/** * Updates the data set for both charts with the contents of the supplied Hashtable. The Hashtable * is expected to contain the following items: * * <ul> * <li>down - The number of links currently in a down state * <li>up - The number of links currently in an up state * <li>unknown - The number of links currently in an unknown state * </ul> * * @param linkStats The hashtable containing the entries indicating current link statistics. */ public void updateData(Hashtable<String, Integer> linkStats) { dpdCurrentData.insertValue(0, "Link Down", linkStats.get("down")); dpdCurrentData.insertValue(1, "Link Up", linkStats.get("up")); dpdCurrentData.insertValue(2, "Link State Unknown", linkStats.get("unknown")); dcdPreviousData.addValue( linkStats.get("down"), "Link Down", Calendar.getInstance().getTime().toString()); dcdPreviousData.addValue( linkStats.get("up"), "Link Up", Calendar.getInstance().getTime().toString()); dcdPreviousData.addValue( linkStats.get("unknown"), "Link State Unknown", Calendar.getInstance().getTime().toString()); }
public void persistentRequestError(final String id, final NodeMessage nm) { if (uploadModelItems.containsKey(id)) { final FrostUploadItem item = uploadModelItems.get(id); item.setEnabled(false); item.setState(FrostUploadItem.STATE_FAILED); item.setErrorCodeDescription(nm.getStringValue("CodeDescription")); } else if (downloadModelItems.containsKey(id)) { final FrostDownloadItem item = downloadModelItems.get(id); item.setEnabled(false); item.setState(FrostDownloadItem.STATE_FAILED); item.setErrorCodeDescription(nm.getStringValue("CodeDescription")); } else { System.out.println("persistentRequestError: ID not in any model: " + id); } }
private void startNewDownloads() { boolean isLimited = true; int currentAllowedDownloadCount = 0; { final int allowedConcurrentDownloads = Core.frostSettings.getIntValue(SettingsClass.DOWNLOAD_MAX_THREADS); if (allowedConcurrentDownloads <= 0) { isLimited = false; } else { int runningDownloads = 0; for (final FrostDownloadItem dlItem : downloadModelItems.values()) { if (!dlItem.isExternal() && dlItem.getState() == FrostDownloadItem.STATE_PROGRESS) { runningDownloads++; } } currentAllowedDownloadCount = allowedConcurrentDownloads - runningDownloads; if (currentAllowedDownloadCount < 0) { currentAllowedDownloadCount = 0; } } } { while (!isLimited || currentAllowedDownloadCount > 0) { final FrostDownloadItem dlItem = FileTransferManager.inst().getDownloadManager().selectNextDownloadItem(); if (dlItem == null) { break; } // start the download if (startDownload(dlItem)) { currentAllowedDownloadCount--; } } } }
public void persistentRequestUpdated(final FcpPersistentGet downloadRequest) { final FrostDownloadItem dl = downloadModelItems.get(downloadRequest.getIdentifier()); if (dl == null) { // not (yet) in our model return; } applyState(dl, downloadRequest); }
public void persistentRequestUpdated(final FcpPersistentPut uploadRequest) { final FrostUploadItem ui = uploadModelItems.get(uploadRequest.getIdentifier()); if (ui == null) { // not (yet) in our model return; } applyState(ui, uploadRequest); }
private void showExternalDownloadItems() { final Map<String, FcpPersistentGet> items = persistentQueue.getDownloadRequests(); for (final FcpPersistentGet downloadRequest : items.values()) { if (!downloadModelItems.containsKey(downloadRequest.getIdentifier())) { addExternalItem(downloadRequest); } } }
public void persistentRequestAdded(final FcpPersistentGet downloadRequest) { final FrostDownloadItem dlItem = downloadModelItems.get(downloadRequest.getIdentifier()); if (dlItem != null) { // own item added to global queue, or existing external item applyState(dlItem, downloadRequest); } else { if (showExternalItemsDownload) { addExternalItem(downloadRequest); } } }
public void persistentRequestAdded(final FcpPersistentPut uploadRequest) { final FrostUploadItem ulItem = uploadModelItems.get(uploadRequest.getIdentifier()); if (ulItem != null) { // own item added to global queue, or existing external item applyState(ulItem, uploadRequest); } else { if (showExternalItemsUpload) { addExternalItem(uploadRequest); } } }
