Пример #1
  * This class duplicates code in javax.el.Util. When making changes keep
  * the code in sync.
 private static Method getMethod(Class<?> type, Method m) {
   if (m == null || Modifier.isPublic(type.getModifiers())) {
     return m;
   Class<?>[] inf = type.getInterfaces();
   Method mp = null;
   for (int i = 0; i < inf.length; i++) {
     try {
       mp = inf[i].getMethod(m.getName(), m.getParameterTypes());
       mp = getMethod(mp.getDeclaringClass(), mp);
       if (mp != null) {
         return mp;
     } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
       // Ignore
   Class<?> sup = type.getSuperclass();
   if (sup != null) {
     try {
       mp = sup.getMethod(m.getName(), m.getParameterTypes());
       mp = getMethod(mp.getDeclaringClass(), mp);
       if (mp != null) {
         return mp;
     } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
       // Ignore
   return null;
 static ShellCommandParamSpec[] forMethod(Method theMethod) {
   Class[] paramTypes = theMethod.getParameterTypes();
   ShellCommandParamSpec[] result =
       new ShellCommandParamSpec[theMethod.getParameterTypes().length];
   Annotation[][] annotations = theMethod.getParameterAnnotations();
   assert annotations.length == result.length;
   for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
     Param paramAnnotation = null;
     for (Annotation a : annotations[i]) {
       if (a instanceof Param) {
         paramAnnotation = (Param) a;
     if (paramAnnotation != null) {
       assert !paramAnnotation.name().isEmpty() : "@Param.name mustn\'t be empty";
       result[i] =
           new ShellCommandParamSpec(
               paramAnnotation.name(), paramTypes[i], paramAnnotation.description(), i);
     } else {
       result[i] = new ShellCommandParamSpec(String.format("p%d", i + 1), paramTypes[i], "", i);
   return result;
Пример #3
 // Checks whether or not the first parameter is more specific than the
 // second parameter.
 public static boolean methodMoreSpecific(Method more, Method less) {
   // Check that both of the parameters are non-null.
   if (more == null || less == null) {
     throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null parameter");
   // Check that they have the same names.
   if (!more.getName().equals(less.getName())) {
     throw new IllegalArgumentException("Different names");
   // Get their parameter types and check that they have the same number of
   // parameters.
   Class[] moreParamTypes = more.getParameterTypes();
   Class[] lessParamTypes = less.getParameterTypes();
   if (moreParamTypes.length != lessParamTypes.length) {
     throw new IllegalArgumentException("Different numbers of params");
   // To be more specific, more needs to have a declaring class assignable
   // to that of less.
   if (!less.getDeclaringClass().isAssignableFrom(more.getDeclaringClass())) {
     return false;
   // To be more specific, more has to have parameters assignable to the
   // corresponding parameters of less.
   for (int i = 0; i < moreParamTypes.length; i++) {
     if (!lessParamTypes[i].isAssignableFrom(moreParamTypes[i])) {
       return false;
   return true;
  private <T extends Service> void applyInjection(
      T service, Method injectionMethod, InjectService injectService) {
    if (injectionMethod.getParameterTypes() == null
        || injectionMethod.getParameterTypes().length != 1) {
      throw new ServiceDependencyException(
          "Encountered @InjectService on method with unexpected number of parameters");

    Class dependentServiceRole = injectService.serviceRole();
    if (dependentServiceRole == null || dependentServiceRole.equals(Void.class)) {
      dependentServiceRole = injectionMethod.getParameterTypes()[0];

    // todo : because of the use of proxies, this is no longer returning null here...

