static { _jspx_dependants = new java.util.ArrayList(4); _jspx_dependants.add("/inc/sharedFunctions.jsp"); _jspx_dependants.add("/inc/header.jsp"); _jspx_dependants.add("/inc/login_form.jsp"); _jspx_dependants.add("/inc/footer.jsp"); }
/** * ** Gets a list of all the argument key names ** @return a list of all the argument key names */ public java.util.List<String> getArgNames() { java.util.List<String> knList = new Vector<String>(); for (KeyVal kv : this.getKeyValList()) { knList.add(kv.getKey()); } return knList; }
/** * Sets the accelerator sequence * * @param accSeq The new accelSeq value */ public void setAccelSeq(AcceleratorSeq accSeq) { java.util.List<AcceleratorNode> accNodes = accSeq.getNodesOfType(Electromagnet.s_strType); java.util.Iterator<AcceleratorNode> itr = accNodes.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { Electromagnet emg = (Electromagnet); if (emg.getStatus()) { emg.setUseFieldReadback(false); } } ringFoilPosCorr.setAccelSeq(accSeq); }
/** Concatenate params for URL string */ String concatParams(Properties props) { if (props == null) { return null; } java.util.List list = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator iter = props.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { String key = (String); String val = props.getProperty(key); if (!StringUtil.isNullString(val)) { list.add(key + "=" + urlEncode(val)); } } return StringUtil.separatedString(list, "&"); }
// ErtanO 12.03.2004 public static java.util.List getAvailablePLAF() { java.util.List l = new java.util.ArrayList(); l.add("System"); l.add("TinyLAF"); l.add("JGoodiesLAF-PlasticXP"); l.add("JGoodiesLAF-Plastic"); l.add("JGoodiesLAF-Plastic3D"); l.add("JGoodiesLAF-ExtWindows"); javax.swing.UIManager.LookAndFeelInfo[] lfinfo = javax.swing.UIManager.getInstalledLookAndFeels(); for (int i = 0; i < lfinfo.length; ++i) { l.add(lfinfo[i].getName()); } return l; }
public InstantMessageFrame( String clientUsername, java.util.List<String> friendsListArray, HashMap<String, InstantMessageDialog> currentConversations, ClientMessageGetterSender clientMessageGetterSender) { super(clientUsername); this.setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); this.clientUsername = clientUsername; this.friendsList = new JList(friendsListArray.toArray()); this.currentConversations = currentConversations; this.clientMessageGetterSender = clientMessageGetterSender; // Setup the InstantMessageFrame Container instantMessageFrameContentPane = this.getContentPane(); instantMessageFrameContentPane.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); instantMessageFrameContentPane.add(getFriendsPane(), BorderLayout.CENTER); // Create handler for double-clicks on the friends list DisplayMessageDialogHandler displayMessageDialogHandler = new DisplayMessageDialogHandler( clientUsername, currentConversations, clientMessageGetterSender); friendsList.addMouseListener(displayMessageDialogHandler); }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { SpinnerNumberModel m = ((SpinnerNumberModel) daysnr.getModel()); int days = m.getNumber().intValue(); String location = ((JTextField) loc).getText(); java.util.List<PointOfInterest> points = parent.textFieldPoints(location); if (!points.isEmpty()) { double latitude = points.get(0).getLatlon().latitude.getDegrees(), longitude = points.get(0).getLatlon().longitude.getDegrees(); // we want only the firs two decimals latitude = ((double) ((long) (latitude * 100))) / 100; longitude = ((double) ((long) (latitude * 100))) / 100; String APIKey = "65ea00ff33143650113112"; String address = "" + "key=" + APIKey + "&num_of_days=" + days + "&q=" + latitude + "," + longitude + "&format=json&cc=no"; try { URL link = new URL(address); URLConnection yc = link.openConnection(); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(yc.getInputStream())); Vector<WeatherElements> elem = new Vector<WeatherElements>(); String jsonFile = in.readLine(); int i1 = 0, i2 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < days; i++) { i1 = jsonFile.indexOf("\"date\"", i2) + 9; i2 = jsonFile.indexOf("\"", i1); String date = jsonFile.substring(i1, i2); i2++; i1 = jsonFile.indexOf("\"precipMM\"", i2) + 