@Test public void testGCSChannelCloseIdempotent() throws IOException { SeekableByteChannel channel = new GoogleCloudStorageReadChannel( null, "dummybucket", "dummyobject", null, new ClientRequestHelper<StorageObject>()); channel.close(); channel.close(); }
private static void loadValueIntoBuffer(int idx, ByteBuffer buffer) throws IOException { Path path = PATH_A[idx]; do { SeekableByteChannel bc = EdisonGPIO.gpioLinuxPins.provider.newByteChannel(path, readOptions); buffer.clear(); while (bc.read(buffer) >= 0) {} bc.close(); buffer.flip(); // if length is 0 read this again. } while (buffer.limit() == 0 || (buffer.get(0) < '0')); }
private static void testSequential() throws IOException { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); try (SeekableByteChannel c = Files.newByteChannel(testFile, READ)) { while (true) { b.clear(); int nbytes = c.read(b); if (nbytes <= 0) break; } } long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); logger.info("testSequential {} ms", end - start); }
public static void writeValue(int port, ByteBuffer data, EdisonPinManager d) { try { SeekableByteChannel channel = d.provider.newByteChannel(d.gpioValue[port], i2cOptions); do { channel.write(data); } while (data.hasRemaining()); // Caution, TODO: this is blocking. data.flip(); channel.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
private static void testReopenAndSeek() throws IOException { long position = 0; long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (true) { try (SeekableByteChannel c = Files.newByteChannel(testFile, READ)) { b.clear(); c.position(position); int nbytes = c.read(b); if (nbytes <= 0) break; position += nbytes; } } long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); logger.info("testReopenAndSeek {} ms", end - start); }
public static String readChars(SeekableByteChannel channel, int length) throws IOException { ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(length); bb.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); channel.read(bb); bb.rewind(); return readChars(bb, bb.remaining()); }
@Override public int read(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException { if (b == null || b.length < off + len) { throw new IOException("buffer does not match size"); } checkRanges(); if (currentRange == null || counter == -1) { return -1; // ende } long mLen = (currentRange[1] - counter); // das sollte nicht sein nach einem rangecheck if (mLen == 0) { return -1; } int xlen = Math.min(len - off, (int) mLen); ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(b); bb.position(off); bb.limit(xlen); channel.read(bb); counter += xlen; checkRanges(); return xlen; }
public static int readBit(int idx) { try { ByteBuffer buffer = readBitBuffer[idx]; SeekableByteChannel bc = EdisonGPIO.gpioLinuxPins.provider.newByteChannel( EdisonGPIO.gpioLinuxPins.gpioValue[idx], readOptions); buffer.clear(); while (bc.read(buffer) == 0) {} // only need 1 bc.close(); buffer.flip(); return buffer.get() & 0x1; } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
@Override public ByteBuffer next() { try { if (channel == null) { channel = Files.newByteChannel(filePath, StandardOpenOption.READ); LOG.debug("Opened file {}", filePath); } buffer.clear(); int read = channel.read(buffer); if (read < 0) throw new NoSuchElementException(); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Read {} bytes from {}", read, filePath); position += read; if (!hasNext()) close(); buffer.flip(); return buffer; } catch (NoSuchElementException x) { close(); throw x; } catch (Exception x) { close(); throw (NoSuchElementException) new NoSuchElementException().initCause(x); } }
@Override public void close() { try { if (channel != null) channel.close(); } catch (Exception x) { LOG.ignore(x); } }
/** Takes care of resource cleanup if the decoder never had a chance to finish. */ @Override public void close() { try { bytechannel.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } decoderthreadpool.shutdownNow(); }
// this method read every char at every 10 length position. private void executeRead() throws IOException { System.out.println("executeRead started"); try (SeekableByteChannel channel = Files.newByteChannel( Paths.get("c:/temp/channelExample.txt"), EnumSet.of(StandardOpenOption.READ))) { ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(1); long position = 0; while (true) { buffer.clear(); channel.position(position); if (channel.read(buffer) < 0) break; buffer.flip(); System.out.println( "position : " + position + ", char : " + Charset.defaultCharset().decode(buffer)); // print chars from every 10 positions. position += 10; } } }