    final Service dependantService = getService(dependentServiceRole);
    if (dependantService == null) {
      if (injectService.required()) {
        throw new ServiceDependencyException(
            "Dependency ["
                + dependentServiceRole
                + "] declared by service ["
                + service
                + "] not found");
    } else {
      try {
        injectionMethod.invoke(service, dependantService);
      } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new ServiceDependencyException("Cannot inject dependency service", e);
   * Resolve the factory method in the specified bean definition, if possible. {@link
   * RootBeanDefinition#getResolvedFactoryMethod()} can be checked for the result.
   * @param mbd the bean definition to check
  public void resolveFactoryMethodIfPossible(RootBeanDefinition mbd) {
    Class<?> factoryClass;
    boolean isStatic;
    if (mbd.getFactoryBeanName() != null) {
      factoryClass = this.beanFactory.getType(mbd.getFactoryBeanName());
      isStatic = false;
    } else {
      factoryClass = mbd.getBeanClass();
      isStatic = true;
    factoryClass = ClassUtils.getUserClass(factoryClass);

    Method[] candidates = getCandidateMethods(factoryClass, mbd);
    Method uniqueCandidate = null;
    for (Method candidate : candidates) {
      if (Modifier.isStatic(candidate.getModifiers()) == isStatic
          && mbd.isFactoryMethod(candidate)) {
        if (uniqueCandidate == null) {
          uniqueCandidate = candidate;
        } else if (!Arrays.equals(
            uniqueCandidate.getParameterTypes(), candidate.getParameterTypes())) {
          uniqueCandidate = null;
    synchronized (mbd.constructorArgumentLock) {
      mbd.resolvedConstructorOrFactoryMethod = uniqueCandidate;
Пример #6
 public void callModelValidator(final AQuery $, final Ajax ajax) throws VolleyError {
   Map<Annotation, java.lang.reflect.Method> methodMap =
       ReflectUtils.getMethodsByAnnotation(Handler.class, getClass());
   for (Map.Entry<Annotation, java.lang.reflect.Method> entry : methodMap.entrySet()) {
     java.lang.reflect.Method method = entry.getValue();
     for (int i = 0; i < method.getParameterTypes().length; i++) {
       Class type = method.getParameterTypes()[i];
       if (method.getParameterAnnotations()[i][0] instanceof ResponseBody
           && type != String.class
           && type != byte[].class
           && Checker.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
         try {
           Checker checker =
               (Checker) new Gson().fromJson(new String(ajax.getResponseBody(), "utf-8"), type);
           if (checker.getValidator().validate()) {
             $.log.i("has warning");
         } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
           throw new IllegalDataError("Unsupported encoding bytes");
Пример #7
 private Method findRealMethodForBridgeMethod(
     final Method componentMethod,
     final ComponentConfiguration componentConfiguration,
     final DeploymentReflectionIndex reflectionIndex,
     final MethodIdentifier methodIdentifier) {
   final ClassReflectionIndex<?> classIndex =
               .getDeclaringClass()); // the non-bridge method will be on the same class as the
                                      // bridge method
   final Collection<Method> methods =
           componentMethod.getName(), componentMethod.getParameterTypes().length);
   for (final Method method : methods) {
     if ((BRIDGE & method.getModifiers()) == 0) {
       if (componentMethod.getReturnType().isAssignableFrom(method.getReturnType())) {
         boolean ok = true;
         for (int i = 0; i < method.getParameterTypes().length; ++i) {
           if (!componentMethod.getParameterTypes()[i].isAssignableFrom(
               method.getParameterTypes()[i])) {
             ok = false;
         if (ok) {
           return method;
   return null;
 private final boolean isAssociatorOrDissociator(Method method) {
   if (method.getParameterTypes().length != 1) return false;
   if (method.getReturnType() != void.class) return false;
   Class parameterType = method.getParameterTypes()[0];
   if (!IDomainObject.class.isAssignableFrom(parameterType)) return false;
   return true;
    public int compare(Method a, Method b) {
      if (a == b) return 0;
      else if (a == null) return -1;
      else if (b == null) return 1;
      else if (a.equals(b)) return 0;

      int cmp = a.getName().compareTo(b.getName());
      if (cmp != 0) return cmp;

