Пример #1
  /** @return The path of a node */
  private Path getNodePath(String nodeName) throws PipelineException {

    NodeID targetID = new NodeID(w.user, w.view, nodeName);
    NodeStatus targetStat = mclient.status(targetID);
    NodeMod targetMod = targetStat.getHeavyDetails().getWorkingVersion();
    if (targetMod == null)
      throw new PipelineException(
          "No working version of the Target Scene Node ("
              + nodeName
              + ") exists "
              + "in the ("
              + w.view
              + ") working area owned by ("
              + PackageInfo.sUser
              + ")!");

    Path targetPath;

    FileSeq fseq = targetMod.getPrimarySequence();
    String suffix = fseq.getFilePattern().getSuffix();
    if (!fseq.isSingle() || (suffix == null) || (!suffix.equals("ma") && !suffix.equals("mb")))
      throw new PipelineException("The target node (" + nodeName + ") must be a maya scene!");
    targetPath =
        new Path(PackageInfo.sProdPath, targetID.getWorkingParent() + "/" + fseq.getFile(0));

    // System.err.println("$WORKING"+nodeName+"."+suffix);
    return targetPath;
  } // end getNodePath(String)
Пример #2
   * Get the primary file sequence of the working version of the node being viewed <CODE>null</CODE>
   * if no working version is being viewed.
  public FileSeq getPrimarySequence() {
    if (pStatus != null) {
      NodeDetailsLight details = pStatus.getLightDetails();
      if (details != null) {
        NodeMod mod = details.getWorkingVersion();
        if (mod != null) return mod.getPrimarySequence();

    return null;
Пример #3
   * Updates the asset references for a shot within Maya and then in pipeline.
   * @param shotName The name of the shot being processed.
   * @param pRemoveRef The list of assets being dereferenced from the shot.
   * @param pReplaceRef The list of assets being referenced into the shot.
   * @param nameMap
  private void editShotReferences(
      String shotName,
      NodeMod targetMod,
      TreeSet<String> pRemoveRef,
      TreeSet<String> pReplaceRef,
      TreeMap<String, String> nameMap)
      throws PipelineException {
    logLine("Editing shot: " + shotName);
    boolean anim = !shotName.matches(lgtPattern);

    /* writing the mel script */
    if (anim) {
      File script = null;
      try {
        script = File.createTempFile("UpdateAssetGUI.", ".mel", PackageInfo.sTempPath.toFile());
      } // end try
      catch (IOException ex) {
        throw new PipelineException(
            "Unable to create the temporary MEL script used to collect "
                + "texture information from the Maya scene!");
      } // end catch

      try {
        PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(script)));

        for (String asset : pReplaceRef) {
          String nameSpace;
          if (asset.endsWith(lr))
            nameSpace = nameMap.get(getShortName(asset.substring(0, asset.length() - 3)));
          else {
            System.err.println("This should not be happening, a hi res asset in a lo-res node.");
            // nameSpace = nameMap.get(getShortName(asset));
          out.println("print (\"referencing file: $WORKING" + asset + ".ma\");");
              "file -reference -namespace \"" + nameSpace + "\" \"$WORKING" + asset + ".ma\";");
        } // end for

        for (String asset : pRemoveRef) {
          out.println("print (\"dereferencing file: $WORKING" + asset + ".ma\");");
          out.println("file -rr \"$WORKING" + asset + ".ma\";");
        } // end for

        out.println("// SAVE");
        out.println("file -save;");

      } // end try
      catch (IOException ex) {
        throw new PipelineException(
            "Unable to write the temporary MEL script(" + script + ") used add the references!");
      } // end catch

      NodeID targetID = new NodeID(w.user, w.view, shotName);
      // NodeStatus targetStat = mclient.status(targetID);

      /* run Maya to collect the information */
      try {

        Path targetPath = getNodePath(shotName);
        ArrayList<String> args = new ArrayList<String>();

        Path wdir = new Path(PackageInfo.sProdPath.toOsString() + targetID.getWorkingParent());

