public void post(long timestamp, float value) throws IOException { File file = getFile(); RandomAccessFile rdf = null; try { rdf = new RandomAccessFile(file, "rw"); // On vérifie que la longueur est cohérente long len = rdf.length(); if (len > 0) { int mod = (int) (len % DATA_LEN); if (mod != 0) { logger.warning( "Taille de fichier incoherence (" + len / DATA_LEN + "x" + DATA_LEN + ", reste " + mod + "). retour a " + (len - mod)); len = len - mod; } if (timestamp < getLast(rdf).timestamp) { logger.warning( "la nouvelle valeur anterieure a la derniere (prev:" + sdf.format(new Date((long) last.timestamp * 1000)) + " new:" + sdf.format(new Date((long) timestamp * 1000)) + ")"); } // Positionnement en fin de fichier; } // On écrit l'enregistrement if (timestamp > Integer.MAX_VALUE) { logger.warning("timestamp tronqué : " + timestamp + "/" + (int) timestamp); } if (last == null) last = new Entry(); last.timestamp = (int) timestamp; last.value = value; logger.fine("write: " + value + "(" + sdf.format(new Date(timestamp * 1000)) + ")"); rdf.writeInt((int) last.timestamp); rdf.writeFloat(last.value); } finally { if (rdf != null) rdf.close(); } }
public static void main(String args[]) { try { String fname = "d:\\q.txt"; String mode; // mode = "r";//r : file must exist mode = "rw"; // rw : file will be created or opened // open the file RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(fname, mode); /* //seek and write demo;//position file r/w pointer at index 10 wrt BOF //a seek beyond file size causes file to grow upto the seek value raf.write(65);//raf.write('A'); */ // r/w java datatypes int i1, i2; float f1, f2; char c1, c2; String s1, s2; i1 = -10; f1 = 1234.5678F; c1 = 'q'; s1 = "hello files";; // reach BOF raf.writeInt(i1); raf.writeFloat(f1); raf.writeChar(c1); raf.writeUTF(s1);; // reach BOF i2 = raf.readInt(); f2 = raf.readFloat(); c2 = raf.readChar(); s2 = raf.readUTF(); System.out.println(i2); System.out.println(f2); System.out.println(c2); System.out.println(s2); // close the file raf.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { System.out.println(ex); // ex converts into ex.toString() } } // main
private void append(SingleHit[] hits, String prefix, int chrom) throws IOException { RandomAccessFile positionsRAF = new RandomAccessFile(getPositionsFname(prefix, chrom), "rw"); RandomAccessFile weightsRAF = new RandomAccessFile(getWeightsFname(prefix, chrom), "rw"); RandomAccessFile lasRAF = new RandomAccessFile(getLaSFname(prefix, chrom), "rw");;;; for (int i = 0; i < hits.length; i++) { SingleHit h = hits[i]; positionsRAF.writeInt(h.pos); weightsRAF.writeFloat(h.weight); lasRAF.writeInt(makeLAS(h.length, h.strand)); } positionsRAF.close(); weightsRAF.close(); lasRAF.close(); }
public static void appendData(File outfile, float[] data) throws IOException { RandomAccessFile raFile = new RandomAccessFile(outfile, "rw"); try { SacHeader header = new SacHeader(raFile); if (header.getLeven() == FALSE || header.getIftype() == IRLIM || header.getIftype() == IAMPH) { raFile.close(); throw new IOException("Can only append to evenly sampled sac files, ie only Y"); } int origNpts = header.getNpts(); header.setNpts(header.getNpts() + data.length); header.setE((header.getNpts() - 1) * header.getDelta());; header.writeHeader(raFile); raFile.skipBytes(origNpts * 4); // four bytes per float if (header.getByteOrder() == LITTLE_ENDIAN) { // Phil Crotwell's solution: // careful here as dos.writeFloat() will collapse all NaN floats // to // a single NaN value. But we are trying to write out byte // swapped values // so different floats that are all NaN are different values in // the // other byte order. Solution is to swap on the integer bits, // not the float. for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { raFile.writeInt(SacHeader.swapBytes(Float.floatToRawIntBits(data[i]))); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { raFile.writeFloat(data[i]); } } } finally { raFile.close(); } }
/** * This writes the binary float to the file. Later, use readBinaryFloat to read the value from the * file. */ public void writeBinaryFloat(int col, int row, float f) throws IOException { * nBytesPerRow + columnStartAt[col]); raf.writeFloat(f); }
/* @see */ public void writeFloat(float v) throws IOException { raf.writeFloat(v); }