/** * INTERNAL: This method is used when computing the nested queries for batch read mappings. It * recurses computing the nested mapping queries. */ protected void computeNestedQueriesForBatchReadExpressions(Vector batchReadExpressions) { for (int index = 0; index < batchReadExpressions.size(); index++) { ObjectExpression objectExpression = (ObjectExpression) batchReadExpressions.get(index); // Expression may not have been initialized. ExpressionBuilder builder = objectExpression.getBuilder(); builder.setSession(getSession().getRootSession(null)); builder.setQueryClass(getReferenceClass()); // PERF: Cache join attribute names. ObjectExpression baseExpression = objectExpression; while (!baseExpression.getBaseExpression().isExpressionBuilder()) { baseExpression = (ObjectExpression) baseExpression.getBaseExpression(); } this.batchReadAttributes.add(baseExpression.getName()); // Ignore nested if (objectExpression.getBaseExpression().isExpressionBuilder()) { DatabaseMapping mapping = objectExpression.getMapping(); if ((mapping != null) && mapping.isForeignReferenceMapping()) { // A nested query must be built to pass to the descriptor that looks like the real query // execution would. ReadQuery nestedQuery = ((ForeignReferenceMapping) mapping).prepareNestedBatchQuery(this); // Register the nested query to be used by the mapping for all the objects. getBatchReadMappingQueries().put(mapping, nestedQuery); } } } }
public Collection<Experiment> findExpts(CellLine cells, ExptCondition cond) throws SQLException { LinkedList<Integer> dbids = new LinkedList<Integer>(); String tables = "experiment e"; if (genome != null) { tables += ", probe_platform_to_genome p2g"; } String query = "select e.id from " + tables; Vector<String> conds = new Vector<String>(); if (genome != null) { int gid = genome.getDBID(); conds.add("e.platform=p2g.platform and p2g.genome=" + gid); } if (cells != null) { conds.add("e.cells=" + cells.getDBID()); } if (cond != null) { conds.add("e.condition=" + cond.getDBID()); } for (int i = 0; i < conds.size(); i++) { if (i == 0) { query += " where "; } else { query += " and "; } query += conds.get(i); } System.out.println("Final Query: \"" + query + "\""); java.sql.Connection cxn = loader.getConnection(); Statement s = cxn.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery(query); while (rs.next()) { int dbid = rs.getInt(1); dbids.addLast(dbid); } rs.close(); s.close(); Collection<Experiment> expts = loader.loadExperiments(dbids); return expts; }
/** INTERNAL: Return if the attribute is specified for batch reading. */ public boolean isAttributeBatchRead(String attributeName) { if (!hasBatchReadAttributes()) { return false; } Vector batchReadAttributeExpressions = getBatchReadAttributeExpressions(); int size = batchReadAttributeExpressions.size(); for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) { QueryKeyExpression expression = (QueryKeyExpression) batchReadAttributeExpressions.get(index); while (!expression.getBaseExpression().isExpressionBuilder()) { expression = (QueryKeyExpression) expression.getBaseExpression(); } if (expression.getName().equals(attributeName)) { return true; } } return false; }
public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws IOException, ServletException { res.setContentType("text/html"); hs = req.getSession(true); PrintWriter pw = res.getWriter(); uid = req.getParameter("did"); if (!uid.equals("")) { v = D.getDealer(uid); pw.println( "<html><head><TITLE>Web-Enabled Automated Manufacturing System</TITLE><script language=javascript>function set() {"); pw.println( "document.deldealer.select1.value='" + (String) v.elementAt(4) + "'} </script></head><P align=center><FONT color=deepskyblue size=4><STRONG>MODIFY DEALER </STRONG></FONT></P> "); pw.println( "<body