        TreeMap<String, String> env =
                w.user, w.view, targetMod.getToolset(), PackageInfo.sOsType);

        Map<String, String> nenv = env;
        String midefs = env.get("PIPELINE_MI_SHADER_PATH");
        if (midefs != null) {
          nenv = new TreeMap<String, String>(env);
          Path dpath = new Path(new Path(wdir, midefs));
          nenv.put("MI_CUSTOM_SHADER_PATH", dpath.toOsString());

        String command = "maya";
        if (PackageInfo.sOsType.equals(OsType.Windows)) command += ".exe";

        SubProcessLight proc =
            new SubProcessLight("UpdateAssetGUI", command, args, env, wdir.toFile());
        try {
          if (!proc.wasSuccessful()) {
            throw new PipelineException(
                "Did not correctly edit the reference due to a maya error.!\n\n"
                    + proc.getStdOut()
                    + "\n\n"
                    + proc.getStdErr());
          } // end if
        } // end try
        catch (InterruptedException ex) {
          throw new PipelineException(ex);
        } // end catch
      } // end try
      catch (Exception ex) {
        throw new PipelineException(ex);
      } // end catch

    /*-edit the references in pipeline once they are done in the file-*/
    BaseAction targetAction = targetMod.getAction();
    for (String asset : pReplaceRef) {
          w.user, w.view, shotName, asset, LinkPolicy.Reference, LinkRelationship.All, null);
      if (anim) {
        /*Set the namespaces*/
        String nameSpace = nameMap.get(getShortName(asset.substring(0, asset.length() - 3)));
        targetAction.setSourceParamValue(asset, "PrefixName", nameSpace);
    w.mclient.modifyProperties(w.user, w.view, targetMod);

    for (String asset : pRemoveRef) mclient.unlink(w.user, w.view, shotName, asset);

    if (!anim) {
      System.err.println("Queuing the switchLgt node " + shotName);
      mclient.submitJobs(w.user, w.view, shotName, null);
  } // end editShotReferences
Пример #4
   * Using a list of shots and the assets to be changed per shot, gets each shot node and modifies
   * the references as needed.
  private void processNodes() throws PipelineException {
    /*each asset, its replacement and the lo-res versions*/
    for (String asset : pAssetManager.keySet()) {
      String newAsset = pAssetManager.get(asset).getNewAsset();
      String hrAsset = asset.replace(lr, "");
      String newHrAsset = newAsset.replace(lr, "");
          "Checking out nodes:\n\t"
              + asset
              + "\n\t"
              + hrAsset
              + "\n\t"
              + newAsset
              + "\n\t"
              + newHrAsset);

      mclient.checkOut(w.user, w.view, asset, null, over, froz);
      mclient.checkOut(w.user, w.view, newAsset, null, over, froz);
      mclient.checkOut(w.user, w.view, hrAsset, null, over, froz);
      mclient.checkOut(w.user, w.view, newHrAsset, null, over, froz);
    } // end for

    TreeMap<String, TreeSet<String>> shotBased = convertListToShotBased();
    TreeMap<String, String> nameMap = SonyConstants.getCustomNamespaces(project);
    TreeSet<String> oldRef = new TreeSet<String>();
    TreeSet<String> newRef = new TreeSet<String>();

    for (String shot : shotBased.keySet()) {
      // check out the shot

      if (shot.endsWith("anim")) mclient.checkOut(w.user, w.view, shot, null, keep, frozU);
      else {
        // mclient.checkOut(w.user, w.view, shot, null, keep, pFroz);
      logLine("Checking out: " + shot);

      NodeMod targetMod = mclient.getWorkingVersion(w.user, w.view, shot);
      if (!shot.matches(lgtPattern)) {

        if (targetMod.isActionEnabled()) {
          System.err.println("Anim node with action enabled");
          FileSeq fseq = targetMod.getPrimarySequence();
          VersionID targetID = targetMod.getWorkingID();
          TreeMap<String, VersionID> files = new TreeMap<String, VersionID>();
          files.put(fseq.getFile(0).getPath(), targetID);
          mclient.revertFiles(w.user, w.view, shot, files);

        w.mclient.modifyProperties(w.user, w.view, targetMod);

