private void encryptAndSend(Message msg) throws Exception { EncryptHeader hdr = new EncryptHeader(EncryptHeader.ENCRYPT, getSymVersion()); if (this.encrypt_entire_message) hdr.type |= EncryptHeader.ENCRYPT_ENTIRE_MSG; if (encrypt_entire_message) { if (msg.getSrc() == null) msg.setSrc(local_addr); Buffer serialized_msg = Util.streamableToBuffer(msg); byte[] encrypted_msg = code( serialized_msg.getBuf(), serialized_msg.getOffset(), serialized_msg.getLength(), false); // exclude existing headers, they will be seen again when we decrypt and unmarshal the msg at // the receiver Message tmp = msg.copy(false, false).setBuffer(encrypted_msg).putHeader(, hdr); down_prot.down(new Event(Event.MSG, tmp)); return; } // copy neeeded because same message (object) may be retransmitted -> no double encryption Message msgEncrypted = msg.copy(false) .putHeader(, hdr) .setBuffer(code(msg.getRawBuffer(), msg.getOffset(), msg.getLength(), false)); down_prot.down(new Event(Event.MSG, msgEncrypted)); }
/** Send a message to the address specified in dest */ void sendUdpMessage(Message msg) throws Exception { IpAddress dest; Message copy; Event evt; dest = (IpAddress) msg.getDest(); // guaranteed not to be null setSourceAddress(msg); if (Trace.debug) { Trace.debug( "UDP.sendUdpMessage()", "sending message to " + msg.getDest() + " (src=" + msg.getSrc() + "), headers are " + msg.getHeaders()); // Don't send if destination is local address. Instead, switch dst and src and put in // up_queue. // If multicast message, loopback a copy directly to us (but still multicast). Once we receive // this, // we will discard our own multicast message } if (loopback && (dest.equals(local_addr) || dest.isMulticastAddress())) { copy = msg.copy(); copy.removeHeader(name); copy.setSrc(local_addr); copy.setDest(dest); evt = new Event(Event.MSG, copy); /* Because Protocol.up() is never called by this bottommost layer, we call up() directly in the observer. This allows e.g. PerfObserver to get the time of reception of a message */ if (observer != null) { observer.up(evt, up_queue.size()); } if (Trace.debug) {"UDP.sendUdpMessage()", "looped back local message " + copy); } passUp(evt); if (!dest.isMulticastAddress()) { return; } } if (use_outgoing_packet_handler) { outgoing_queue.add(msg); return; } send(msg); }
/** * ns4 is declared on Body and is used in faultcode. So making sure it is picked up after copy() */ public void testCopy20() throws Exception { String soap18Msg = "<S:Envelope xmlns:S=''>" + "<S:Body xmlns:ns4=''>" + "<S:Fault>" + "<faultcode>ns4:Server</faultcode>" + "<faultstring>com.sun.istack.XMLStreamException2</faultstring>" + "</S:Fault>" + "</S:Body>" + "</S:Envelope>"; Message message = useStreamCodec(soap18Msg); message.copy(); SOAPFaultBuilder.create(message).createException(null); }
/** * used to drain the up queue - synchronized so we can call it safely despite access from * potentially two threads at once */ private void drainUpQueue() { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { int size = upMessageQueue.size(); if (size > 0) log.trace("draining %d messages from the up queue", size); } while (true) { try { Message tmp = upMessageQueue.poll(0L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); if (tmp == null) break; Message msg = decryptMessage(null, tmp.copy()); // need to copy for possible xmits if (msg != null) up_prot.up(new Event(Event.MSG, msg)); } catch (Throwable t) { log.error(Util.getMessage("FailedDecryptingAndSendingMessageUpWhenDrainingQueue"), t); } } }
public Message visit(Message msg, MessageBatch batch) { EncryptHeader hdr; if (msg == null || (msg.getLength() == 0 && !encrypt_entire_message) || ((hdr = (EncryptHeader) msg.getHeader(id)) == null)) return null; if (hdr.getType() == EncryptHeader.ENCRYPT) { // if queueing then pass into queue to be dealt with later if (queue_up) { queueUpMessage(msg, batch); return null; } // make sure we pass up any queued messages first if (!suppliedKey) drainUpQueue(); if (lock == null) { int index = getNextIndex(); lock = decoding_locks[index]; cipher = decoding_ciphers[index]; lock.lock(); } try { Message tmpMsg = decryptMessage(cipher, msg.copy()); // need to copy for possible xmits if (tmpMsg != null) batch.replace(msg, tmpMsg); } catch (Exception e) { log.error( "failed decrypting message from %s (offset=%d, length=%d, buf.length=%d): %s, headers are %s", msg.getSrc(), msg.getOffset(), msg.getLength(), msg.getRawBuffer().length, e, msg.printHeaders()); } } else { batch.remove( msg); // a control message will get handled by ENCRYPT and should not be passed up handleUpEvent(msg, hdr); } return null; }
@SuppressWarnings("UnusedParameters") protected Object handleEncryptedMessage(Message msg, Event evt, EncryptHeader hdr) throws Exception { // if queueing then pass into queue to be dealt with later if (queue_up) { log.trace("queueing up message as no session key established: %s", msg); upMessageQueue.put(msg); return null; } // make sure we pass up any queued messages first // could be more optimised but this can wait we only need this if not using supplied key if (!suppliedKey) drainUpQueue(); // try and decrypt the message - we need to copy msg as we modify its // buffer ( Message tmpMsg = decryptMessage(null, msg.copy()); // need to copy for possible xmits if (tmpMsg != null) return up_prot.up(new Event(Event.MSG, tmpMsg)); log.warn("unrecognised cipher; discarding message"); return null; }
public void testCopy16() throws IOException { String soap16Msg = "<S:Envelope xmlns:S=''> <S:Body> <a> </a><b> </b> <c/> </S:Body> </S:Envelope>"; Message message = useStreamCodec(soap16Msg); message.copy(); }
public void testCopyWithSpaces() throws IOException { String soap12Msg = "<?xml version='1.0'?><S:Envelope xmlns:S=''> <S:Header> <m:ut xmlns:m='a'> <u xmlns='' id='a'>user</u> </m:ut> <b> hello </b> </S:Header> <S:Body> <ns2:c xmlns:ns2='local'> <clientName>Test</clientName> <ns2:year>2007</ns2:year> </ns2:c> </S:Body> </S:Envelope>"; Message message = useStreamCodec(soap12Msg); message.copy(); }
public void testCopyStreamMessage1() throws IOException { String soap11Msg = "<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap='' xmlns:xsi='' xmlns:xsd=''><Header xmlns=''> <SubscriptionInfo xmlns=''> <LicenseStatusCode>0</LicenseStatusCode> </SubscriptionInfo> </Header> <soap:Body> <GetCountryCodesResponse xmlns=''> <GetCountryCodesResult/></GetCountryCodesResponse></soap:Body></soap:Envelope>"; Message message = useStreamCodec(soap11Msg); message.copy(); }