onLoad=set()><br><br><form name=deldealer method=post action='http://peers:8080/servlet/DelDealer'>"); pw.println( "<center><TABLE border=0 cellPadding=1 cellSpacing=1 width='75%' style='HEIGHT: 147px; WIDTH: 248px'>"); pw.println( "<TR><TD>DealerId </TD><TD><INPUT id=text1 name=did value=" + (String) v.elementAt(0) + "></TD></TR>"); pw.println( "<TR><TD>DealerName</TD><TD><INPUT id=text2 name=dname value=" + (String) v.elementAt(1) + " ></TD></TR><TR><TD>DealerAddress</TD>"); pw.println( "<TD><INPUT id=text2 type=text name=daddr value=" + (String) v.elementAt(2) + "></TD></TR><TR><TD>CreditLimit</TD><TD><INPUT id=text4 name=cl value=" + v.get(3).toString()); pw.println( "></TD></TR><TR><TD><P>Staus</P></TD><td><SELECT id=select1 name=status style='HEIGHT: 22px; LEFT: 1px; TOP: 1px; WIDTH: 136px'> <OPTION "); pw.println( "selected value=''></OPTION><OPTION value=Active>Active</OPTION><OPTION value=Inactive>Inactive</OPTION></SELECT><INPUT id=submit1 name=submit1 style='LEFT: 151px; TOP: 318px' type=submit value=Delete></TD></TR>"); pw.println("</table></center></form></body></html>"); pw.flush(); pw.close(); } }
public static int[] getMSPIDs(MSPLocator loc, Connection c) throws SQLException { Statement s = c.createStatement(); String name = loc.getNameVersion().name; String version = loc.getNameVersion().version; ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery( "select id from rosettaanalysis where name='" + name + "' and " + "version = '" + version + "'"); Vector<Integer> values = new Vector<Integer>(); while (rs.next()) { values.add(rs.getInt(1)); } s.close(); int[] array = new int[values.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) { array[i] = values.get(i); } Arrays.sort(array); return array; }
public void InsertDataTable() { for (int i = 0; i < dataBaru.size(); i++) { try { rowSet.moveToInsertRow(); for (int ii = 0; ii < insertKolom.size(); ii++) { String temp = insertKolom.get(ii + ""); String data[] = temp.split("#"); int no = 0; boolean constanta = false; if (data[1].trim().toLowerCase().equals("c")) { constanta = true; } else { try { no = Integer.parseInt(data[1].trim()); } catch (Exception e) { no = 0; } } if (data[0].trim().toLowerCase().contains("i")) { if (data[2].trim().toLowerCase().equals("boolean")) { String value = ""; if (data[4].trim().toLowerCase().equals("int")) { if (getValueAt( new Integer(dataBaru.get(i).toString()), Integer.parseInt(data[1].trim())) .toString() .equals("true")) { if (data[5].trim().equals("1") || data[5].trim().equals("0")) { value = "1"; } else { value = "Y"; } } else { if (data[5].trim().equals("1") || data[5].trim().equals("0")) { value = "0"; } else { value = "N"; } } try { rowSet.updateInt(data[3].trim().toString(), Integer.parseInt(value)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { if (getValueAt( new Integer(dataBaru.get(i).toString()), Integer.parseInt(data[1].trim())) .toString() .equals("true")) { if (data[5].trim().equals("1") || data[5].trim().equals("0")) { value = "1"; } else { value = "Y"; } } else { if (data[5].trim().equals("1") || data[5].trim().equals("0")) { value = "0"; } else { value = "N"; } } try { rowSet.updateString(data[3].trim().toString(), value.trim()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } else if (data[2].trim().toLowerCase().equals("date")) { String value = ""; java.util.Date dd = (java.util.Date) getValueAt(new Integer(dataBaru.get(i).toString()), no); if (data[4].equals("dd-MM-yyyy")) { value = Function.dateToString(dd); } else if (data[4].equals("MM-yyyy")) { value = Function.monthToString(dd).trim(); } else if (data[4].equals("yyyy")) { // value = Function.yearToDate(sql); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Belom Support"); } // JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, value.length()); try { rowSet.updateString(data[3].trim().toString(), value.trim()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (data[2].trim().toLowerCase().equals("string") || data[2].trim().toLowerCase().equals("numeric")) { String value = ""; if (constanta) { value = data[6].trim(); } else { try { value = getValueAt(new Integer(dataBaru.get(i).toString()), no).toString(); } catch (Exception e) { try { value = getValueAt(new Integer(dataBaru.get(i).toString()), no).toString(); } catch (Exception ee) { value = ""; } } } if (data[4].trim().toLowerCase().equals("int")) { try { if (value.trim().equals("")) { value = "0"; } rowSet.updateLong(data[3].trim().toString(), Long.parseLong(value.trim())); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { try { rowSet.updateString(data[3].trim().toString(), value.trim()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } else if (data[2].trim().toLowerCase().equals("combo")) { String value = ""; String valueKolom = ""; try { valueKolom = getValueAt(new Integer(dataBaru.get(i).toString()), no).toString().trim(); } catch (Exception e) { valueKolom = ""; } try { value = Function.getValueFromCell(data[5].trim(), valueKolom); } catch (Exception e) { value = ""; } if (data[4].trim().toLowerCase().equals("int")) { try { rowSet.updateString(data[3].trim().toString(), value.trim()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { try { rowSet.updateString(data[3].trim().toString(), value.trim()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } } // JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, rowSet.getCommand()); rowSet.insertRow(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
public void updateDataTable() { for (int i = 0; i < dataAsli.size(); i++) { try { rowSet.absolute(new Integer(dataAsli.elementAt(i).toString())); if (rowSet.next()) { for (int ii = 0; ii < updateKolom.size(); ii++) { String temp = updateKolom.get(ii + ""); String data[] = temp.split("#"); int no = 0; try { no = Integer.parseInt(data[1].trim()); } catch (Exception e) { no = 0; } if (data[0].trim().toLowerCase().contains("u")) { if (data[2].trim().toLowerCase().equals("boolean")) { String value = ""; if (data[4].trim().toLowerCase().equals("int")) { if (getValueAt( new Integer(dataAsli.get(i).toString()), Integer.parseInt(data[1].trim())) .toString() .equals("true")) { if (data[5].trim().equals("1") || data[5].trim().equals("0")) { value = "1"; } else { value = "Y"; } } else { if (data[5].trim().equals("1") || data[5].trim().equals("0")) { value = "0"; } else { value = "N"; } } try { rowSet.updateInt(data[3].trim().toString(), Integer.parseInt(value)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { if (getValueAt( new Integer(dataAsli.get(i).toString()), Integer.parseInt(data[1].trim())) .toString() .equals("true")) { if (data[5].trim().equals("1") || data[5].trim().equals("0")) { value = "1"; } else { value = "Y"; } } else { if (data[5].trim().equals("1") || data[5].trim().equals("0")) { value = "0"; } else { value = "N"; } } try { rowSet.updateString(data[3].trim().toString(), value.trim()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } else if (data[2].trim().toLowerCase().equals("date")) { String value = ""; java.util.Date dd = (java.util.Date) getValueAt(new Integer(dataAsli.get(i).toString()), no); if (data[4].equals("dd-MM-yyyy")) { value = Function.dateToString(dd); } else if (data[4].equals("MM-yyyy")) { value = Function.monthToString(dd); } else if (data[4].equals("yyyy")) { // value = Function.yearToDate(sql); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Belom Support"); } try { rowSet.updateString(data[3].trim().toString(), value.trim()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (data[2].trim().toLowerCase().equals("string") || data[2].trim().toLowerCase().equals("numeric")) { String