/** * Validate User * * @param ldapURL provider url - e.g. ldap://dc.compiere.org * @param domain domain name = e.g. compiere.org * @param userName user name - e.g. jjanke * @param password password * @return true if validated with ldap */ public static boolean validate(String ldapURL, String domain, String userName, String password) { Hashtable<String, String> env = new Hashtable<String, String>(); env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory"); // ldap://dc.compiere.org env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, ldapURL); env.put(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, "simple"); // [email protected] StringBuffer principal = new StringBuffer(userName).append("@").append(domain); env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, principal.toString()); env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, password); // try { // Create the initial context InitialLdapContext ctx = new InitialLdapContext(env, null); // DirContext ctx = new InitialDirContext(env); // Test - Get the attributes Attributes answer = ctx.getAttributes(""); // Print the answer if (false) dump(answer); } catch (AuthenticationException e) { log.info("Error: " + principal + " - " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); return false; } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, ldapURL + " - " + principal, e); return false; } log.info("OK: " + principal); return true; } // validate
public void persistentRequestRemoved(final FcpPersistentGet downloadRequest) { if (downloadModelItems.containsKey(downloadRequest.getIdentifier())) { final FrostDownloadItem dlItem = downloadModelItems.get(downloadRequest.getIdentifier()); if (dlItem.isExternal()) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable() { public void run() { List<FrostDownloadItem> itemList = new ArrayList<FrostDownloadItem>(); itemList.add(dlItem); downloadModel.removeItems(itemList); } }); } else { if (dlItem.isInternalRemoveExpected()) { dlItem.setInternalRemoveExpected(false); // clear flag } else if (dlItem.getState() != FrostDownloadItem.STATE_DONE) { dlItem.setEnabled(false); dlItem.setState(FrostDownloadItem.STATE_FAILED); dlItem.setErrorCodeDescription("Disappeared from global queue"); } } } }
public void persistentRequestModified(final FcpPersistentGet downloadRequest) { if (downloadModelItems.containsKey(downloadRequest.getIdentifier())) { final FrostDownloadItem dlItem = downloadModelItems.get(downloadRequest.getIdentifier()); applyPriority(dlItem, downloadRequest); } }
public void persistentRequestModified(final FcpPersistentPut uploadRequest) { if (uploadModelItems.containsKey(uploadRequest.getIdentifier())) { final FrostUploadItem ulItem = uploadModelItems.get(uploadRequest.getIdentifier()); ulItem.setPriority(uploadRequest.getPriority()); } }
/** Must be called after the upload and download model is initialized! */ public PersistenceManager(final UploadModel um, final DownloadModel dm) throws Throwable { showExternalItemsDownload = Core.frostSettings.getBoolValue(SettingsClass.GQ_SHOW_EXTERNAL_ITEMS_DOWNLOAD); showExternalItemsUpload = Core.frostSettings.getBoolValue(SettingsClass.GQ_SHOW_EXTERNAL_ITEMS_UPLOAD); if (FcpHandler.inst().getFreenetNode() == null) { throw new Exception("No freenet nodes defined"); } final NodeAddress na = FcpHandler.inst().getFreenetNode(); fcpConn = FcpListenThreadConnection.createInstance(na); fcpTools = new FcpMultiRequestConnectionFileTransferTools(fcpConn); Core.frostSettings.addPropertyChangeListener( new PropertyChangeListener() { public void propertyChange(final PropertyChangeEvent evt) { if (evt.getPropertyName().equals(SettingsClass.GQ_SHOW_EXTERNAL_ITEMS_DOWNLOAD)) { showExternalItemsDownload = Core.frostSettings.getBoolValue(SettingsClass.GQ_SHOW_EXTERNAL_ITEMS_DOWNLOAD); if (showExternalItemsDownload) { // get external items