      Class[] paramA = a.getParameterTypes();
      Class[] paramB = b.getParameterTypes();

      if (paramA.length < paramB.length) return -1;
      else if (paramB.length < paramA.length) return 1;

      for (int i = 0; i < paramA.length; i++) {
        cmp = paramA[i].getName().compareTo(paramB[i].getName());
        if (cmp != 0) return cmp;

      cmp = a.getDeclaringClass().getName().compareTo(b.getDeclaringClass().getName());
      if (cmp != 0) return cmp;

      return a.getReturnType().getName().compareTo(b.getReturnType().getName());
Пример #10
  // TODO document how this method converts without validation, and isValidInvocation() should be
  // used first
  public static Object[] convertParamsForVarArgsMethod(Method method, Object... newParams) {
    if (!method.isVarArgs()) {
      return newParams;

    int methodParamCount = method.getParameterTypes().length;

    if (newParams.length > 0) {
      if (newParams.length > methodParamCount) {
        int varArgsLength = newParams.length - methodParamCount + 1;
        newParams = convertParams(method, varArgsLength, newParams);
      } else if (newParams.length == methodParamCount) {
        int varArgsIndex = methodParamCount - 1;
        if (method.getParameterTypes()[varArgsIndex].equals(newParams[varArgsIndex].getClass())
            || method.getParameterTypes()[varArgsIndex].isAssignableFrom(
                newParams[varArgsIndex].getClass())) {
          // This is if an array is already provided
          return newParams;
        newParams = convertParams(method, 1, newParams);
      } else if (newParams.length == methodParamCount - 1) {
        newParams = convertParams(method, 0, newParams);
    } else {
      // If no new params are provided, an empty array needs to be returned.
      return (Object[]) Array.newInstance(method.getParameterTypes()[0], 0);
    return newParams;
Пример #11
 private Type[] convertMethodParameterTypes(Method method) {
   Type[] types = new Type[method.getParameterTypes().length];
   for (int i = 0; i < method.getParameterTypes().length; i++) {
     types[i] = new Type(method.getParameterTypes()[i].getName());
   return types;
Пример #12
  private static boolean validateParamsWithVarArgs(Method method, Object... newParams) {
    int methodParamCount = method.getParameterTypes().length;

    boolean result = true;
    for (int i = 0; i < methodParamCount; i++) {
      if (i < methodParamCount - 1) {
        // If it's not the last parameter, then it's not the varargs parameter yet
        if (!method.getParameterTypes()[i].isAssignableFrom(newParams[i].getClass())) {
          // If any parameter type is not assignable, the loop should end and method should return
          // false, this is not a match
          result = false;
      } else {
        if (!isValidVarArgs(
            method.getParameterTypes()[i], Arrays.copyOfRange(newParams, i, newParams.length))) {
          // If the final param, and the newParams provided for that position, won't work as valid
          // varArgs, this is not a mach
          result = false;
    return result;
  private Class<?> getType(ClassLoader loader, InjectionTarget target) {
    try {
      final Class<?> clazz = loader.loadClass(target.getInjectionTargetClass());

      try {
        final Field field = clazz.getDeclaredField(target.getInjectionTargetName());
        return field.getType();
      } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {

      // TODO Technically we should match by case
      final String bestName = "set" + StringUtils.capitalize(target.getInjectionTargetName());
      final String name = "set" + target.getInjectionTargetName().toLowerCase();
      Class<?> found = null;
      for (Method method : clazz.getDeclaredMethods()) {
        if (method.getParameterTypes().length == 1) {
          if (method.getName().equals(bestName)) {
            return method.getParameterTypes()[0];
          } else if (method.getName().toLowerCase().equals(name)) {
            found = method.getParameterTypes()[0];

      if (found != null) {
        return found;

    } catch (Throwable e) {

    return Object.class;
Пример #14
  /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  private void doInvoke(Method method, Client fromClient, Client toClient, Message msg) {
    String channel = (String) msg.get(Bayeux.CHANNEL_FIELD);
    Object data = msg.get(Bayeux.DATA_FIELD);
    String id = msg.getId();

    if (method != null) {
      try {
        Class<?>[] args = method.getParameterTypes();
        Object arg = Message.class.isAssignableFrom(args[1]) ? msg : data;

