/** * Must be executed as part of a test suite that opens the database connection. * * @throws Exception Flow network error. */ @Override protected void define() throws Exception { /** * String userHome = System.getProperty("user.home"); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); * String[] subStr = userHome.split("\\Q\\\\E"); for (String subStr1 : subStr) { * sb.append(subStr1); sb.append("/"); } sb.append(".fbpTest/db"); String dbName = * sb.toString(); String connectionURL = "jdbc:derby:" + dbName + ";create=true"; * System.out.println("Insert Test '" + connectionURL + "'"); * SingletonDbWrapper.instance().setConnectionUrl(connectionURL); * * <p>conn = SingletonDbWrapper.instance().getConnection(); */ Enumeration<Driver> dList = DriverManager.getDrivers(); while (dList.hasMoreElements()) { Driver aDriver = dList.nextElement(); System.out.println(aDriver.toString()); } tableStruct(); component("DbInsert", Insert.class); component("Output", Output.class); connect( component("DbInsert"), port(Insert.OP), component("Output"), port("IN")); // connect("DbInsert.COMPLETION_STATUS", "Output.IN"); String insertStmt = "INSERT INTO TEST_ONE (TEXT_STRING, INT_VALUE)" + " VALUES (?, ?)"; Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap(); params.put(RDB_CONNECTION, conn); params.put(SQL_INSERT_STATEMENT_KEY, insertStmt); params.put(Integer.toString(0), "String"); params.put(Integer.toString(1), "Integer"); initialize(params, component("DbInsert"), port(Insert.IIP)); String[] recd01 = {"First Value", "12"}; initialize(recd01, component("DbInsert"), port(Insert.IP)); }
private boolean isExpectedDriver(Driver driver, String className) { String actual; if (driver instanceof WrappedDriver) actual = driver.toString(); else actual = driver.getClass().getName(); return isExpectedDriverClass(actual, className); }