public static void main(String args[]) { int count; Path filepath = null; // First, obtain a path to the file. try { filepath = Paths.get("test.txt"); } catch (InvalidPathException e) { System.out.println("Path Error " + e); return; } // Next, obtain a channel to that file within a try-with-resources block. try (SeekableByteChannel fChan = Files.newByteChannel(filepath)) { // Allocate a buffer. ByteBuffer mBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(128); do { // Read a buffer. count = fChan.read(mBuf); // Stop when end of file is reached. if (count != -1) { // Rewind the buffer so that it can be read. mBuf.rewind(); // Read bytes from the buffer and show // them on the screen as characters. for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) System.out.print((char) mBuf.get()); } } while (count != -1); System.out.println(); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("I/O Error " + e); } }
private void executeWrite() throws IOException { System.out.println("executeWrite started."); try (SeekableByteChannel channel = Files.newByteChannel( Paths.get("c:/temp/channelExample.txt"), EnumSet.of( StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.WRITE, StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING))) { String data = "This is a sample data ========================================" + "This is a sample data ========================================" + "This is a sample data ========================================" + "This is a sample data ========================================" + "This is a sample data ========================================\r\n"; byte[] byteData = data.getBytes(); ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(10); int offset = 0; int length = buf.capacity(); // read every 10 bytes and put the data into buffer and write it. while (true) { buf.clear(); // clear buffer to starting use. if ((offset + length) >= byteData.length) { length = byteData.length - offset; } buf.put(byteData, offset, length); buf.flip(); // you should call this method to read data from buffer. System.out.print(Charset.defaultCharset().decode(buf)); buf .rewind(); // rewind the position because the above line used this buffer so position is // at the end of data. channel.write(buf); offset += length; if (offset >= byteData.length) break; } System.out.println("writing data to channel finished"); } }
private static SeekableByteChannel addHeader(SeekableByteChannel input) { try { int total = (int) input.size(); final String comment = "@HD\tVN:1.0 SO:unsorted\n" + "@SQ\tSN:chr1\tLN:101\n" + "@SQ\tSN:chr2\tLN:101\n" + "@SQ\tSN:chr3\tLN:101\n" + "@RG\tID:0\tSM:JP was here\n"; byte[] commentBuf = comment.getBytes(); ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(total + commentBuf.length); buf.put(commentBuf); input.position(0); while (input.read(buf) > 0) { // read until EOF } buf.flip(); return new SeekableByteChannelFromBuffer(buf); } catch (IOException x) { throw new RuntimeException(x); } }
@Override public synchronized int read() throws IOException { if (!hasMore()) { throw new EOFException("limit reached"); } ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(1); if (channel.read(buffer) != 1) { throw new EOFException("buffer read faild"); } buffer.flip(); int b = buffer.get(); counter += 1; checkRanges(); return b; }
public void testWindows() throws Exception { // ==== Testing Windows filesystem === // two options to write - WRITE, WRITE + APPEND. Simple writes just rewrite current values SeekableByteChannel s = Files.newByteChannel( Paths.get("test.txt"), StandardOpenOption.WRITE, StandardOpenOption.READ, StandardOpenOption.CREATE); // , StandardOpenOption.APPEND); ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap("12345".getBytes()); s.truncate(0); // clear file s.position(0); // start position s.write(bb); bb.position(2); s.write(bb); // s.position(0); byte[] bbrb = new byte[(int) s.size()]; s.read(ByteBuffer.wrap(bbrb)); System.out.println(new String(bbrb)); // should be 12345345 s.close(); }
