Пример #1
  // Takes and image_id, pulls in the image from cache, and goes about
  // encoding it to put it into the database in a transaction.  The last
  // query in the transaction records the image having been stored.
  protected void storeImage(int image_id) throws Exception {
    PhotoImage p = new PhotoImage(image_id);
    SpyDB pdb = getDB();
    Connection db = null;
    Statement st = null;
    Vector v = p.getImage();
        "Storer: Got image for " + image_id + " " + v.size() + " lines of data to store.");
    try {
      int i = 0, n = 0;
      db = pdb.getConn();
      st = db.createStatement();
      BASE64Encoder base64 = new BASE64Encoder();
      String data = "";

      for (; i < v.size(); i++) {
        String tmp = base64.encodeBuffer((byte[]) v.elementAt(i));
        tmp = tmp.trim();

        if (data.length() < 2048) {
          data += tmp + "\n";
        } else {
          storeQuery(image_id, n, st, data);
          data = tmp;
      // OK, this is sick, but another one right now for the spare.
      if (data.length() > 0) {
        System.err.println("Storer:  Storing spare.");
        storeQuery(image_id, n, st, data);
      System.err.println("Storer:  Stored " + n + " lines of data for " + image_id + ".");
          "update upload_log set stored=datetime(now())\n" + "\twhere photo_id = " + image_id);
      // Go ahead and generate a thumbnail.
    } catch (Exception e) {
      // If anything happens, roll it back.
      if (st != null) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e3) {
          // Nothing
    } finally {
      if (db != null) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
          System.err.println("Error:  " + e);
Пример #2
 public void fireEvent(NCCPConnection.ConnectionEvent e) {
   ConnectionListener l;
   int max = listeners.size();
   for (int i = 0; i < max; ++i) {
         new String(
             "NCCPConnection.fireEvent ("
                 + toString()
                 + ") event: "
                 + e.getType()
                 + " max:"
                 + max
                 + " i:"
                 + i),
     l = (ConnectionListener) (listeners.elementAt(i));
     switch (e.getType()) {
       case ConnectionEvent.CONNECTION_FAILED:
       case ConnectionEvent.CONNECTION_CLOSED:
       case ConnectionEvent.CONNECTION_OPENED:
             new String("Opened control connection (" + toString() + ")"));
   * This Method returns the 2D Array which is the list of the Items for the selected WorkOrder of
   * the Customer.
   * @param workorderId - WorkOrder Id Foreign Key of WRK_ORDR_DETS table
   * @return Object[][] - 2D Array which is List of the Items for the WorkOrder
  public Object[][] getWorkOrderItems(long workorderId) throws RemoteException {

    WrkOrdrDets wrkordrdts_obj = new WrkOrdrDets(conn);

    RHCCBlgKeys blgkeys_obj = new RHCCBlgKeys(conn);

    Vector workorderdetList = wrkordrdts_obj.getProductList(workorderId);

    // Hashtable BSysList = (Hashtable) USFEnv.getBillSystems();
    BlgSys blgsys = new BlgSys();

    Hashtable BSysList = (Hashtable) blgsys.searchBlgSys();

    Enumeration BSys = BSysList.keys();

    // The 2-Dimensional array to hold the Items Billing System wise.
    Object[][] prodList = new Object[BSysList.size()][workorderdetList.size() + 1];

    // The Number of Billing Systems are assumed to be equal to the
    // Static Load Billing Systems Hashtable size. The Billing Systems will
    // be in order starting from 1 and incrementing by one.
    for (int i = 0; i < BSysList.size(); i++) {
      // Set the 2D array to store the Billing System as the first element
      // of each row.
      prodList[i][0] = String.valueOf(i + 1);

    // Loop throught the WorkOrder Items List and place them in the appropriate
    // positions in the 2D array.
    for (int j = 0; j < workorderdetList.size(); j++) {
      // Determine the Billing System of the Product
      Vector tmpVector = new Vector();

      WrkOrdrDets workorderObj = (WrkOrdrDets) workorderdetList.elementAt(j);

      RHCCBlgKeys bkObj =
          blgkeys_obj.searchRHCCBlgKeys(((WrkOrdrDets) workorderdetList.elementAt(j)).getRBKID());
      int bsid = (new Long(bkObj.getBsId())).intValue();


      // Based on the Billing System Id retreived place the Product Object
      // in the 2D array.
      int k = 1;
      while (prodList[bsid - 1][k] != null) {
        k = k + 1;
      prodList[bsid - 1][k] = tmpVector;

    // Return the 2D array
    return prodList;
Пример #4
  protected Vector /* of TTPNode */ queryPNodes1(String query) throws IOException {
    Vector lines = readlines();
    Vector r = new Vector();
    for (Enumeration e = lines.elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
      Vector line = stringToVector((String) e.nextElement(), ":");

      TTLexEntry le = new TTLexEntry();
      le.citationForm = (String) line.elementAt(0);
      le.features = (String) line.elementAt(1);
      le.inflection = (String) line.elementAt(2);
      le.inflFeatures = (String) line.elementAt(3);

      TTLexEntryToObj leo = new TTLexEntryToObj();
      leo.lexentry = le;
      leo.objname = (String) line.elementAt(4);
      leo.features = (String) line.elementAt(5);