value = ""; String data1 = data[1].trim(); if (data1 == null || data1.equals("")) { data1 = "0"; } try { value = getValueAt(new Integer(dataAsli.get(i).toString()), no).toString(); } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); try { value = getValueAt(new Integer(dataAsli.get(i).toString()), no).toString(); } catch (Exception ee) { value = ""; // e.printStackTrace(); } } if (data[4].trim().toLowerCase().equals("int")) { try { if (value.trim().equals("")) { value = "0"; } rowSet.updateLong(data[3].trim().toString(), Long.parseLong(value.trim())); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { try { rowSet.updateString(data[3].trim().toString(), value.trim()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } else if (data[2].trim().toLowerCase().equals("combo")) { String value = ""; value = Function.getValueFromCell( data[5].trim(), getValueAt(new Integer(dataAsli.get(i).toString()), no).toString().trim()); if (data[4].trim().toLowerCase().equals("int")) { try { rowSet.updateString(data[3].trim().toString(), value.trim()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { try { rowSet.updateString(data[3].trim().toString(), value.trim()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } } rowSet.updateRow(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
/** * Inserta el registro dado por la entidad vData. * * <p><b> insert into * GRLRegistroPNC(iEjercicio,iConsecutivoPNC,dtRegistro,iCveUsuRegistro,iCveProducto,lResuelto,dtResolucion,iCveOficinaAsignado,iCveDeptoAsignado) * values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) </b> * * <p><b> Campos Llave: iEjercicio,iConsecutivoPNC, </b> * * @param vData TVDinRep - VO Dinámico que contiene a la entidad a Insertar. * @param cnNested Connection - Conexión anidada que permite que el método se encuentre dentro de * una transacción mayor. * @throws DAOException - Excepción de tipo DAO * @return TVDinRep - VO Dinámico que contiene a la entidad a Insertada, así como a la llave de * esta entidad. */ public TVDinRep insert(TVDinRep vData, Connection cnNested) throws DAOException { DbConnection dbConn = null; Connection conn = cnNested; PreparedStatement lPStmt = null; boolean lSuccess = true; TFechas dtFechaActual = new TFechas(); try { if (cnNested == null) { dbConn = new DbConnection(dataSourceName); conn = dbConn.getConnection(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); conn.setTransactionIsolation(2); } String lSQL = "insert into GRLRegistroPNC(iEjercicio,iConsecutivoPNC,dtRegistro,iCveUsuRegistro,iCveProducto,lResuelto,dtResolucion,iCveOficinaAsignado,iCveDeptoAsignado,iCveOficina,iCveDepartamento,iCveProceso) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; // AGREGAR AL ULTIMO ... Vector vcData = findByCustom( "", "select MAX(iConsecutivoPNC) AS iConsecutivoPNC from GRLRegistroPNC WHERE iEjercicio = " + vData.getInt("iEjercicio")); if (vcData.size() > 0) { TVDinRep vUltimo = (TVDinRep) vcData.get(0); vData.put("iConsecutivoPNC", vUltimo.getInt("iConsecutivoPNC") + 1); } else vData.put("iConsecutivoPNC", 1); vData.addPK(vData.getString("iConsecutivoPNC")); lPStmt = conn.prepareStatement(lSQL); lPStmt.setInt(1, dtFechaActual.getIntYear(dtFechaActual.TodaySQL())); lPStmt.setInt(2, vData.getInt("iConsecutivoPNC")); iConsecutivo = vData.getInt("iConsecutivoPNC"); lPStmt.setDate(3, tFecha.TodaySQL()); lPStmt.setInt(4, vData.getInt("iCveUsuario")); lPStmt.setInt(5, vData.getInt("iCveProducto")); lPStmt.setInt(6, vData.getInt("lResuelto")); if (vData.getDate("dtResolucion") == null) lPStmt.setNull(7, Types.DATE); else