public Breakout() { top = new Wall(0, -5, 800, 10); left = new Wall(-5, 0, 10, 640); right = new Wall(795, 0, 10, 640); bottom = new Wall(0, 610, 800, 10); keys = new boolean[2]; score = 0; lives = 5; ball = new Ball(400, 500); ball.setXSpeed(2); ball.setYSpeed(-2); paddle = new Paddle(400, 595, 100, 10, 5); bricks = getBricks("lvlTwo.txt"); setBackground(Color.WHITE); setVisible(true); new Thread(this).start(); addKeyListener(this); // starts the key thread to log key strokes }
public void setupgamepage() { Graphics g = getGraphics(); Threadnum = 0; setBackground(; keys = new boolean[5]; // instantiate other stuff ship = new Ship(250, 400, 10); // 10 //20 aliens = new ArrayList<Alien>(); shots = new ArrayList<Ammo>(); everything = new ArrayList<MovingThing>(); ammosupply = 1000; canshoot = true; addclan = false; start = false; addmorealiens(); this.addKeyListener(this); new Thread(this).start(); }