      TTPNode pn = new TTPNode();
      pn.feature = TT.featureGet(le.features, TT.FT_POS, TT.F_NULL);
      pn.leo = leo;
      pn.startpos = TT.longParse((String) line.elementAt(8), true);
      pn.endpos = TT.longParse((String) line.elementAt(9), true);

    return r;
Пример #5
  /** Calculate the rectangle occupied by the data */
  protected Rectangle getDataRectangle(Graphics g, Rectangle r) {
    Axis a;
    int waxis;
    int x = r.x;
    int y = r.y;
    int width = r.width;
    int height = r.height;

    for (int i = 0; i < axis.size(); i++) {
      a = ((Axis) axis.elementAt(i));

      waxis = a.getAxisWidth(g);

      switch (a.getAxisPos()) {
        case Axis.LEFT:
          x += waxis;
          width -= waxis;
        case Axis.RIGHT:
          width -= waxis;
        case Axis.TOP:
          y += waxis;
          height -= waxis;
        case Axis.BOTTOM:
          height -= waxis;

    return new Rectangle(x, y, width, height);
Пример #6
  // Get a list of images that have been added, but not yet added into
  // the database.
  protected void doFlush() {
    SpyDB pdb = getDB();
    Vector v = null;
    try {
      Connection db = pdb.getConn();
      Statement st = db.createStatement();
      String query = "select * from upload_log where stored is null";
      ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(query);
      v = new Vector();
      while (rs.next()) {
    } catch (Exception e) {
      // Do nothing, we'll try again later.
    } finally {

    // Got the vector, now store the actual images.  This is done so
    // that we don't hold the database connection open whlie we're
    // making the list *and* getting another database connection to act
    // on it.
    if (v != null) {
      try {
        for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {
          String stmp = (String) v.elementAt(i);
      } catch (Exception e) {
        // Don't care, we'll try again soon.
Пример #7
 public void setConnected(boolean b, boolean process_pending) {
   if (b && state != ConnectionEvent.CONNECTION_OPENED) {
     if (host.length() > 0)
           "NCCPConnection open connection to ipaddress " + host + " port " + port);
     state = ConnectionEvent.CONNECTION_OPENED;
     // connected = true;
     fireEvent(new ConnectionEvent(this, state));
     ExpCoordinator.printer.print("NCCPConnection.setConnected " + b + " event fired", 8);
     if (process_pending) {
       int max = pendingMessages.size();
       ExpCoordinator.printer.print(new String("   pendingMessages " + max + " elements"), 8);
       for (int i = 0; i < max; ++i) {
         sendMessage((NCCP.Message) pendingMessages.elementAt(i));
   } else {
     if (!b
         && (state != ConnectionEvent.CONNECTION_CLOSED
             || state != ConnectionEvent.CONNECTION_FAILED)) {
       if (host.length() > 0)
             new String(
                 "NCCPConnection.setConnected -- Closed control socket for " + host + "." + port));
       state = ConnectionEvent.CONNECTION_CLOSED;
       fireEvent(new ConnectionEvent(this, state));
Пример #8
  /* is the given variable a neighbor of this variable?*/
  public boolean isNeighbor(Variable v) {

    for (int i = 0; i < neighbors.size(); i++) {
      Variable vv = (Variable) neighbors.elementAt(i);
      if (v.equalVar(vv)) return true;
    return false;
 public XmlUIElement getXmlElement(UserInput uiArg) {
   String type = "textfield";
   Qualifier qual = uiArg.getQualifier();
   String enumNames[] = null;
   String enumValues[] = null;
   if (qual != null) {
     type = qual.getType();
     Vector enumVec = qual.getEnums();
     if (enumVec.size() > 0) {
       enumNames = new String[enumVec.size()];
       enumValues = new String[enumVec.size()];
       for (int i = 0; i < enumNames.length; i++) {
         com.adventnet.management.config.xml.Enum e =
             (com.adventnet.management.config.xml.Enum) enumVec.elementAt(i);
         enumNames[i] = e.getName();
         enumValues[i] = e.getValue();
         if (enumNames[i] == null) {
           enumNames[i] = enumValues[i];
   XmlUIElement el = getXmlUIElementFor(type);
   if (el == null) {
     return null;
   if (enumNames != null) {
     el.setEnumeratedValues(enumNames, enumValues);
   if ((qual != null) && (qual.getRange() != null) && (!(qual.getRange().equals("")))) {
   if (uiArg.getDefaultValue() != null) {
   String isEditable = uiArg.getAttribute("editable");
   if (isEditable != null) {
     if (isEditable.trim().equals("false")) {
     } else {
   String required = uiArg.getAttribute("required");
     if (required.trim().equals("true")) {
     } else {
   return el;
Пример #10
   * This paints the entire plot. It calls the draw methods of all the attached axis and data sets.
   * The order of drawing is - Axis first, data legends next, data last.
   * @params g Graphics state.
  public void paint(Graphics g) {
    int i;
    Graphics lg = g.create();
    Rectangle r = bounds();

    /* The r.x and r.y returned from bounds is relative to the
     ** parents space so set them equal to zero.
    r.x = 0;
    r.y = 0;

    if (DefaultBackground == null) DefaultBackground = this.getBackground();
    if (DataBackground == null) DataBackground = this.getBackground();

    //        System.out.println("Graph2D paint method called!");

    if (!paintAll) return;

    r.x += borderLeft;
    r.y += borderTop;
    r.width -= borderLeft + borderRight;
    r.height -= borderBottom + borderTop;

    paintFirst(lg, r);

    if (!axis.isEmpty()) r = drawAxis(lg, r);
    else {
      if (clearAll) {
        Color c = g.getColor();
        g.fillRect(r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height);
      drawFrame(lg, r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height);

    paintBeforeData(lg, r);

    if (!dataset.isEmpty()) {

      datarect.x = r.x;
      datarect.y = r.y;
      datarect.width = r.width;
      datarect.height = r.height;

      for (i = 0; i < dataset.size(); i++) {
        ((DataSet) dataset.elementAt(i)).draw_data(lg, r);

    paintLast(lg, r);