13; i2 = jsonFile.indexOf("\"", i1); String rain = jsonFile.substring(i1, i2); i2++; i1 = jsonFile.indexOf("\"tempMaxC\"", i2) + 13; i2 = jsonFile.indexOf("\"", i1); String tempMax = jsonFile.substring(i1, i2); i2++; i1 = jsonFile.indexOf("\"tempMinC\"", i2) + 13; i2 = jsonFile.indexOf("\"", i1); String tempMin = jsonFile.substring(i1, i2); i2++; i1 = jsonFile.indexOf("\"value\"", i2) + 10; i2 = jsonFile.indexOf("\"", i1); String weatherStatus = jsonFile.substring(i1, i2); i2++; i1 = jsonFile.indexOf("\"value\"", i2) + 10; i2 = jsonFile.indexOf("\"", i1); String imgLink = jsonFile.substring(i1, i2); imgLink = imgLink.replace("\\", ""); i2++; i1 = jsonFile.indexOf("\"winddirDegree\"", i2) + 18; i2 = jsonFile.indexOf("\"", i1); String windDirDegree = jsonFile.substring(i1, i2); i2++; i1 = jsonFile.indexOf("\"winddirection\"", i2) + 18; i2 = jsonFile.indexOf("\"", i1); String windDir = jsonFile.substring(i1, i2); i2++; i1 = jsonFile.indexOf("\"windspeedKmph\"", i2) + 18; i2 = jsonFile.indexOf("\"", i1); String windSpeed = jsonFile.substring(i1, i2); i2++; WeatherElements o = new WeatherElements( date, rain, tempMax, tempMin, weatherStatus, imgLink, windDirDegree, windDir, windSpeed); elem.add(o); } weatherIcon.setVisible(true); dateout.setText(elem.elementAt(0).date); weatherIcon.setText("<html><img src=\"" + elem.elementAt(0).imgLink + "\" /></html>"); weatherstatus.setText("<html><h1>" + elem.elementAt(0).weatherStatus + "</h1></html>"); temperature.setText( "<html>Temperatures:<br />Temp min: " + elem.elementAt(0).tempMin + "°C<br />Temp max: " + elem.elementAt(0).tempMax + "°C</html>"); rain.setText("Rain: " + elem.elementAt(0).rain + " mm"); wind.setText( "<html>Wind: <br />" + "<img src=\"" + "/App_Themes/Default/images/wind/" + elem.elementAt(0).windDir + ".png\" /><br />" + "Wind speed: " + elem.elementAt(0).windSpeed + "Km/h<br />" + elem.elementAt(0).windDir + "(" + elem.elementAt(0).windDirDegree + "°)</html>"); buttons.removeAll(); pageNum.removeAll(); buttons.updateUI(); pageNum.updateUI(); JButton previous = new JButton("Previous"); previous.setEnabled(false); previous.setName("prev"); JButton next = new JButton("Next"); next.setName("next"); if (days == 1) { next.setEnabled(false); } JTextField current = new JTextField("1", 3); current.setEditable(false); JTextField maxNum = new JTextField("" + elem.size(), 3); maxNum.setEditable(false); pageNum.add(current); pageNum.add(maxNum); previous.addActionListener( new WeatherButtonsActionListener( previous, next, weatherIcon, dateout, weatherstatus, temperature, rain, wind, elem, current)); next.addActionListener( new WeatherButtonsActionListener( previous, next, weatherIcon, dateout, weatherstatus, temperature, rain, wind, elem, current)); buttons.add(next); buttons.add(previous); JButton genHTML = new JButton("Generate HTML"); genHTML.addActionListener(new genHTMLWeatherReport(parent, elem)); buttons.add(genHTML); } catch (Exception ex) { parent.standardDialogBox("Fetching data error", "Somethnig goes wrong with the connection"); } } else { parent.standardDialogBox("Incorrect input", "Input is incorrect!"); } }
public EditorPaneHTMLHelp(String htmlFile) { if (GlobalValues.useSystemBrowserForHelp) { Desktop d = GlobalValues.desktop; try { // create a temp file GlobalValues.forHTMLHelptempFile = new File("tempHTMLHelpSynthetic.html"); FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(GlobalValues.forHTMLHelptempFile); java.util.List<String> list = readTextFromJar(htmlFile); Iterator<String> it = list.