private void updateNextTag() { // ensures that nextTag is up to date while (nextTag != null) { if (nextTag.begin >= index) return; nextTag = nextTag.findNextTag(); } }
void insertButton(Document document, PrintWriter out) { String fileName = "netnow3.gif"; String imgURLString = "" + fileName; writeImageToDisk(document, imgURLString, fileName); try { // Write the HTML for the button Tag anchor = new Tag("A"); anchor.addAttribute("HREF", ""); Tag anchorEnd = new Tag("A", false); Tag img = new Tag("IMG"); URL imgURL = new URL(document.getWorkDirectoryURL(), fileName); img.addAttribute("SRC", imgURL.toString()); out.print(anchor); out.print(img); out.print(anchorEnd); } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); } }
private void writeTag(final Tag tag, final int depth, final int end) throws IOException { // sets index to last position written, guaranteed < end // assert index==tag.begin // assert index < end nextTag = tag.findNextTag(); final int tagEnd = (tag.end < end) ? tag.end : end; // assert index < tagEnd if (tag.getTagType() == StartTagType.COMMENT || tag.getTagType() == StartTagType.CDATA_SECTION || tag.getTagType().isServerTag()) { writeTextPreserveIndentation(tagEnd, depth); } else if (tidyTags) { final String tidyTag = tag.tidy(); if ((tag instanceof StartTag) && ((StartTag) tag).getAttributes() != null) writer.write(tidyTag); else writeSpecifiedTextInline(tidyTag, depth); index = tagEnd; } else { writeTextInline( tagEnd, depth, true); // Write tag keeping linefeeds. This will add an indent to any attribute values // containing linefeeds, but the normal situation where line breaks are between // attributes will look nice. } if (end <= tag.end || !(tag instanceof StartTag)) return; if (( == HTMLElementName.SCRIPT && !indentScriptElements) || tag.getTagType().isServerTag()) { // NOTE SERVER ELEMENTS CONTAINING NON-INLINE TAGS WILL NOT FORMAT PROPERLY. NEED TO // INVESTIGATE INCLUDING SUCH SERVER ELEMENTS IN DOCUMENT HIERARCHY. // this is a script or server start tag, we may need to write the whole element: final Element element = tag.getElement(); final EndTag endTag = element.getEndTag(); if (endTag == null) return; final int contentEnd = (end < endTag.begin) ? end : endTag.begin; boolean singleLineContent = true; if (index != contentEnd) { // elementContainsMarkup should be made into a TagType property one day. // for the time being assume all server element content is code, although this is not true // for some Mason elements. final boolean elementContainsMarkup = false; if (elementContainsMarkup) { singleLineContent = writeTextInline(contentEnd, depth + 1, false); } else { singleLineContent = writeTextPreserveIndentation(contentEnd, depth); } } if (endTag.begin >= end) return; if (!singleLineContent) { writeEssentialNewLine(); // some server or client side scripting languages might need the // final new line writeIndent(depth); } // assert index==endTag.begin writeTag(endTag, depth, end); } }