/** * ************************************************************************ Create Missing * Document Types * * @param ctx context * @param AD_Client_ID client * @param sp server process * @param trx transaction */ public static void createDocumentTypes(Ctx ctx, int AD_Client_ID, SvrProcess sp, Trx trx) { s_log.info("AD_Client_ID=" + AD_Client_ID); String sql = "SELECT rl.Value, rl.Name " + "FROM AD_Ref_List rl " + "WHERE rl.AD_Reference_ID=183" + " AND rl.IsActive='Y' AND NOT EXISTS " + " (SELECT * FROM C_DocType dt WHERE dt.AD_Client_ID=? AND rl.Value=dt.DocBaseType)"; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, trx); pstmt.setInt(1, AD_Client_ID); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); while (rs.next()) { String name = rs.getString(2); String value = rs.getString(1); s_log.config(name + "=" + value); MDocType dt = new MDocType(ctx, value, name, trx); if (dt.save()) { if (sp != null) sp.addLog(0, null, null, name); else s_log.fine(name); } else { if (sp != null) sp.addLog(0, null, null, "Not created: " + name); else s_log.warning("Not created: " + name); } } } catch (Exception e) { s_log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e); } finally { DB.closeResultSet(rs); DB.closeStatement(pstmt); } } // createDocumentTypes
/** * After Save * * @param newRecord new * @param success success * @return success */ @Override protected boolean afterSave(boolean newRecord, boolean success) { if (newRecord) { // SELECT Value FROM AD_Ref_List WHERE AD_Reference_ID=183 MDocType[] types = MDocType.getOfClient(getCtx()); int count = 0; ArrayList<String> baseTypes = new ArrayList<String>(); for (MDocType type : types) { String DocBaseType = type.getDocBaseType(); if (baseTypes.contains(DocBaseType)) continue; MPeriodControl pc = new MPeriodControl(this, DocBaseType); if (pc.save()) count++; baseTypes.add(DocBaseType); } log.fine("PeriodControl #" + count); } return success; } // afterSave