/** Performs the subsequent ReTrace operations. */ public void execute() throws IOException { // Read the mapping file. MappingReader mappingReader = new MappingReader(mappingFile); mappingReader.pump(this); StringBuffer expressionBuffer = new StringBuffer(regularExpression.length() + 32); char[] expressionTypes = new char[32]; int expressionTypeCount = 0; int index = 0; while (true) { int nextIndex = regularExpression.indexOf('%', index); if (nextIndex < 0 || nextIndex == regularExpression.length() - 1 || expressionTypeCount == expressionTypes.length) { break; } expressionBuffer.append(regularExpression.substring(index, nextIndex)); expressionBuffer.append('('); char expressionType = regularExpression.charAt(nextIndex + 1); switch (expressionType) { case 'c': expressionBuffer.append(REGEX_CLASS); break; case 'C': expressionBuffer.append(REGEX_CLASS_SLASH); break; case 'l': expressionBuffer.append(REGEX_LINE_NUMBER); break; case 't': expressionBuffer.append(REGEX_TYPE); break; case 'f': expressionBuffer.append(REGEX_MEMBER); break; case 'm': expressionBuffer.append(REGEX_MEMBER); break; case 'a': expressionBuffer.append(REGEX_ARGUMENTS); break; } expressionBuffer.append(')'); expressionTypes[expressionTypeCount++] = expressionType; index = nextIndex + 2; } expressionBuffer.append(regularExpression.substring(index)); Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(expressionBuffer.toString()); // Read the stack trace file. LineNumberReader reader = new LineNumberReader( stackTraceFile == null ? (Reader) new InputStreamReader(System.in) : (Reader) new BufferedReader(new FileReader(stackTraceFile))); try { StringBuffer outLine = new StringBuffer(256); List extraOutLines = new ArrayList(); String className = null; // Read the line in the stack trace. while (true) { String line = reader.readLine(); if (line == null) { break; } Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(line); if (matcher.matches()) { int lineNumber = 0; String type = null; String arguments = null; // Figure out a class name, line number, type, and // arguments beforehand. for (int expressionTypeIndex = 0; expressionTypeIndex < expressionTypeCount; expressionTypeIndex++) { int startIndex = matcher.start(expressionTypeIndex + 1); if (startIndex >= 0) { String match = matcher.group(expressionTypeIndex + 1); char expressionType = expressionTypes[expressionTypeIndex]; switch (expressionType) { case 'c': className = originalClassName(match); break; case 'C': className = originalClassName(ClassUtil.externalClassName(match)); break; case 'l': lineNumber = Integer.parseInt(match); break; case 't': type = originalType(match); break; case 'a': arguments = originalArguments(match); break; } } } // Actually construct the output line. int lineIndex = 0; outLine.setLength(0); extraOutLines.clear(); for (int expressionTypeIndex = 0; expressionTypeIndex < expressionTypeCount; expressionTypeIndex++) { int startIndex = matcher.start(expressionTypeIndex + 1); if (startIndex >= 0) { int endIndex = matcher.end(expressionTypeIndex + 1); String match = matcher.group(expressionTypeIndex + 1); // Copy a literal piece of input line. outLine.append(line.substring(lineIndex, startIndex)); char expressionType = expressionTypes[expressionTypeIndex]; switch (expressionType) { case 'c': className = originalClassName(match); outLine.append(className); break; case 'C': className = originalClassName(ClassUtil.externalClassName(match)); outLine.append(ClassUtil.internalClassName(className)); break; case 'l': lineNumber = Integer.parseInt(match); outLine.append(match); break; case 't': type = originalType(match); outLine.append(type); break; case 'f': originalFieldName(className, match, type, outLine, extraOutLines); break; case 'm': originalMethodName( className, match, lineNumber, type, arguments, outLine, extraOutLines); break; case 'a': arguments = originalArguments(match); outLine.append(arguments); break; } // Skip the original element whose processed version // has just been appended. lineIndex = endIndex; } } // Copy the last literal piece of input line. outLine.append(line.substring(lineIndex)); // Print out the main line. System.out.println(outLine); // Print out any additional lines. for (int extraLineIndex = 0; extraLineIndex < extraOutLines.size(); extraLineIndex++) { System.out.println(extraOutLines.get(extraLineIndex)); } } else { // Print out the original line. System.out.println(line); } } } catch (IOException ex) { throw new IOException("Can't read stack trace (" + ex.getMessage() + ")"); } finally { if (stackTraceFile != null) { try { reader.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { // This shouldn't happen. } } } }
/** Receive notification of the end of an element. */ @Override public void endElement(String uri, String l, String q) { /* * 1. If current element is a String, update its value from the string buffer. * 2. Add the element to parent. */ ElementInfo element = _stack.remove(_stack.size() - 1); _logger.fine("endElement " + element); if (element.type == null) { _logger.warning("Element " + element.name + " not created "); return; } else if (_chars.length() > 0) { try { injectProperty(element.data, String.class, _chars.toString(), null, null); } catch (Exception x) { if (!_lenient) { throw new BeanAssemblyException( "Failed to set characters to object " + element.type.getName(), x); } else { _logger.warning("Failed to set characters to parent " + element.data); } } } _chars.setLength(0); _logger.fine( "<<ElementInfo: " + element.type.getName() + " in " + element + "\n @as is " + element.inst.get("@as") + "\n @id is " + element.inst.get("@id")); if (List.class.isAssignableFrom(element.data.getClass()) && element.name.endsWith("...")) { List<?> list = (List<?>) element.data; Object array = Array.newInstance(element.type, list.size()); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i) { Array.set(array, i, list.get(i)); } element.data = array; } String id = element.inst.get("@id"); if (id != null) { // locally stored object - not added to the parent _local.put(id, element); } else if (!_stack.isEmpty()) { // inject into the parent as a property ElementInfo parent = _stack.get(_stack.size() - 1); _logger.fine("Parent is " + parent.data.getClass().getName()); try { String as = element.inst.get("@as"); if (as != null) { injectProperty( parent.data, element.type, element.data, Strings.toCamelCase(as, '-', false), element.args.complete()); } else { injectProperty(parent.data, element.type, element.data, null, element.args.complete()); } } catch (Exception x) { if (!_lenient) { throw new BeanAssemblyException( "Failed to set value " + element.data + " to parent " + parent.data, x); } else { _logger.log( Level.WARNING, "Failed to set value " + element.data + " to parent " + parent.data, x); } } } _top = element.data; }