lPStmt.setDate(7, vData.getDate("dtResolucion")); lPStmt.setInt(8, vData.getInt("iCveOficinaUsrAsg")); lPStmt.setInt(9, vData.getInt("iCveDeptoUsrAsg")); lPStmt.setInt(10, vData.getInt("iCveOficinaUsr")); lPStmt.setInt(11, vData.getInt("iCveDeptoUsr")); lPStmt.setInt(12, vData.getInt("iCveProceso")); lPStmt.executeUpdate(); lPStmt.close(); try { TDGRLRegCausaPNC1 dGRLRegCausaPNC = new TDGRLRegCausaPNC1(); dGRLRegCausaPNC.insert(vData, conn, iConsecutivo); } catch (Exception exCausa) { exCausa.printStackTrace(); lSuccess = false; throw new Exception("Error Causa"); } if (cnNested == null && lSuccess) conn.commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { warn("insert", ex); if (cnNested == null) { try { conn.rollback(); } catch (Exception e) { fatal("insert.rollback", e); } } lSuccess = false; } finally { try { if (lPStmt != null) lPStmt.close(); if (cnNested == null) { if (conn != null) conn.close(); dbConn.closeConnection(); } } catch (Exception ex2) { warn("insert.close", ex2); } if (lSuccess == false) throw new DAOException(""); return vData; } }
/** * Actualiza el campo de Producto No Conforme de la persona que recibe la notificación. * * <p><b> update GRLRegistroPNC set cRecibeNotif=? where iEjercicio = ? AND iConsecutivoPNC = ? * </b> * * <p><b> Campos Llave: iEjercicio,iConsecutivoPNC, </b> * * @param vData TVDinRep - VO Dinámico que contiene a la entidad a Insertar. * @param cnNested Connection - Conexión anidada que permite que el método se encuentre dentro de * una transacción mayor. * @throws DAOException - Excepción de tipo DAO * @return TVDinRep - Entidad Modificada. */ public TVDinRep updateRecibe(TVDinRep vData, Connection cnNested) throws DAOException { DbConnection dbConn = null; Connection conn = cnNested; PreparedStatement lPStmt = null; int iConsecutivoPNC = 0, iEjercicioPNC = 0; boolean lSuccess = true; try { if (cnNested == null) { dbConn = new DbConnection(dataSourceName); conn = dbConn.getConnection(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); conn.setTransactionIsolation(2); } Vector vcPNC = findByCustom( "", "SELECT " + "iEjercicioPNC,ICONSECUTIVOPNC " + "FROM TRAREGPNCETAPA " + "where IEJERCICIO = " + vData.getInt("iEjercicio") + " and INUMSOLICITUD = " + vData.getInt("iNumSolicitud") + " order by iorden desc"); if (vcPNC.size() > 0) { TVDinRep vRegPNC = (TVDinRep) vcPNC.get(0); iConsecutivoPNC = vRegPNC.getInt("ICONSECUTIVOPNC"); iEjercicioPNC = vRegPNC.getInt("iEjercicioPNC"); } String lSQL = "update GRLRegistroPNC set cRecibeNotif=?,dtNotificacion=? where iEjercicio = ? AND iConsecutivoPNC = ? "; lPStmt = conn.prepareStatement(lSQL); lPStmt.setString(1, vData.getString("cRecibeNotif")); lPStmt.setDate(2, vData.getDate("dtNotificacion")); lPStmt.setInt(3, iEjercicioPNC); lPStmt.setInt(4, iConsecutivoPNC); if (cnNested == null) { conn.commit(); } /*if(cnNested == null){ conn.commit(); TDVerificacion tdVer = new TDVerificacion(); tdVer.upNotificacion(vData, cnNested); }*/ } catch (Exception ex) { warn("update", ex); if (cnNested == null) { try { conn.rollback(); } catch (Exception e) { fatal("update.rollback", e); } } lSuccess = false; } finally { try { if (lPStmt != null) { lPStmt.close(); } if (cnNested == null) { if (conn != null) { conn.close(); } dbConn.closeConnection(); } } catch (Exception ex2) { warn("update.close", ex2); } if (lSuccess == false) throw new DAOException(""); return vData; } }