Пример #11
  /** Detach All attached Axes. */
  public void detachAxes() {
    int i;

    if (axis == null | axis.isEmpty()) return;

    for (i = 0; i < axis.size(); i++) {
      ((Axis) axis.elementAt(i)).detachAll();
      ((Axis) axis.elementAt(i)).g2d = null;

Пример #12
 public ArrayList getXmlUIElements(Form f) throws InvalidTemplateException {
   Vector v = f.getUserInputs();
   Vector userInputVecArg = new Vector();
   int size = v.size();
   for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
     UserInput ui = (UserInput) v.elementAt(i);
     String satisfied = ui.getAttribute("satisfied");
     if (satisfied == null || (!satisfied.equals("false"))) {
   ArrayList list = new ArrayList(userInputVecArg.size());
   for (int i = 0, j = userInputVecArg.size(); i < j; i++) {
     UserInput ui = (UserInput) userInputVecArg.elementAt(i);
     XmlUIElement el = getXmlElement(ui);
   return list;
Пример #13
 public JPanel getPanelFor(Form f) throws InvalidTemplateException {
   // clear();by jai
   // uiList = new ArrayList();
   // uiElementsList = new ArrayList();
   ArrayList list = getXmlUIElements(f);
   Vector tables = f.getTables();
   if (tables.size() == 0) {
     return getPanelFor(list);
   } else {
     Table table = (Table) tables.elementAt(0);
     return getPanelWithTable(list, table);
Пример #14
   * Get the Minimum Y value of all attached DataSets.
   * @return The minimum value
  public double getYmin() {
    DataSet d;
    double min = 0.0;

    if (dataset == null | dataset.isEmpty()) return min;
    for (int i = 0; i < dataset.size(); i++) {
      d = ((DataSet) dataset.elementAt(i));
      if (i == 0) min = d.getYmin();
      else min = Math.min(min, d.getYmin());

    return min;
Пример #15
   * Get the Maximum Y value of all attached DataSets.
   * @return The maximum value
  public double getYmax() {
    DataSet d;
    double max = 0.0;

    if (dataset == null | dataset.isEmpty()) return max;
    for (int i = 0; i < dataset.size(); i++) {
      d = ((DataSet) dataset.elementAt(i));
      if (i == 0) max = d.getYmax();
      else max = Math.max(max, d.getYmax());

    return max;
Пример #16
  /** Detach All the DataSets from the class. */
  public void detachDataSets() {
    DataSet d;
    int i;

    if (dataset == null | dataset.isEmpty()) return;

    for (i = 0; i < dataset.size(); i++) {
      d = ((DataSet) dataset.elementAt(i));
      if (d.xaxis != null) d.xaxis.detachDataSet(d);
      if (d.yaxis != null) d.yaxis.detachDataSet(d);

Пример #17
  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // *****---Packet Recieved event handler---******//
  // this function will be called by the thread running the packetReciever
  // everytime a new packet is recieved
  // make sure it is synchronized if it modifies any of your data
  public synchronized void PacketReceived(PacketEvent e) {
    // this function defines what you do when a new packet is heard by the system (recall that the
    // parent class (PacketAnalyzer) already registered you to listen for new packets automatically)
    // if this is a long function, you should call it in a seperate thread to allow the
    // PacketReciever thread to continue recieving packets

    Packet packet = e.GetPacket();
    Vector node_list = packet.CreateRoutePathArray();
    for (int i = 0; i < node_list.size() - 1; i++) {
      Integer currentNodeNumber = (Integer) node_list.elementAt(i);
      NodeInfo currentNodeInfo;
      if ((currentNodeInfo = (NodeInfo) proprietaryNodeInfo.get(currentNodeNumber)) != null) {
Пример #18
   * Parse the text then draw it without any rotation.
   * @param g Graphics context
   * @param x pixel position of the text
   * @param y pixel position of the text
  public void draw(Graphics g, int x, int y) {
    TextState ts;
    int xoffset = x;
    int yoffset = y;

    if (g == null || text == null) return;

    Graphics lg = g.create();


    if (justification == CENTER) {
      xoffset = x - width / 2;
    } else if (justification == RIGHT) {
      xoffset = x - width;

    if (background != null) {
      lg.fillRect(xoffset, yoffset - ascent, width, height);

    if (font != null) lg.setFont(font);
    if (color != null) lg.setColor(color);

    for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
      ts = ((TextState) (list.elementAt(i)));
      if (ts.f != null) lg.setFont(ts.f);
      if (ts.s != null) lg.drawString(ts.toString(), ts.x + xoffset, ts.y + yoffset);


    lg = null;
Пример #19
  protected Vector /* of TTLexEntryToObj */ queryLeos1(String query) throws IOException {
    Vector lines = readlines();
    Vector r = new Vector();
    for (Enumeration e = lines.elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
      Vector line = stringToVector((String) e.nextElement(), ":");

      TTLexEntry le = new TTLexEntry();
      le.citationForm = (String) line.elementAt(0);
      le.features = (String) line.elementAt(1);
      le.inflection = (String) line.elementAt(2);
      le.inflFeatures = (String) line.elementAt(3);

