2 len2 secretC and char c numSent = bb.getInt(); len = bb.getInt(); int secretC = bb.getInt(); System.out.println("C: " + secretC); // stage d byte c = (byte) bb.getChar(); buf = new byte[len]; Arrays.fill(buf, c); for (int i = 0; i < numSent; i++) { byte[] b = createBuffer(buf, secretC, STEP1); out.write(b); } response = new byte[12 + 4]; // one integer. secretD plus header; bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(response); checkHeader(bb, 4, secretC, STEP2); int secretD = bb.getInt(); socket.close(); in.close(); out.close(); System.out.println("D: " + secretD); }
/** * Parses the binary data that describes the recurrent pattern. * * @param data the binary data. * @param sourceTask the calendar item. */ public RecurringPattern(byte[] data, CalendarItemTimerTask sourceTask) { this.sourceTask = sourceTask; dataBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(data).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); int offset = 4; recurFrequency = dataBuffer.getShort(offset); offset += 2; patternType = PatternType.getFromShort(dataBuffer.getShort(offset)); offset += 2; calendarType = dataBuffer.getShort(offset); offset += 2; firstDateTime = dataBuffer.getInt(offset); offset += 4; period = dataBuffer.getInt(offset); offset += 4; slidingFlag = dataBuffer.getInt(offset); offset += 4; switch (patternType) { case Week: case Month: case MonthEnd: case HjMonth: case HjMonthEnd: patternSpecific1 = dataBuffer.getInt(offset); patternSpecific2 = 0; offset += 4; if (patternType == PatternType.Week) { for (int day = firstDow; day < firstDow + 7; day++) { if ((patternSpecific1 & (weekOfDayMask[day % 7])) != 0) { allowedDaysOfWeek.add((day % 7) + 1); } } } break; case MonthNth: case HjMonthNth: patternSpecific1 = dataBuffer.getInt(offset); patternSpecific2 = dataBuffer.getInt(offset + 4); if (patternSpecific1 == 0x7f && patternSpecific2 != 0x5) { patternType = PatternType.Month; } for (int day = 0; day < 7; day++) { if ((patternSpecific1 & (weekOfDayMask[day])) != 0) { allowedDaysOfWeek.add((day) + 1); } } offset += 8; break; default: break; } // endType endType = dataBuffer.getInt(offset); offset += 4; occurenceCount = dataBuffer.getInt(offset); offset += 4; firstDow = dataBuffer.getInt(offset); offset += 4; deletedInstanceCount = dataBuffer.getInt(offset); offset += 4; // deleted instances for (int i = 0; i < deletedInstanceCount; i++) { deletedInstances.add(windowsTimeToDateObject(dataBuffer.getInt(offset))); offset += 4; } modifiedInstanceCount = dataBuffer.getInt(offset); offset += 4; // modified instances modifiedInstances = new int[modifiedInstanceCount]; for (int i = 0; i < modifiedInstanceCount; i++) { modifiedInstances[i] = dataBuffer.getInt(offset); offset += 4; } startDate = dataBuffer.getInt(offset); offset += 4; endDate = dataBuffer.getInt(offset); offset += 4; offset += 16; short exceptionCount = dataBuffer.getShort(offset); offset += 2; exceptionInfo = new ArrayList<ExceptionInfo>(exceptionCount); for (int i = 0; i < exceptionCount; i++) { ExceptionInfo tmpExceptionInfo = new ExceptionInfo(offset); exceptionInfo.add(tmpExceptionInfo); offset += tmpExceptionInfo.sizeInBytes(); CalendarService.BusyStatusEnum status = tmpExceptionInfo.getBusyStatus(); Date startTime = tmpExceptionInfo.getStartDate(); Date endTime = tmpExceptionInfo.getEndDate(); if (status == CalendarService.BusyStatusEnum.FREE || startTime == null || endTime == null) continue; Date currentTime = new Date(); if (endTime.before(currentTime) || endTime.equals(currentTime)) return; boolean executeNow = false; if (startTime.before(currentTime) || startTime.equals(currentTime)) executeNow = true; CalendarItemTimerTask task = new CalendarItemTimerTask( status, startTime, endTime, sourceTask.getId(), executeNow, this); task.scheduleTasks(); } }
