Пример #1
   * Sends a typing notification state.
   * @param typingState the typing notification state to send
   * @return the result of this operation. One of the TYPING_NOTIFICATION_XXX constants defined in
   *     this class
  public int sendTypingNotification(int typingState) {
    // If this chat transport does not support sms messaging we do
    // nothing here.
    if (!allowsTypingNotifications()) return -1;

    ProtocolProviderService protocolProvider = contact.getProtocolProvider();
    OperationSetTypingNotifications tnOperationSet =

    // if protocol is not registered or contact is offline don't
    // try to send typing notifications
    if (protocolProvider.isRegistered()
        && contact.getPresenceStatus().getStatus() >= PresenceStatus.ONLINE_THRESHOLD) {
      try {
        tnOperationSet.sendTypingNotification(contact, typingState);

      } catch (Exception ex) {
        logger.error("Failed to send typing notifications.", ex);


Пример #2
   * Sends the given file through this chat transport file transfer operation set.
   * @param file the file to send
   * @return the <tt>FileTransfer</tt> object charged to transfer the file
   * @throws Exception if anything goes wrong
  public FileTransfer sendFile(File file) throws Exception {
    // If this chat transport does not support instant messaging we do
    // nothing here.
    if (!allowsFileTransfer()) return null;

    OperationSetFileTransfer ftOpSet =

    if (FileUtils.isImage(file.getName())) {
      // Create a thumbnailed file if possible.
      OperationSetThumbnailedFileFactory tfOpSet =

      if (tfOpSet != null) {
        byte[] thumbnail = getFileThumbnail(file);

        if (thumbnail != null && thumbnail.length > 0) {
          file =
                  file, THUMBNAIL_WIDTH, THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT, "image/png", thumbnail);
    return ftOpSet.sendFile(contact, file);
Пример #3
   * Sends the given sms message trough this chat transport.
   * @param phoneNumber phone number of the destination
   * @param messageText The message to send.
   * @throws Exception if the send operation is interrupted
  public void sendSmsMessage(String phoneNumber, String messageText) throws Exception {
    // If this chat transport does not support sms messaging we do
    // nothing here.
    if (!allowsSmsMessage()) return;

    SMSManager.sendSMS(contact.getProtocolProvider(), phoneNumber, messageText);
Пример #4
   * Returns <code>true</code> if this chat transport supports typing notifications, otherwise
   * returns <code>false</code>.
   * @return <code>true</code> if this chat transport supports typing notifications, otherwise
   *     returns <code>false</code>.
  public boolean allowsTypingNotifications() {
    Object tnOpSet =

    if (tnOpSet != null) return true;
    else return false;
Пример #5
   * Determines whether this chat transport supports the supplied content type
   * @param contentType the type we want to check
   * @return <tt>true</tt> if the chat transport supports it and <tt>false</tt> otherwise.
  public boolean isContentTypeSupported(String contentType) {
    OperationSetBasicInstantMessaging imOpSet =

    if (imOpSet != null) return imOpSet.isContentTypeSupported(contentType);
    else return false;
Пример #6
   * If sending im is supported check it for supporting html messages if a font is set. As it can be
   * slow make sure its not on our way
  private void checkImCaps() {
    if (ConfigurationUtils.getChatDefaultFontFamily() != null
        && ConfigurationUtils.getChatDefaultFontSize() > 0) {
      OperationSetBasicInstantMessaging imOpSet =

      if (imOpSet != null)
        imOpSet.isContentTypeSupported(OperationSetBasicInstantMessaging.HTML_MIME_TYPE, contact);
Пример #7
   * Removes the instant message listener from this chat transport.
   * @param l The message listener to remove.
  public void removeInstantMessageListener(MessageListener l) {
    // If this chat transport does not support instant messaging we do
    // nothing here.
    if (!allowsInstantMessage()) return;

    OperationSetBasicInstantMessaging imOpSet =

Пример #8
   * Whether a dialog need to be opened so the user can enter the destination number.
   * @return <tt>true</tt> if dialog needs to be open.
  public boolean askForSMSNumber() {
    // If this chat transport does not support sms messaging we do
    // nothing here.
    if (!allowsSmsMessage()) return false;

    OperationSetSmsMessaging smsOpSet =

    return smsOpSet.askForNumber(contact);
Пример #9
   * Removes the given sms message listener from this chat transport.
   * @param l The message listener to remove.
  public void removeSmsMessageListener(MessageListener l) {
    // If this chat transport does not support sms messaging we do
    // nothing here.
    if (!allowsSmsMessage()) return;