      /*--checking the shot to be modified---*/

      for (String assetToReplace : shotBased.get(shot)) {
        if (assetToReplace.endsWith(lr)) {
          AssetInfo temp = pAssetManager.get(assetToReplace);
        } else {
          String hiRes = assetToReplace.replace(lr, "");
          AssetInfo temp = pAssetManager.get(hiRes);
          if (temp == null) continue;
          newRef.add(temp.getNewAsset() + lr);
        } // end else
      } // end for

      if (oldRef.isEmpty() || newRef.isEmpty()) {
        logLine("Shot " + shot + " somehow does not need any changes.");
      } // end if

      editShotReferences(shot, targetMod, oldRef, newRef, nameMap);
    } // end for

    /*for(String shot: shotBased.keySet()){
    	//TODO: Check in nodes
    	String msg = "Checked in with UpdateAssetGUI. Removed:\n\t";
    	for(String asset: oldRef)
    		msg+= (asset + " ");

    	for(String asset: newRef)
    		msg+= (asset + " ");

    	mclient.checkIn(w.user, w.view,shot, msg, VersionID.Level.Major);

  } // end processShots
Пример #5
  /** Add the UI components for the given file sequence to the panel. */
  private void addFileSeqPanel(FileSeq fseq) {
    boolean isPresentInWorking = false;
    if ((pStatus != null) && pStatus.hasLightDetails()) {
      NodeDetailsLight details = pStatus.getLightDetails();
      NodeMod mod = details.getWorkingVersion();
      if (mod != null) {
        if (mod.getPrimarySequence().equals(fseq)) isPresentInWorking = true;
        else {
          for (FileSeq sfseq : mod.getSecondarySequences()) {
            if (sfseq.equals(fseq)) {
              isPresentInWorking = true;

    /* collate the row information */
    ArrayList<VersionID> vids = new ArrayList<VersionID>();
    ArrayList<FileSeq> singles = new ArrayList<FileSeq>();
    TreeSet<FileSeq> enabled = new TreeSet<FileSeq>();
    TreeMap<FileSeq, FileState> fstates = new TreeMap<FileSeq, FileState>();
    TreeMap<FileSeq, NativeFileInfo> finfos = new TreeMap<FileSeq, NativeFileInfo>();
    TreeMap<FileSeq, QueueState> qstates = new TreeMap<FileSeq, QueueState>();
    TreeMap<FileSeq, Boolean[]> novel = new TreeMap<FileSeq, Boolean[]>();
      TreeMap<FileSeq, Integer> wsingles = new TreeMap<FileSeq, Integer>();
      if ((pStatus != null) && pStatus.hasLightDetails()) {
        if (isPresentInWorking) {
          if (pStatus.hasHeavyDetails()) {
            NodeDetailsHeavy details = pStatus.getHeavyDetails();

            FileState[] fs = details.getFileStates(fseq);
            QueueState[] qs = details.getQueueStates();
            NativeFileInfo[] infos = details.getFileInfos(fseq);
            if ((fs != null) && (qs != null) && (infos != null)) {
              int wk;
              for (wk = 0; wk < fs.length; wk++) {
                FileSeq sfseq = new FileSeq(fseq, wk);
                wsingles.put(sfseq, wk);

                fstates.put(sfseq, fs[wk]);
                finfos.put(sfseq, infos[wk]);
                qstates.put(sfseq, qs[wk]);

                if (fs[wk] != FileState.CheckedIn) enabled.add(sfseq);
          } else {
            NodeDetailsLight details = pStatus.getLightDetails();

            int wk;
            for (wk = 0; wk < fseq.numFrames(); wk++) {
              FileSeq sfseq = new FileSeq(fseq, wk);
              wsingles.put(sfseq, wk);