public void sendData(long sig, byte[] data) throws IOException { sendData(sig, ByteBuffer.wrap(data)); }
public void sendDatagram(long sig, byte[] data, int length, String recipAddress, int recipPort) { sendDatagram(sig, ByteBuffer.wrap(data), recipAddress, recipPort); }
static void test(Charset cs, char[] bmpCA, byte[] sbBA) throws Throwable { String bmpStr = new String(bmpCA); CharsetDecoder dec = cs.newDecoder() .onMalformedInput(CodingErrorAction.REPLACE) .onUnmappableCharacter(CodingErrorAction.REPLACE); CharsetEncoder enc = cs.newEncoder() .onMalformedInput(CodingErrorAction.REPLACE) .onUnmappableCharacter(CodingErrorAction.REPLACE); // getBytes(csn); byte[] baSC = bmpStr.getBytes(; ByteBuffer bf = enc.reset().encode(CharBuffer.wrap(bmpCA)); byte[] baNIO = new byte[bf.limit()]; bf.get(baNIO, 0, baNIO.length); if (!Arrays.equals(baSC, baNIO)) throw new RuntimeException("getBytes(csn) failed -> " +; // getBytes(cs); baSC = bmpStr.getBytes(cs); if (!Arrays.equals(baSC, baNIO)) throw new RuntimeException("getBytes(cs) failed -> " +; // new String(csn); String strSC = new String(sbBA,; String strNIO = dec.reset().decode(ByteBuffer.wrap(sbBA)).toString(); if (!strNIO.equals(strSC)) throw new RuntimeException("new String(csn) failed -> " +; // new String(cs); strSC = new String(sbBA, cs); if (!strNIO.equals(strSC)) throw new RuntimeException("new String(cs) failed -> " +; // encode unmappable surrogates if (enc instanceof sun.nio.cs.ArrayEncoder && cs.contains(Charset.forName("ASCII"))) { if ("UTF-8") || // utf8 handles surrogates"CESU-8")) // utf8 handles surrogates return; enc.replaceWith(new byte[] {(byte) 'A'}); sun.nio.cs.ArrayEncoder cae = (sun.nio.cs.ArrayEncoder) enc; String str = "ab\uD800\uDC00\uD800\uDC00cd"; byte[] ba = new byte[str.length() - 2]; int n = cae.encode(str.toCharArray(), 0, str.length(), ba); if (n != 6 || !"abAAcd".equals(new String(ba, throw new RuntimeException("encode1(surrogates) failed -> " +; ba = new byte[str.length()]; n = cae.encode(str.toCharArray(), 0, str.length(), ba); if (n != 6 || !"abAAcd".equals(new String(ba, 0, n, throw new RuntimeException("encode2(surrogates) failed -> " +; str = "ab\uD800B\uDC00Bcd"; ba = new byte[str.length()]; n = cae.encode(str.toCharArray(), 0, str.length(), ba); if (n != 8 || !"abABABcd".equals(new String(ba, 0, n, throw new RuntimeException("encode3(surrogates) failed -> " +; /* sun.nio.cs.ArrayDeEncoder works on the assumption that the invoker (StringCoder) allocates enough output buf, utf8 and double-byte coder does not check the output buffer limit. ba = new byte[str.length() - 1]; n = cae.encode(str.toCharArray(), 0, str.length(), ba); if (n != 7 || !"abABABc".equals(new String(ba, 0, n, { throw new RuntimeException("encode4(surrogates) failed -> " +; } */ } }