/** * Inserta el registro dado por la entidad vData. * * <p><b> insert into * GRLRegistroPNC(iEjercicio,iConsecutivoPNC,dtRegistro,iCveUsuRegistro,iCveProducto,lResuelto,dtResolucion,iCveOficinaAsignado,iCveDeptoAsignado) * values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) </b> * * <p><b> Campos Llave: iEjercicio,iConsecutivoPNC, </b> * * @param vData TVDinRep - VO Dinámico que contiene a la entidad a Insertar. * @param cnNested Connection - Conexión anidada que permite que el método se encuentre dentro de * una transacción mayor. * @throws DAOException - Excepción de tipo DAO * @return TVDinRep - VO Dinámico que contiene a la entidad a Insertada, así como a la llave de * esta entidad. */ public TVDinRep insertExiste(TVDinRep vData, Connection cnNested) throws DAOException { DbConnection dbConn = null; Connection conn = cnNested; PreparedStatement lPStmt = null; boolean lSuccess = true; boolean lAgregarAPNC = false; boolean lInsertaCausa = false; TFechas dtFechaActual = new TFechas(); int iNumSolicitud, iCveTramite, iCveModalidad = 0; int iConsecutivoPNC = 0; int iEjercicio = 0; try { // LEL26092006 Vector vcDataA = findByCustom( "", "SELECT " + "TRAREGPNCETAPA.IEJERCICIOPNC, " + "TRAREGPNCETAPA.INUMSOLICITUD, " + "TRAREGPNCETAPA.ICONSECUTIVOPNC, " + "TRAREGPNCETAPA.ICVETRAMITE, " + "TRAREGPNCETAPA.ICVEMODALIDAD " + "FROM TRAREGPNCETAPA " + "where TRAREGPNCETAPA.IEJERCICIO = " + vData.getInt("iEjercicio") + " and TRAREGPNCETAPA.INUMSOLICITUD = " + vData.getInt("iNumSolicitud") + " ORDER BY ICONSECUTIVOPNC DESC "); TVDinRep vSoli; if (vcDataA.size() > 0) { vSoli = (TVDinRep) vcDataA.get(0); iEjercicio = vSoli.getInt("IEJERCICIOPNC"); iNumSolicitud = vSoli.getInt("INUMSOLICITUD"); iConsecutivoPNC = vSoli.getInt("ICONSECUTIVOPNC"); iCveTramite = vSoli.getInt("ICVETRAMITE"); iCveModalidad = vSoli.getInt("ICVEMODALIDAD"); vcDataA = null; vcDataA = findByCustom( "", "SELECT " + "DTNOTIFICACION FROM TRAREGREQXTRAM " + "WHERE IEJERCICIO = " + iEjercicio + " AND INUMSOLICITUD = " + iNumSolicitud + " AND ICVETRAMITE = " + iCveTramite + " AND ICVEMODALIDAD = " + iCveModalidad + " AND LTIENEPNC = 1"); lAgregarAPNC = true; for (int i = 0; i < vcDataA.size() && lAgregarAPNC == false; i++) { vSoli = (TVDinRep) vcDataA.get(i); if (vSoli.getDate("DTNOTIFICACION") == null) lAgregarAPNC = true; else lAgregarAPNC = false; } } if (lAgregarAPNC) { TVDinRep vResuelto; Vector vcDataR = findByCustom( "", "SELECT lResuelto " + "FROM GRLREGISTROPNC WHERE " + "IEJERCICIO = " + iEjercicio + " AND ICONSECUTIVOPNC = " + iConsecutivoPNC); if (vcDataR.size() > 0) { vResuelto = (TVDinRep) vcDataR.get(0); if (vResuelto.getInt("lResuelto") != 0) lAgregarAPNC = false; } } // FinLEL26092006 if (cnNested == null) { dbConn = new DbConnection(dataSourceName); conn = dbConn.getConnection(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); conn.setTransactionIsolation(2); } String lSQL = "insert into GRLRegistroPNC(iEjercicio,iConsecutivoPNC,dtRegistro,iCveUsuRegistro,iCveProducto,lResuelto,dtResolucion,iCveOficinaAsignado,iCveDeptoAsignado,iCveOficina,iCveDepartamento,iCveProceso) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; // AGREGAR AL ULTIMO ... if (lAgregarAPNC == false) { Vector vcData = findByCustom( "", "select MAX(iConsecutivoPNC) AS iConsecutivoPNC from GRLRegistroPNC WHERE iEjercicio = " + vData.getInt("iEjercicio")); if (vcData.size() > 0) { TVDinRep vUltimo = (TVDinRep) vcData.get(0); vData.put("iConsecutivoPNC", vUltimo.getInt("iConsecutivoPNC") + 1); } else vData.put("iConsecutivoPNC", 1); } else { vData.put("iConsecutivoPNC", iConsecutivoPNC); } vData.addPK(vData.getString("iConsecutivoPNC")); lPStmt = conn.prepareStatement(lSQL); lPStmt.setInt(1, dtFechaActual.getIntYear(dtFechaActual.TodaySQL())); lPStmt.setInt(2, vData.getInt("iConsecutivoPNC")); iConsecutivo = vData.getInt("iConsecutivoPNC"); lPStmt.setDate(3, tFecha.TodaySQL()); lPStmt.setInt(4, vData.getInt("iCveUsuario")); lPStmt.setInt(5, vData.getInt("iCveProducto")); lPStmt.setInt(6, vData.getInt("lResuelto")); if (vData.getDate("dtResolucion") == null) lPStmt.setNull(7, Types.DATE); else