showExternalDownloadItems(); } } else if (evt.getPropertyName().equals(SettingsClass.GQ_SHOW_EXTERNAL_ITEMS_UPLOAD)) { showExternalItemsUpload = Core.frostSettings.getBoolValue(SettingsClass.GQ_SHOW_EXTERNAL_ITEMS_UPLOAD); if (showExternalItemsUpload) { // get external items showExternalUploadItems(); } } } }); uploadModel = um; downloadModel = dm; // initially get all items from model for (int x = 0; x < uploadModel.getItemCount(); x++) { final FrostUploadItem ul = (FrostUploadItem) uploadModel.getItemAt(x); if (ul.getGqIdentifier() != null) { uploadModelItems.put(ul.getGqIdentifier(), ul); } } for (int x = 0; x < downloadModel.getItemCount(); x++) { final FrostDownloadItem ul = (FrostDownloadItem) downloadModel.getItemAt(x); if (ul.getGqIdentifier() != null) { downloadModelItems.put(ul.getGqIdentifier(), ul); } } // enqueue listeners to keep updated about the model items uploadModel.addOrderedModelListener( new SortedModelListener<FrostUploadItem>() { public void modelCleared() { for (final FrostUploadItem ul : uploadModelItems.values()) { if (ul.isExternal() == false) { fcpTools.removeRequest(ul.getGqIdentifier()); } } uploadModelItems.clear(); } public void itemAdded(final int position, final FrostUploadItem item) { uploadModelItems.put(item.getGqIdentifier(), item); if (!item.isExternal()) { // maybe start immediately startNewUploads(); } } public void itemChanged(final int position, final FrostUploadItem item) {} public void itemsRemoved(final int[] positions, final List<FrostUploadItem> items) { for (final FrostUploadItem item : items) { uploadModelItems.remove(item.getGqIdentifier()); if (item.isExternal() == false) { fcpTools.removeRequest(item.getGqIdentifier()); } } } }); downloadModel.addOrderedModelListener( new SortedModelListener<FrostDownloadItem>() { public void modelCleared() { for (final FrostDownloadItem ul : downloadModelItems.values()) { if (ul.isExternal() == false) { fcpTools.removeRequest(ul.getGqIdentifier()); } } downloadModelItems.clear(); } public void itemAdded(final int position, final FrostDownloadItem item) { downloadModelItems.put(item.getGqIdentifier(), item); if (!item.isExternal()) { // maybe start immediately startNewDownloads(); } } public void itemChanged(final int position, final FrostDownloadItem item) {} public void itemsRemoved(final int[] positions, final List<FrostDownloadItem> items) { for (final FrostDownloadItem item : items) { downloadModelItems.remove(item.getGqIdentifier()); if (item.isExternal() == false) { fcpTools.removeRequest(item.getGqIdentifier()); } } } }); directTransferQueue = new DirectTransferQueue(); directTransferThread = new DirectTransferThread(); persistentQueue = new FcpPersistentQueue(fcpTools, this); }
public static void main(String arg[]) { Hashtable ignoreList = new Hashtable(); Class cl = null; Model model = null; System.out.println("Synchronizing forms with database..."); Db.init(); try { DatabaseMetaData meta = Db.getCon().getMetaData(); String[] types = {"TABLE"}; ResultSet rs = meta.getTables(null, null, "%", types); // read ignore.list ignoreList = AutogenerateUtil.readIgnoreList(); // prepare directory File fDir = new File("../../web/WEB-INF/views/crud_form"); if (!fDir.exists()) fDir.mkdir(); while (rs.next()) { // proper file name generationm String className = ""; String tableName = rs.getString("TABLE_NAME"); className = StringUtil.toProperClassName(tableName); // space allowed... // tableName = tableName.toUpperCase(); //If Oracle that need uppercase tablename. In MySQL // in Mac OS X (and probably Linux), it mustbe case sensitive // open table String sql = "select * from " + tableName; PreparedStatement pstmt = Db.getCon() .prepareStatement(sql, ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY); ResultSet resultSet = pstmt.executeQuery(); ResultSetMetaData metaColumn = resultSet.getMetaData(); int nColoumn = metaColumn.getColumnCount(); // get foreign keys,and stored it in hashtable ResultSet rsFk = meta.getImportedKeys(Db.getCon().getCatalog(), null, tableName); Hashtable