public static void main(String[] argv) { if (argv.length != 3) { usage(); } String tempFile = argv[0]; String testFile = argv[1]; int fileSize = Integer.valueOf(argv[2]).intValue(); int exitcode = 0; int numRead; int numThisBuf; int numWritten; if ((fileSize <= 0) || (fileSize % 4096 != 0)) { System.out.println("Error: size is not a multiple of 4096!!!!!!"); System.out.println(); usage(); } try { int bufSize = 4096; byte[] inBytes = new byte[bufSize]; byte[] outBytes = new byte[bufSize]; Random ioRandom = new Random(2006); ioRandom.nextBytes(outBytes); ByteBuffer inBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(bufSize); ByteBuffer outBuf = ByteBuffer.wrap(outBytes); // // Loop forever // while (true) { // // Write the temporary file // FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(tempFile); FileChannel foc = fos.getChannel(); numWritten = 0; while (numWritten < fileSize) { outBuf.clear(); // sets limit to capacity & position to zero while (outBuf.hasRemaining()) { numWritten += foc.write(outBuf); } } // // Move to permanent location // FileChannel srcChannel = new FileInputStream(tempFile).getChannel(); FileChannel dstChannel = new FileOutputStream(testFile).getChannel(); dstChannel.transferFrom(srcChannel, 0, srcChannel.size()); srcChannel.close(); dstChannel.close(); boolean success = (new File(tempFile)).delete(); if (!success) { System.out.println("Warning: unable to delete temporary file"); } // // Read and compare // FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(testFile); FileChannel fic = fis.getChannel(); for (numRead = 0, numThisBuf = 0; numRead < fileSize; numThisBuf = 0) { inBuf.rewind(); // Set the buffer position to 0 numThisBuf =; while (numThisBuf < bufSize) { numThisBuf +=; } numRead += bufSize; inBuf.rewind(); // Set the buffer position to 0 inBuf.get(inBytes); boolean same = Arrays.equals(inBytes, outBytes); if (same = false) { System.out.println("Data read does not equal data written at " + numRead + " bytes"); } } } } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) { fnfe.printStackTrace(System.err); exitcode = 1; // break; } catch (SecurityException se) { se.printStackTrace(System.err); exitcode = 1; // break; } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(System.err); exitcode = 1; } System.exit(exitcode); }
private void readMessage(SelectionKey sk, SocketChannel readChannel, TcpAddress incomingAddress) throws IOException { // note that socket has been used SocketEntry entry = (SocketEntry) sockets.get(incomingAddress); if (entry != null) { entry.used(); ByteBuffer readBuffer = entry.getReadBuffer(); if (readBuffer != null) {; if (readBuffer.hasRemaining()) { readChannel.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_READ, entry); } else { dispatchMessage(incomingAddress, readBuffer, readBuffer.capacity()); } return; } } ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(buf); byteBuffer.limit(messageLengthDecoder.getMinHeaderLength()); long bytesRead =; if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Reading header " + bytesRead + " bytes from " + incomingAddress); } MessageLength messageLength = new MessageLength(0, Integer.MIN_VALUE); if (bytesRead == messageLengthDecoder.getMinHeaderLength()) { messageLength = messageLengthDecoder.getMessageLength(ByteBuffer.wrap(buf)); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Message length is " + messageLength); } if ((messageLength.getMessageLength() > getMaxInboundMessageSize()) || (messageLength.getMessageLength() <= 0)) { logger.error( "Received message length " + messageLength + " is greater than inboundBufferSize " + getMaxInboundMessageSize()); synchronized (entry) { entry.getSocket().close();"Socket to " + entry.getPeerAddress() + " closed due to an error"); } } else { byteBuffer.limit(messageLength.getMessageLength()); bytesRead +=; if (bytesRead == messageLength.getMessageLength()) { dispatchMessage(incomingAddress, byteBuffer, bytesRead); } else { byte[] message = new byte[byteBuffer.limit()]; byteBuffer.flip(); byteBuffer.get(message, 0, byteBuffer.limit() - byteBuffer.remaining()); entry.setReadBuffer(ByteBuffer.wrap(message)); } readChannel.