public CircuitElementView instantiateElement( UUID elementUUID, float positionX, float positionY, CircuitElementManager elementManager, WireManager wireManager) throws InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException, NoSuchMethodException { Class<? extends CircuitElementView> viewType = ElementTypeUUID.VIEW_MAP.get(elementUUID); if (viewType == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing element view UUID"); Class<? extends CircuitElement> elementType = ElementTypeUUID.ELEMENT_MAP.get(elementUUID); if (elementType == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing element type UUID"); Constructor<? extends CircuitElementView> viewConstructor; viewConstructor = viewType.getConstructor( Context.class, CircuitElement.class, float.class, float.class, WireManager.class); Constructor<? extends CircuitElement> elementConstructor; elementConstructor = elementType.getConstructor(CircuitElementManager.class); CircuitElement element = elementConstructor.newInstance(elementManager); return viewConstructor.newInstance(context, element, 0, 0, wireManager); }
private static RetryPolicy instantiateRetryPolicy( String policyClassName, Object[] args, String raw) throws Exception { Class<?> policyClass = Class.forName(policyClassName); for (Constructor<?> con : policyClass.getConstructors()) { Class<?>[] parameterClasses = con.getParameterTypes(); if (args.length == parameterClasses.length) { boolean allInts = true; for (Class<?> pc : parameterClasses) { if (!pc.equals(int.class)) { allInts = false; break; } } if (!allInts) { break; } log.debug("About to instantiate class {} with {} arguments", con.toString(), args.length); return (RetryPolicy) con.newInstance(args); } } throw new Exception( "Failed to identify a class matching the Astyanax Retry Policy config string \"" + raw + "\""); }
protected static DeviceImpl importFromBEncodedMapStatic(DeviceManagerImpl manager, Map map) throws IOException { String impl = ImportExportUtils.importString(map, "_impl"); if (impl.startsWith(".")) { impl = MY_PACKAGE + impl; } try { Class<DeviceImpl> cla = (Class<DeviceImpl>) Class.forName(impl); Constructor<DeviceImpl> cons = cla.getDeclaredConstructor(DeviceManagerImpl.class, Map.class); cons.setAccessible(true); return (cons.newInstance(manager, map)); } catch (Throwable e) { Debug.out("Can't construct device for " + impl, e); throw (new IOException("Construction failed: " + Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage(e))); } }
public static Object[] createConstructorArguments( Constructor<?> c, Message m, boolean perRequest, Map<Class<?>, Object> contextValues) { Class<?>[] params = c.getParameterTypes(); Annotation[][] anns = c.getParameterAnnotations(); Type[] genericTypes = c.getGenericParameterTypes(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") MultivaluedMap<String, String> templateValues = m == null ? null : (MultivaluedMap<String, String>) m.get(URITemplate.TEMPLATE_PARAMETERS); Object[] values = new Object[params.length]; for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { if (AnnotationUtils.getAnnotation(anns[i], Context.class) != null) { Object contextValue = contextValues != null ? contextValues.get(params[i]) : null; if (contextValue == null) { if (perRequest) { values[i] = JAXRSUtils.createContextValue(m, genericTypes[i], params[i]); } else { values[i] = InjectionUtils.createThreadLocalProxy(params[i]); } } else { values[i] = contextValue; } } else { // this branch won't execute for singletons given that the found constructor // is guaranteed to have only Context parameters, if any, for singletons Parameter p = ResourceUtils.getParameter(i, anns[i], params[i]); values[i] = JAXRSUtils.createHttpParameterValue( p, params[i], genericTypes[i], anns[i], m, templateValues, null); } } return values; }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private <T> T _get(Class<T> type, Set<Class<?>> seenTypes) { if (!seenTypes.add(type)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cycle in dependencies for " + type); } Object singleton = singletons.get(type); if (singleton != null) { return (T) singleton; } try { Constructor<T> constructor = getConstructor(type); Class<?>[] parameterTypes = constructor.getParameterTypes(); Object[] parameters = new Object[parameterTypes.length]; for (int i = 0; i < parameterTypes.length; i++) { parameters[i] = _get(parameterTypes[i], seenTypes); } T instance = postProcess(constructor.newInstance(parameters)); singletons.put(type, instance); return instance; } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to create instance of " + type); } }