hashFk = new Hashtable(); System.out.println("FK Infos for table " + tableName); while (rsFk.next()) { String pkTableName = rsFk.getString("PKTABLE_NAME"); String pkColumnName = rsFk.getString("PKCOLUMN_NAME"); String fkColumnName = rsFk.getString("FKCOLUMN_NAME"); int fkSequence = rsFk.getInt("KEY_SEQ"); System.out.println( tableName + "." + fkColumnName + " => " + pkTableName + "." + pkColumnName); hashFk.put(fkColumnName, pkColumnName); hashFk.put(fkColumnName + "_table", pkTableName); } rsFk.close(); // create form page System.out.println( "Creating form page for " + tableName + " from table + " + application.config.Database.DB + "." + tableName); fDir = new File("../../web/WEB-INF/views/" + tableName); if (!fDir.exists()) fDir.mkdir(); File f = new File("../../web/WEB-INF/views/" + tableName + "/form_" + tableName + ".jsp"); if (ignoreList.get("form_" + tableName + ".jsp") != null) { Logger.getLogger(GenerateForm.class.getName()) .log(Level.INFO, "Ignoring creation of form_" + tableName + ".jsp"); } else { Writer out = new FileWriter(f); out.write( "<%@ page contentType=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\" language=\"java\" import=\"java.sql.*,recite18th.library.Db,application.config.Config,recite18th.library.Pagination\" %>"); out.write("<%@ taglib uri=\"http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core\" prefix=\"c\" %>\n"); out.write("<%@ taglib uri=\"http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/functions\" prefix=\"fn\" %>\n"); // create model for this class, use in detecting its PK Field cl = Class.forName("application.models." + className + "Model"); model = (Model) cl.newInstance(); // iterate all columns resultSet.beforeFirst(); resultSet.next(); out.write( "<table border=\"1\" align=\"center\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" bordercolor=\"#E8EDFF\">\n"); out.write("<tr>\n"); out.write("<td>\n"); out.write( "<form action=\"<%=Config.base_url%>index/" + className + "/save\" method=\"post\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\">\n"); // I hope it's // okay to // default it to // multipart data out.write("<table id=\"hor-zebra\" summary=\"Form " + className + "\">\n"); out.write("<thead>\n"); out.write("<tr>\n"); out.write("<th colspan=\"2\" class=\"odd\" scope=\"col\">Form " + className + " </th>\n"); out.write("</tr>\n"); out.write("</thead>\n"); out.write("<tbody>\n"); for (int i = 1; i <= nColoumn; i++) { String columnName = metaColumn.getColumnName(i); String dataType = metaColumn.getColumnClassName(i); out.write("<tr>\n"); // if(!columnName.equals(model.getPkFieldName())) // implementing the case of PK not // AutoIncrement // if(!metaColumn.isAutoIncrement(i)) // { // varying field input for type // foreign field, as chooser page view if (hashFk.get(columnName) != null) // TODO: what if PK is chooser also?? :) CUrrently I add it manually the // hidden_*Pk_nama* field { String fkTableName = hashFk.get(columnName + "_table") + ""; String fkColumnName = hashFk.get(columnName) + ""; String fkController = StringUtil.toProperClassName(fkTableName); out.write("<td>" + columnName + "</td>\n"); out.write("<td>\n"); out.write( "<input name=\"" + columnName + "\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"" + columnName + "\" value=\"${model." + columnName + "}\"/>\n"); out.write( "<input name=\"label_" + columnName + "\" readonly=\"true\" type=\"text\" id=\"label_" + columnName + "\" value=\"${model." + columnName + "}\"/>\n"); // TODO : translate I out.write( "<a href=\"<%=Config.base_url%>index/" + fkController + "/chooseView?height=220&width=700\" class=\"thickbox\">Pilih</a>"); out.write("</td>\n"); } else { // regular field input, not foreign key case if (!columnName.equals(model.getPkFieldName())) { out.write("<td>" + columnName + "</td>\n"); out.write("<td>\n"); // ENUM Column, displayed as HTML SELECT. May will only work for mysql only... Logger.getLogger(GenerateForm.class.getName()) .log(Level.INFO, columnName + " type is " + metaColumn.getColumnType(i)); if (metaColumn.getColumnType(i) == 1) { String enum_content[][] = Db.getDataSet( "SELECT SUBSTRING(COLUMN_TYPE,6,length(SUBSTRING(COLUMN_TYPE,6))-1) as enum_content " + " FROM information_schema.COLUMNS " + " WHERE TABLE_NAME='" + tableName + "' " + " AND COLUMN_NAME='" + columnName + "'"); if (enum_content.length > 0) { // Logger.getLogger(Model.class.getName()).log(Level.INFO, "Enum Content = " + // enum_content[0][0]); String enum_list[] = enum_content[0][0].split(","); out.write("<select name=\"" + columnName + "\" id=\"" + columnName + "\">\n"); for (int ienum_list = 0; ienum_list < enum_list.length; ienum_list++) out.write( "\t<option <c:if test=\"${model." + columnName + "=='" + enum_list[ienum_list].substring( 1, enum_list[ienum_list].length() - 1) + "'}\"> selected=\"selected\" </c:if> value=\"" + enum_list[ienum_list].substring( 1, enum_list[ienum_list].length() - 1) + "\">" + enum_list[ienum_list].substring( 1, enum_list[ienum_list].length() - 1) + "</option>\n"); out.write("</select>\n\n"); } else { // no enum content detected.. :) out.write( "<input name=\"" + columnName + "\" type=\"text\" id=\"" + columnName + "\" value=\"${model." + columnName + "}\"/>\n"); } } else if (metaColumn.getColumnType(i) == 91) { out.write( "<input name=\"" + columnName + "\" type=\"text\" id=\"" + columnName + "\" value=\"${model." + columnName + "}\"/>\n"); out.write("<script>\n"); out.write( " if(!isValidDate($('#" + columnName + "').val())) $('#" + columnName + "').val('1980-1-1');\n"); // TODO: default value out.write(" (function($){\n"); out.write(" $('#" + columnName + "').click(function() {\n"); out.write(" $('#" + columnName + "').DatePickerShow();\n"); out.write(" });\n"); out.write(" $('#" + columnName + "').DatePicker({\n"); out.write(" format:'Y-m-d',\n"); out.write(" date: $('#" + columnName + "').val(),\n"); out.write(" current: $('#" + columnName + "').val(),\n"); out.write(" starts: 1,\n"); out.write(" position: 'r',\n"); out.write(" onBeforeShow: function(){\n"); out.write( " $('#" + columnName + "').DatePickerSetDate($('#" + columnName + "').val(), true);\n"); out.write(" },\n"); out.write(" onChange: function(formated, dates){\n"); out.write(" $('#" + columnName + "').DatePickerHide();\n"); out.write(" $('#" + columnName + "').val(formated);\n"); out.write(" }\n"); out.write(" });\n"); out.write(" })(jQuery)\n"); out.write(" </script>\n"); } else { out.write( "<input name=\"" + columnName + "\" type=\"text\" id=\"" + columnName + "\" value=\"${model." + columnName + "}\"/>\n"); out.write("${" + columnName + "_error}\n"); // regular input field } } else { // PK case if (metaColumn.isAutoIncrement(i)) { out.write( "<input name=\"hidden_" + columnName + "\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"hidden_" + columnName + "\" value=\"${model." + columnName + "}\"/>\n"); } else { out.write("<td>" + columnName + "</td>\n"); out.write("<td>\n"); out.write( "<input name=\"" + columnName + "\" type=\"text\" id=\"" + columnName + "\" value=\"${model." + columnName + "}\"/>\n"); out.write("${" + columnName + "_error}\n"); out.write( "<input name=\"hidden_" + columnName + "\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"hidden_" + columnName + "\" value=\"${model." + columnName + "}\"/>\n"); } } out.write("</td>\n"); } out.write("</tr>\n"); } out.write("<tr class=\"odd\">\n"); out.write("<td> </td>\n"); out.write("<td><input type=\"submit\" name=\"Submit\" value=\"Simpan\">"); out.write( "<input name=\"Button\" type=\"button\" id=\"Submit\" value=\"Batal\" onClick=\"javascript:history.back(-1);\"></td>\n"); out.write("</tr>\n"); out.write("</tbody>\n"); out.write("</table>\n"); out.write("</form></td>\n"); out.write("</tr>\n"); out.write("</table>\n"); out.flush(); out.close(); } // create viewPage if (ignoreList.get("view_" + tableName + ".jsp") != null) { Logger.getLogger(GenerateForm.class.getName()) .log(Level.INFO, "Ignoring creation of view_" + tableName + ".jsp"); } else { System.out.println("Creating view page " + tableName); fDir = new File("../../web/WEB-INF/views/" + tableName); if (!fDir.exists()) fDir.mkdir(); File fView = new File("../../web/WEB-INF/views/" + tableName + "/view_" + tableName + ".jsp"); Writer outView = new FileWriter(fView); outView.write( "<%@ page contentType=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\" language=\"java\" import=\"java.sql.