lPStmt.setDate(7, vData.getDate("dtResolucion")); lPStmt.setInt(8, vData.getInt("iCveOficinaUsrAsg")); lPStmt.setInt(9, vData.getInt("iCveDeptoUsrAsg")); lPStmt.setInt(10, vData.getInt("iCveOficinaUsr")); lPStmt.setInt(11, vData.getInt("iCveDeptoUsr")); lPStmt.setInt(12, vData.getInt("iCveProceso")); if (lAgregarAPNC == false) lPStmt.executeUpdate(); lPStmt.close(); try { TDGRLRegCausaPNC1 dGRLRegCausaPNC = new TDGRLRegCausaPNC1(); // TDGRLRegCausaPNC dGRLRegCausaPNC = new TDGRLRegCausaPNC(); if (lAgregarAPNC == false) { dGRLRegCausaPNC.insert(vData, conn, iConsecutivo); // dGRLRegCausaPNC.insert(vData,conn); } else { dGRLRegCausaPNC.insertA(vData, conn, iConsecutivo); // dGRLRegCausaPNC.insertA(vData,conn); } } catch (Exception exCausa) { exCausa.printStackTrace(); lSuccess = false; } if (cnNested == null && lSuccess) conn.commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { warn("insert", ex); if (cnNested == null) { try { conn.rollback(); } catch (Exception e) { fatal("insert.rollback", e); } } lSuccess = false; } finally { try { if (lPStmt != null) lPStmt.close(); if (cnNested == null) { if (conn != null) conn.close(); dbConn.closeConnection(); } } catch (Exception ex2) { warn("insert.close", ex2); } if (lSuccess == false) throw new DAOException(""); return vData; } }
public void go(SystemEnvironment sysEnv) throws SDMSException { Long sgId = null; Long ZERO = new Long(0); if (!sysEnv.cEnv.gid().contains(SDMSObject.adminGId)) { SDMSPrivilege p = new SDMSPrivilege(); Vector v = SDMSMemberTable.idx_uId.getVector(sysEnv, sysEnv.cEnv.uid()); for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { SDMSMember m = (SDMSMember) v.get(i); try { SDMSGrant gr = SDMSGrantTable.idx_objectId_gId_getUnique( sysEnv, new SDMSKey(ZERO, m.getGId(sysEnv))); p.addPriv(sysEnv, gr.getPrivs(sysEnv).longValue()); } catch (NotFoundException nfe) { } } try { if (sysEnv.selectGroup != null) { SDMSGroup sg = SDMSGroupTable.idx_name_getUnique(sysEnv, sysEnv.selectGroup); sgId = sg.getId(sysEnv); } } catch (NotFoundException nfe) { } if (!(p.can(SDMSPrivilege.MANAGE_SEL) || (sgId != null && sysEnv.cEnv.gid().contains(sgId)))) throw new AccessViolationException( new SDMSMessage(sysEnv, "03003081235", "Insufficient Privileges")); } int read = 0; SDMSOutputContainer d_container = null; if (cl_size > 0) { clist = new int[cl_size]; ctype = new int[cl_size]; } try { Statement stmt = sysEnv.dbConnection.createStatement(); ResultSet rset = stmt.executeQuery(selectCmd); ResultSetMetaData mdset = rset.getMetaData(); Vector desc = collist(mdset); d_container = new SDMSOutputContainer(sysEnv, "Selected Values", desc); while (rset.next()) { Vector data = new Vector(); int j = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= desc.size(); i++) { Object o = rset.getObject(i); if (cl_size > 0 && j < cl_size && i == clist[j]) { o = convert(sysEnv, o, j); j++; } data.addElement((rset.wasNull() ? null : o)); } d_container.addData(sysEnv, data); read++; } stmt.close(); sysEnv.dbConnection.commit(); } catch (SQLException sqle) { try { sysEnv.dbConnection.rollback(); } catch (SQLException sqle2) { throw new RecoverableException(new SDMSMessage(sysEnv, "03310281524", "Connection lost")); } throw new CommonErrorException( new SDMSMessage(sysEnv, "03204170024", "SQL Error : $1", sqle.toString())); } if (sv != null && sv.size() > 0) { int sca[] = new int[sv.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < sv.size(); i++) { sca[i] = ((Integer) sv.get(i)).intValue(); if (sca[i] >= d_container.columns) throw new CommonErrorException( new SDMSMessage( sysEnv, "03003081227", "The sort column specified ($1) exceeds the number of columns in the output", new Integer(sca[i]))); } Collections.sort(d_container.dataset, d_container.getComparator(sysEnv, sca)); } result.setOutputContainer(d_container); result.setFeedback( new SDMSMessage(sysEnv, "03204112153", "$1 Row(s) selected", new Integer(read))); }