public static QuantileDigest merge(List<QuantileDigest> digests) { if (digests.isEmpty()) { throw new RuntimeException("Digests to be unioned should not be empty!"); } QuantileDigest ret = digests.get(0); for (int i = 1; i < digests.size(); i++) { ret.merge(digests.get(i)); } return ret; }
private void rescaleToCommonLandmark(QuantileDigest one, QuantileDigest two) { long nowInSeconds = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toSeconds(; // 1. rescale this and other to common landmark long targetLandmark = Math.max(one.landmarkInSeconds, two.landmarkInSeconds); if (nowInSeconds - targetLandmark >= RESCALE_THRESHOLD_SECONDS) { targetLandmark = nowInSeconds; } if (targetLandmark != one.landmarkInSeconds) { one.rescale(targetLandmark); } if (targetLandmark != two.landmarkInSeconds) { two.rescale(targetLandmark); } }
public static QuantileDigest deserialize(DataInput input) { try { double maxError = input.readDouble(); double alpha = input.readDouble(); QuantileDigest result = new QuantileDigest(maxError, alpha); result.landmarkInSeconds = input.readLong(); result.min = input.readLong(); result.max = input.readLong(); result.totalNodeCount = input.readInt(); Deque<Node> stack = new ArrayDeque<>(); for (int i = 0; i < result.totalNodeCount; i++) { int flags = input.readByte(); Node node = deserializeNode(input); if ((flags & Flags.HAS_RIGHT) != 0) { node.right = stack.pop(); } if ((flags & Flags.HAS_LEFT) != 0) { node.left = stack.pop(); } stack.push(node); result.weightedCount += node.weightedCount; if (node.weightedCount >= ZERO_WEIGHT_THRESHOLD) { result.nonZeroNodeCount++; } } if (!stack.isEmpty()) { Preconditions.checkArgument( stack.size() == 1, "Tree is corrupted. Expected a single root node"); result.root = stack.pop(); } return result; } catch (IOException e) { throw Throwables.propagate(e); } }
public static QuantileDigest build(DataInput buf) throws IOException { return QuantileDigest.deserialize(buf); }
@Override public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException { holder.writeBytes(out); }
public QuantileDigest(QuantileDigest quantileDigest) { this(quantileDigest.getMaxError(), quantileDigest.getAlpha()); merge(quantileDigest); }