*,recite18th.library.Db,application.config.Config,recite18th.library.Pagination\" %>"); outView.write("<%@ taglib uri=\"http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core\" prefix=\"c\" %>\n"); outView.write( "<%@ taglib uri=\"http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/functions\" prefix=\"fn\" %>\n"); outView.write("<% int pagenum = 0; %>\n"); // outView.write("<%@ include file=\"/WEB-INF/views/header.jsp\" %>"); outView.write( "<a href=\"<%=Config.base_url%>index/" + className + "/input/-1\">Tambah Data</a>\n"); outView.write( "|| <a href=\"<%=Config.base_url%>index/" + className + "/print\">Cetak</a>\n"); outView.write("<table width=\"100%\" id=\"rounded-corner\">\n"); outView.write("<thead>\n"); // iterate all columns : table header outView.write(" <tr>\n"); outView.write(" <th scope=\"col\" class=\"rounded-company\">No.</th>\n"); resultSet.beforeFirst(); resultSet.next(); // get Primary Key Field Name : often use String pkFieldName = ""; try { Class params[] = null; Method objMethod = cl.getMethod("getPkFieldName", params); pkFieldName = "" + objMethod.invoke(model); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.getLogger(Model.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } // ALL Lower Case pkFieldName = pkFieldName.toLowerCase(); // customize column view page for (int i = 1; i <= nColoumn; i++) { String columnName = metaColumn.getColumnName(i).toLowerCase(); // Caution : ALL LowerCase String dataType = metaColumn.getColumnClassName(i); String thClass = "rounded-q1"; String thTitle = StringUtil.toProperFieldTitle(columnName); if (TableCustomization.getTable(tableName) != null) // there is customization for this table { if (TableCustomization.getTable(tableName).get(columnName) != null) { thTitle = TableCustomization.getTable(tableName).get(columnName) + ""; outView.write( " <th scope=\"col\" class=\"" + thClass + "\">" + thTitle + "</th>\n"); } } else { // standard view for this table : hide PK, because mostly is auto increment if (!metaColumn.isAutoIncrement(i)) outView.write( " <th scope=\"col\" class=\"" + thClass + "\">" + thTitle + "</th>\n"); } } outView.write(" <th scope=\"col\" class=\"rounded-q4\">Aksi</th>\n"); outView.write(" </tr>\n"); outView.write("</thead>\n"); outView.write("<tfoot>\n"); outView.write(" <tr>\n"); outView.write( " <td colspan=\"" + (nColoumn + 1) + "\" class=\"rounded-foot-left\"><%=Pagination.createLinks(pagenum)%></td>\n"); outView.write(" <td class=\"rounded-foot-right\"> </td>\n"); outView.write(" </tr>\n"); outView.write("</tfoot>\n"); outView.write("<tbody>\n"); outView.write(" <c:forEach items=\"${row}\" var=\"item\" varStatus=\"status\" >\n"); outView.write(" <tr>\n"); outView.write(" <td>${status.count}</td>\n"); // iterate all columns : table data resultSet.beforeFirst(); resultSet.next(); for (int i = 1; i <= nColoumn; i++) { String columnName = metaColumn.getColumnName(i); // if(!columnName.equals(pkFieldName)) //TOFIX : currently, PK Field is not shown if (TableCustomization.getTable(tableName) != null) { if (TableCustomization.getTable(tableName).get(columnName) != null) { outView.write(" <td>${item." + columnName + "}</td>\n"); } } else { if (!metaColumn.isAutoIncrement(i)) outView.write(" <td>${item." + columnName + "}</td>\n"); } } outView.write(" <td>\n"); outView.write( " <a href=\"<%=Config.base_url%>index/" + className + "/input/${item." + pkFieldName + "}\">Ubah</a>\n"); outView.write( " <a href=\"<%=Config.base_url%>index/" + className + "/delete/${item." + pkFieldName + "}\" onClick=\"return confirm('Apakah Anda yakin?');\">Hapus</a>\n"); outView.write(" </td>\n"); outView.write(" </tr>\n"); outView.write(" </c:forEach>\n"); outView.write("</tbody>\n"); outView.write("</table>\n"); // outView.write("<%@ include file=\"/WEB-INF/views/footer.jsp\" %>"); outView.flush(); outView.close(); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