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_READ, entry); } } else if (bytesRead < 0) { logger.debug("Socket closed remotely"); sk.cancel(); readChannel.close(); TransportStateEvent e = new TransportStateEvent( DefaultTcpTransportMapping.this, incomingAddress, TransportStateEvent.STATE_DISCONNECTED_REMOTELY, null); fireConnectionStateChanged(e); } }
@Override public boolean onMessage(final ExternalFightCreationMessage msg) { final FightModel fightModel = FightModel.getFromTypeId(msg.getFightType()); if (fightModel == null) { ExternalFightCreationMessageHandler.m_logger.error( (Object) String.format( "FightModel (typeId=%d) inconnu dans la cr\u00e9ation de l'external fight id=%d", msg.getFightType(), msg.getFightId())); return false; } final ExternalFightInfo externalFightInfo = new ExternalFightInfo(fightModel); final FightMap fightMap = new WakfuClientFightMap(); new FightMapSerializer(fightMap).unserialize(ByteBuffer.wrap(msg.getSerializedFightMap())); externalFightInfo.setId(msg.getFightId()); externalFightInfo.setStatus(msg.getFightStatus()); externalFightInfo.setPartition(msg.getPartition()); externalFightInfo.setFightMap(fightMap); fightMap.blockFightingGroundInTopology(true, false); final boolean displayEffect = WakfuGameEntity.getInstance().getLocalPlayer().getCurrentFight() == null; for (int i = 0; i < msg.getFightersCount(); ++i) { final byte teamId = msg.getTeamId(i); final long fighterId = msg.getFighterId(i); externalFightInfo.addFighterToTeamById(teamId, fighterId); } ExternalFightCreationActions.INSTANCE.m_fightIsInFightCreation.add(msg.getFightId()); externalFightInfo.setAttackerCreatorId(msg.getCreators().get(0)); externalFightInfo.setDefenderCreatorId(msg.getCreators().get(1)); final CharacterInfo attackerCreator = externalFightInfo.getFighterFromId((long) msg.getCreators().get(0)); final CharacterInfo defenderCreator = externalFightInfo.getFighterFromId((long) msg.getCreators().get(1)); if (attackerCreator != null && defenderCreator != null) { ExternalFightCreationActions.INSTANCE.m_lookAtTheFoeActions1.put( msg.getFightId(), LookAtTheFoeAction.checkout( 1, FightActionType.LOOK_AT_THE_FOE.getId(), 0, attackerCreator, defenderCreator)); ExternalFightCreationActions.INSTANCE.m_lookAtTheFoeActions2.put( msg.getFightId(), LookAtTheFoeAction.checkout( 2, FightActionType.LOOK_AT_THE_FOE.getId(), 0, defenderCreator, attackerCreator)); ExternalFightCreationActions.INSTANCE.m_lookAtTheFoeActions3.put( msg.getFightId(), LookAtTheFoeAction.checkout( 3, FightActionType.LOOK_AT_THE_FOE.getId(), 0, externalFightInfo.getFightersInTeam(attackerCreator.getTeamId()), defenderCreator)); ExternalFightCreationActions.INSTANCE.m_lookAtTheFoeActions4.put( msg.getFightId(), LookAtTheFoeAction.checkout( 4, FightActionType.LOOK_AT_THE_FOE.getId(), 0, externalFightInfo.getFightersInTeam(defenderCreator.getTeamId()), attackerCreator)); ExternalFightCreationActions.INSTANCE.m_playAnimationAction2.put( msg.getFightId(), PlayAnimationAction.checkout( 6, FightActionType.PLAY_ANIMATION.getId(), 0, defenderCreator, "AnimHit", 250)); if (displayEffect) { ExternalFightCreationActions.INSTANCE.m_tauntAction1.put( msg.getFightId(), TauntAction.checkout(10, FightActionType.TAUNT.getId(), 