public JilterStatus eom(JilterEOMActions eomActions, Properties properties) {
   logger.debug("jilter eom()");
   try {
     bos.close(); // close stream
   } catch (IOException io) {
     logger.error("jilter failed to close io stream during eom", io);
   byte[] messageBytes = bos.toByteArray();
   bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
   ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(messageBytes);
   try {
     logger.debug("jilter store callback execute");
         .detectBlock("milter server", Thread.currentThread(), this, IDLE_TIMEOUT);, host);
     logger.debug("jilter store callback finished");
   } catch (ArchiveException e) {
     logger.error("failed to store the message via milter", e);
     if (e.getRecoveryDirective() == ArchiveException.RecoveryDirective.REJECT) {
       logger.debug("jilter reject");
       return JilterStatus.SMFIS_REJECT;
     } else if (e.getRecoveryDirective() == ArchiveException.RecoveryDirective.RETRYLATER) {
       logger.debug("jilter temp fail");
       return JilterStatus.SMFIS_TEMPFAIL;
   } catch (Throwable oome) {
     logger.error("failed to store message:" + oome.getMessage(), oome);
     return JilterStatus.SMFIS_REJECT;
   } finally {
   return JilterStatus.SMFIS_CONTINUE;
 public boolean hasNext() {
   try {
     return iterator.hasNext();
   } catch (Throwable t) {
     if ("ServiceConfigurationError".equals(t.getClass().getSimpleName())) {
       log.error("proc.bad.config.file", t.getLocalizedMessage());
     throw new Abort(t);
 public Processor next() {
   try {
     return (Processor) (;
   } catch (Throwable t) {
     if ("ServiceConfigurationError".equals(t.getClass().getSimpleName())) {
       log.error("proc.bad.config.file", t.getLocalizedMessage());
     } else {
       log.error("proc.processor.constructor.error", t.getLocalizedMessage());
     throw new Abort(t);
Пример #4
 protected String getTitle(Throwable t) {
   String message = t.getMessage();
   String tit = message;
   if (tit == null) {
     StackTraceElement el = t.getStackTrace()[0];
     tit =
         t.getClass().getName().substring(t.getClass().getPackage().getName().length() + 1)
             + " "
             + el.getFileName()
             + ":"
             + el.getLineNumber();
   return tit;
Пример #5
 public void run() {
   Connection con = null;
   Statement stmt = null;
   try {
     DataSource ds = getDataSource();
     con = ds.getConnection();
     if (executeOnlyIf(con, onlyIfQuery)) {
       stmt = con.createStatement();
       if (query != null) {
         executeQuery(stmt, query);
       } else if (update != null) {
         executeUpdate(stmt, update);
       } else {
         throw new IllegalStateException("Both query and update properties are unset");
     } else {
       LOG.debug("Skipped because of " + onlyIfQuery);
   } catch (RuntimeException e) {
     throw e;
   } catch (Throwable t) {
     if (ignore.matcher(t.getMessage()).matches()) {"Ignoring " + t.getMessage());
     } else {
       throw new RuntimeException(t.getMessage(), t);
   } finally {
     try {
       if (stmt != null) {
     } catch (Exception g) {
     try {
       if (con != null) {
     } catch (Exception g) {
Пример #6
  public MathsEpsReturn getEps(MathsEpsParams params) {
    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    MathsEpsReturn result = new MathsEpsReturn();