/** * Creates and returns a new Tickertape instance, or throws a TickerLinguaException if the passed * parameters are not valid. * * @param id A unique id (not validated). * @param intervalHours The interval as hours. * @param enabled If this ticker is to be instantiated or not. * @param starttime A string indicating the start time. Not yet validated. * @param description A description of this tickertape. * @param projects A non-empty list of HackystatProject instances. * @param services A possibly empty list of notification services. (One might use email). * @param tickerClass The ticker class instance. * @param tickerProperties A possibly empty Properties instance. * @throws TickerLinguaException If there is not at least one project and notification service. */ public Tickertape( String id, double intervalHours, boolean enabled, String starttime, String description, List<HackystatProject> projects, List<NotificationService> services, Class<? extends Ticker> tickerClass, Properties tickerProperties) throws TickerLinguaException { = id; this.intervalHours = intervalHours; this.enabled = enabled; this.starttime = starttime; this.description = description; this.projects = projects; if (this.projects.isEmpty()) { throw new TickerLinguaException("At least one project must be defined."); } = services; try { Constructor<? extends Ticker> ctor = tickerClass.getConstructor(); this.ticker = ctor.newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Ticker could not be instantiated. Shouldn't ever happen!", e); } // Create the properties map. for (Property property : tickerProperties.getProperty()) { properties.put(property.getKey(), property.getValue()); } }
/** 获取指定路径的apk的资源 */ @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"}) public static Resources getAPKResources(String apkPath) throws Exception { Context context = UIUtils.getContext(); if (null == context) { return null; } String PathAssetManager = "android.content.res.AssetManager"; Class assetMagCls = Class.forName(PathAssetManager); Constructor assetMagCt = assetMagCls.getConstructor((Class[]) null); Object assetMag = assetMagCt.newInstance((Object[]) null); Class[] typeArgs = new Class[1]; typeArgs[0] = String.class; Method assetMagAddAssetPathMtd = assetMagCls.getDeclaredMethod("addAssetPath", typeArgs); Object[] valueArgs = new Object[1]; valueArgs[0] = apkPath; assetMagAddAssetPathMtd.invoke(assetMag, valueArgs); Resources res = context.getResources(); typeArgs = new Class[3]; typeArgs[0] = assetMag.getClass(); typeArgs[1] = res.getDisplayMetrics().getClass(); typeArgs[2] = res.getConfiguration().getClass(); Constructor resCt = Resources.class.getConstructor(typeArgs); valueArgs = new Object[3]; valueArgs[0] = assetMag; valueArgs[1] = res.getDisplayMetrics(); valueArgs[2] = res.getConfiguration(); res = (Resources) resCt.newInstance(valueArgs); return res; }
public static void register(Class<? extends Event> pore) { checkNotNull(pore, "pore"); Class<? extends org.spongepowered.api.event.Event> sponge = null; for (Constructor<?> constructor : pore.getConstructors()) { Class<?>[] parameters = constructor.getParameterTypes(); if (parameters.length == 1) { Class<?> parameter = parameters[0]; if (org.spongepowered.api.event.Event.class.isAssignableFrom(parameter)) { sponge = parameter.asSubclass(org.spongepowered.api.event.Event.class); } } } checkArgument(sponge != null, "No event constructor found in %s", pore); Class<?> superClass = pore.getSuperclass(); checkState( !Modifier.isAbstract(superClass.getModifiers()) && superClass.getName().startsWith("org.bukkit.event"), "Not a Bukkit handle event %s", superClass); Class<? extends Event> handle = superClass.asSubclass(Event.class); HandlerList list = SimplePluginManager.getEventListeners(handle); list.addAdapter(create(pore, sponge)); }
@SuppressWarnings("unused") private static Object _invoke( MethodHandler methodHandler, Class<? extends ClusterInvokeAcceptor> clusterInvokeAcceptorClass, Map<String, Serializable> context) throws Exception { if (clusterInvokeAcceptorClass != null) { Constructor<? extends ClusterInvokeAcceptor> constructor = clusterInvokeAcceptorClass.getDeclaredConstructor(); if (!constructor.isAccessible()) { constructor.setAccessible(true); } ClusterInvokeAcceptor clusterInvokeAcceptor = constructor.newInstance(); if (!clusterInvokeAcceptor.accept(context)) { return null; } } _populateThreadLocalsFromContext(context); return methodHandler.invoke(); }