        Object reply = null;
        switch (method.getParameterTypes().length) {
          case 2:
            reply = method.invoke(this, fromClient, arg);
          case 3:
            reply = method.invoke(this, fromClient, arg, id);
          case 4:
            reply = method.invoke(this, fromClient, channel, arg, id);

        if (reply != null) send(fromClient, channel, reply, id);
      } catch (Exception e) {
        exception(fromClient, toClient, msg, e);
      } catch (Error e) {
        exception(fromClient, toClient, msg, e);
Пример #15
  static void emitFromNativeConversion(
      AsmBuilder builder,
      SkinnyMethodAdapter mv,
      FromNativeType fromNativeType,
      Class nativeClass) {
    // If there is a result converter, retrieve it and put on the stack
    FromNativeConverter fromNativeConverter = fromNativeType.getFromNativeConverter();
    if (fromNativeConverter != null) {
      boxValue(builder, mv, fromNativeConverter.nativeType(), nativeClass);

      Method fromNativeMethod = getFromNativeMethod(fromNativeType, builder.getClassLoader());
      getfield(mv, builder, builder.getFromNativeConverterField(fromNativeConverter));
      if (fromNativeType.getFromNativeContext() != null) {
            mv, builder, builder.getFromNativeContextField(fromNativeType.getFromNativeContext()));
      } else {

      if (fromNativeMethod.getDeclaringClass().isInterface()) {
      } else {

      if (fromNativeType.getDeclaredType().isPrimitive()) {
        // The actual return type is a primitive, but there was a converter for it - extract the
        // primitive value
        Class boxedType = getBoxedClass(fromNativeType.getDeclaredType());
        if (!boxedType.isAssignableFrom(fromNativeMethod.getReturnType()))
            mv, boxedType, fromNativeType.getDeclaredType(), fromNativeType.getNativeType());

      } else if (!fromNativeType
          .isAssignableFrom(fromNativeMethod.getReturnType())) {

    } else if (!fromNativeType.getDeclaredType().isPrimitive()) {
      Class unboxedType = unboxedType(fromNativeType.getDeclaredType());
      convertPrimitive(mv, nativeClass, unboxedType, fromNativeType.getNativeType());
      boxValue(builder, mv, fromNativeType.getDeclaredType(), unboxedType);
Пример #16
 private void handleCandidateWriteMethod(Method method) throws IntrospectionException {
   int nParams = method.getParameterTypes().length;
   String propertyName = propertyNameFor(method);
   Class<?> propertyType = method.getParameterTypes()[nParams - 1];
   PropertyDescriptor existingPd = findExistingPropertyDescriptor(propertyName, propertyType);
   if (nParams == 1) {
     if (existingPd == null) {
       this.propertyDescriptors.add(new SimplePropertyDescriptor(propertyName, null, method));
     } else {
   } else if (nParams == 2) {
     if (existingPd == null) {
           new SimpleIndexedPropertyDescriptor(propertyName, null, null, null, method));
     } else if (existingPd instanceof IndexedPropertyDescriptor) {
       ((IndexedPropertyDescriptor) existingPd).setIndexedWriteMethod(method);
     } else {
           new SimpleIndexedPropertyDescriptor(
   } else {
     throw new IllegalArgumentException(
         "Write method must have exactly 1 or 2 parameters: " + method);
Пример #17
 private void expectMatchingAccessibleMethodParameterTypes(
     Class<?> cls, String methodName, Class<?>[] requestTypes, Class<?>[] actualTypes) {
   Method m = MethodUtils.getMatchingAccessibleMethod(cls, methodName, requestTypes);
       toString(m.getParameterTypes()) + " not equals " + toString(actualTypes),
       Arrays.equals(actualTypes, m.getParameterTypes()));
Пример #18
  public static <T> WeldMethod<?, ?> findDecoratorMethod(
      WeldDecorator<T> decorator,
      Map<MethodSignature, WeldMethod<?, ?>> decoratorMethods,
      Method method) {
    // try the signature first, might be simpler
    MethodSignature key = new MethodSignatureImpl(method);
    if (decoratorMethods.containsKey(key)) {
      return decoratorMethods.get(key);
    // try all methods
    for (WeldMethod<?, ?> decoratorMethod : decoratorMethods.values()) {
      if (method.getParameterTypes().length == decoratorMethod.getParameters().size()
          && method.getName().equals(decoratorMethod.getName())) {
        boolean parameterMatch = true;
        for (int i = 0; parameterMatch && i < method.getParameterTypes().length; i++) {
          parameterMatch =
                  && decoratorMethod.getParameterTypesAsArray()[i].isAssignableFrom(
        if (parameterMatch) {
          return decoratorMethod;

    return null;
Пример #19
  private void setDefaultInputStream(GantBinding binding) {