    try {
      // Parse XML
      Document mathml = parseMathml(params, result, start);
      if (mathml == null) {
        return result;
      return getEps(params, mathml, result, start);
    } catch (Throwable t) {
      result.setError("MathML unexpected error - " + t.getMessage());
      return result;
Пример #7
 protected LinkedList<Throwable> getStack() {
   Throwable e = exception;
   LinkedList<Throwable> stack = new LinkedList<Throwable>();
   while (e != null) {
     if (e instanceof NotFoundException) {
       status = HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND;
     if (e instanceof ServletException) {
       Throwable t = ((ServletException) e).getRootCause();
       if (t == null) t = e.getCause();
       e = t;
     } else if (e instanceof javax.servlet.jsp.JspException) {
       Throwable t = ((JspException) e).getRootCause();
       if (t == null) t = e.getCause();
       e = t;
     } else {
       e = e.getCause();
   return stack;
 public void addError(Test test, Throwable t) {
   StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
   StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
   t.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(sw, true));
   Log.getLogWriter().severe("zzzzzERROR IN " + test, t);
   // reportFailure(test, sb.toString());
   lastFailClass = getClassName(test);
   lastFailMethod = getMethodName(test);
   lastThrowable = t;
Пример #9
   * Given another class, return a transformed version of the class which replaces specified calls
   * with alternative static implementations
  public byte[] transform(
      ClassLoader loader,
      String className,
      Class<?> classBeingRedefined,
      ProtectionDomain protectionDomain,
      byte[] classfileBuffer)
      throws IllegalClassFormatException {

    // debug = className.equals ("chicory/Test");

    String fullClassName = className.replace("/", ".");

    debug_transform.log("In Transform: class = %s%n", className);

    // Don't instrument boot classes.  We only want to instrument
    // user classes classpath.
    // Most boot classes have the null loader,
    // but some generated classes (such as those in sun.reflect) will
    // have a non-null loader.  Some of these have a null parent loader,
    // but some do not.  The check for the sun.reflect package is a hack
    // to catch all of these.  A more consistent mechanism to determine
    // boot classes would be preferrable.
    if (loader == null) {
      debug_transform.log("ignoring system class %s, class loader == null", fullClassName);
      return (null);
    } else if (loader.getParent() == null) {
      debug_transform.log("ignoring system class %s, parent loader == null\n", fullClassName);
      return (null);
    } else if (fullClassName.startsWith("sun.reflect")) {
      debug_transform.log("ignoring system class %s, in sun.reflect package", fullClassName);
      return (null);
    } else if (fullClassName.startsWith("com.sun")) {
      System.out.printf("Class from com.sun package %s with nonnull loaders\n", fullClassName);

    // Don't intrument our code
    if (className.startsWith("randoop.")) {
      debug_transform.log("Not considering randoop class %s%n", fullClassName);
      return (null);

    // Look for match with specified regular expressions for class
    method_map = null;
    debug_class = false;
    for (MethodMapInfo mmi : map_list) {
      if (mmi.class_regex.matcher(className).matches()) {
        if (false && className.startsWith("RandoopTest")) debug_class = true;
        if (debug_class)
          System.out.printf("Classname %s matches re %s%n", className, mmi.class_regex);
        method_map =;
    if (method_map == null) return null;

        "transforming class %s, loader %s - %s%n", className, loader, loader.getParent());

    // Parse the bytes of the classfile, die on any errors
    JavaClass c = null;
    ClassParser parser = new ClassParser(new ByteArrayInputStream(classfileBuffer), className);
    try {
      c = parser.parse();
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected error", e);

    try {
      // Get the class information
      ClassGen cg = new ClassGen(c);
      ifact = new InstructionFactory(cg);

      map_calls(cg, className, loader);

      JavaClass njc = cg.getJavaClass();
      if (debug) njc.dump("/tmp/ret/" + njc.getClassName() + ".class");

      if (true) {
        return (cg.getJavaClass().getBytes());
      } else {
        debug_transform.log("not including class %s (filtered out)", className);
        return null;

    } catch (Throwable e) {
      out.format("Unexpected error %s in transform", e);
      return (null);
Пример #10
    public Writer getErrorReport(
        Writer to, final HttpServletRequest request, CharTransformer escape) throws IOException {
      final Writer logMsg = new StringWriter();
      final Writer tee = new org.mmbase.util.ChainedWriter(to, logMsg);
      Writer msg = tee;

      LinkedList<Throwable> stack = getStack();
      String ticket = new Date().toString();

