private void setMailCredential(CIJob job) { if (debugEnabled) { S_LOGGER.debug("Entering Method CIManagerImpl.setMailCredential"); } try { String jenkinsTemplateDir = Utility.getJenkinsTemplateDir(); String mailFilePath = jenkinsTemplateDir + MAIL + HYPHEN + CREDENTIAL_XML; if (debugEnabled) { S_LOGGER.debug("configFilePath ... " + mailFilePath); } File mailFile = new File(mailFilePath); SvnProcessor processor = new SvnProcessor(mailFile); // DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(mailFile)); // while (in.available() != 0) { // System.out.println(in.readLine()); // } // in.close(); // Mail have to go with jenkins running email address InetAddress ownIP = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); processor.changeNodeValue( CI_HUDSONURL, HTTP_PROTOCOL + PROTOCOL_POSTFIX + ownIP.getHostAddress() + COLON + job.getJenkinsPort() + FORWARD_SLASH + CI + FORWARD_SLASH); processor.changeNodeValue("smtpAuthUsername", job.getSenderEmailId()); processor.changeNodeValue("smtpAuthPassword", job.getSenderEmailPassword()); processor.changeNodeValue("adminAddress", job.getSenderEmailId()); // jenkins home location String jenkinsJobHome = System.getenv(JENKINS_HOME); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(jenkinsJobHome); builder.append(File.separator); processor.writeStream(new File(builder.toString() + CI_MAILER_XML)); } catch (Exception e) { S_LOGGER.error( "Entered into the catch block of CIManagerImpl.setMailCredential " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } }
/** * Creates a new, empty SessionDescription. The session is set as follows: * * <p>v=0 * * <p>o=this.createOrigin ("user", InetAddress.getLocalHost().toString()); * * <p>s=- * * <p>t=0 0 * * @throws SdpException SdpException, - if there is a problem constructing the SessionDescription. * @return a new, empty SessionDescription. */ public SessionDescription createSessionDescription() throws SdpException { SessionDescriptionImpl sessionDescriptionImpl = new SessionDescriptionImpl(); ProtoVersionField ProtoVersionField = new ProtoVersionField(); ProtoVersionField.setVersion(0); sessionDescriptionImpl.setVersion(ProtoVersionField); OriginField originImpl = null; try { originImpl = (OriginField) this.createOrigin("user", InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress()); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } sessionDescriptionImpl.setOrigin(originImpl); SessionNameField sessionNameImpl = new SessionNameField(); sessionNameImpl.setValue("-"); sessionDescriptionImpl.setSessionName(sessionNameImpl); TimeDescriptionImpl timeDescriptionImpl = new TimeDescriptionImpl(); TimeField timeImpl = new TimeField(); timeImpl.setZero(); timeDescriptionImpl.setTime(timeImpl); Vector times = new Vector(); times.addElement(timeDescriptionImpl); sessionDescriptionImpl.setTimeDescriptions(times); sessionDescriptionsList.addElement(sessionDescriptionImpl); return sessionDescriptionImpl; }
/** * Checks if address can be reached using one argument InetAddress.isReachable() version or ping * command if failed. * * @param addr Address to check. * @param reachTimeout Timeout for the check. * @return {@code True} if address is reachable. */ public static boolean reachableByPing(InetAddress addr, int reachTimeout) { try { if (addr.isReachable(reachTimeout)) return true; String cmd = String.format("ping -%s 1 %s", U.isWindows() ? "n" : "c", addr.getHostAddress()); Process myProc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd); myProc.waitFor(); return myProc.exitValue() == 0; } catch (IOException ignore) { return false; } catch (InterruptedException ignored) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); return false; } }
static { DATE_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMM dd hh:mm:ss yyyy z", Locale.US); // detect host name String hostName = ""; try { hostName = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } HOST_NAME = hostName; }