              if (details.getVersionState() == VersionState.CheckedIn) {
                fstates.put(sfseq, FileState.CheckedIn);
                qstates.put(sfseq, QueueState.Undefined);
              } else {


          int idx = 0;
          for (VersionID vid : vids) {
            TreeMap<FileSeq, boolean[]> table = pNovelty.get(vid);
            for (FileSeq nfseq : table.keySet()) {
              if (fseq.similarTo(nfseq)) {
                boolean[] flags = table.get(nfseq);

                int wk;
                for (wk = 0; wk < flags.length; wk++) {
                  FileSeq sfseq = new FileSeq(nfseq, wk);
                  if (!wsingles.containsKey(sfseq)) wsingles.put(sfseq, null);

                  Boolean[] rflags = novel.get(sfseq);
                  if (rflags == null) {
                    rflags = new Boolean[pNovelty.size()];
                    novel.put(sfseq, rflags);

                  rflags[idx] = new Boolean(flags[wk]);



      TreeMap<Integer, FileSeq> order = new TreeMap<Integer, FileSeq>();
      for (FileSeq sfseq : wsingles.keySet()) {
        int frame = -1;
        if (sfseq.hasFrameNumbers()) frame = sfseq.getFrameRange().getStart();

        order.put(frame, sfseq);


    /* add the panel */
      JFileSeqPanel panel =
          new JFileSeqPanel(

      if (pIsListLayout) pFileSeqsBox.add(panel);
      else pFileSeqsTab.addTab(fseq.getFilePattern().toString(), sTabIcon, panel);

      pFileSeqPanels.put(fseq, panel);
   * Perform execution of the tool.
   * <p>
   * @param mclient The network connection to the plmaster(1) daemon.
   * @param qclient The network connection to the plqueuemgr(1) daemon.
   * @return Whether to continue and collect user input for the next phase of the tool.
   * @throws PipelineException If unable to sucessfully execute this phase of the tool.
  public synchronized boolean executePhase(MasterMgrClient mclient, QueueMgrClient qclient)
      throws PipelineException {
    boolean newCheckOut = false;
    String matName = null;
    String texName = null;

      /*find out if it is a fresh checkout*/
      JToolDialog tool = new JToolDialog("MaterialsCheckOut", new JPanel(), "Continue");
      JConfirmDialog dialog = new JConfirmDialog(tool, "Do you want a completely fresh checkout");
      newCheckOut = dialog.wasConfirmed();

      /*-check out the asset and mat nodes-*/
      jcheckOut(mclient, pUser, pView, pPrimary, null, keep, pFroz);
      NodeMod assetMod = mclient.getWorkingVersion(pUser, pView, pPrimary);
        JobReqs jreqs = assetMod.getJobRequirements();
        mclient.modifyProperties(pUser, pView, assetMod);

      Set<String> assetSrcs = assetMod.getSourceNames();
      err.println("The asset sources are: ");

      for (String src : assetSrcs) {

        if (src.matches(matPattern)) {
          matName = src;
          err.println("Found mat node:\n\t " + src);
          if (newCheckOut) {
            err.println("Clean mat checkout");
            jcheckOut(mclient, pUser, pView, src, null, over, frozU);
          } else {

            OverallNodeState state =
                mclient.status(pUser, pView, src).getHeavyDetails().getOverallNodeState();

            if (!state.equals(OverallNodeState.Modified)) {
              err.println("Mat node has not been modified");
              jcheckOut(mclient, pUser, pView, src, null, keep, pFroz);
        } else if (src.matches(matPattern + "Exp")) {
          err.println("Matexp is:\n\t" + src);
          jcheckOut(mclient, pUser, pView, src, null, keep, modi);
            NodeMod expMod = mclient.getWorkingVersion(pUser, pView, src);
            JobReqs jreqs = expMod.getJobRequirements();
            mclient.modifyProperties(pUser, pView, expMod);
        } else {
          jcheckOut(mclient, pUser, pView, src, null, over, froz);
      } // end for
      err.println("mat node: " + matName);
      if (matName == null)
        throw new PipelineException("This asset node does not have an " + "attached mat node");