0, defenderCreator)); final Collection<CharacterInfo> fightersWhoTaunt = new HashSet<CharacterInfo>( externalFightInfo.getFightersInTeam(defenderCreator.getTeamId())); fightersWhoTaunt.remove(defenderCreator); ExternalFightCreationActions.INSTANCE.m_tauntAction2.put( msg.getFightId(), TauntAction.checkout(10, FightActionType.TAUNT.getId(), 0, fightersWhoTaunt)); } externalFightInfo.setAttackerCreator(attackerCreator); externalFightInfo.setDefenderCreator(defenderCreator); } if (displayEffect) { final AbstractBattlegroundBorderEffectArea baseArea = StaticEffectAreaManager.getInstance() .getBorderCellArea(msg.getBattlegroundBorderEffectAreaBaseId()); if (baseArea != null) { final AbstractBattlegroundBorderEffectArea area = (AbstractBattlegroundBorderEffectArea) baseArea.instanceAnother( new EffectAreaParameters( msg.getBattlegroundBorderEffectAreaUID(), fightMap.getMinX(), fightMap.getMinY(), fightMap.getMinZ(), externalFightInfo.getContext(), null, (short) 0, Direction8.NONE)); area.initialize(fightMap); externalFightInfo.getEffectAreaManager().addEffectArea(area); } else { ExternalFightCreationMessageHandler.m_logger.error( (Object) ("Impossible de cr\u00e9er la bulle de combat : la zone d'effet d'index " + msg.getBattlegroundBorderEffectAreaBaseId() + " n'existe pas")); } ((ExternalFightCellLightModifier) externalFightInfo.getCellLightModifier()) .setFightMap(fightMap); } FightManager.getInstance().addFight(externalFightInfo); LocalPartitionManager.getInstance().addExternalFight(externalFightInfo); if (attackerCreator != null && defenderCreator != null) { FightVisibilityManager.getInstance().onExternalFightCreation(externalFightInfo); } return false; }
/** * Encodes memcache message to a raw byte array. * * @param msg Message being serialized. * @return Serialized message. * @throws GridException If serialization failed. */ private ByteBuffer encodeMemcache(GridTcpRestPacket msg) throws GridException { GridByteArrayList res = new GridByteArrayList(HDR_LEN); int keyLength = 0; int keyFlags = 0; if (msg.key() != null) { ByteArrayOutputStream rawKey = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); keyFlags = encodeObj(msg.key(), rawKey); msg.key(rawKey.toByteArray()); keyLength = rawKey.size(); } int dataLength = 0; int valFlags = 0; if (msg.value() != null) { ByteArrayOutputStream rawVal = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); valFlags = encodeObj(msg.value(), rawVal); msg.value(rawVal.toByteArray()); dataLength = rawVal.size(); } int flagsLength = 0; if (msg.addFlags()) // || keyFlags > 0 || valFlags > 0) flagsLength = FLAGS_LENGTH; res.add(MEMCACHE_RES_FLAG); res.add(msg.operationCode()); // Cast is required due to packet layout. res.add((short) keyLength); // Cast is required due to packet layout. res.add((byte) flagsLength); // Data type is always 0x00. res.add((byte) 0x00); res.add((short) msg.status()); res.add(keyLength + flagsLength + dataLength); res.add(msg.opaque(), 0, msg.opaque().length); // CAS, unused. res.add(0L); assert res.size() == HDR_LEN; if (flagsLength > 0) { res.add((short) keyFlags); res.add((short) valFlags); } assert msg.key() == null || msg.key() instanceof byte[]; assert msg.value() == null || msg.value() instanceof byte[]; if (keyLength > 0) res.add((byte[]) msg.key(), 0, ((byte[]) msg.key()).length); if (dataLength > 0) res.add((byte[]) msg.value(), 0, ((byte[]) msg.value()).length); return ByteBuffer.wrap(res.entireArray()); }