public void run() { // ************************************************************************************ String jsonText2 = new String(""); JSONObject obj_out = new JSONObject(); ServerSocket welcomeSocket; while (true) { try { // ********************************************************* welcomeSocket = new ServerSocket(network.api_port, 0, InetAddress.getByName("localhost")); Socket connectionSocket = welcomeSocket.accept(); BufferedReader inFromClient = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connectionSocket.getInputStream())); DataOutputStream outToClient = new DataOutputStream(connectionSocket.getOutputStream()); clientSentence = inFromClient.readLine(); JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(); try { // ********************************************************* statex = "0"; responsex = "e00"; jsonText = ""; if (!clientSentence.contains("")) { throw new EmptyStackException(); } Object obj = parser.parse(clientSentence); jsonObject = (JSONObject) obj; String request = (String) jsonObject.get("request"); String item_id = new String(""); String item_array = new String(""); String old_key = new String(""); String node = new String(""); try { item_id = (String) jsonObject.get("item_id").toString(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("extra info no item_id..."); } try { item_array = (String) jsonObject.get("item_array").toString(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("extra info no item_array..."); } try { old_key = (String) jsonObject.get("key").toString(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("extra info no key..."); } try { node = (String) jsonObject.get("node").toString(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("extra info no node..."); } while (network.database_in_use == 1 && !request.equals("status")) { System.out.println("Database in use..."); try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } // ************************************************************** if (request.equals("status")) { statex = "1"; responsex = get_status(); } // *************************** else if (request.equals("get_version")) { statex = "1"; responsex = network.versionx; } // else if (request.equals("get_tor_active")) { statex = "1"; responsex = Integer.toString(network.tor_active); } // else if (request.equals("get_last_block")) { statex = "1"; responsex = network.last_block_id; } // else if (request.equals("get_last_block_timestamp")) { statex = "1"; responsex = network.last_block_timestamp; } // else if (request.equals("get_last_block_hash")) { statex = "1"; responsex = network.last_block_idx; } // else if (request.equals("get_difficulty")) { statex = "1"; responsex = Long.toString(network.difficultyx); } // else if (request.equals("get_last_mining_id")) { statex = "1"; responsex = network.last_block_mining_idx; } // else if (request.equals("get_prev_mining_id")) { statex = "1"; responsex = network.prev_block_mining_idx; } // else if (request.equals("get_last_unconfirmed_id")) { statex = "1"; responsex = get_item_ids(); } // else if (request.equals("get_my_token_total")) { statex = "1"; responsex = Integer.toString(network.database_listings_owner); } // else if (request.equals("get_my_id_list")) { statex = "1"; responsex = get_item_ids(); } // else if (request.equals("get_my_ids_limit")) { statex = "1"; responsex = get_item_ids(); } // else if (request.equals("get_token")) { statex = "1"; responsex = get_item_array(item_id); } // else if (request.equals("get_settings")) { statex = "1"; responsex = get_settings_array(); } // else if (request.equals("get_mining_info")) { statex = "1"; responsex = get_item_array(item_id); } // else if (request.equals("get_new_keys")) { statex = "1"; responsex = build_keysx(); } // else if (request.equals("delete_node")) { statex = "1"; responsex = delete_node(node); } // else if (request.equals("delete_all_nodes")) { statex = "1"; responsex = delete_all_nodes(); } // else if (request.equals("set_new_node")) { statex = "1"; responsex = set_new_node(node); } // else if (request.equals("set_old_key")) { statex = "1"; responsex = set_old_key(old_key); } // else if (request.equals("set_new_block")) { statex = "1"; responsex = set_new_block(item_array); } // else if (request.equals("set_edit_block")) { statex = "1"; update_state = "set_edit_block"; responsex = update_token(item_array); } // else if (request.equals("set_transfer_block")) { statex = "1"; update_state = "set_transfer_block"; responsex = update_token(item_array); } // else if (request.equals("system_restart")) { statex = "1"; responsex = "restarting"; toolkit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); xtimerx = new Timer(); xtimerx.schedule(new RemindTask_restart(), 0); } // else if (request.equals("system_exit")) { statex = "1"; System.exit(0); } // else { statex = "0"; responsex = "e01 UnknownRequestException"; } } // try catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); statex = "0"; responsex = "e02 ParseException"; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); statex = "0"; responsex = "e03 Exception"; } JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); obj.put("response", statex); try { obj.put("message", responsex); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } StringWriter outs = new StringWriter(); obj.writeJSONString(outs); jsonText = outs.toString(); System.out.println("SEND RESPONSE " + responsex); outToClient.writeBytes(jsonText + '\n'); welcomeSocket.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("Server ERROR x3"); } } // **********while } // runx***************************************************************************************************