      TTLexEntryToObj leo = new TTLexEntryToObj();
      leo.lexentry = le;
      leo.objname = (String) line.elementAt(4);
      leo.features = (String) line.elementAt(5);

    return r;
Пример #20
 public Object VNode_At(int i) {
   return v_nodes.elementAt(i);
Пример #21
   * This is the main controller logic for item selection servlet. This determines whether to show a
   * list of items for a WorkOrder, add a item, edit a item's detail information, or delete a item.
   * The product_action parameter is past to this servlet to determine what action to perform. The
   * product_action parameter is a button defined by JSPs related to product presentation screens.
   * <p>The default action is to show all product related to a parent WorkOrder.
   * @param req HttpServlet request
   * @param resp HttpServlet response
  public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
      throws ServletException, IOException {
    WorkOrderDetailRemote workorderdetEJBean = null;

    securityChecks(req, resp);

    // Get the current session
    HttpSession session = req.getSession(false);
    if (session == null) return;

    String sTmp = "";

    // Get a new business logic EJB (custInfoEJBean)
    USFEnv.getLog().writeDebug("getting buslogic EJB", this, null);
    try {
      workorderdetEJBean = workorderdetHome.create();
      USFEnv.getLog().writeDebug("EJBean Created", this, null);
    } catch (CreateException e) {
      String errorMsg = "Critical Exception in ItemsServlet";
      USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit(errorMsg + " failed EJB creation", this, e);
      errorJSP(req, resp, errorMsg);
    } catch (RemoteException e) {
      String errorMsg = "Critical Exception in ItemsServlet";
      USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit(errorMsg + " failed EJB connect", this, e);
      errorJSP(req, resp, errorMsg);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      String errorMsg = "Critical Exception no EJB created";
      USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit(errorMsg + " failed EJB creation", this, e);
      errorJSP(req, resp, errorMsg);

    try {

      // Button user pressed in the itemselection.jsp
      String sJSPAction = req.getParameter("product_action");
      USFEnv.getLog().writeWarn("product_action from JSP: " + sJSPAction, this, null);

      short year = Short.valueOf((String) session.getValue("Iyear")).shortValue();
      long customerId = Long.valueOf((String) session.getValue("rcustId")).longValue();
      long applicationId = Long.valueOf((String) session.getValue("rappid")).longValue();
      long workorderId = 0;
      long bkId = 0;
      long billkeyId = 0;
      long bsId = 0;
      long wodId = 0;
      String editflag = "";
      String bsNm = "";

      java.sql.Date strtDate = null;
      java.sql.Date endDate = null;
      String prodError = "";

      // Check to make sure session does have an WorkOrder ID
      if (session.getValue("WorkOrderId") != null) {
        // If Yes get the parent WorkOrder ID from session
        workorderId = Long.valueOf((String) session.getValue("WorkOrderId")).longValue();

      // Button Action from JSP is empty then show the Default page of the
      // Product Listing.
      if (USFUtil.isBlank(sJSPAction)) {
        USFEnv.getLog().writeDebug("Display product list for FRN.", this, null);
        // list items for parent Work Order Number

        Vector billingsystems = null;

        WrkOrdrDets workorderdets = new WrkOrdrDets();

        billingsystems = workorderdets.getBillingSystems();

        req.setAttribute("BillingSystems", billingsystems);

        for (int s = 0; s < billingsystems.size(); s++)
              .writeDebug("INSIDE BILLING SYSTEMS " + billingsystems.elementAt(s), this, null);

        listProducts(workorderId, workorderdetEJBean, session, req, resp);

      // Button action from JSP is to Add a new Item
      else if (sJSPAction.equals("add")) {
        // Remove the Product Object from session

        editflag = "addnew";
        req.setAttribute("editflag", editflag);

        // Read the Item and the Billing System for adding the New
        // Item.
        String formProdBsId = (String) req.getParameter("formProdId");
        String formProdId = formProdBsId.substring(0, formProdBsId.indexOf("|"));
        String formProdName = formProdBsId.substring(formProdBsId.indexOf("|") + 1);
        long rscId = (new Long(formProdId).longValue());
        // bsId = (new Long( formBsId ).longValue()) ;
        String billSystem = formProdName.substring(0, formProdName.indexOf("-"));
        String itemName = formProdName.substring(formProdName.indexOf("-") + 1);

        BlgSys blgSys = new BlgSys();
        bsId = blgSys.getBsId(billSystem);

        // Create db connection for EJB

        // Get the WorkOrder Object.
        WorkOrder woObj = workorderdetEJBean.getWorkOrderInfo(workorderId);

        // Get the list of Billing Keys for the Billing System.
        String[] blgKeys = workorderdetEJBean.getBillingKeys(customerId, bsId);

        // Release db connection for EJB

        // If no Billing Keys for the Billing System selected then redirect
        // to the List Items screen and show the error Message.
        if (blgKeys == null) {
          BlgSys blgsys = new BlgSys();
          Hashtable bSysList = (Hashtable) blgsys.searchBlgSys();
          //	Hashtable bSysList = (Hashtable) USFEnv.getBillSystems();

          // Set the JSP error message
          req.setAttribute("errorMsg", "No BTNs for Billing System " + billSystem);

          // list products for parent WorkOrder Number
          listProducts(workorderId, workorderdetEJBean, session, req, resp);

        req.setAttribute("prodcredit", "N");
        req.setAttribute("bsystem", String.valueOf(bsId));
        req.setAttribute("bkList", blgKeys);
        req.setAttribute("prodId", formProdId);
        String wid = String.valueOf(workorderId);

        session.putValue("workorderId", wid);

        req.setAttribute("billingsystem", billSystem);

        req.setAttribute("itemname", itemName);