    // Gant does not initialise the default input stream for
    // the Ant project, so we manually do it here.
    AntBuilder antBuilder = (AntBuilder) binding.getVariable("ant");
    Project p = antBuilder.getAntProject();

    try {
      p.setInputHandler(new CommandLineInputHandler());
    } catch (NoSuchMethodError nsme) {
      // will only happen due to a bug in JRockit
      // note - the only approach that works is to loop through the public methods
      for (Method m : p.getClass().getMethods()) {
        if ("setDefaultInputStream".equals(m.getName())
            && m.getParameterTypes().length == 1
            && InputStream.class.equals(m.getParameterTypes()[0])) {
          try {
            m.invoke(p, originalIn);
          } catch (Exception e) {
            // shouldn't happen, but let it bubble up to the catch(Throwable)
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
Пример #20
 private static void findNotImplemented(Class<?> type, Map<String, Method> result) {
   Class<?> superclass = type.getSuperclass();
   if (superclass != null) {
     findNotImplemented(superclass, result);
   for (Method m : type.getDeclaredMethods()) {
     NotImplemented ni = m.getAnnotation(NotImplemented.class);
     if (ni != null) {
       result.put(ni.value(), m);
     } else {
       BindSelector bs = m.getAnnotation(BindSelector.class);
       if (bs != null) {
       } else {
         String mName = m.getName();
         Class<?>[] mParamTypes = m.getParameterTypes();
         for (Iterator<Entry<String, Method>> it = result.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
           Entry<String, Method> entry = it.next();
           Method m2 = entry.getValue();
           if (m2.getName().equals(mName) && Arrays.equals(m2.getParameterTypes(), mParamTypes)) {
Пример #21
  * 根据一个字段名和字段类型获取 Setter
  * @param fieldName 字段名
  * @param paramType 字段类型
  * @return 方法
  * @throws NoSuchMethodException 没找到 Setter
 public Method getSetter(String fieldName, Class<?> paramType) throws NoSuchMethodException {
   try {
     String setterName = "set" + Strings.capitalize(fieldName);
     try {
       return klass.getMethod(setterName, paramType);
     } catch (Throwable e) {
       try {
         return klass.getMethod(fieldName, paramType);
       } catch (Throwable e1) {
         Mirror<?> type = Mirror.me(paramType);
         for (Method method : klass.getMethods()) {
           if (method.getParameterTypes().length == 1)
             if (method.getName().equals(setterName) || method.getName().equals(fieldName)) {
               if (null == paramType || type.canCastToDirectly(method.getParameterTypes()[0]))
                 return method;
         // 还是没有? 会不会是包装类型啊?
         if (!paramType.isPrimitive()) {
           Class<?> p = unWrapper();
           if (null != p) return getSetter(fieldName, p);
         throw new RuntimeException();
   } catch (Throwable e) {
     throw Lang.makeThrow(
         "Fail to find setter for [%s]->[%s(%s)]",
Пример #22
  * set the value to target by method m using reflection automatic type parse for String>Date
  * String>Integer String>Long String>Double
  * @param m
  * @param value
  * @param target
 private static void setValue(Method m, Object value, Object target) {
   if (value == null) {
   Object v = null;
   // Parsing the data type
   if (value.getClass().equals(m.getParameterTypes()[0])) {
     v = value;
   } else if (value instanceof String) {
     if (Date.class.equals(m.getParameterTypes()[0])) {
       v = X.string2date((String) value, X.TIMEA);
     } else if (Integer.class.equals(m.getParameterTypes()[0])) {
       v = Integer.parseInt((String) value);
     } else if (Long.class.equals(m.getParameterTypes()[0])) {
       v = Long.parseLong((String) value);
     } else if (Double.class.equals(m.getParameterTypes()[0])) {
       v = Double.parseDouble((String) value);
   if (v != null) {
     try {
       // invoke the setter
       m.invoke(target, v);
     } catch (Exception e) {
 BoundSingleParameter(final Method method, final Class<?> type, final boolean optional) {
   this.type = type;
   int pos = -1;
   for (int i = 0; i < method.getParameterTypes().length; ++i) {
     boolean pathParam = false;
     for (Annotation annotation : method.getParameterAnnotations()[i]) {
       if (annotation.annotationType().equals(PathParam.class)) {
         pathParam = true;
     if (pathParam) {
     if (method.getParameterTypes()[i].equals(type)) {
       if (pos != -1) {
         throw JsrWebSocketMessages.MESSAGES.moreThanOneParameterOfType(type, method);
       pos = i;
   if (pos != -1) {
     position = pos;
   } else if (optional) {
     position = -1;
   } else {
     throw JsrWebSocketMessages.MESSAGES.parameterNotFound(type, method);
Пример #24
  public void callAction(Object eventObject) {
    try {