public void checkRanges() throws IOException { if (currentRange != null) { if (counter >= currentRange[1]) { counter = -1; } } if (counter == -1) { if (!ranges.isEmpty()) { currentRange = ranges.remove(0); // reset channel channel.position(currentRange[0]); counter = 0; } else { currentRange = null; } } }
public static void testZIP() throws Exception { // ==== Testing ZIP filesystem === // two options to write - WRITE, WRITE + APPEND. Simple writes just rewrite current values URI uri = URI.create("jar:file:/test.zip!/test.txt"); Map<String, String> env = new HashMap<>(); env.put("create", "true"); FileSystem zipfs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(uri, env); Path pz = zipfs.provider().getPath(uri); SeekableByteChannel s = Files.newByteChannel( pz, StandardOpenOption.WRITE, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.APPEND); // , StandardOpenOption.APPEND); ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap("12345".getBytes()); // s.truncate(0);//clear file - unsupported // s.position(0);//start position - unsupported s.write(bb); bb.position(2); s.write(bb); // SeekableByteChannel s1 = Files.newByteChannel(pz, StandardOpenOption.WRITE, // StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.APPEND);//, StandardOpenOption.APPEND); // s1.write(ByteBuffer.wrap("bb".getBytes())); // s.close(); // s1.close(); s = Files.newByteChannel( pz, StandardOpenOption.READ, StandardOpenOption.CREATE); // , StandardOpenOption.APPEND); byte[] bbrb = new byte[(int) s.size()]; s.read(ByteBuffer.wrap(bbrb)); System.out.println(new String(bbrb)); // should be 12345345 s.close(); }
public FilePartInputStream(SeekableByteChannel channel) throws IOException { this(channel, new long[] {0, channel.size()}); }
@Override public void close() throws IOException { channel.close(); }
private static void processArchive( final Path path, final Set<Archive> output, final SettingsModelFactory settingsFactory) throws IOException, StarDBException { Archive originalArchive = new Archive(path); if (!originalArchive.extract()) { throw new IOException("Could not extract archive."); } Set<ArchiveFile> usedPaks = new HashSet<>(); for (ArchiveFile file : originalArchive.getFiles()) { if (FileHelper.getExtension(file.getPath()).equals("modinfo")) { JsonObject o = JsonObject.readFrom(new String(file.getData())); String preformattedPath = o.get("path").asString().replaceAll("\"", ""); if (preformattedPath.startsWith("./")) { preformattedPath = preformattedPath.replace("./", ""); } if (preformattedPath.startsWith(".")) { preformattedPath = preformattedPath.replace(".", ""); } if (preformattedPath.startsWith("/")) { preformattedPath = preformattedPath.replace("/", ""); } Path modinfoPath = file.getPath(); if (modinfoPath.getNameCount() > 2) { modinfoPath = modinfoPath.subpath(0, modinfoPath.getNameCount() - 1); } else if (modinfoPath.getNameCount() > 1) { modinfoPath = modinfoPath.getName(0); } else { modinfoPath = Paths.get(""); } Archive outputArchive = new Archive( settingsFactory .getInstance() .getPropertyPath("modsdir") .resolve(Paths.get(o.get("name").asString() + ".zip"))); if (file.getPath().getNameCount() == 1) { outputArchive.addFile(new ArchiveFile(file.getData(), file.getPath(), false)); log.debug( "'{}' -> '{}' relativized to '{}'", modinfoPath, file.getPath(), file.getPath()); } else { outputArchive.addFile( new ArchiveFile( file.getData(), modinfoPath.relativize(file.getPath()).normalize(), false)); log.debug( "'{}' -> '{}' relativized to '{}'", modinfoPath, file.getPath(), modinfoPath.relativize(file.getPath()).normalize()); } Path assetsPath = modinfoPath.resolve(Paths.get(preformattedPath)); log.debug("Assets path for modinfo '{}': {}", file.getPath(), assetsPath); if (originalArchive.getFile(assetsPath) != null && !assetsPath.toString().isEmpty() && !originalArchive.getFile(assetsPath).isFolder()) { if (FileHelper.identifyType(originalArchive.getFile(assetsPath).getData()) .equals("pak")) { log.debug("Assets for mod '{}' identified as .pak file: {}", modinfoPath, assetsPath); usedPaks.add(originalArchive.getFile(assetsPath)); ArchiveFile modinfo = outputArchive.getFile(".modinfo"); JsonObject o2 = JsonObject.readFrom(new String(modinfo.getData())); o2.set("path", "assets"); modinfo.setData(o2.toString().getBytes()); // TODO Update StarDB to let me pass in a byte array instead of needing to open a file Path