public static void main(String args[]) throws InterruptedException, IOException { int i, j; String serverInetAddress = "localhost"; String server1AddressString = ""; InetAddress server1Address = InetAddress.getByName(server1AddressString); String server2AddressString = ""; InetAddress server2Address = InetAddress.getByName(server2AddressString); String server3AddressString = ""; InetAddress server3Address = InetAddress.getByName(server3AddressString); String server4AddressString = "localhost"; InetAddress server4Address = InetAddress.getByName(server4AddressString); DatagramSocket skt; { skt = new DatagramSocket(PORT_NUMBER_CLIENT); // socket used to listen and write InetAddress host = InetAddress.getByName(serverInetAddress); int serversocket = S1.PORT_NUMBER_SERVER; String msg = "Send file size"; byte[] b = msg.getBytes(); // dummy assignments - not used anywhere int filesize = 1; DatagramPacket reply, request; reply = new DatagramPacket(b, b.length, host, serversocket); request = new DatagramPacket(b, b.length, host, serversocket); for (i = 1; i <= 3; i++) { // defining a packet called request with parameters b(msg in bytes), b.length, host Internet // address and socket number if (i == 1) { host = server1Address; } else if (i == 2) { host = server2Address; } else if (i == 3) { host = server3Address; } request = new DatagramPacket(b, b.length, host, serversocket); // System.out.println("request sent from client to server"); Thread.sleep(S1.PAUSE_DURATION); // for error checks // Sending the packet- for getting the file size skt.send(request); // getting reply from // server........................................................................................ byte[] buffer = new byte [S1.PACKET_SIZE]; // apparently the size of data packet at the receiving side needs // to be bigger than the size of incoming datapacket reply = new DatagramPacket(buffer, buffer.length); // receiving packet from server - contatining filesize skt.receive(reply); // System.out.println("Response Received from server"); // System.out.println("on Client: - filesize= "+new String(reply.getData())); filesize = Integer.parseInt(new String(reply.getData()).trim()); // System.out.println("on Client: - filesize= "+filesize); Thread.sleep(S1.PAUSE_DURATION); } // here the client know the size of the file // Find the number of times it must make iterations - dividing filesize by packet_size // Request that many packets from server String[] buffer_string = new String[BUFFER_SIZE_CLIENT]; float delay[] = new float[filesize / S1.PACKET_SIZE]; System.out.println(filesize); System.out.println(S1.PACKET_SIZE); System.out.println(filesize / S1.PACKET_SIZE); Thread.sleep(2000); byte[] buffer = new byte[S1.PACKET_SIZE]; for (i = 0; i < filesize / S1.PACKET_SIZE; i++) { if (i % 100 != 0) { // System.out.print(" "+i); } else { System.out.println(" " + i); } msg = String.valueOf(i); b = msg.getBytes(); if (i % 3 == 0) { host = server1Address; } else if (i % 3 == 1) { host = server2Address; } else if (i % 3 == 2) { host = server3Address; } request = new DatagramPacket(b, b.length, host, serversocket); skt.send(request); delay[i] = System.nanoTime(); Thread.sleep(10); skt.receive(reply); delay[i] = System.nanoTime() - delay[i]; delay[i] = delay[i] / (1000000); /* if(empty_index<BUFFER_SIZE_CLIENT) { buffer_string[empty_index]=new String(reply.getData()); empty_index++; } else { for(j=0;j<BUFFER_SIZE_CLIENT-1;j++) { buffer_string[j]=buffer_string[j+1]; } buffer_string[BUFFER_SIZE_CLIENT-1]=new String(reply.getData()); }*/ // display_buffer(buffer_string); } Arrays.sort(delay); float delay2[] = new float[filesize / S1.PACKET_SIZE]; for (i = 0; i < delay2.length; i++) { delay2[i] = delay[delay.length - i - 1]; } // delay2 stores the array in descending values float[] Sk = new float[filesize / S1.PACKET_SIZE]; Sk[0] = (float) 0.0; for (i = 1; i < filesize / S1.PACKET_SIZE; i++) { for (j = 1; j <= i; j++) { Sk[i] = Sk[i] + delay2[j]; } Sk[i] = Sk[i] / (10 * i); } make_output(Sk); System.out.format( "Sk at 2=%f\n,10=%f\n,20=%f\n,100=%f\n and 30000=%f\n ", Sk[1], Sk[9], Sk[19], Sk[99], Sk[29999]); // display_buffer(buffer_string); skt.close(); } }