      Map<String, String> props;
      try {
        props = org.mmbase.util.ApplicationContextReader.getProperties("mmbase_errorpage");
      } catch (javax.naming.NamingException ne) {
        props = Collections.emptyMap();;

      if (request != null) {
          // request properties
          for (Object name : Collections.list(request.getHeaderNames())) {
                    name + ": " + escape.transform(request.getHeader((String) name)) + "\n"));
          Pattern p = requestIgnore;
          if (p == null && props.get("request_ignore") != null) {
            p = Pattern.compile(props.get("request_ignore"));
          for (Object name : Collections.list(request.getAttributeNames())) {
            if (p == null || !p.matcher((String) name).matches()) {
                  escape.transform(name + ": " + request.getAttribute((String) name) + "\n"));
        if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(showSession)
            || (showSession == null && !"false".equals(props.get("show_session")))) {
          HttpSession ses = request.getSession(false);
          if (ses != null) {
            Pattern p = sessionIgnore;
            if (p == null && props.get("session_ignore") != null) {
              p = Pattern.compile(props.get("session_ignore"));
            for (Object name : Collections.list(ses.getAttributeNames())) {
              if (p == null || !p.matcher((String) name).matches()) {
                msg.append(escape.transform(name + ": " + ses.getAttribute((String) name) + "\n"));
      msg.append("Misc. properties\n----------\n");

      if (request != null) {
        msg.append("method: ").append(escape.transform(request.getMethod())).append("\n");
        msg.append("querystring: ").append(escape.transform(request.getQueryString())).append("\n");
        msg.append("requesturl: ")
      if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(showMMBaseVersion)
          || (showMMBaseVersion == null && !"false".equals(props.get("show_mmbase_version")))) {
        msg.append("mmbase version: ").append(org.mmbase.Version.get()).append("\n");
      msg.append("status: ").append("").append(String.valueOf(status)).append("\n\n");

      if (request != null) {
        // request parameters
        Enumeration en = request.getParameterNames();
        while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
          String name = (String) en.nextElement();
              .append(": ")
      msg.append("\nException ")
              exception != null
                  ? (escape.transform(exception.getClass().getName()))
                  : "NO EXCEPTION")
          .append(": ");

      int wroteCauses = 0;
      while (!stack.isEmpty()) {

        Throwable t = stack.removeFirst();
        // add stack stacktraces
        if (t != null) {
          if (stack.isEmpty()) { // write last message always
            msg = tee;
          String message = t.getMessage();
          if (msg != tee) {
            to.append("\n=== skipped(see log)  : ")
                .append(": ")

          msg.append("\n\n").append(escape.transform(t.getClass().getName() + ": " + message));
          StackTraceElement[] stackTrace = t.getStackTrace();
          for (StackTraceElement e : stackTrace) {
            msg.append("\n        at ").append(escape.transform(e.toString()));
          if (!stack.isEmpty()) {
          if (wroteCauses >= MAX_CAUSES) {
            msg = logMsg;
      // write errors to  log
      if (status == 500) {
        try {
          if (props.get("to") != null && props.get("to").length() > 0) {
            javax.naming.Context initCtx = new javax.naming.InitialContext();
            javax.naming.Context envCtx = (javax.naming.Context) initCtx.lookup("java:comp/env");
            Object mailSession = envCtx.lookup("mail/Session");
            Class sessionClass = Class.forName("javax.mail.Session");
            Class recipientTypeClass = Class.forName("javax.mail.Message$RecipientType");
            Class messageClass = Class.forName("javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage");
            Object mail = messageClass.getConstructor(sessionClass).newInstance(mailSession);
                .getMethod("addRecipients", recipientTypeClass, String.class)
                .invoke(mail, recipientTypeClass.getDeclaredField("TO").get(null), props.get("to"));
            messageClass.getMethod("setSubject", String.class).invoke(mail, ticket);
            mail.getClass().getMethod("setText", String.class).invoke(mail, logMsg.toString());
                .getMethod("send", Class.forName("javax.mail.Message"))
                .invoke(null, mail);
            tee.append("\nmailed to (").append(String.valueOf(props)).append(")");

        } catch (Exception nnfe) {
          tee.append("\nnot mailed (").append(String.valueOf(nnfe)).append(")");
          if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug(nnfe.getMessage(), nnfe);
        log.error("TICKET " + ticket + ":\n" + logMsg);
      return to;
Пример #11
 static void unexpected(Throwable t) {