@NotNull public <T extends ATNState> T newState(@NotNull Class<T> nodeType, GrammarAST node) { Exception cause; try { Constructor<T> ctor = nodeType.getConstructor(); T s = ctor.newInstance(); if (currentRule == null) s.setRuleIndex(-1); else s.setRuleIndex(currentRule.index); atn.addState(s); return s; } catch (InstantiationException ex) { cause = ex; } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) { cause = ex; } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { cause = ex; } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) { cause = ex; } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) { cause = ex; } catch (SecurityException ex) { cause = ex; } String message = String.format( "Could not create %s of type %s.", ATNState.class.getName(), nodeType.getName()); throw new UnsupportedOperationException(message, cause); }
/** * Constructs an instance of a property editor using the current property editor class. * * <p>If the property editor class has a public constructor that takes an Object argument then it * will be invoked using the bean parameter as the argument. Otherwise, the default constructor * will be invoked. * * @param bean the source object * @return a property editor instance or null if a property editor has not been defined or cannot * be created * @since 1.5 */ public PropertyEditor createPropertyEditor(Object bean) { Object editor = null; Class cls = getPropertyEditorClass(); if (cls != null) { Constructor ctor = null; if (bean != null) { try { ctor = cls.getConstructor(new Class[] {Object.class}); } catch (Exception ex) { // Fall through } } try { if (ctor == null) { editor = cls.newInstance(); } else { editor = ctor.newInstance(new Object[] {bean}); } } catch (Exception ex) { // A serious error has occured. // Proably due to an invalid property editor. throw new RuntimeException("PropertyEditor not instantiated", ex); } } return (PropertyEditor) editor; }
private MetaClass createWithCustomLookup(Class theClass, MetaClassRegistry registry) { try { final Class customMetaClass = Class.forName("groovy.runtime.metaclass." + theClass.getName() + "MetaClass"); if (DelegatingMetaClass.class.isAssignableFrom(customMetaClass)) { final Constructor customMetaClassConstructor = customMetaClass.getConstructor(MetaClass.class); MetaClass normalMetaClass = createNormalMetaClass(theClass, registry); return (MetaClass) customMetaClassConstructor.newInstance(normalMetaClass); } else { final Constructor customMetaClassConstructor = customMetaClass.getConstructor(MetaClassRegistry.class, Class.class); return (MetaClass) customMetaClassConstructor.newInstance(registry, theClass); } } catch (final ClassNotFoundException e) { return createNormalMetaClass(theClass, registry); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new GroovyRuntimeException( "Could not instantiate custom Metaclass for class: " + theClass.getName() + ". Reason: " + e, e); } }
private LineParser createDocDataLineReader(String line) { String[] header; String headIndicator = WriteLineDocTask.FIELDS_HEADER_INDICATOR + WriteLineDocTask.SEP; if (line.startsWith(headIndicator)) { header = line.substring(headIndicator.length()).split(Character.toString(WriteLineDocTask.SEP)); skipHeaderLine = true; // mark to skip the header line when input file is reopened } else { header = WriteLineDocTask.DEFAULT_FIELDS; } // if a specific DocDataLineReader was configured, must respect it String docDataLineReaderClassName = getConfig().get("line.parser", null); if (docDataLineReaderClassName != null) { try { final Class<? extends LineParser> clazz = Class.forName(docDataLineReaderClassName).asSubclass(LineParser.class); Constructor<? extends LineParser> cnstr = clazz.getConstructor(String[].class); return cnstr.newInstance((Object) header); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to instantiate " + docDataLineReaderClassName, e); } } // if this the simple case, if (Arrays.deepEquals(header, WriteLineDocTask.DEFAULT_FIELDS)) { return new SimpleLineParser(header); } return new HeaderLineParser(header); }
// Remove any previous entry in the given map with the given name // and add an entry in the given map with the given name as the key // and the given taglet as the value. private static void _register(Map tagletMap, Taglet taglet) { final String tagName = taglet.getName(); if (tagletMap.containsKey(tagName)) { tagletMap.remove(tagName); } String javaSpecificationVersion = System.getProperty("java.specification.version"); if (javaSpecificationVersion != null && javaSpecificationVersion.equals("1.4")) { tagletMap.put(taglet.getName(), taglet); } else { String legacyTagletClassName = ""; try { // Use reflection so that this code will compile under jdk1.4. Class legacyTagletClass = Class.forName(legacyTagletClassName); Constructor legacyTagletConstructor = legacyTagletClass.getConstructor(new Class[] {Taglet.class}); Object legacyTagletObject = legacyTagletConstructor.newInstance(new Object[] {taglet}); tagletMap.put(tagName, legacyTagletObject); } catch (Throwable throwable) { throwable.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException( "Problem with the '" + legacyTagletClassName + "' class: ", throwable); } } }