tempPath = Paths.get("tempPak" + System.nanoTime()); SeekableByteChannel tempPakFile = Files.newByteChannel(tempPath, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.WRITE); tempPakFile.write(ByteBuffer.wrap(originalArchive.getFile(assetsPath).getData())); tempPakFile.close(); AssetDatabase database = AssetDatabase.open(tempPath); for (String assetFile : database.getFileList()) { outputArchive.addFile( new ArchiveFile( database.getAsset(assetFile), Paths.get("assets/" + assetFile), false)); log.trace("Asset extracted: {} | {}", assetFile, Paths.get("assets/" + assetFile)); } Files.deleteIfExists(tempPath); } } else { ArchiveFile modinfo = outputArchive.getFile(".modinfo"); JsonObject o2 = JsonObject.readFrom(new String(modinfo.getData())); o2.set("path", "assets"); modinfo.setData(o2.toString().getBytes()); log.debug("Assets for mod '{}' is a standard assets folder: {}", modinfoPath, assetsPath); for (ArchiveFile f2 : originalArchive.getFiles()) { if ((assetsPath.toString().isEmpty() || f2.getPath().startsWith(assetsPath)) && !f2.isFolder() && !f2.getPath().toString().endsWith(".modinfo")) { if (modinfoPath.toString().isEmpty()) { if (f2.getPath().getNameCount() == 1) { if (!f2.getPath().startsWith(assetsPath)) { outputArchive.addFile( new ArchiveFile( f2.getData(), Paths.get("assets/").resolve(f2.getPath()).normalize(), false)); log.trace( "'{}' -> '{}' relativized to '{}'", modinfoPath, f2.getPath(), Paths.get("assets/").resolve(f2.getPath()).normalize()); } else { outputArchive.addFile(new ArchiveFile(f2.getData(), f2.getPath(), false)); log.trace( "'{}' -> '{}' relativized to '{}'", modinfoPath, f2.getPath(), f2.getPath()); } } else { if (!f2.getPath().startsWith(assetsPath)) { outputArchive.addFile( new ArchiveFile( f2.getData(), Paths.get("assets/").resolve(f2.getPath()).normalize(), false)); log.trace( "'{}' -> '{}' relativized to '{}'", modinfoPath, f2.getPath(), Paths.get("assets/").resolve(f2.getPath()).normalize()); } else { outputArchive.addFile(new ArchiveFile(f2.getData(), f2.getPath(), false)); log.trace( "'{}' -> '{}' relativized to '{}'", modinfoPath, f2.getPath(), f2.getPath()); } } } else { if (f2.getPath().getNameCount() == 1) { if (!modinfoPath.relativize(f2.getPath()).startsWith("assets")) { outputArchive.addFile( new ArchiveFile( f2.getData(), Paths.get("assets/").resolve(f2.getPath()), false)); log.trace( "'{}' -> '{}' relativized to '{}'", modinfoPath, f2.getPath(), Paths.get("assets/").resolve(f2.getPath())); } else { outputArchive.addFile(new ArchiveFile(f2.getData(), f2.getPath(), false)); log.trace( "'{}' -> '{}' relativized to '{}'", modinfoPath, f2.getPath(), f2.getPath()); } } else { if (!modinfoPath.relativize(f2.getPath()).startsWith("assets")) { outputArchive.addFile( new ArchiveFile( f2.getData(), Paths.get("assets/") .resolve(modinfoPath.relativize(f2.getPath()).normalize()), false)); log.trace( "'{}' -> '{}' relativized to '{}'", modinfoPath, f2.getPath(), Paths.get("assets/") .resolve(modinfoPath.relativize(f2.getPath()).normalize())); } else { outputArchive.addFile( new ArchiveFile( f2.getData(), modinfoPath.relativize(f2.getPath()).normalize(), false)); log.trace( "'{}' -> '{}' relativized to '{}'", modinfoPath, f2.getPath(), modinfoPath.relativize(f2.getPath()).normalize()); } } } } } } outputArchive.writeToFile( settingsFactory .getInstance() .getPropertyPath("modsdir") .resolve(Paths.get(o.get("name").asString() + ".zip")) .toFile()); // TODO output.add(outputArchive); } } for (ArchiveFile file : originalArchive.getFiles()) { if (!usedPaks.contains(file) && !file.isFolder() && FileHelper.identifyType(file.getData()).equals("pak")) { log.debug("Additional .pak identified: {}", file.getPath()); Path tempPath = Paths.get("tempPak" + System.nanoTime()); SeekableByteChannel tempPakFile = Files.newByteChannel(tempPath, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.WRITE); tempPakFile.write(ByteBuffer.wrap(file.getData())); tempPakFile.close(); AssetDatabase database = AssetDatabase.open(tempPath); log.debug(database.getFileList()); if (database.getAsset("/pak.modinfo") != null) { log.debug("{} has a .modinfo file, parsing into mod.", file.getPath()); processPakFile(tempPath, output, settingsFactory); } else { log.debug("{} does not contain a .modinfo file, skipping.", file.getPath()); } Files.deleteIfExists(tempPath); } } }