      /*find the texture node and check out so it can be changed. If new checkout, fresh textures*/
      NodeMod matMod = mclient.getWorkingVersion(pUser, pView, matName);
      TreeSet<String> matSrcs = new TreeSet<String>(matMod.getSourceNames());
      for (String src : matSrcs) {
        if (src.matches(texPattern)) {
          texName = src;
          err.println("Found tex node:\n\t " + src);
          if (newCheckOut) {
            jcheckOut(mclient, pUser, pView, src, null, over, frozU);
          } else {
            err.println("Old stuff");
            jcheckOut(mclient, pUser, pView, src, null, keep, pFroz);
            jcheckOut(mclient, pUser, pView, src, null, keep, modi);
        } // end if
        jcheckOut(mclient, pUser, pView, src, null, over, froz);
      } // end for
      err.println("tex node: " + texName);
      if (texName == null)
        throw new PipelineException(
            "This asset node does not have an associated " + "texture node");

    err.println("Checked out the asset, mat and texture nodes");

      /*check out finalise scripts*/
          mclient, pUser, pView, "/projects/lr/assets/tools/mel/finalize-set", null, over, froz);
          mclient, pUser, pView, "/projects/lr/assets/tools/mel/finalize-prop", null, over, froz);


    return false;
  } // end executePhase
Пример #7
  private boolean dylanate(
      MasterMgrClient mclient,
      String switchName,
      DoubleMap<String, String, TreeSet<VersionID>> plugs)
      throws PipelineException {
    err.println("\nProcessing: " + switchName);
    String animName = null;

      NodeMod switchMod = null;
      try {
        switchMod = mclient.getWorkingVersion(pUser, pView, switchName);
      } catch (PipelineException e) {
        mclient.checkOut(pUser, pView, switchName, null, keep, pFroz);
        switchMod = mclient.getWorkingVersion(pUser, pView, switchName);

      TreeSet<String> switchSrcs = new TreeSet<String>(switchMod.getSourceNames());

      for (String src : switchSrcs) {
        if (src.matches(animPattern)) {
          animName = src;
          err.println("Found anim node: " + src);
          mclient.checkOut(pUser, pView, src, null, over, frozU);
        } // end if

        mclient.checkOut(pUser, pView, src, null, over, frozU);

        LinkMod lMod = switchMod.getSource(src);
        LinkPolicy rel = lMod.getPolicy();
        System.err.println(src + ": " + rel);
        if (!rel.equals(REF)) {
          mclient.modifyProperties(pUser, pView, switchMod);
      } // end for

      err.println("anim node: " + animName);

      mclient.modifyProperties(pUser, pView, switchMod);

      if (animName == null)
        throw new PipelineException("This switch node does not have an associated anim node");
    err.println("Checked out the anim and switch nodes");

    String actionName = null;
    VersionID ttVer = null;
    boolean toCache = false;

    /*change the action setting on the Switch node*/
      NodeMod switchMod = mclient.getWorkingVersion(pUser, pView, switchName);

      Path p = new Path(switchName);
      Path syfRoot = new Path(p.getParentPath().getParentPath(), "syf");
      System.err.println("Going to look for caches in: " + syfRoot);
      ArrayList<String> syfDirs = getChildrenDirs(mclient, syfRoot.toString());

      for (String dir : syfDirs) {
        Path dPath = new Path(syfRoot, dir);
        ArrayList<String> simDir = getChildrenNodes(mclient, dPath.toString());
        for (String pCache : simDir) {
          Path cPath = new Path(dPath, pCache);
          if (cPath.toString().matches(cltPattern)) {
            System.err.println("\t" + cPath.toString());
            try {
              mclient.checkOut(pUser, pView, cPath.toString(), null, over, froz);
              mclient.lock(pUser, pView, cPath.toString(), null);
              mclient.link(pUser, pView, switchMod.getName(), cPath.toString(), DEP, LINKALL, null);
            } catch (PipelineException e) {
            toCache = true;

