public void acessaTecladoNumerico( JFormattedTextField campoAtual, JFormattedTextField proximoCampo) { if (Inicio.isMobile()) { campoAtual.setBackground(new Color(255, 255, 190)); TelaTecladoNumerico tela = new TelaTecladoNumerico(null, true, campoAtual, proximoCampo); tela.setVisible(true); } }
public NewTaskFrame() throws SQLException { this.setModal(true); this.setTitle("Create Task"); // title of frame this.setSize(400, 350); this.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); // layout of frame JLabel task_id = new JLabel("ID:"); JLabel task_name = new JLabel("Name:"); JLabel task_desc = new JLabel("Description:"); JLabel priority = new JLabel("Level of Priority:"); JLabel duedate = new JLabel("Due Date (yyyy-mm-dd)"); JLabel numberofdays = new JLabel("Number of days required:"); JLabel skills_required = new JLabel("Skills Required:"); Object[] id_possibilities = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0}; StringBuffer generated_name = new StringBuffer("t"); for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { generated_name.append( id_possibilities[new java.util.Random().nextInt(id_possibilities.length)]); } task_idfield = new JTextField(generated_name.toString()); taskname_field = new JTextField(); taskdesc_field = new JTextArea(); priority_checkbox = new JCheckBox("High", false); numberofdays_field = new JTextField(); format = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy"); // set format duedate_field = new JFormattedTextField(format); // set the duedatefield to tomorrow (since minimum task length = 1) java.util.Calendar cal = java.util.Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(new Date()); // get current date cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1); // add 1 to current date Date date = cal.getTime(); // get this date duedate_field.setValue(date); // set this date to the field // panel to hold labels and text fields JPanel labeltextpanel = new JPanel(); labeltextpanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(7, 2)); labeltextpanel.add(task_id); labeltextpanel.add(task_idfield); labeltextpanel.add(task_name); labeltextpanel.add(taskname_field); labeltextpanel.add(task_desc); labeltextpanel.add(taskdesc_field); labeltextpanel.add(priority); labeltextpanel.add(priority_checkbox); labeltextpanel.add(numberofdays); labeltextpanel.add(numberofdays_field); labeltextpanel.add(duedate); labeltextpanel.add(duedate_field); labeltextpanel.add(skills_required); this.getSkills(); // main panel for frame including its layout JPanel mainPanel = new JPanel(); mainPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); mainPanel.add(labeltextpanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); // buttons clear_button = new JButton("Clear"); submit_button = new JButton("Submit"); // add listeners to buttons clear_button.addActionListener(this); submit_button.addActionListener(this); // create panel for buttons and add buttons JPanel buttonpanel = new JPanel(); buttonpanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); buttonpanel.add(clear_button); buttonpanel.add(submit_button); JPanel checkbox_panel = new JPanel(); checkbox_panel.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); for (int i = 0; i < skill_list.size(); i++) { checkbox_panel.add(skill_list.get(i)); // make this panel flowlayout } scrollpane = new JScrollPane(checkbox_panel); scrollpane.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS); JPanel panel = new JPanel(); panel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); panel.add(mainPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); panel.add(scrollpane, BorderLayout.SOUTH); // add the main panel to main frame add(panel, BorderLayout.CENTER); add(buttonpanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); this.setVisible(true); }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { // if clear button is pressed, clear all fields if (event.getSource() == clear_button) { // erase all fields taskname_field.setText(""); taskdesc_field.setText(""); priority_checkbox.setSelected(false); numberofdays_field.setText(""); // isallocatedcheckbox.setSelected(false); duedate_field.setText(""); } // if submit button is pressed, save all data onto database if (event.getSource() == submit_button) { try { { Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.setTime(new Date()); // set to current date calendar.add( Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, Integer.parseInt(this.numberofdays_field.getText()) - 1); // add days required... then: // ^ subtract one day, because if task is created today and allocated tomorrow for one // day, // then it should be done by end of day tomorrow Date date = calendar.getTime(); // (see next *1) use this date to be the earliest // because of expected task duration /*This is a constraint * the date and the length of days that user expected to take * if not feasible then the program will say so * */ // method compares the current