Пример #1
 public void drawImage(Image img, float alpha, double[] _xyzSW, double[] _xyzSE, double[] _xyzNW) {
   Composite cs = comp2D.getComposite();
   comp2D.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, alpha));
   AffineTransform t =
       getAffineTransform(img.getWidth(canvas), img.getHeight(canvas), _xyzSW, _xyzSE, _xyzNW);
   if (t != null) {
     comp2D.drawImage(img, t, canvas);
Пример #2
  * Prepare a buffer for the image, return if the canvas is ready Only need to call this when the
  * size of the canvas is changed, Since we automatically detect the size change in paint() only
  * call this on start
 public boolean newImgBuf() {
   Dimension sz = getSize();
   if (sz.width == 0 || sz.height == 0) return false;
   // quit if the current image already has the right size
   if (img != null && imgG != null && sz.equals(imgSize)) return true;
   img = createImage(sz.width, sz.height);
   if (imgG != null) imgG.dispose();
   imgG = img.getGraphics();
   imgSize = sz;
   return true;