/** * Convert {@code Object} value to a value of the specified class type. * * @param value {@code Object} value to convert. * @param type conversion type. * @param <T> converted value type. * @return value converted to the specified class type. */ public static <T> T convertValue(Object value, Class<T> type) { if (!type.isInstance(value)) { // TODO: Move string value readers from server to common and utilize them here final Constructor constructor = AccessController.doPrivileged(ReflectionHelper.getStringConstructorPA(type)); if (constructor != null) { try { return type.cast(constructor.newInstance(value)); } catch (Exception e) { // calling the constructor wasn't successful - ignore and try valueOf() } } final Method valueOf = AccessController.doPrivileged(ReflectionHelper.getValueOfStringMethodPA(type)); if (valueOf != null) { try { return type.cast(valueOf.invoke(null, value)); } catch (Exception e) { // calling valueOf wasn't successful } } // at this point we don't know what to return -> return null if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) { LOGGER.warning( LocalizationMessages.PROPERTIES_HELPER_GET_VALUE_NO_TRANSFORM( String.valueOf(value), value.getClass().getName(), type.getName())); } return null; } return type.cast(value); }
protected boolean initInstance( NyARIntSize size, Class<? extends INyARRgbPixelReader> pixelReaderClass, boolean isAlloc) { int bufferType = getBufferType(pixelReaderClass); // 0:24bit, 1:32bit, 2:16bit int bufferSize = bufferType >> 16 & 0x3; bufferSize = bufferSize == 0 ? 3 : (bufferSize == 1 ? 4 : 2); // 1:byte[], 2:int[][], 3:short[], 4:int[], ... Class<?> type; if ((bufferType & T_BYTE1D) != 0) { type = byte[].class; this.buffer = isAlloc ? new byte[size.w * size.h * bufferSize] : null; } else if ((bufferType & T_INT1D) != 0) { type = int[].class; this.buffer = isAlloc ? new int[size.w * size.h] : null; } else { return false; } this.isAttachedBuffer = isAlloc; // Instantiate pixel reader. try { Constructor<? extends INyARRgbPixelReader> constructor = pixelReaderClass.getConstructor(type, NyARIntSize.class); this.reader = constructor.newInstance(this.buffer, size); } catch (Exception e) { return false; } return true; }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { System.out.println("Well, you think your EnumSingleton is really a singleton"); System.out.println( "The id of the INSTANCE object is " + System.identityHashCode(EnumSingleton.INSTANCE)); System.out.println("I will create another instance using reflection"); Constructor<EnumSingleton> privateConstructor = EnumSingleton.class.getDeclaredConstructor(String.class, int.class); privateConstructor.setAccessible(true); try { privateConstructor.newInstance(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { System.out.println( "D'oh! An exception prevented me from creating a new instance: " + e.getMessage()); } System.out.println("Hmm, I will try one more option - Serialisation"); EnumSingleton clone = SerializationUtils.clone(EnumSingleton.INSTANCE); System.out.println( "D'oh! Even serialization did not work. id = " + System.identityHashCode(clone)); System.out.println("I give up"); }
/** For internal use only. */ private static Object makeDerivedWrapper(Element elt, String baseTypeName) { synchronized (DOMUtils.getDOMLock(elt)) { QName typeName = XArchUtils.getXSIType(elt); if (typeName == null) { return null; } else { if (!DOMUtils.hasXSIType( elt, "", baseTypeName)) { try { String packageTitle = XArchUtils.getPackageTitle(typeName.getNamespaceURI()); String packageName = XArchUtils.getPackageName(packageTitle); String implName = XArchUtils.getImplName(packageName, typeName.getName()); Class c = Class.forName(implName); java.lang.reflect.Constructor con = c.getConstructor(new Class[] {Element.class}); Object o = con.newInstance(new Object[] {elt}); return o; } catch (Exception e) { // Lots of bad things could happen, but this // is OK, because this is best-effort anyway. } } return null; } } }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private Work openEditor(String editorClassName, WorkDefinition workDefinition) { IJavaProject