      Method method = actionInfo.getActionMethod();
      if (method.getParameterTypes().length == 0) {
      } else if (method.getParameterTypes().length == 1) {
        if (method.getParameterTypes()[0].equals(eventObject.getClass())) {
          method.invoke(presenter, eventObject);
        } else
              "The event object "
                  + method.getParameterTypes()[0].toString()
                  + " is not supported "
                  + " try this event object:  "
                  + eventObject.getClass().toString());
      } else {
        logger.error("The action must have one parameter ");

    } catch (SecurityException e) {
      // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
    } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
      // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
      // TODO Auto-generated catch block
  private Invocation next() {
    if (interceptors.hasNext()) {
      Interceptor interceptor = interceptors.next();
      Object nextInstance = interceptor.getInstance();
      Method nextMethod = interceptor.getMethod();

      if (nextMethod.getParameterTypes().length == 1
          && nextMethod.getParameterTypes()[0] == InvocationContext.class) {
        return new InterceptorInvocation(nextInstance, nextMethod, this);
      } else {
        return new LifecycleInvocation(nextInstance, nextMethod, this, parameters);
    } else if (method != null) {
      // EJB 3.1, it is allowed that timeout method does not have parameter Timer.class,
      // However, while invoking the timeout method, the timer value is passed, as it is also
      // required by InnvocationContext.getTimer() method
      Object[] methodParameters;
      if (operation.equals(Operation.TIMEOUT) && method.getParameterTypes().length == 0) {
        methodParameters = new Object[0];
      } else {
        methodParameters = parameters;
      return new BeanInvocation(target, method, methodParameters);
    } else {
      return new NoOpInvocation();
Пример #26
   * Invokes the underlying method {@code mtd} represented by this {@link Method} object, on the
   * specified object {@code target} with the specified parameter object {@code rsrc}.
   * @param mtd Method which should be invoked to inject resource.
   * @param target Target object.
   * @param rsrc Resource object which should be injected.
   * @throws GridException Thrown if unable to inject resource.
  static void inject(Method mtd, Object target, Object rsrc) throws GridException {
    if (mtd.getParameterTypes().length != 1
        || (rsrc != null && !mtd.getParameterTypes()[0].isAssignableFrom(rsrc.getClass()))) {
      throw new GridException(
          "Setter does not have single parameter of required type [type="
              + rsrc.getClass().getName()
              + ", setter="
              + mtd
              + ']');