    OperationSetSmsMessaging smsOpSet =

Пример #10
   * Returns <code>true</code> if this chat transport supports message corrections and false
   * otherwise.
   * @return <code>true</code> if this chat transport supports message corrections and false
   *     otherwise.
  public boolean allowsMessageCorrections() {
    OperationSetContactCapabilities capOpSet =

    if (capOpSet != null) {
      return capOpSet.getOperationSet(contact, OperationSetMessageCorrection.class) != null;
    } else {
      return contact.getProtocolProvider().getOperationSet(OperationSetMessageCorrection.class)
          != null;
Пример #11
   * Returns <code>true</code> if this chat transport supports sms messaging, otherwise returns
   * <code>false</code>.
   * @return <code>true</code> if this chat transport supports sms messaging, otherwise returns
   *     <code>false</code>.
  public boolean allowsSmsMessage() {
    // First try to ask the capabilities operation set if such is
    // available.
    OperationSetContactCapabilities capOpSet =

    if (capOpSet != null) {
      if (capOpSet.getOperationSet(contact, OperationSetSmsMessaging.class) != null) {
        return true;
    } else if (contact.getProtocolProvider().getOperationSet(OperationSetSmsMessaging.class)
        != null) return true;

    return false;
Пример #12
   * Sends <tt>message</tt> as a message correction through this transport, specifying the mime type
   * (html or plain text) and the id of the message to replace.
   * @param message The message to send.
   * @param mimeType The mime type of the message to send: text/html or text/plain.
   * @param correctedMessageUID The ID of the message being corrected by this message.
  public void correctInstantMessage(String message, String mimeType, String correctedMessageUID) {
    if (!allowsMessageCorrections()) {

    OperationSetMessageCorrection mcOpSet =

    Message msg;
    if (mimeType.equals(OperationSetBasicInstantMessaging.HTML_MIME_TYPE)
        && mcOpSet.isContentTypeSupported(OperationSetBasicInstantMessaging.HTML_MIME_TYPE)) {
      msg =
              message, OperationSetBasicInstantMessaging.HTML_MIME_TYPE, "utf-8", "");
    } else {
      msg = mcOpSet.createMessage(message);

    mcOpSet.correctMessage(contact, contactResource, msg, correctedMessageUID);
Пример #13
   * Sends the given instant message through this chat transport, by specifying the mime type (html
   * or plain text).
   * @param message The message to send.
   * @param mimeType The mime type of the message to send: text/html or text/plain.
   * @throws Exception if the send operation is interrupted
  public void sendInstantMessage(String message, String mimeType) throws Exception {
    // If this chat transport does not support instant messaging we do
    // nothing here.
    if (!allowsInstantMessage()) return;

    OperationSetBasicInstantMessaging imOpSet =

    Message msg;
    if (mimeType.equals(OperationSetBasicInstantMessaging.HTML_MIME_TYPE)
        && imOpSet.isContentTypeSupported(OperationSetBasicInstantMessaging.HTML_MIME_TYPE)) {
      msg =
              message, OperationSetBasicInstantMessaging.HTML_MIME_TYPE, "utf-8", "");
    } else {
      msg = imOpSet.createMessage(message);

    if (contactResource != null) imOpSet.sendInstantMessage(contact, contactResource, msg);
    else imOpSet.sendInstantMessage(contact, ContactResource.BASE_RESOURCE, msg);
Пример #14
   * Creates an instance of <tt>MetaContactChatTransport</tt> by specifying the parent
   * <tt>chatSession</tt> and the <tt>contact</tt> associated with the transport.
   * @param chatSession the parent <tt>ChatSession</tt>
   * @param contact the <tt>Contact</tt> associated with this transport
   * @param contactResource the <tt>ContactResource</tt> associated with the contact
   * @param isDisplayResourceOnly indicates if only the resource name should be displayed
  public MetaContactChatTransport(
      MetaContactChatSession chatSession,
      Contact contact,
      ContactResource contactResource,
      boolean isDisplayResourceOnly) {
    this.parentChatSession = chatSession;
    this.contact = contact;
    this.contactResource = contactResource;
    this.isDisplayResourceOnly = isDisplayResourceOnly;

    presenceOpSet = contact.getProtocolProvider().getOperationSet(OperationSetPresence.class);

    if (presenceOpSet != null) presenceOpSet.addContactPresenceStatusListener(this);

    // checking this can be slow so make
    // sure its out of our way
    new Thread(
            new Runnable() {
              public void run() {
Пример #15
  * Returns the contact address corresponding to this chat transport.
  * @return The contact address corresponding to this chat transport.
 public String getName() {
   return contact.getAddress();
Пример #16
   * Returns the maximum file length supported by the protocol in bytes.
   * @return the file length that is supported.
  public long getMaximumFileLength() {
    OperationSetFileTransfer ftOpSet =

    return ftOpSet.getMaximumFileLength();
Пример #17
  * Returns the presence status of this transport.
  * @return the presence status of this transport.
 public PresenceStatus getStatus() {
   if (contactResource != null) return contactResource.getPresenceStatus();
   else return contact.getPresenceStatus();
Пример #18
  * Returns the <tt>ProtocolProviderService</tt>, corresponding to this chat transport.
  * @return the <tt>ProtocolProviderService</tt>, corresponding to this chat transport.
 public ProtocolProviderService getProtocolProvider() {
   return contact.getProtocolProvider();
Пример #19
  * Returns the display name corresponding to this chat transport.
  * @return The display name corresponding to this chat transport.
 public String getDisplayName() {
   return contact.getDisplayName();
Пример #20
   * Returns <code>true</code> if this chat transport supports file transfer, otherwise returns
   * <code>false</code>.
   * @return <code>true</code> if this chat transport supports file transfer, otherwise returns
   *     <code>false</code>.
  public boolean allowsFileTransfer() {
    Object ftOpSet = contact.getProtocolProvider().getOperationSet(OperationSetFileTransfer.class);

    if (ftOpSet != null) return true;
    else return false;