javaProject = getProject(); if (javaProject != null) { try { ClassLoader oldLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); ClassLoader newLoader = ProjectClassLoader.getProjectClassLoader(javaProject); try { Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(newLoader); Class<WorkEditor> editorClass = (Class<WorkEditor>) newLoader.loadClass(editorClassName); Constructor<WorkEditor> constructor = editorClass.getConstructor(Shell.class); WorkEditor editor = constructor.newInstance(getViewer().getControl().getShell()); editor.setWorkDefinition(workDefinition); WorkItemNode workItemNode = getWorkItemWrapper().getWorkItemNode(); editor.setWork(workItemNode.getWork()); boolean result =; return result ? editor.getWork() : null; } finally { Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(oldLoader); } } catch (Exception e) { DroolsEclipsePlugin.log(e); } } return null; }
@Override public void serviceInit(Configuration conf) throws Exception { Constructor<?> cons; try { if (conf instanceof TajoConf) { this.conf = (TajoConf) conf; } else { throw new TajoInternalError("conf must be a TajoConf instance"); } Class<?> storeClass = this.conf.getClass(CatalogConstants.STORE_CLASS, DerbyStore.class);"Catalog Store Class: " + storeClass.getCanonicalName()); cons = storeClass.getConstructor(new Class[] {Configuration.class}); = (CatalogStore) cons.newInstance(this.conf); initBuiltinFunctions(builtingFuncs); } catch (Throwable t) { LOG.error("CatalogServer initialization failed", t); throw new TajoInternalError(t); } super.serviceInit(conf); }
public Object exec(List arguments) throws TemplateModelException { int size = arguments.size(); if (size < 1) { throw new TemplateModelException("Invalid number of arguments for new(class, ...) method"); } Class<?> klass; try { String className = (String) arguments.get(0); klass = Class.forName(className); if (size == 1) { return klass.newInstance(); } } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) { throw new TemplateModelException("Failed to isntantiate the object", e); } arguments.remove(0); Object[] ar = arguments.toArray(); size--; Constructor<?>[] ctors = klass.getConstructors(); for (Constructor<?> ctor : ctors) { Class<?>[] params = ctor.getParameterTypes(); // this is cloning params if (params.length == size) { // try this one try { return ctor.newInstance(ar); } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) { // continue } } } throw new TemplateModelException("No suitable constructor found"); }
private BrowserLauncher createBrowserLauncher( Class c, String browserStartCommand, String sessionId, SeleneseQueue queue) { try { BrowserLauncher browserLauncher; if (null == browserStartCommand) { Constructor ctor = c.getConstructor(new Class[] {int.class, String.class}); Object[] args = new Object[] {new Integer(server.getPort()), sessionId}; browserLauncher = (BrowserLauncher) ctor.newInstance(args); } else { Constructor ctor = c.getConstructor(new Class[] {int.class, String.class, String.class}); Object[] args = new Object[] { new Integer(SeleniumServer.getPortDriversShouldContact()), sessionId, browserStartCommand }; browserLauncher = (BrowserLauncher) ctor.newInstance(args); } if (browserLauncher instanceof SeleneseQueueAware) { ((SeleneseQueueAware) browserLauncher).setSeleneseQueue(queue); } return browserLauncher; } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { throw new RuntimeException( "failed to contruct launcher for " + browserStartCommand + "for" + e.getTargetException()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
/** * 创建Dao对象 * * @param clazz Dao类型 * @param sourceType 数据源类型 * @param dbType 数据库类型 * @return * @throws Exception */ private Object createDao(Class<?> clazz, SourceType sourceType, DbType dbType) throws Exception { Constructor<?> constructor = (Constructor<?>) clazz.getConstructor(SourceType.class, DbType.class); Object obj = constructor.newInstance(sourceType, dbType); daoContainer.put(clazz, obj); return obj; }
public static void create() throws Exception { ObjectType type = ObjectType.get(getControllerClass()); notFoundIfNull(type); Constructor<?> constructor = type.entityClass.getDeclaredConstructor(); constructor.setAccessible(true); Model object = (Model) constructor.newInstance(); Binder.bindBean(params.getRootParamNode(), "object", object); validation.valid(object); if (validation.hasErrors()) { renderArgs.put("error", play.i18n.Messages.get("crud.hasErrors")); try { render(request.controller.replace(".", "/") + "/blank.html", type, object); } catch (TemplateNotFoundException e) { render("CRUD/blank.html", type, object); } } object._save(); flash.success(play.i18n.Messages.get("crud.created", type.modelName)); if (params.get("_save") != null) { redirect(request.controller + ".list"); } if (params.get("_saveAndAddAnother") != null) { redirect(request.controller + ".blank"); } redirect(request.controller + ".show", object._key()); }
public static Constructor<?> findResourceConstructor(Class<?> resourceClass, boolean perRequest) { List<Constructor<?>> cs = new LinkedList<Constructor<?>>(); for (Constructor<?> c : resourceClass.getConstructors()) { Class<?>[] params = c.getParameterTypes(); Annotation[][] anns = c.getParameterAnnotations(); boolean match = true; for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { if (!perRequest) { if (AnnotationUtils.getAnnotation(anns[i], Context.class) == null) { match = false; break; } } else if (!AnnotationUtils.isValidParamAnnotations(anns[i])) { match = false; break; } } if (match) { cs.add(c); } } Collections.sort( cs, new Comparator<Constructor<?>>() { public int compare(Constructor<?> c1, Constructor<?> c2) { int p1 = c1.getParameterTypes().length; int p2 = c2.getParameterTypes().length; return p1 > p2 ? -1 : p1 < p2 ? 1 : 0; } }); return cs.size() == 0 ? null : cs.get(0); }
public static JTFCommand generateCommandObject(String rawCommand) throws Exception { if (rawCommand == null) { throw new JTFException("rawCommand should not be null"); } String[] tokens = rawCommand.split("\\s+"); // JTFCommand command = (JTFCommand) // Class.forName("com.sandisk.zsjtf.command." + // tokens[0]).newInstance(); // command.setArgs(parse(tokens)); Class<?> clazz = Class.forName("com.sandisk.zsjtf.command." + tokens[0]); // Properties initargs = parse(tokens); Constructor<?> constructor = clazz.getConstructor(String.class); JTFCommand command = (JTFCommand) constructor.newInstance(rawCommand); // if(command.getClass().equals(ZSOpenContainer.class)){ // ContainerProperty containerProps = ContainerProperty // .getDefaultProperty(); // // ZSOpenContainer zsOpenContainer = (ZSOpenContainer)command; // // zsOpenContainer.setContainerProperty(containerProps); // return zsOpenContainer; // } // return command; }
private void postNext() throws HibernateException, SQLException { this.hasNext =; if (!hasNext) { log.debug("exhausted results"); close(); } else { log.debug("retrieving next results"); if (single) { nextResult = types[0].nullSafeGet(rs, names[0], sess, null); } else { Object[] nextResults = new Object[types.length]; for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { nextResults[i] = types[i].nullSafeGet(rs, names[i], sess, null); } nextResult = nextResults; } if (holderConstructor != null) { try { if (nextResult == null || !nextResult.getClass().isArray()) { nextResult = holderConstructor.newInstance(new Object[] {nextResult}); } else { nextResult = holderConstructor.newInstance((Object[]) nextResult); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new QueryException( "Could not instantiate: " + holderConstructor.getDeclaringClass(), e); } } } }
@Test public void chanson() throws Throwable { checkConstructor(chanson, String.class, String.class, temps); collector.checkThat(constructor.newInstance("", "", null), instanceOf(chanson)); collector.checkThat(constructor.newInstance("a", "a", null), instanceOf(chanson)); }
protected WebDriver createInstanceOf(String className) { try { DesiredCapabilities capabilities = createCommonCapabilities(); capabilities.setJavascriptEnabled(true); capabilities.setCapability(TAKES_SCREENSHOT, true); capabilities.setCapability(ACCEPT_SSL_CERTS, true); capabilities.setCapability(SUPPORTS_ALERTS, true); if (isPhantomjs()) { capabilities.setCapability( "phantomjs.cli.args", // PhantomJSDriverService.PHANTOMJS_CLI_ARGS == // "phantomjs.cli.args" new String[] {"--web-security=no", "--ignore-ssl-errors=yes"}); } Class<?> clazz = Class.forName(className); if (WebDriverProvider.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) { return ((WebDriverProvider) clazz.newInstance()).createDriver(capabilities); } else { Constructor<?> constructor = Class.forName(className).getConstructor(Capabilities.class); return (WebDriver) constructor.newInstance(capabilities); } } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { throw runtime(e.getTargetException()); } catch (Exception invalidClassName) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(invalidClassName); } }
@Override public int compare(Constructor<?> o1, Constructor<?> o2) { int p1 = o1.getParameterTypes().length; int p2 = o2.getParameterTypes().length; return (p1 < p2) ? 1 : ((p1 == p2) ? 0 : -1); }