        // Include the JSP to Edit Product
        includeJSP(req, resp, ITEM_JSP_PATH, "editItem");

      // Button action from JSP is to Edit a Product
      else if (sJSPAction.equals("edit")) {
        String bsysid = req.getParameter("bsId");
        session.putValue("bysysidforedit", bsysid);

        wodId = (new Long((String) req.getParameter("wodId"))).longValue();
        // bkId = (new Long( (String) req.getParameter("bkId"))).longValue() ;

        session.putValue("workorderdetid", String.valueOf(wodId));

        bsId = (new Long((String) req.getParameter("bsId"))).longValue();

        BlgSys blgSys = new BlgSys();
        bsNm = blgSys.getBsName(bsId);

        // Create db connection for EJB

        // WorkOrder woObj = workorderdetEJBean.getWorkOrderInfo(workorderId);

        // Get the WorkOrder Number Object
        WrkOrdrDets wodets_obj = new WrkOrdrDets();
        wodets_obj = workorderdetEJBean.getProductInfo(wodId);

        // Get the List of Billing Keys for the Billing System.
        String[] blgKeys = workorderdetEJBean.getBillingKeys(customerId, bsId);

        // Check if the Item has any Credits. If any credits then Billing
        // Key is not Editable else Editable.
        if (workorderdetEJBean.hasCredits(wodId)) {
          req.setAttribute("prodcredit", "Y");
        } else {
          req.setAttribute("prodcredit", "N");

        // Release db connection for EJB

        // If Item Object is not null (which generally is the case) then
        // set the Attributes for the JSP.
        if (wodets_obj != null) {
          // Put the Item Object in session
          editflag = "edit";
          session.putValue("wodets", wodets_obj);
          req.setAttribute("editflag", editflag);

          // Set the attributes for the Billing System, Billing Key List,
          req.setAttribute("bkList", blgKeys);
          req.setAttribute("bsname", bsNm);

          // Include the JSP to Edit the Item.
          includeJSP(req, resp, ITEM_JSP_PATH, "editItem");

        // If Item Object is null (which generally should not Occur) show
        // the Default page of Item List for the WorkOrder Number
        else {
          // Set the JSP error message
              "errorMsg", "Product Key - " + wodId + " Information not available in the Data Base");

          // list items for parent WorkOrder Number
          listProducts(workorderId, workorderdetEJBean, session, req, resp);


      // Button action from JSP is to Delete an Item
      else if (sJSPAction.equals("delete")) {
        String formWodId = req.getParameter("wodId");

        wodId = (new Long((String) req.getParameter("wodId"))).longValue();

        // Create db connection for EJB

        // Delete the Item
        if (workorderdetEJBean.deleteProduct(wodId)) {
          req.setAttribute("errorMsg", "Product Key - " + wodId + " Deleted");
        } else {
              "Deletion Failed. Product Key - " + wodId + " is associated with amounts.");
        // Release db connection for EJB

        // Show the Item List screen
        listProducts(workorderId, workorderdetEJBean, session, req, resp);


      // Button action from JSP is to Save a Product. This includes Insertion
      // of New Product or Updation of an Existing Product.

      else if (sJSPAction.equals("save")) {
        boolean save = false;
        boolean newProd = false;
        // long qty=0;

        // Read the Billing System Id
        String formBsId = (String) req.getParameter("bs_id");

        String bsysid = (String) req.getParameter("bsysid");
        String trans_type = (String) req.getParameter("trans_type");

        //String quantity = (String) req.getParameter("qty");
        String quantity="";
        if (!(req.getParameter("qty").equals("")))
        	quantity=(String) req.getParameter("qty");

        	qty = (new Long(quantity).longValue());
        } */
        String prod_stat = (String) req.getParameter("prod_stat");

        double nrcg_dscnt =
            (new Double((String) req.getParameter("NonRecurringDiscount"))).doubleValue();

        double rcg_dscnt =
            (new Double((String) req.getParameter("RecurringDiscount"))).doubleValue();

        String start_month = (String) req.getParameter("strt_month");
        String start_day = (String) req.getParameter("strt_day");
        String start_year = (String) req.getParameter("strt_year");
        String end_month = (String) req.getParameter("end_month");
        String end_day = (String) req.getParameter("end_day");
        String end_year = (String) req.getParameter("end_year");

        String start_date = start_month + "-" + start_day + "-" + start_year;

        String end_date = end_month + "-" + end_day + "-" + end_year;

        long wrkordrid = (new Long((String) session.getValue("WorkOrderId"))).longValue();

        String for_editing = req.getParameter("for_editing");
        String for_new = req.getParameter("for_new");

        String formBkId = (String) req.getParameter("bk_id");

        String formBKId = formBkId.substring(0, formBkId.indexOf("|"));

        String formBTN = formBkId.substring(formBkId.indexOf("|") + 1);

        billkeyId = (new Long(formBKId)).longValue();

        try {
          bsId = (new Long((String) req.getParameter("bs_id"))).longValue();
        } catch (Exception e) {
          USFEnv.getLog().writeDebug("Exception is " + e, this, null);

        RHCCBlgKeys blgkeys = new RHCCBlgKeys();

        if (for_editing.equals("editing")) {
          blgkeys.setBsId(new Long(bsysid).longValue());

        if (for_new.equals("new")) {

        int index = 0;

        WrkOrdrDets wod_obj = new WrkOrdrDets();

