public void parseInputFile(File inputFile) throws IOException { geneFeatures.clear(); otherRecords.clear(); try { GFFEntrySet gffEntries = GFFTools.readGFF(inputFile); Iterator itr = gffEntries.lineIterator(); int count = 0; int intronFeatures = 0; LinkedList<GFFRecord> cdsRecs = new LinkedList<GFFRecord>(); while (itr.hasNext()) { Object val =; if (val instanceof GFFRecord) { GFFRecord rec = (GFFRecord) val; count += 1; if (rec.getFeature().endsWith("gene")) { GeneFeatures gf = new GeneFeatures(rec); geneFeatures.put(, gf); } else if (rec.getFeature().equals("CDS")) { cdsRecs.addLast(rec); } else { otherRecords.add(rec); } } } for (GFFRecord rec : cdsRecs) { Map<String, List<String>> attrs = decodeAttrMap(rec); if (geneFeatures.containsKey(attrs.get("Parent").get(0))) { geneFeatures.get(attrs.get("Parent").get(0)).addCDS(rec, attrs); } else { System.err.println("Unknown CDS Parent: " + attrs.get("Parent").get(0)); } } for (String k : geneFeatures.keySet()) { GeneFeatures gf = geneFeatures.get(k); if (gf.cds != null && gf.cds.size() > 1) { intronFeatures++; } } System.err.println("# GFF Records: " + count); System.err.println("# Gene Feature Sets: " + geneFeatures.size()); System.err.println("\t# Intron-Features: " + intronFeatures); } catch (ParserException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (BioException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
public GeneFeatures(GFFRecord g) { if (!g.getFeature().endsWith("gene")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } gene = g; geneAttrs = decodeAttrMap(g); cds = new LinkedList<GFFRecord>(); if (!geneAttrs.containsKey("ID")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } id = geneAttrs.get("ID").get(0); }
public void addCDS(GFFRecord rec, Map<String, List<String>> attrs) { if (!rec.getFeature().equals("CDS")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } if (attrs == null) { attrs = decodeAttrMap(rec); } if (!attrs.containsKey("Parent")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } if (!attrs.get("Parent").contains(id)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } cds.addLast(rec); }
public static void main(String[] args) { File inputFile = args.length > 0 ? new File(args[0]) : new File("C:\\Documents and Settings\\tdanford\\Desktop\\sacCer1.gff"); try { SGDGFFParser parser = new SGDGFFParser(); BinCalculator bincalc = new BinCalculator(); parser.parseInputFile(inputFile); for (String k : parser.geneFeatures.keySet()) { try { GeneFeatures gf = parser.geneFeatures.get(k); StringBuffer line = new StringBuffer(); ArrayList<Integer> starts = new ArrayList<Integer>(); ArrayList<Integer> ends = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (GFFRecord cds : gf.cds) { starts.add(cds.getStart()); ends.add(cds.getEnd()); } if (starts.size() == 0) { starts.add(gf.gene.getStart()); ends.add(gf.gene.getEnd()); } Collections.sort(starts); Collections.sort(ends); String strand = ""; if (gf.gene.getStrand() == StrandedFeature.NEGATIVE) { strand = "-"; } else if (gf.gene.getStrand() == StrandedFeature.POSITIVE) { strand = "+"; } /* dumb that we have to put this back on, but that's the UCSC standard format */ String chrom = "chr" + Genome.fixYeastChrom(gf.gene.getSeqName()); line.append( + "\t"); line.append(chrom + "\t"); // do we need to get rid of roman numerals here ? line.append(strand + "\t"); line.append(gf.gene.getStart() + "\t"); line.append(gf.gene.getEnd() + "\t"); line.append(starts.get(0) + "\t"); line.append(ends.get(ends.size() - 1) + "\t"); line.append(starts.size() + "\t"); for (int i = 0; i < starts.size(); i++) { if (i == 0) { line.append(starts.get(i)); } else { line.append("," + starts.get(i)); } } line.append("\t"); for (int i = 0; i < ends.size(); i++) { if (i == 0) { line.append(ends.get(i)); } else { line.append("," + ends.get(i)); } } line.append("\t"); // no protein ID System.out.println(line); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e.toString()); e.printStackTrace(); } } for (GFFRecord record : parser.otherRecords) { if (record.getFeature().equals("intron")) { continue; } try { StringBuffer line = new StringBuffer(); line.append(bincalc.getBinFromRange(record.getStart(), record.getEnd()) + "\t"); String strand = ""; if (record.getStrand() == StrandedFeature.NEGATIVE) { strand = "-"; } else if (record.getStrand() == StrandedFeature.POSITIVE) { strand = "+"; } /* dumb that we have to put this back on, but that's the UCSC standard format */ String chrom = "chr" + Genome.fixYeastChrom(record.getSeqName()); Map<String, List<String>> attrs = decodeAttrMap(record); String name = ""; if (attrs != null && attrs.containsKey("Name") && attrs.get("Name").size() > 0) { name = attrs.get("Name").get(0); } else if (attrs != null && attrs.containsKey("ID") && attrs.get("ID").size() > 0) { name = attrs.get("ID").get(0); } line.append(chrom + "\t"); line.append(record.getStart() + "\t" + record.getEnd() + "\t"); line.append(name + "\t"); line.append(record.getScore() + "\t"); line.append(strand + "\t"); line.append(record.getFeature()); System.out.println(line); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e.toString()); e.printStackTrace(); } } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }