public static void runWordSpellCheck() throws Exception { // read the input words ArrayList<String> corrections = new ArrayList<String>(); float score = 0; File file = new File("/home/tanmay/workspace/SpellCheck/src/words.txt"); if (file.length() == 0) { System.out.println("File is empty"); } else { BufferedReader fr = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); ArrayList<String> words = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> outputWords = new ArrayList<String>(); ; String[] line; String str; while ((str = fr.readLine()) != null) { line = str.split(" "); /* for(String word : line) words.add(word); */ words.add(line[0]); outputWords.add(line[1]); } System.out.println(words); System.out.println(outputWords); WordCheck w = new WordCheck(); w.createDictionary(); w.createConfusionMatrix(); // Printing the content of words int wordCount = 0; for (String word : words) { // for(String word : words) score = 0; long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); w.getCandidates(word); corrections = w.candidates; System.out.println(System.currentTimeMillis() - t1); System.out.print(word + " "); for (int p = 0; p < corrections.size(); p++) { System.out.print(corrections.get(p) + " "); if (corrections.get(p).equals(outputWords.get(wordCount))) score = 1 / (float) (p + 1); if (p == 4) break; } System.out.print("Score =" + score + "\n"); wordCount++; } } }
public static void runPhraseSpellCheck() throws Exception { String S, collocatedString = ""; Scanner enable = new Scanner(new File("/home/tanmay/workspace/SpellCheck/src/enable1.txt")); while (enable.hasNext()) { S =; // a = input.nextLong(); // System.out.print(S+"\t"+ a+"\t"); correctWords.add(S); } enable = new Scanner(new File("/home/tanmay/workspace/SpellCheck/src/stop.txt")); while (enable.hasNext()) { S =; // a = input.nextLong(); // System.out.print(S+"\t"+ a+"\t"); stopWords.add(S); } ArrayList<String> misspeltWords = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<Integer> misspeltWordsIndex = new ArrayList<Integer>(); ArrayList<String> corrections = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> finalCorrections = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> phraseWords = new ArrayList<String>(); int count; WordCheck w = new WordCheck(); w.createDictionary(); w.createConfusionMatrix(); double candidateScore = 0; PhraseCheck p = new PhraseCheck(); p.createNgrams(); System.out.println("Preprocessing Done"); String input = null; String phrase = null; BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader( new FileReader(new File("/home/tanmay/workspace/SpellCheck/src/phrases.txt"))); while ((input = br.readLine()) != null) { long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); misspeltWords.clear(); misspeltWordsIndex.clear(); // phrase = input.toLowerCase(); phrase = input; // String[] words = null; ArrayList<String> words = new ArrayList<String>(); String[] words1 = phrase.split(" "); /* for(int i=0;i<words1.length;i++) { System.out.print(words1[i] + " "); }*/ for (int wordc = 0; wordc < words1.length / 2; wordc++) { words.add(words1[wordc]); } /* for(int wordCount=0;wordCount<words.length;wordCount++) { phraseWords.add(words[wordCount]); } for (String word : phraseWords) { if(!correctWords.contains(word)&&!stopWords.contains(word)) { misspeltWords.add(word); misspeltWordsIndex.add(phraseWords.indexOf(word)); } }*/ int wordc1 = 0; for (String word : words) { // System.out.println("Wordc = " + wordc1); if (!correctWords.contains(word) && !stopWords.contains(word)) { misspeltWords.add(word); // System.out.println("Word is "+word); misspeltWordsIndex.add(wordc1); } wordc1++; } wordc1 = 0; // System.out.println(misspeltWords); /*Collocation Based*/ /* int misspeltWordCount = 0; for (String misspeltWord : misspeltWords) { w.getCandidates(misspeltWord); corrections = w.candidates; candidateScores.clear(); for(String correction : corrections) { for(int collocSizeLeft = 1;collocSizeLeft<MAXCONTEXTSIZE;collocSizeLeft++) { for(int collocSizeRight = 1;collocSizeRight<MAXCONTEXTSIZE;collocSizeRight++) { collocatedString= ""; for(int size = 0;size<collocSizeLeft;size++) { if(!(misspeltWordsIndex.get(misspeltWordCount)-size<0)) collocatedString += phraseWords.get(misspeltWordsIndex.get(misspeltWordCount)-size)+" "; } collocatedString +=correction; for(int size = 0;size<collocSizeRight;size++) { if(misspeltWordsIndex.get(misspeltWordCount)+size<phraseWords.size()) collocatedString += phraseWords.get(misspeltWordsIndex.get(misspeltWordCount)-size)+" "; } collocatedString = collocatedString.substring(0,collocatedString.length()); } if(collocatedString.length()<6 && collocatedString.length()>1) { candidateScore += p.NgramsFull[collocatedString.length()-2].get(collocatedString); } } candidateScores.put(correction, candidateScore); candidateScore = 0.0; } misspeltWordCount++; } */ /* Context Based*/ // System.out.println(words1.length); for (String misspeltword : misspeltWords) { float score = 0; // System.out.println(words1.length); // System.out.println("wordc =" + wordc1 + "words1.length/2 " + words1.length/2 + // "misspeltwordindex " +misspeltWordsIndex.get(wordc1) ); int total = misspeltWordsIndex.get(wordc1) + words1.length / 2; // System.out.println("Total = " + total ); String correctWord = words1[misspeltWordsIndex.get(wordc1) + words1.length / 2]; // System.out.println("Correct Word " + correctWord); wordc1++; finalCorrections.clear(); candidateScores.clear(); w.getCandidates(misspeltword); corrections = w.candidates; // System.out.println(corrections); // System.out.println("Over"); /* System.out.println(p.Ngrams[0].get("ground turmeric")); System.out.println(p.Ngrams[1].get("baby carriage")); System.out.println(p.Ngrams[2].get("moon earth")); System.out.println(p.Ngrams[3].get("perspective society"));*/ for (String correction : corrections) { if (!stopWords.contains(correction)) { candidateScore = 0; candidateScores.put(correction, 0.0); for (String word : words) { if (!stopWords.contains(word)) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (p.Ngrams[i].containsKey(correction + " " + word)) candidateScore += p.Ngrams[i].get(correction + " " + word); else candidateScore += 0; } } } candidateScores.put(correction, candidateScore); } } LinkedHashMap<String, Double> map = w.sortByValues(candidateScores); // System.out.println(map); ListIterator<String> iter = new ArrayList(map.keySet()).listIterator(map.size()); while (iter.hasPrevious()) { String key = iter.previous(); // System.out.println(key); if (map.get(key) != 0.0) { finalCorrections.add(key); } else break; if (finalCorrections.size() == 3) break; } // Interpolation while (finalCorrections.size() < 3) { for (int q = 0; q < corrections.size(); q++) { if (!finalCorrections.contains(corrections.get(q)) && !stopWords.contains(corrections.get(q))) finalCorrections.add(corrections.get(q)); if (finalCorrections.size() == 3) break; } } System.out.println(System.currentTimeMillis() - t1); int wc1 = 0; for (String word : finalCorrections) { if (word.equals(correctWord)) score = 1 / (float) (wc1 + 1); } System.out.println(misspeltword + " " + finalCorrections + "Score = " + score); } } }