Пример #1
  void removeTaskEntry(String taskid) {
    // taskid --> tracker
    String tracker = (String) taskidToTrackerMap.remove(taskid);

    // tracker --> taskid
    TreeSet trackerSet = (TreeSet) trackerToTaskMap.get(tracker);
    if (trackerSet != null) {

    // taskid --> TIP
Пример #2
   * We lost the task tracker! All task-tracker structures have already been updated. Just process
   * the contained tasks and any jobs that might be affected.
  void lostTaskTracker(String trackerName) {
    LOG.info("Lost tracker '" + trackerName + "'");
    TreeSet lostTasks = (TreeSet) trackerToTaskMap.get(trackerName);

    if (lostTasks != null) {
      for (Iterator it = lostTasks.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
        String taskId = (String) it.next();
        TaskInProgress tip = (TaskInProgress) taskidToTIPMap.get(taskId);

        // Tell the job to fail the relevant task
        JobInProgress job = tip.getJob();
        job.failedTask(tip, taskId, trackerName);
Пример #3
  * JobTracker.submitJob() kicks off a new job.
  * <p>Create a 'JobInProgress' object, which contains both JobProfile and JobStatus. Those two
  * sub-objects are sometimes shipped outside of the JobTracker. But JobInProgress adds info that's
  * useful for the JobTracker alone.
  * <p>We add the JIP to the jobInitQueue, which is processed asynchronously to handle
  * split-computation and build up the right TaskTracker/Block mapping.
 public synchronized JobStatus submitJob(String jobFile) throws IOException {
   JobInProgress job = new JobInProgress(jobFile, this, this.conf);
   synchronized (jobs) {
     synchronized (jobsByArrival) {
       synchronized (jobInitQueue) {
         jobs.put(job.getProfile().getJobId(), job);
   return job.getStatus();
Пример #4
  * Update the last recorded status for the given task tracker. It assumes that the taskTrackers
  * are locked on entry.
  * @author Owen O'Malley
  * @param trackerName The name of the tracker
  * @param status The new status for the task tracker
  * @return Was an old status found?
 private boolean updateTaskTrackerStatus(String trackerName, TaskTrackerStatus status) {
   TaskTrackerStatus oldStatus = (TaskTrackerStatus) taskTrackers.get(trackerName);
   if (oldStatus != null) {
     totalMaps -= oldStatus.countMapTasks();
     totalReduces -= oldStatus.countReduceTasks();
     if (status == null) {
   if (status != null) {
     totalMaps += status.countMapTasks();
     totalReduces += status.countReduceTasks();
     taskTrackers.put(trackerName, status);
   return oldStatus != null;
Пример #5
 public synchronized JobProfile getJobProfile(String jobid) {
   JobInProgress job = (JobInProgress) jobs.get(jobid);
   if (job != null) {
     return job.getProfile();
   } else {
     return null;
Пример #6
 public synchronized JobStatus getJobStatus(String jobid) {
   JobInProgress job = (JobInProgress) jobs.get(jobid);
   if (job != null) {
     return job.getStatus();
   } else {
     return null;
Пример #7
  * A tracker wants to know if any of its Tasks have been closed (because the job completed,
  * whether successfully or not)
 public synchronized String pollForTaskWithClosedJob(String taskTracker) {
   TreeSet taskIds = (TreeSet) trackerToTaskMap.get(taskTracker);
   if (taskIds != null) {
     for (Iterator it = taskIds.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
       String taskId = (String) it.next();
       TaskInProgress tip = (TaskInProgress) taskidToTIPMap.get(taskId);
       if (tip.shouldCloseForClosedJob(taskId)) {
         // This is how the JobTracker ends a task at the TaskTracker.
         // It may be successfully completed, or may be killed in
         // mid-execution.
         return taskId;
   return null;
Пример #8
 public Vector completedJobs() {
   Vector v = new Vector();
   for (Iterator it = jobs.values().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
     JobInProgress jip = (JobInProgress) it.next();
     JobStatus status = jip.getStatus();
     if (status.getRunState() == JobStatus.SUCCEEDED) {
   return v;
Пример #9
 public Vector runningJobs() {
   Vector v = new Vector();
   for (Iterator it = jobs.values().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
     JobInProgress jip = (JobInProgress) it.next();
     JobStatus status = jip.getStatus();
     if (status.getRunState() == JobStatus.RUNNING) {
   return v;
Пример #10
   * A TaskTracker wants to know the physical locations of completed, but not yet closed, tasks.
   * This exists so the reduce task thread can locate map task outputs.
  public synchronized MapOutputLocation[] locateMapOutputs(
      String taskId, String[][] mapTasksNeeded) {
    ArrayList v = new ArrayList();
    for (int i = 0; i < mapTasksNeeded.length; i++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < mapTasksNeeded[i].length; j++) {
        TaskInProgress tip = (TaskInProgress) taskidToTIPMap.get(mapTasksNeeded[i][j]);
        if (tip != null && tip.isComplete(mapTasksNeeded[i][j])) {
          String trackerId = (String) taskidToTrackerMap.get(mapTasksNeeded[i][j]);
          TaskTrackerStatus tracker;
          synchronized (taskTrackers) {
            tracker = (TaskTrackerStatus) taskTrackers.get(trackerId);
          v.add(new MapOutputLocation(mapTasksNeeded[i][j], tracker.getHost(), tracker.getPort()));
    // randomly shuffle results to load-balance map output requests