date and the date that was entered by the user if (this.task_idfield.getText().length() != 7 // check chars || this.taskname_field.getText().length() > 50 // check chars || this.taskdesc_field.getText().length() > 50 || ((Date) this.duedate_field.getValue()).compareTo(date) < 0 // check that the date is possible (see last *1) || this.numberofdays_field.getText().length() > 2 || this.numberofdays_field.getText().length() == 0 // check number of digits || Integer.parseInt(this.numberofdays_field.getText()) < 1) // check number of days required for task { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Task ID has to be 7 chars; " + "\n" + "Description <= 50 chars; " + "\n" + "Because the expected duration of the task is " + Integer.parseInt(this.numberofdays_field.getText()) + " days, the due date cannot be earlier than: " + new StringBuffer(new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy").format(date)).toString() + "; " + "\n" + "Task duration must be 2 digit number maximum and must be an integer greater than 0"); } else // check if taskid_field is equals to any of the fields on the database if (task_idfield.equals("")) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Please insert an identification number for a task"); } else // add constraint and tell customer to enter 7 values if (taskname_field.equals("")) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Please insert a name to identity the task"); } else { // get all inputs from user inputs and store in variables taskid_input = task_idfield.getText(); taskname_input = taskname_field.getText(); taskdesc_input = taskdesc_field.getText(); if (priority_checkbox.isSelected()) { priority_input = 1; } else { priority_input = 0; } // create and store date from user input date = (Date) duedate_field.getValue(); // store number of days input from user numberofdays_input = Integer.parseInt(numberofdays_field.getText()); // String[] column_names = { "Task ID", "Task Name", "Task Description", "Task // Priority", "Due Date", "Number of Days", "Is Allocated" , "Unallocateable" }; task = new Object[8]; task[0] = taskid_input; task[1] = taskname_input; task[2] = taskdesc_input; task[3] = priority_input; task[4] = date; task[5] = numberofdays_input; task[6] = 0; task[7] = 0; try { // SqlConnection.connect(); = SqlConnection.connection.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO TASK VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");, taskid_input);, taskname_input);, taskdesc_input);, priority_input);, new java.sql.Date(date.getTime()));, numberofdays_input);, 0);, 0);; // now enter skills into TASK SKILL database for (int i = 0; i < skill_list.size(); i++) { if (skill_list.get(i).isSelected()) { String skillid = skill_list.get(i).getText(); SqlConnection.statement.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO TASKSKILL VALUES ('" + taskid_input + "', '" + skillid + "')"); } }; } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } //; SqlConnection.closeConnection(); this.setVisible(false); } } } catch (Exception exc) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Check your inputs:" + "\n" + "Priority has to be a 1-digit number;" + "\n" + "Date has to be in the format dd/MM/yyyy;" + "\n" + "Task length has to be 2-digit number"); System.out.println(exc); } } // display dialog box asking task manager if they want to quit, // if task manager does not want to quit, go back to adding more tasks // if customer quits, close the dialog box and the frame // now close the window after saving }
public MakeReservation() { new BorderLayout(); standardRoom.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_K); standardRoom.setActionCommand("Standard Room"); standardRoom.setSelected(true); familyRoom.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_F); familyRoom.setActionCommand("Family Room"); suiteRoom.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_S); suiteRoom.setActionCommand("Suite"); // Add Booking Button ImageIcon bookRoomIcon = createImageIcon("images/book.png"); bookRoom = new JButton("Book Room", bookRoomIcon); bookRoom.setVerticalTextPosition(AbstractButton.BOTTOM); bookRoom.setHorizontalTextPosition(AbstractButton.CENTER); bookRoom.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_M); bookRoom.addActionListener(this); bookRoom.setActionCommand("book"); // Group the radio buttons. group.add(standardRoom); group.add(familyRoom); group.add(suiteRoom); // Create the labels. nameLabel = new JLabel("Name: "); amountroomsLabel = new JLabel("How many rooms? "); checkoutdateLabel = new JLabel("Check-Out Date: "); checkindateLabel = new JLabel("Check-In Date: "); // Create the text fields and set them up. nameField = new JFormattedTextField(); nameField.setColumns(10); amountroomsField = new JFormattedTextField(new Integer(1)); amountroomsField.setValue(new Integer(1)); amountroomsField.setColumns(10); // java.util.Date dt_checkin = new java.util.Date(); LocalDate today =; // java.text.SimpleDateFormat sdf_checkin = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy"); currentDate_checkin = today.toString(); checkindateField = new JFormattedTextField(currentDate_checkin); checkindateField.setColumns(10); // java.util.Date dt_checkout = new java.util.Date(); LocalDate tomorrow =, ChronoUnit.DAYS); // java.text.SimpleDateFormat sdf_checkout = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy"); currentDate_checkout = tomorrow.toString(); checkoutdateField = new JFormattedTextField(currentDate_checkout); checkoutdateField.setColumns(10); // Tell accessibility tools about label/textfield pairs. nameLabel.setLabelFor(nameField); amountroomsLabel.setLabelFor(amountroomsField); checkoutdateLabel.setLabelFor(checkoutdateField); checkindateLabel.setLabelFor(checkindateField); // Lay out the labels in a panel. JPanel labelPane1 = new JPanel(new GridLayout(0, 1)); labelPane1.add(amountroomsLabel); JPanel labelPane3 = new JPanel(new GridLayout(0, 1)); labelPane3.add(checkindateLabel); JPanel labelPane2 = new JPanel(new GridLayout(0, 1)); labelPane2.add(checkoutdateLabel); JPanel labelPane4 = new JPanel(new GridLayout(0, 1)); labelPane4.add(nameLabel); // Layout the text fields in a panel. JPanel fieldPane1 = new JPanel(new GridLayout(0, 1)); fieldPane1.add(amountroomsField); JPanel fieldPane3 = new JPanel(new GridLayout(0, 1)); fieldPane3.add(checkindateField); JPanel fieldPane2 = new JPanel(new GridLayout(0, 1)); fieldPane2.add(checkoutdateField); JPanel fieldPane4 = new JPanel(new GridLayout(0, 1)); fieldPane4.add(nameField); // Put the radio buttons in a column in a panel. JPanel radioPanel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(0, 1)); radioPanel.add(standardRoom); radioPanel.add(familyRoom); radioPanel.add(suiteRoom); // Put the panels in this panel, labels on left, // text fields on right. setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(20, 20, 20, 20)); add(labelPane1, BorderLayout.LINE_START); add(fieldPane1, BorderLayout.LINE_END); add(labelPane3, BorderLayout.LINE_START); add(fieldPane3, BorderLayout.LINE_END); add(labelPane2, BorderLayout.LINE_START); add(fieldPane2, BorderLayout.LINE_END); add(labelPane4, BorderLayout.LINE_START); add(fieldPane4, BorderLayout.LINE_END); add(radioPanel, BorderLayout.LINE_END); add(bookRoom); }
public void bookRoom() { try { int code = 0; Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:mysql://", "jeehtove_ck", "Z_^PBBZT+kcy"); Statement stmt_insert = con.createStatement(); Statement stmt_tableRange = con.createStatement(); Statement stmt_checkrooms = con.createStatement(); Statement stmt_checkrooms_2 = con.createStatement(); String insert = null; int flag = 0; String room_type; if (standardRoom.isSelected()) { room_type = "Standard"; code = 1; } else if (familyRoom.isSelected()) { room_type = "Family"; code = 2; } else { room_type = "Suite"; code = 3; } // Converting string from checkin and checkout dates so that they can access the correct table String currentDate_checkin_getText = checkindateField.getText(); String currentDate_checkin_rest = currentDate_checkin_getText.substring(5); String currentDate_checkin_replace = currentDate_checkin_rest.replace("-", "_"); String currentDate_checkin_year = currentDate_checkin.substring(0, 4); String currentDate_checkin_final = currentDate_checkin_year + "_" + currentDate_checkin_replace; String currentDate_checkout_getText = checkoutdateField.getText(); String currentDate_checkout_rest = currentDate_checkout_getText.substring(5); String currentDate_checkout_replace = currentDate_checkout_rest.replace("-", "_"); String currentDate_checkout_year = currentDate_checkout.substring(0, 4); String currentDate_checkout_final = currentDate_checkout_year + "_" + currentDate_checkout_replace; // MySQL Statement to select tables from schema that are in between checkin and checkout range String tableRange = "SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA='jeehtove_caliking' AND TABLE_NAME BETWEEN 'rooms_" + currentDate_checkin_final + "' AND 'rooms_" + currentDate_checkout_final + "';"; ResultSet tb_Range = stmt_tableRange.executeQuery(tableRange); System.out.println(tableRange); List tb_range_list = new ArrayList(); while ( { String tb_range_date = tb_Range.getString("table_name"); tb_range_list.add(tb_range_date); // String current_table = tb_Range.getString("table_name"); // System.out.println(tb_range_list.add(tb_Range.getString("table_name"))); } stmt_tableRange.close(); for (int x = 0; x < tb_range_list.size(); x++) { String query_checkrooms = "SELECT * FROM " + tb_range_list.get(x) + " WHERE type = '" + code + "' AND booked = '0' LIMIT 1;"; // System.out.println(query_checkrooms); ResultSet checkrooms = stmt_checkrooms.executeQuery(query_checkrooms); while ( { String getroomnumber = checkrooms.getString("room"); insert = "INSERT INTO `reservations` VALUES ('" + getroomnumber + "', '" + checkindateField.getText() + "', '" + checkoutdateField.getText() + "', '" + room_type + "', '" + nameField.getText() + "');"; String bookroom = "UPDATE `" + tb_range_list.get(x) + "` SET booked = '1' WHERE room = '" + getroomnumber + "';"; // System.out.println(insert); int cr = stmt_checkrooms_2.executeUpdate(bookroom); flag = 1; System.out.println("Room Booked!"); } } if (flag == 1) { int rs = stmt_insert.executeUpdate(insert); } else { System.out.println("All " + room_type + " rooms are booked for the time requested."); } /*String query_checkrooms = "SELECT * FROM rooms_" + currentDate_checkin_final + " WHERE type = '" + code + "' AND booked = '0';"; System.out.println(query_checkrooms); Statement stmt_checkrooms = con.createStatement(); ResultSet checkrooms = stmt_checkrooms.executeQuery(query_checkrooms);*/ /*if ({ String getroomnumber = checkrooms.getString("room"); String insert = "INSERT INTO `reservations` VALUES ('" + getroomnumber + "', '" + checkindateField.getText() + "', '" + checkoutdateField.getText() + "', '" + room_type + "', '" + nameField.getText() + "');"; String bookroom = "UPDATE `rooms_" + currentDate_checkin_final + "` SET booked = '1' WHERE room = '" + getroomnumber + "';"; //System.out.println(insert); int rs=stmt_insert.executeUpdate(insert); int cr=stmt_checkrooms.executeUpdate(bookroom); con.commit(); System.out.println("Room Booked!"); }*/ // else System.out.println("All " + room_type + " rooms are booked for the time requested."); System.out.println("Complete."); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); } }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent a) { int code = 0; String roomtypeCompare_arr = null; String roomtypeCompare_dep = null; if ("book".equals(a.getActionCommand())) { try { Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); // Database connection information. Please note that when porting the code, you must have // the jdbc Driver installed where the code is running. Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:mysql://", "jeehtove_ck", "Z_^PBBZT+kcy"); // The SELECT query String query_arr = "SELECT * from reservations WHERE checkin BETWEEN '" + checkindateField.getText() + "' AND '" + checkoutdateField.getText() + "'"; String query_dep = "SELECT * from reservations WHERE checkout BETWEEN '" + checkindateField.getText() + "' AND '" + checkoutdateField.getText() + "'"; Statement stmt_arr = con.createStatement(); Statement stmt_dep = con.createStatement(); Statement stmt_insert = con.createStatement(); ResultSet result_arr = stmt_arr.executeQuery(query_arr); ResultSet result_dep = stmt_dep.executeQuery(query_dep); // Get room type from radio buttons String room_type; if (standardRoom.isSelected()) { room_type = "Standard"; code = 1; } else if (familyRoom.isSelected()) { room_type = "Family"; code = 2; } else { room_type = "Suite"; code = 3; } bookRoom(); // ResultSet rs=stmt.executeQuery("select * from emp"); /*if (! && !{ bookRoom(); //Query Prep for checking for open rooms /*String query_checkrooms = "SELECT * FROM makereservation_rooms WHERE type = '" + code + "' AND booked = '0';"; Statement stmt_checkrooms = con.createStatement(); ResultSet checkrooms = stmt_checkrooms.executeQuery(query_checkrooms); if ({ String getroomnumber = checkrooms.getString("room"); String insert = "INSERT INTO `reservations` VALUES ('" + getroomnumber + "', '" + checkindateField.getText() + "', '" + checkoutdateField.getText() + "', '" + room_type + "', '" + nameField.getText() + "');"; String bookroom = "UPDATE `makereservation_rooms` SET booked = '1' WHERE room = '" + getroomnumber + "';"; //System.out.println(insert); int rs=stmt_insert.executeUpdate(insert); int cr=stmt_checkrooms.executeUpdate(bookroom); con.commit(); System.out.println("Room Booked!"); } else System.out.println("All " + room_type + " rooms are booked for the time requested."); } else { if ({ roomtypeCompare_arr = result_arr.getString("type"); System.out.println("(arrival) Does " + roomtypeCompare_arr + " equal " + room_type + "?"); if (roomtypeCompare_arr.equals(room_type)){ String checkindateDB_arr = result_arr.getString("checkin"); String checkoutdateDB_arr = result_arr.getString("checkout"); System.out.println("There is a room booked on " + checkindateDB_arr + " that checks out on " + checkoutdateDB_arr + ". Please select another date."); } else { System.out.println("Room Booked!"); } } } //System.out.println(query_dep); if ({ roomtypeCompare_dep = result_dep.getString("type"); System.out.println("(departure) Does " + roomtypeCompare_dep + " equal " + room_type + "?"); if (roomtypeCompare_dep.equals(room_type)){ String checkindateDB_dep = result_dep.getString("checkin"); String checkoutdateDB_dep = result_dep.getString("checkout"); System.out.println("There is a room booked on " + checkindateDB_dep + " that checks out on " + checkoutdateDB_dep + ". Please select another date."); } else { System.out.println("Room Booked!"); } }*/ con.close(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); } } }