        // wod_obj.setTxTyp(trans_type);
        // wod_obj.setQty(qty);

        if (!(start_date.equals(""))) {
          strtDate =
              new java.sql.Date((new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd-yyyy")).parse(start_date).getTime());
        // Else if the Start Date is null update the Item Object Date to
        // null
        else {

        // If Item Service End Date is not null read the date and update
        // the Item Object with the date
        if (!(end_date.equals(""))) {
          endDate =
              new java.sql.Date((new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd-yyyy")).parse(end_date).getTime());
        // Else if the End Date is null update the Item Object Date to null
        else {

        // Check if the Start Date is after the End Date or equals End Date
        if ((strtDate != null) && (endDate != null) && (strtDate.after(endDate))) {
          prodError = "Product Service Start Date is after Product Service End Date. \n";
          index = 1;
        } else if ((strtDate != null) && (endDate != null) && (strtDate.equals(endDate))) {
          prodError = "Product Service Start Date equals Product Service End Date. \n";


        if (for_editing.equals("editing")) {
          long workorderdetID = (new Long((String) session.getValue("workorderdetid"))).longValue();

          if (index == 0) {
            save = workorderdetEJBean.saveProduct(wod_obj);

          if (save) {
            prodError =
                prodError + "<BR> Product Key - " + wod_obj.getWODID() + " Information updated";
            req.setAttribute("error", prodError);
          } else {
            prodError = prodError + "<BR> Failed to update Product Information";
            req.setAttribute("error", prodError);

        if (for_new.equals("new")) {
          if (index == 0) {
            int prodId = Integer.parseInt(req.getParameter("prod_Id"));
            save = workorderdetEJBean.saveProduct(wod_obj);

          if (save) {
            prodError =
                prodError + "<BR> Product Key - " + wod_obj.getWODID() + " Information Saved";
            req.setAttribute("error", prodError);
          } else {
            prodError = prodError + "<BR> Failed to Save Product Information";
            req.setAttribute("error", prodError);


        listProducts(wrkordrid, workorderdetEJBean, session, req, resp);

    } // End of try block
    catch (Exception e) {
      if (workorderdetEJBean != null) {
        // calling bean release method
        try {
        } catch (Exception ex) {
          USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit(" Exception in calling release() method ", this, e);
      String errorMsg = "Processing Exception in Items Servlet: ";
      USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit(errorMsg, this, e);
      errorJSP(req, resp, errorMsg);
    } // End of catch block
  } // end of doPost()
Пример #22
  public void start2() {

    wm = new double[20][Data.windows_size];
    String QueryKinasesName = "%" + Data.kinease + "%";
    // data.code = data.codenames[3];
    String QueryCodeName = Data.code;
    int windows_size = Data.windows_size;

    // int windows_size = 9;

    int shift = windows_size / 2;

    try {

        shift = windows_size / 2;
        // establish connection to database

        String ACC = null;
        String SEQUENCE = null;
        String KINASES = null;
        String LIKE = "LIKE";
        // int POSITION = 0;
        // int index = 0;
        String temp = null;
        // int numtemp = 0;
        // int LENGTH = (int) 0;
        // int count = 0;
        double[] totalAAcount = new double[windows_size];

        double weightmatrix[][] = new double[windows_size][128]; // windowssize;aa;

        /// fout.println("#"+statementquery1);

        int seqsize = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < pwmseq.size(); i++) {
          String posseq = pwmseq.elementAt(i).toString();
          seqsize = posseq.length();
            for (int j = 0; j < seqsize; j++) {

            // possequence.addElement(posseq);
        } // end while
        char[] aaMap = {
          'A', 'R', 'N', 'D', 'C', 'Q', 'E', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'L', 'K', 'M', 'F', 'P', 'S', 'T', 'W',
          'Y', 'V', 'X'
        double[] expmatrix = {
        // double[] aaMapfreq = new double[windows_size];
        double freq = 0;
        for (int j = 0; j < weightmatrix.length; j++) {
          for (int i = 0; i < aaMap.length - 1; i++) {
            totalAAcount[j] += weightmatrix[j][aaMap[i]];

        for (int i = 0; i < aaMap.length - 1; i++) {
          // profilefout.print(aaMap[i]);
          for (int j = 0; j < windows_size; j++) {

            freq = ((weightmatrix[j][aaMap[i]] + 0.05) / (totalAAcount[j] + 1));

            wm[i][j] = Math.log10((freq / expmatrix[i])) / Math.log10(2.0);

            //  profilefout.print(","+aaMapfreq[i]);

          // profilefout.println();

        // fout.close();
        // profilefout.close();


    } // end try
    catch (NullPointerException nullpointerException) {

    } catch (NoClassDefFoundError ex) {

    } finally { // ensure statement and connection are closed properly
      try {

      } catch (Exception exception) { // end try
      } // end catch
    } // end finally
  } // end main
Пример #23
   * ************************************************************************* * * Method:
   * performGet * Input: CMIRequest theRequest - tokenized LMSGetValue() request * DMErrorManager
   * dmErrorMgr - Error manager * * Output: String - the value portion of the element for the
   * LMSGetValue() * * Description: This method takes the necessary steps to process * an
   * LMSGetValue() request *
   * *************************************************************************
  public String performGet(CMIRequest theRequest, DMErrorManager dmErrorMgr) {
    if (true) {

    // Resultant value to return
    String result = new String("");

    // Check to make sure this is a valid LMSGetValue() request
    if (isValidObjRequest(theRequest) == true) {
      // Get the next token off of the request
      String token = theRequest.getNextToken();

      if (true) {
        System.out.println("Token being processed: " + token);