/** * Initialises the class and internal logger. Uses the supplied arguments to receive data from the * application and add data to the charts dynamically. * * @param title The title of the charts on display. Whether the displayed data is for <code>new * </code> or <code>old</code> links. That is whether the data is for newly discovered links * or existing (old) links already stored within the database. * @param parent The instance of <code>COMPortClient</code> that acts as the data source for the * charts. */ public LinkChart(String title, COMPortClient parent) { super("Charts", true, true, true, true); super.setLayer(1); identifier = title.toLowerCase(); // Obtain an instance of Logger for the class log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(className); owner = parent; // Setup a hashtable to hold the values for up, down and unknown link states Hashtable<String, Integer> linkStats = new Hashtable<String, Integer>(); if (identifier.equals("old")) { this.setTitle("Recognised Link Status on " + owner.getPortName() + ":"); // Get the current figures from the link table linkStats = ((LinkTable) owner.getLinkTable().getModel()).getInitialFigures(); } else if (identifier.equals("new")) { this.setTitle("Discovered Link Status on " + owner.getPortName() + ":"); linkStats = ((LinkTable) owner.getNewLinkTable().getModel()).getInitialFigures(); } else { // If the identifier was set to something other than old or new then it's not right. log.warning("An instance of LinkChart has been created for an unknown purpose."); return; } // Initialise the dataset for the pie chart dpdCurrentData = new DefaultPieDataset(); dpdCurrentData.insertValue(0, "Link Down", linkStats.get("down")); dpdCurrentData.insertValue(1, "Link Up", linkStats.get("up")); dpdCurrentData.insertValue(2, "Link State Unknown", linkStats.get("unknown")); // Initialise the dataset for the line chart dcdPreviousData = new DefaultCategoryDataset(); dcdPreviousData.addValue( linkStats.get("down"), "Link Down", Calendar.getInstance().getTime().toString()); dcdPreviousData.addValue( linkStats.get("up"), "Link Up", Calendar.getInstance().getTime().toString()); dcdPreviousData.addValue( linkStats.get("unknown"), "Link State Unknown", Calendar.getInstance().getTime().toString()); // Set the variables we need for holding the charts JFreeChart jfcCurrentStatus; // This will be displayed as a pie chart JFreeChart jfcPreviousStatus; // This will be displayed as a line chart ChartPanel cpCurrent; // Chartpanels hold the JFreeChart ChartPanel cpPrevious; // Use the factory to create the charts jfcCurrentStatus = ChartFactory.createPieChart("Current Status", dpdCurrentData, true, true, false); jfcPreviousStatus = ChartFactory.createLineChart( "Previous Status", "Time received", "Number of Links", dcdPreviousData, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, true, true, false); // Add them to the chart panels cpCurrent = new ChartPanel(jfcCurrentStatus); cpPrevious = new ChartPanel(jfcPreviousStatus); // Add the chart panels to the content pane this.add(cpCurrent, BorderLayout.EAST); this.add(cpPrevious, BorderLayout.WEST); // Change the layout to show them next to each other this.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 2)); // Add a listener to the window this.addInternalFrameListener(new CloseLinkChart(this)); log.finest("Adding frame to the desktop"); // Set the window properties and display it Client.getJNWindow().addToDesktop(this); this.setDefaultCloseOperation(DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); this.setSize(650, 400); this.setVisible(true); owner.addChartWindow(title, this); }