    return (MapOutputLocation[]) v.toArray(new MapOutputLocation[v.size()]);
  // Used for debugging in main.
  private static void printDataMap(Map map) throws Exception {
    TreeMap res = new TreeMap(map);
    Iterator key_itr = map.keySet().iterator();
    while (key_itr.hasNext()) {
      Object key = key_itr.next();
      Object val = map.get(key);
      if (val instanceof byte[]) {
        String as_bytes = ByteFormatter.nicePrint((byte[]) val);
        String as_text = new String((byte[]) val, Constants.BYTE_ENCODING);
        res.put(key, as_text + " [" + as_bytes + "]");

    Iterator entries = res.entrySet().iterator();
    Map.Entry entry;
    while (entries.hasNext()) {
      entry = (Map.Entry) entries.next();
      System.out.print("  ");
      System.out.print(": ");
Пример #12
  // Maintain lookup tables; called by JobInProgress
  // and TaskInProgress
  void createTaskEntry(String taskid, String taskTracker, TaskInProgress tip) {
        "Adding task '"
            + taskid
            + "' to tip "
            + tip.getTIPId()
            + ", for tracker '"
            + taskTracker
            + "'");

    // taskid --> tracker
    taskidToTrackerMap.put(taskid, taskTracker);

    // tracker --> taskid
    TreeSet taskset = (TreeSet) trackerToTaskMap.get(taskTracker);
    if (taskset == null) {
      taskset = new TreeSet();
      trackerToTaskMap.put(taskTracker, taskset);

    // taskid --> TIP
    taskidToTIPMap.put(taskid, tip);
Пример #13
 public synchronized TaskReport[] getReduceTaskReports(String jobid) {
   JobInProgress job = (JobInProgress) jobs.get(jobid);
   if (job == null) {
     return new TaskReport[0];
   } else {
     Vector reports = new Vector();
     Vector completeReduceTasks = job.reportTasksInProgress(false, true);
     for (Iterator it = completeReduceTasks.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
       TaskInProgress tip = (TaskInProgress) it.next();
     Vector incompleteReduceTasks = job.reportTasksInProgress(false, false);
     for (Iterator it = incompleteReduceTasks.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
       TaskInProgress tip = (TaskInProgress) it.next();
     return (TaskReport[]) reports.toArray(new TaskReport[reports.size()]);
Пример #14
   * Accept and process a new TaskTracker profile. We might have known about the TaskTracker
   * previously, or it might be brand-new. All task-tracker structures have already been updated.
   * Just process the contained tasks and any jobs that might be affected.
  void updateTaskStatuses(TaskTrackerStatus status) {
    for (Iterator it = status.taskReports(); it.hasNext(); ) {
      TaskStatus report = (TaskStatus) it.next();
      TaskInProgress tip = (TaskInProgress) taskidToTIPMap.get(report.getTaskId());
      if (tip == null) {
            "Serious problem.  While updating status, cannot find taskid " + report.getTaskId());
      } else {
        JobInProgress job = tip.getJob();
        job.updateTaskStatus(tip, report);

