public static void main(String[] argv) { String hostName; if (argv.length == 0) hostName = "localhost"; else hostName = argv[0]; try { Socket sock = new Socket(hostName, TIME_PORT); ObjectInputStream is = new ObjectInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(sock.getInputStream())); // Read and validate the Object Object o = is.readObject(); if (o == null) { System.err.println("Read null from server!"); } else if ((o instanceof Date)) { // Valid, so cast to Date, and print Date d = (Date) o; System.out.println("Server host is " + hostName); System.out.println("Time there is " + d.toString()); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wanted Date, got " + o); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { System.err.println("Wanted date, got INVALID CLASS (" + e + ")"); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println(e); } }
// Returns present local date time hours minutes and seconds public String getDate() { // Instantiate a Date object Date date = new Date(); // display time and date using toString() return (date.toString()); }
private boolean stranger(String myName) { // tty.println("=+= " + (myName.getBytes()[0])+" =" ); // tty.println("=+= " + Character.isISOControl(myName.charAt(0))); if (Character.isISOControl(myName.charAt(0))) myName = "QUIT"; if (myName.equals("QUIT")) { writeLine("! Thank you for coming!"); } if (myName == null || myName.equals("QUIT")) { tty.println(" --- from " + remoteAddr + " at " + now.toString()); return true; } // "QUIT" is not allowed as a nick name if (myName.equals(SECRET_NAME)) { tty.println("GiGi from " + remoteAddr + " at " + now.toString()); doList(); return true; } return false; // a usual user name }
public static void dumpEnvelope(Message m) throws Exception { pr("This is the message envelope"); pr("---------------------------"); Address[] a; // FROM if ((a = m.getFrom()) != null) { for (int j = 0; j < a.length; j++) pr("FROM: " + a[j].toString()); } // TO if ((a = m.getRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO)) != null) { for (int j = 0; j < a.length; j++) pr("TO: " + a[j].toString()); } // SUBJECT pr("SUBJECT: " + m.getSubject()); // DATE Date d = m.getSentDate(); pr("SendDate: " + (d != null ? d.toString() : "UNKNOWN")); // FLAGS Flags flags = m.getFlags(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); Flags.Flag[] sf = flags.getSystemFlags(); // get the system flags boolean first = true; for (int i = 0; i < sf.length; i++) { String s; Flags.Flag f = sf[i]; if (f == Flags.Flag.ANSWERED) s = "\\Answered"; else if (f == Flags.Flag.DELETED) s = "\\Deleted"; else if (f == Flags.Flag.DRAFT) s = "\\Draft"; else if (f == Flags.Flag.FLAGGED) s = "\\Flagged"; else if (f == Flags.Flag.RECENT) s = "\\Recent"; else if (f == Flags.Flag.SEEN) s = "\\Seen"; else continue; // skip it if (first) first = false; else sb.append(' '); sb.append(s); } String[] uf = flags.getUserFlags(); // get the user flag strings for (int i = 0; i < uf.length; i++) { if (first) first = false; else sb.append(' '); sb.append(uf[i]); } pr("FLAGS: " + sb.toString()); // X-MAILER String[] hdrs = m.getHeader("X-Mailer"); if (hdrs != null) pr("X-Mailer: " + hdrs[0]); else pr("X-Mailer NOT available"); }
public void run() { now = new Date(); try { remoteAddr = mySock.getInetAddress().getHostAddress(); // 然後取得InputStream並包成 BufferedReader 方便 readLine() in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(mySock.getInputStream())); // 再取得 OutputStream 並包成 PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(mySock.getOutputStream()), true); // 接著, 要求連線者輸入 nickname myName = askNickname(); // 若輸入怪異的nickname例如Control_C 則終止連線 if (stranger(myName)) { close(); return; } // 廣播給所有聊天室的人 doBcast("CHAT *** " + myName + " is coming in ***"); // 並在 console 上顯示 (tty == System.out) tty.println(myName + "@" + remoteAddr + " enters the Chat Room " + now.toString()); // writeLine(msg) 會把 msg 寫到目前連線者終端機 writeLine("CHAT *** Welcome 歡迎 " + myName + " 進入聊天室 ***"); writeLine("You can type '/help' for help"); String cmd, msg; int mode; FOO: while ((cmd = in.readLine()) != null) { StringTokenizer stkn = new StringTokenizer(cmd, " \t"); String command = " "; if (stkn.countTokens() >= 1) command = stkn.nextToken(); msg = " "; if (stkn.hasMoreTokens()) msg = stkn.nextToken("\n"); mode = parseCommand(command.toUpperCase()); switch (mode) { case CMD_MSG: doMsg(msg); break; case CMD_LIST: doList(); break; case CMD_QUERY: doQuery(cmd.substring(6)); break; case CMD_NICK: doNick(msg); break; case CMD_HELP: doHelp(); break; case CMD_QUIT: now = new Date(); tty.println(myName + " said BYE at " + now.toString()); doBcast("[" + myName + " saied Bye Bye! ]"); break FOO; case CMD_DATA: doBcast("[" + myName + "] " + cmd); tty.println(myName + ": " + cmd); break; } // switch } // while FOO: } catch (Exception e) { tty.println(e.toString()); } now = new Date(); tty.println(now.toString() + " one thread stop"); close(); }