    try {

      mtd.invoke(target, rsrc);
    } catch (IllegalAccessException | ExceptionInInitializerError | InvocationTargetException e) {
      throw new GridException(
          "Failed to inject resource [method="
              + mtd.getName()
              + ", target="
              + target
              + ", rsrc="
              + rsrc
              + ']',
Пример #27
  * Returns the property type that corresponds to the read and write method. The type precedence is
  * given to the readMethod.
  * @return the type of the property descriptor or null if both read and write methods are null.
  * @throws IntrospectionException if the read or write method is invalid
 private Class findPropertyType(Method readMethod, Method writeMethod)
     throws IntrospectionException {
   Class propertyType = null;
   try {
     if (readMethod != null) {
       Class[] params = readMethod.getParameterTypes();
       if (params.length != 0) {
         throw new IntrospectionException("bad read method arg count: " + readMethod);
       propertyType = readMethod.getReturnType();
       if (propertyType == Void.TYPE) {
         throw new IntrospectionException("read method " + readMethod.getName() + " returns void");
     if (writeMethod != null) {
       Class params[] = writeMethod.getParameterTypes();
       if (params.length != 1) {
         throw new IntrospectionException("bad write method arg count: " + writeMethod);
       if (propertyType != null && propertyType != params[0]) {
         throw new IntrospectionException("type mismatch between read and write methods");
       propertyType = params[0];
   } catch (IntrospectionException ex) {
     throw ex;
   return propertyType;
Пример #28
  private static List<Type> parameterTypes(TypeManager typeManager, Method method) {
    Annotation[][] parameterAnnotations = method.getParameterAnnotations();

    ImmutableList.Builder<Type> types = ImmutableList.builder();
    for (int i = 0; i < method.getParameterTypes().length; i++) {
      Class<?> clazz = method.getParameterTypes()[i];
      // skip session parameters
      if (clazz == ConnectorSession.class) {

      // find the explicit type annotation if present
      SqlType explicitType = null;
      for (Annotation annotation : parameterAnnotations[i]) {
        if (annotation instanceof SqlType) {
          explicitType = (SqlType) annotation;
          explicitType != null,
          "Method %s argument %s does not have a @SqlType annotation",
      types.add(type(typeManager, explicitType));
    return types.build();
Пример #29
  public void testInheritedMethodsImplemented() throws Exception {
    int errors = 0;
    for (Method m : FileSystem.class.getDeclaredMethods()) {
      if (Modifier.isStatic(m.getModifiers())
          || Modifier.isPrivate(m.getModifiers())
          || Modifier.isFinal(m.getModifiers())) {

      try {
        MustNotImplement.class.getMethod(m.getName(), m.getParameterTypes());
        try {
          HarFileSystem.class.getDeclaredMethod(m.getName(), m.getParameterTypes());
          LOG.error("HarFileSystem MUST not implement " + m);
        } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) {
          // Expected
      } catch (NoSuchMethodException exc) {
        try {
          HarFileSystem.class.getDeclaredMethod(m.getName(), m.getParameterTypes());
        } catch (NoSuchMethodException exc2) {
          LOG.error("HarFileSystem MUST implement " + m);
    assertTrue((errors + " methods were not overridden correctly - see log"), errors <= 0);
Пример #30
  private void BuildSignature() {
    Var[] vars = new Var[samMethod.getParameterTypes().length];
    lambdaApplyParameters = new Class<?>[samMethod.getParameterTypes().length];
    for (int i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) {
      //noinspection unchecked
      Type paramType = samMethod.getGenericParameterTypes()[i];
      if (paramType instanceof Class) vars[i] = new Var((Class<?>) paramType);
      else if (paramType instanceof TypeVariable)
        vars[i] = new Var(findMaterializedType(((TypeVariable) paramType).getName()));
        throw new LambdaException(
            "unexpected param generic type [%s] for SAM [%s]", paramType, samType.getName());

      lambdaApplyParameters[i] = Object.class;

    Class<?> materializedRetType;
    Type genericRetType = samMethod.getGenericReturnType();
    if (genericRetType instanceof Class<?>) materializedRetType = samMethod.getReturnType();
    else if (genericRetType instanceof TypeVariable)
      materializedRetType = findMaterializedType(((TypeVariable) genericRetType).getName());
      throw new LambdaException(
          "unexpected generic return type [%s] for SAM [%s]",
          samMethod.getReturnType(), samType.getName());

    this.lambdaSignature = new LambdaSignature<Object>(materializedRetType, vars);