        BaseAction action = switchMod.getAction();
        if (!switchMod.getToolset().equals(pToolset)) {
          mclient.modifyProperties(pUser, pView, switchMod);

        if (!toCache) {
          actionName = modRep;
        } else {
          actionName = modRep + "Syflex";
        ttVer = plugs.get("SCEA", actionName).last();

        if ((action == null)
            || (!action.getName().equals(actionName))
            || (!action.getVersionID().equals(ttVer))) {
              "Action name is incorrect - the switch node "
                  + switchName
                  + " doesn't have a "
                  + actionName
                  + "Action");

          action = plug.newAction(actionName, ttVer, "SCEA");
          action.setSingleParamValue("Source", animName);
          action.setSingleParamValue("Response", "Ignore");
          if (toCache) action.setSingleParamValue(aApplyCache, true);
          mclient.modifyProperties(pUser, pView, switchMod);
        } else {
          if (!action.getSingleParamValue("Response").equals("Ignore")) {
            //						action = plug.newAction(actionName, ttVer, "SCEA");
            //						action.setSingleParamValue("Source", animName);
            action.setSingleParamValue("Response", "Ignore");
            //						if(toCache)
            //						action.setSingleParamValue(aApplyCache, true);
            mclient.modifyProperties(pUser, pView, switchMod);
          } // end if
        } // end else

      /*-check out and lock the animation sources-*/
      NodeMod animMod = mclient.getWorkingVersion(pUser, pView, animName);
      Set<String> animSrcs = animMod.getSourceNames();
      for (String src : animSrcs) {
        if (src.matches(loresPattern)) {
          err.println("Adding lores src " + src);
        mclient.checkOut(pUser, pView, src, null, keep, pFroz);
      } // end for
      err.println("lores:" + pLoresSrcs);

    /*-sync the animation assets with the switch assets.*/
    // also remove unnecessary hires models
      NodeMod switchMod = mclient.getWorkingVersion(pUser, pView, switchName);
      for (String src : switchMod.getSourceNames()) {
        if (src.matches(hiresPattern)) {
          err.println("Found hires source " + src);
          if (pLoresSrcs.contains(src + "_lr")) {
            err.println("The hires source matched the anim node.");
          } else {
            err.println("Gotta remove " + src);
          } // end else
        } // end if
      } // end for

    // add necessary hires models
    for (String lores : pLoresSrcs) {
      String hr = lores.replace("_lr", "");
      err.println("Looking at lores source " + lores + " which matches " + hr);
      if (!pHiresSrcs.contains(hr)) {
        err.println("Gotta add " + hr + " to " + switchName);

      NodeMod switchMod = mclient.getWorkingVersion(pUser, pView, switchName);
      TreeSet<String> switchSrcs = new TreeSet<String>(switchMod.getSourceNames());
      err.println("Final hiRes list:" + pHiresSrcs + "\n");
      err.println("switch now has:\n\t" + switchSrcs + "\n");
      err.println("Looking for things to add.");
      for (String src : pHiresSrcs) {
        if ((src.matches(hiresPattern) && (!switchSrcs.contains(src)))) {
          err.print("Linking ");
          mclient.checkOut(pUser, pView, src, null, over, frozU);
          mclient.link(pUser, pView, pPrimary, src, REF, LINKALL, null);
        err.println("src from hiRes list: " + src);

      NodeMod switchMod = mclient.getWorkingVersion(pUser, pView, switchName);
      TreeSet<String> switchSrcs = new TreeSet<String>(switchMod.getSourceNames());
      err.println("switch now has:\n\t" + switchSrcs + "\n");
      for (String src : switchSrcs) {
        if ((src.matches(hiresPattern) && (!pHiresSrcs.contains(src)))) {
          err.print("Unlinking ");
          mclient.unlink(pUser, pView, pPrimary, src);
        err.println("src from switch node list: " + src);

    /*queue the switch node*/
    mclient.submitJobs(pUser, pView, switchName, null);

    return false;