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { fw.write( + "\n"); } String canonicalPathOfFile = GlobalValues.forHTMLHelptempFile.getCanonicalPath(); URL urlFile = new URL("file://" + canonicalPathOfFile); URI uriOfFile = urlFile.toURI(); fw.close(); d.browse(uriOfFile); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { URL initialURL = getClass().getResource(htmlFile); font = GlobalValues.htmlfont; String title = "HTML Help"; setTitle(title); final Stack<String> urlStack = new Stack<String>(); final JEditorPane editorPane; editorPane = new JEditorPane(new HTMLEditorKit().getContentType(), " "); editorPane.setOpaque(false); editorPane.setBorder(null); editorPane.setEditable(false); JPanel magPanel = new JPanel(); magnificationFactor = GlobalValues.helpMagnificationFactor; magFactor = new JTextField(Double.toString(magnificationFactor)); JButton magButton = new JButton("Set Magnification: "); magButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { magnificationFactor = Double.parseDouble(magFactor.getText()); GlobalValues.helpMagnificationFactor = magnificationFactor; } }); magPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 2)); magPanel.add(magButton); magPanel.add(magFactor); final JTextField url = new JTextField(initialURL.toString()); // set up hyperlink listener editorPane.setEditable(false); try { // remember URL for back button urlStack.push(initialURL.toString()); // show URL in text field url.setText(initialURL.toString()); // add a CSS rule to force body tags to use the default label font // instead of the value in javax.swing.text.html.default.csss String bodyRule = "body { font-family: " + font.getFamily() + "; " + "font-size: " + font.getSize() * GlobalValues.helpMagnificationFactor + "pt; }"; ((HTMLDocument) editorPane.getDocument()).getStyleSheet().addRule(bodyRule); editorPane.setPage(initialURL); editorPane.firePropertyChange("dummyProp", true, false); } catch (IOException e) { editorPane.setText("Exception: " + e); } editorPane.addPropertyChangeListener( new PropertyChangeListener() { public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { String bodyRule = "body { font-family: " + font.getFamily() + "; " + "font-size: " + font.getSize() * GlobalValues.helpMagnificationFactor + "pt; }"; ((HTMLDocument) editorPane.getDocument()).getStyleSheet().addRule(bodyRule); } }); editorPane.addHyperlinkListener( new HyperlinkListener() { public void hyperlinkUpdate(HyperlinkEvent event) { if (event.getEventType() == HyperlinkEvent.EventType.ACTIVATED) { try { // remember URL for back button urlStack.push(event.getURL().toString()); // show URL in text field url.setText(event.getURL().toString()); editorPane.setPage(event.getURL()); editorPane.firePropertyChange("dummyProp", true, false); } catch (IOException e) { editorPane.setText("Exception: " + e); } } } }); // set up checkbox for toggling edit mode final JCheckBox editable = new JCheckBox(); editable.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { editorPane.setEditable(editable.isSelected()); } }); // set up load button for loading URL ActionListener listener = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { try { // remember URL for back button urlStack.push(url.getText()); editorPane.setPage(url.getText()); editorPane.firePropertyChange("dummyProp", true, false); } catch (IOException e) { editorPane.setText("Exception: " + e); } } }; JButton loadButton = new JButton("Load/Magnify"); loadButton.addActionListener(listener); url.addActionListener(listener); // set up back button and button action JButton backButton = new JButton("Back"); backButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { if (urlStack.size() <= 1) return; try { // get URL from back button urlStack.pop(); // show URL in text field String urlString = urlStack.peek(); url.setText(urlString); editorPane.setPage(urlString); editorPane.firePropertyChange("dummyProp", true, false); } catch (IOException e) { editorPane.setText("Exception: " + e); } } }); JPanel allPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); // put all control components in a panel JPanel ctrlPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); JPanel urlPanel = new JPanel(); urlPanel.add(new JLabel("URL")); urlPanel.add(url); JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel(); buttonPanel.add(loadButton); buttonPanel.add(backButton); buttonPanel.add(new JLabel("Editable")); buttonPanel.add(magPanel); buttonPanel.add(editable); ctrlPanel.add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH); ctrlPanel.add(urlPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); allPanel.add(ctrlPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH); allPanel.add(new JScrollPane(editorPane), BorderLayout.CENTER); add(allPanel); } }