        if (report.getRunState() == TaskStatus.SUCCEEDED) {
          job.completedTask(tip, report.getTaskId());
        } else if (report.getRunState() == TaskStatus.FAILED) {
          // Tell the job to fail the relevant task
          job.failedTask(tip, report.getTaskId(), status.getTrackerName());
Пример #15
 // JobTracker methods
 public JobInProgress getJob(String jobid) {
   return (JobInProgress) jobs.get(jobid);
Пример #16
 public synchronized void killJob(String jobid) {
   JobInProgress job = (JobInProgress) jobs.get(jobid);
Пример #17
 public synchronized ClusterStatus getClusterStatus() {
   synchronized (taskTrackers) {
     return new ClusterStatus(taskTrackers.size(), totalMaps, totalReduces, maxCurrentTasks);
Пример #18
   * Process an HTML get or post.
   * @exception ServletException From inherited class.
   * @exception IOException From inherited class.
  public void scanOutXML(
      PrintWriter out,
      String strDirectory,
      String strFilename,
      String[] strPlus,
      String[] strMinus,
      boolean bExcludeParams,
      boolean bAnalyzeParams)
      throws IOException {
    File dir = new File(strDirectory + '/' + strFilename);
    if (dir.isDirectory()) return;

    try {
      FileReader is = new FileReader(strDirectory + '/' + strFilename);
      BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(is);
      String string = null;
      Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();
      Set setstrExtensions = new HashSet();
      int iCount = 0;
      int iBytes = 0;
      while ((string = r.readLine()) != null) {
        StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(string, " \"", false);
        Data data = new Data();
        int iTokenCount = 0;
        while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
          string = st.nextToken();
          if (iTokenCount == IP) data.m_IP = string;
          if (iTokenCount == URL) {
            if (bExcludeParams)
              if (string.indexOf('?') != -1) string = string.substring(0, string.indexOf('?'));
            if (bAnalyzeParams)
              if (string.indexOf('?') != -1) string = string.substring(string.indexOf('?') + 1);
            data.m_URL = string;
          if (iTokenCount == PROTOCOL)
            if (!string.startsWith("HTTP")) {
              data.m_URL += " " + string;
          if (iTokenCount == BYTES) data.m_iBytes = Integer.parseInt(string);
        if (!this.filterURL(data.m_URL, strPlus, strMinus, setstrExtensions)) continue;
        iBytes += data.m_iBytes;
        if (ht.get(data.m_URL) == null) ht.put(data.m_URL, data);
        else {
          int iThisBytes = data.m_iBytes;
          data = (Data) ht.get(data.m_URL);
          data.m_iBytes += iThisBytes;
      Comparator comparator = new Test();
      TreeMap tm = new TreeMap(comparator);
      Iterator iterator = ht.values().iterator();
      while (iterator.hasNext()) {
        Data data = (Data) iterator.next();
        tm.put(new Integer(data.m_iCount), data);
      this.printXML(out, "directory", strDirectory);
      this.printXML(out, "name", strFilename);
      iterator = tm.values().iterator();
      while (iterator.hasNext()) {
        Data data = (Data) iterator.next();
        this.printXML(out, "url", data.m_URL);
        this.printXML(out, "count", Integer.toString(data.m_iCount));
      this.printXML(out, "hits", Integer.toString(iCount));
      this.printXML(out, "bytes", Integer.toString(iBytes));
      this.printXML(out, "unique", Integer.toString(tm.size()));

      iterator = setstrExtensions.iterator();
      while (iterator.hasNext()) {
        this.printXML(out, "extension", (String) iterator.next());

    } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
    } catch (IOException ex) {
Пример #19
   * A tracker wants to know if there's a Task to run. Returns a task we'd like the TaskTracker to
   * execute right now.
   * <p>Eventually this function should compute load on the various TaskTrackers, and incorporate
   * knowledge of DFS file placement. But for right now, it just grabs a single item out of the
   * pending task list and hands it back.
  public synchronized Task pollForNewTask(String taskTracker) {
    // Compute average map and reduce task numbers across pool
    int avgMaps = 0;
    int avgReduces = 0;
    int numTaskTrackers;
    TaskTrackerStatus tts;
    synchronized (taskTrackers) {
      numTaskTrackers = taskTrackers.size();
      tts = (TaskTrackerStatus) taskTrackers.get(taskTracker);
    if (numTaskTrackers > 0) {
      avgMaps = totalMaps / numTaskTrackers;
      avgReduces = totalReduces / numTaskTrackers;
    int totalCapacity = numTaskTrackers * maxCurrentTasks;
    // Get map + reduce counts for the current tracker.
    if (tts == null) {
      LOG.warning("Unknown task tracker polling; ignoring: " + taskTracker);
      return null;

    int numMaps = tts.countMapTasks();
    int numReduces = tts.countReduceTasks();

    // In the below steps, we allocate first a map task (if appropriate),
    // and then a reduce task if appropriate.  We go through all jobs
    // in order of job arrival; jobs only get serviced if their
    // predecessors are serviced, too.

    // We hand a task to the current taskTracker if the given machine
    // has a workload that's equal to or less than the averageMaps
    // +/- TASK_ALLOC_EPSILON.  (That epsilon is in place in case
    // there is an odd machine that is failing for some reason but
    // has not yet been removed from the pool, making capacity seem
    // larger than it really is.)
    synchronized (jobsByArrival) {
      if ((numMaps < maxCurrentTasks) && (numMaps <= (avgMaps + TASK_ALLOC_EPSILON))) {

        int totalNeededMaps = 0;
        for (Iterator it = jobsByArrival.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
          JobInProgress job = (JobInProgress) it.next();
          if (job.getStatus().getRunState() != JobStatus.RUNNING) {

          Task t = job.obtainNewMapTask(taskTracker, tts);
          if (t != null) {
            return t;

          // Beyond the highest-priority task, reserve a little
          // room for failures and speculative executions; don't
          // schedule tasks to the hilt.
          totalNeededMaps += job.desiredMaps();
          double padding = 0;
          if (totalCapacity > MIN_SLOTS_FOR_PADDING) {
            padding = Math.min(maxCurrentTasks, totalNeededMaps * PAD_FRACTION);
          if (totalNeededMaps + padding >= totalCapacity) {

      // Same thing, but for reduce tasks
      if ((numReduces < maxCurrentTasks) && (numReduces <= (avgReduces + TASK_ALLOC_EPSILON))) {

        int totalNeededReduces = 0;
        for (Iterator it = jobsByArrival.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
          JobInProgress job = (JobInProgress) it.next();
          if (job.getStatus().getRunState() != JobStatus.RUNNING) {

          Task t = job.obtainNewReduceTask(taskTracker, tts);
          if (t != null) {
            return t;

          // Beyond the highest-priority task, reserve a little
          // room for failures and speculative executions; don't
          // schedule tasks to the hilt.
          totalNeededReduces += job.desiredReduces();
          double padding = 0;
          if (totalCapacity > MIN_SLOTS_FOR_PADDING) {
            padding = Math.min(maxCurrentTasks, totalNeededReduces * PAD_FRACTION);
          if (totalNeededReduces + padding >= totalCapacity) {
    return null;
Пример #20
 public Collection taskTrackers() {
   synchronized (taskTrackers) {
     return taskTrackers.values();
Пример #21
 public TaskTrackerStatus getTaskTracker(String trackerID) {
   synchronized (taskTrackers) {
     return (TaskTrackerStatus) taskTrackers.get(trackerID);