      // Check to see if the Request has more tokens to process
      if (theRequest.hasMoreTokensToProcess()) {
        // Token has to be an array index
        try {
          // Convert the string integer to a number
          Integer tmpInt = new Integer(token);
          int indexOfArr = tmpInt.intValue();

          try {
            // Get the Objective Data that is positioned at the input index
            CMIObjectiveData objData = (CMIObjectiveData) objectives.elementAt(indexOfArr);

            // Invoke the performGet on the Objective Data returned.
            result = objData.performGet(theRequest, dmErrorMgr);
          } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
            if (true) {
              System.out.println("Element does not exist at the given index");
              System.out.println("Index: " + indexOfArr);

            // if element has not been initialized, return Invalid
            // Argument Error
        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
          if (true) {
            // Invalid parameter passed to LMSGetValue()
            System.out.println("Error - Data Model Element not implemented");
                "Invalid data model element: "
                    + theRequest.getRequest()
                    + " passed to LMSGetValue()");
            System.out.println("Array index required");

          // Notify error manager
      } else {
        // No more tokens to process

        // Check to see if the request is for the children of Core Data
        if (theRequest.isAChildrenRequest()) {
          // Set result to the string of children
          result = getChildren();
        } else if (theRequest.isACountRequest()) {
          int count = 0;

          count = objectives.size();

          System.out.println("Count: " + count);

          Integer tmpInt = new Integer(count);
          result = tmpInt.toString();
        } else {
          if (true) {
            System.out.println("Error - Data Model Element not implemented");
            System.out.println("Invalid request: " + theRequest.getRequest());

    } else {
      if (true) {
        // Error - Data Model Element not implemented
        System.out.println("Error - Data Model Element not implemented");
        System.out.println("Invalid request: " + theRequest.getRequest());


    // Done processing.  Let CMIRequest object know the processing
    // of the LMSGetValue() is done.

    if (true) {
      System.out.println("Returning from CMIObjectives::performGet()");
      System.out.println("Value returned: " + result);

    return result;
  } // end of performGet()
Пример #24
   * ************************************************************************ * * Method: performSet
   * * Input: CMIRequest theRequest - tokenized LMSSetValue() request * DMErrorManager dmErroMgr -
   * Error Manager * Output: none * * Description: This method takes the necessary steps to process
   * * an LMSSetValue() request *
   * *************************************************************************
  public void performSet(CMIRequest theRequest, DMErrorManager dmErrorMgr) {
    if (true) {

    // The next token must be an array.  If not throw
    // an exception for this request.
    int index = -1;

    // Get the next token off of the request
    String token = theRequest.getNextToken();

    if (true) {
      System.out.println("Token being processed: " + token);

    // Check to see if next token is an array index.  For
    // a LMSSetValue() this is true
    try {
      // Try to convert the token to the index
      Integer tmpInt = new Integer(token);
      index = tmpInt.intValue();

      // Get the Objective Data at position of the index
      CMIObjectiveData tmpObj = (CMIObjectiveData) objectives.elementAt(index);

      // An objective existed at the given index.
      // Invoke the performSet() on the Objective Data
      tmpObj.performSet(theRequest, dmErrorMgr);

      // replace the old ObjectiveData with the newly set Objective
      // Data.
      objectives.set(index, tmpObj);
    } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
      if (theRequest.isAKeywordRequest() == true) {
      } else {
        if (true) {
          // Invalid parameter passed to LMSSetValue()
          System.out.println("Error - Data Model Element not implemented");
              "Invalid data model element: "
                  + theRequest.getRequest()
                  + " passed to LMSSetValue()");

        // Notify error manager
    } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
      if (true) {
        System.out.println("First time setting the Objective Data");

      if (index <= objectives.size()) {
        // A new Objective Data.
        CMIObjectiveData objData = new CMIObjectiveData();

        // Invoke performSet() on the new Objective Data
        objData.performSet(theRequest, dmErrorMgr);

        // Place the Objective data into the vector at the
        // index position
        objectives.add(index, objData);
      } else {

    // Done processing.  Let CMIRequest object know the processing
    // of the LMSGetValue() is done.

  } // end of performSet
Пример #25
   * Draw the Axis. As each axis is drawn and aligned less of the canvas is avaliable to plot the
   * data. The returned Rectangle is the canvas area that the data is plotted in.
  protected Rectangle drawAxis(Graphics g, Rectangle r) {
    Axis a;
    int waxis;
    Rectangle dr;
    int x;
    int y;
    int width;
    int height;

    if (square) r = ForceSquare(g, r);

    dr = getDataRectangle(g, r);

    x = dr.x;
    y = dr.y;
    width = dr.width;
    height = dr.height;

    if (clearAll) {
      Color c = g.getColor();
      g.fillRect(x, y, width, height);

    // Draw a frame around the data area (If requested)
    if (frame) drawFrame(g, x, y, width, height);

    // Now draw the axis in the order specified aligning them with the final
    // data area.
    for (int i = 0; i < axis.size(); i++) {
      a = ((Axis) axis.elementAt(i));

      a.data_window = new Dimension(width, height);

      switch (a.getAxisPos()) {
        case Axis.LEFT:
          r.x += a.width;
          r.width -= a.width;
          a.positionAxis(r.x, r.x, y, y + height);
          if (r.x == x) {
            a.gridcolor = gridcolor;
            a.drawgrid = drawgrid;
            a.zerocolor = zerocolor;
            a.drawzero = drawzero;


          a.drawgrid = false;
          a.drawzero = false;

        case Axis.RIGHT:
          r.width -= a.width;
          a.positionAxis(r.x + r.width, r.x + r.width, y, y + height);
          if (r.x + r.width == x + width) {
            a.gridcolor = gridcolor;
            a.drawgrid = drawgrid;
            a.zerocolor = zerocolor;
            a.drawzero = drawzero;


          a.drawgrid = false;
          a.drawzero = false;

        case Axis.TOP:
          r.y += a.width;
          r.height -= a.width;
          a.positionAxis(x, x + width, r.y, r.y);
          if (r.y == y) {
            a.gridcolor = gridcolor;
            a.drawgrid = drawgrid;
            a.zerocolor = zerocolor;
            a.drawzero = drawzero;


          a.drawgrid = false;
          a.drawzero = false;

        case Axis.BOTTOM:
          r.height -= a.width;
          a.positionAxis(x, x + width, r.y + r.height, r.y + r.height);
          if (r.y + r.height == y + height) {
            a.gridcolor = gridcolor;
            a.drawgrid = drawgrid;
            a.zerocolor = zerocolor;
            a.drawzero = drawzero;


          a.drawgrid = false;
          a.drawzero = false;


    return r;
Пример #26
   * Force the plot to have an aspect ratio of 1 by forcing the axes to have the same range. If the
   * range of the axes are very different some extremely odd things can occur. All axes are forced
   * to have the same range, so more than 2 axis is pointless.
  protected Rectangle ForceSquare(Graphics g, Rectangle r) {
    Axis a;
    Rectangle dr;
    int x = r.x;
    int y = r.y;
    int width = r.width;
    int height = r.height;

    double xmin;
    double xmax;
    double ymin;
    double ymax;

    double xrange = 0.0;
    double yrange = 0.0;
    double range;

    double aspect;

    if (dataset == null | dataset.isEmpty()) return r;

     **          Force all the axis to have the same range. This of course
     **          means that anything other than one xaxis and one yaxis
     **          is a bit pointless.
    for (int i = 0; i < axis.size(); i++) {
      a = (Axis) axis.elementAt(i);
      range = a.maximum - a.minimum;
      if (a.isVertical()) {
        yrange = Math.max(range, yrange);
      } else {
        xrange = Math.max(range, xrange);

    if (xrange <= 0 | yrange <= 0) return r;

    if (xrange > yrange) range = xrange;
    else range = yrange;

    for (int i = 0; i < axis.size(); i++) {
      a = (Axis) axis.elementAt(i);
      a.maximum = a.minimum + range;
     **          Get the new data rectangle
    dr = getDataRectangle(g, r);
     **          Modify the data rectangle so that it is square.
    if (dr.width > dr.height) {
      x += (dr.width - dr.height) / 2.0;
      width -= dr.width - dr.height;
    } else {
      y += (dr.height - dr.width) / 2.0;
      height -= dr.height - dr.width;

    return new Rectangle(x, y, width, height);
Пример #27
   * parse the text. When the text is parsed the width, height, leading are all calculated. The text
   * will only be truly parsed if the graphics context has changed or the text has changed or the
   * font has changed. Otherwise nothing is done when this method is called.
   * @param g Graphics context.
  public void parseText(Graphics g) {
    FontMetrics fm;
    TextState current = new TextState();
    char ch;
    Stack state = new Stack();
    int w = 0;

    if (lg != g) parse = true;
    lg = g;

    if (!parse) return;

    parse = false;
    width = 0;
    leading = 0;
    ascent = 0;
    descent = 0;
    height = 0;
    maxAscent = 0;
    maxDescent = 0;

    if (text == null || g == null) return;


    if (font == null) current.f = g.getFont();
    else current.f = font;


    fm = g.getFontMetrics(current.f);

    for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++) {
      ch = text.charAt(i);

      switch (ch) {
        case '$':
          if (i < text.length()) current.s.append(text.charAt(i));
           **                    Push the current state onto the state stack
           **                    and start a new storage string
        case '{':
          w = current.getWidth(g);
          if (!current.isEmpty()) {
            current = current.copyState();

          current.x += w;
           **                    Pop the state off the state stack and set the current
           **                    state to the top of the state stack
        case '}':
          w = current.x + current.getWidth(g);
          current = ((TextState) state.peek()).copyState();
          current.x = w;
        case '^':
          w = current.getWidth(g);
          if (!current.isEmpty()) {
            current = current.copyState();
          current.f = getScriptFont(current.f);
          current.x += w;
          current.y -= (int) ((double) (current.getAscent(g)) * sup_offset + 0.5);
        case '_':
          w = current.getWidth(g);
          if (!current.isEmpty()) {
            current = current.copyState();
          current.f = getScriptFont(current.f);
          current.x += w;
          current.y += (int) ((double) (current.getDescent(g)) * sub_offset + 0.5);


    for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
      current = ((TextState) (list.elementAt(i)));

      if (!current.isEmpty()) {
        width += current.getWidth(g);
        ascent = Math.max(ascent, Math.abs(current.y) + current.getAscent(g));
        descent = Math.max(descent, Math.abs(current.y) + current.getDescent(g));
        leading = Math.max(leading, current.getLeading(g));

        maxDescent = Math.max(maxDescent, Math.abs(current.y) + current.getMaxDescent(g));
        maxAscent = Math.max(maxAscent, Math.abs(current.y) + current.getMaxAscent(g));

    height = ascent + descent + leading;