@Override public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws IOException { resp.setContentType("text/html"); resp.getWriter().println("<html><body>"); String keyname = req.getParameter("keyname"); String value = req.getParameter("value"); DatastoreService datastore = DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService(); // Using the synchronous cache. MemcacheService syncCache = MemcacheServiceFactory.getMemcacheService(); syncCache.setErrorHandler(ErrorHandlers.getConsistentLogAndContinue(Level.INFO)); // display every element of kind TaskData for /datastore if (req.getParameterMap().isEmpty()) { // querying from datastore resp.getWriter().println("<h3>Datastore results:</h3>"); List<String> listOfKeys = new ArrayList<String>(); Query q = new Query("TaskData"); PreparedQuery pq = datastore.prepare(q); for (Entity result : pq.asIterable()) { String datastore_key = result.getKey().getName(); String taskData_value = (String) result.getProperty("value"); Date taskData_date = (Date) result.getProperty("date"); resp.getWriter() .println( "<p>keyname = " + datastore_key + " value = " + taskData_value + " date = " + taskData_date.toString() + "</p>"); listOfKeys.add(datastore_key); } // check which of the keys exist in memcache String memcache_value; resp.getWriter().println("<h3>Memcache results:</h3>"); for (String datastore_key : listOfKeys) { memcache_value = (String) syncCache.get(datastore_key); if (memcache_value != null) { // String decoded = new String(memcache_value, "UTF-8"); resp.getWriter() .println("<p>keyname = " + datastore_key + " value = " + memcache_value + "</p>"); } } } // display element of kind TaskData with key=keyname else if (keyname != null && value == null) { // first check in the cache String memcache_value = (String) syncCache.get(keyname); // Read from cache. // Get value from datastore Key task_key = KeyFactory.createKey("TaskData", keyname); try { Entity tne = datastore.get(task_key); if (memcache_value == null) { resp.getWriter().println("<h2>Datastore</h2>"); } else { resp.getWriter().println("<h2>Both</h2>"); } } catch (EntityNotFoundException e) { resp.getWriter().println("<h2>Neither</h2>"); } } // store element of kind TaskData with key=keyname and value=value else if (keyname != null && value != null) { Entity tne = new Entity("TaskData", keyname); tne.setProperty("value", value); tne.setProperty("date", new Date()); datastore.put(tne); syncCache.put(keyname, value); // Populate cache. resp.getWriter() .println("<h2>Stored " + keyname + " and " + value + " in Datastore and Memcache</h2>"); } else { resp.getWriter().println("<h2>You entered wrong query parameters</h2>"); } /* Entity tne = new Entity("TaskData", "Person"); alice.setProperty("gender", "female"); alice.setProperty("age", 20); */ resp.getWriter().println("</body></html>"); }
/** * Shows the time via the observer pattern. * * @param date Current date/time */ @Override public void update(Date date) { timeLbl.setText(date.toString()); }
public static void main(String[] args) { try { meet myobj = new meet(); // load jsiconfig.txt ArrayList<String> myconfiglist = new ArrayList<String>(); myconfiglist = myobj.loadArray("jsiconfig.txt"); // The text uri // "mongodb://*****:*****"; String textUri = myconfiglist.get(0); // Create MongoClientURI object from which you get MongoClient obj MongoClientURI uri = new MongoClientURI(textUri); // Connect to that uri MongoClient m = new MongoClient(uri); // get the database named sample String DBname = myconfiglist.get(1); DB d = m.getDB(DBname); // get the collection mycollection in sample String collectionName = myconfiglist.get(2); DBCollection collection = d.getCollection(collectionName); // System.out.println("Config: "+textUri+":"+DBname+":"+collectionName); // twitter4j // Twitter twitter = new TwitterFactory().getInstance(); Twitter twitter = new TwitterFactory().getSingleton(); User user = twitter.verifyCredentials(); // Twitter collection of latest tweets into the home account - defaulted to latest 20 tweets// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ArrayList<String> mylatesttweetslist = new ArrayList<String>(); // get list of tweets from a user or the next tweet listed try { long actid = 0; // twitter.createFriendship(actid); // The factory instance is re-useable and thread safe. // Twitter twitter = TwitterFactory.getSingleton(); List<Status> statuses = twitter.getHomeTimeline(); System.out.println("Showing home timeline."); for (Status status : statuses) { // System.out.println(status.getUser().getName() + ":" +status.getText()); // Addes timeline to an array String mytweets = status.getUser().getName() + ":" + status.getText(); mylatesttweetslist.add(mytweets); } ; } catch (TwitterException te) { te.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("Failed to get timeline: " + te.getMessage()); System.exit(-1); } // MongoDB Insert Below // ////////////////////////// // System Date Date sd = new Date(); String sysdate = sd.toString(); // Toggle the below to display and insert the transactions as required boolean showtrans = true; boolean inserttrans = true; // checkArray - loads args to a text string to allow the contains function String checkString = ""; for (int ck = 0; ck < args.length; ck++) { checkString = checkString + args[ck]; } ; // display transactions flag on runnning jsimongo eg: java jsimongo -d will NOT display // transactions // insert transactions flag on runnning jsimongo eg: java jsimongo -i will NOT insert // transactions if (args.length > 0) { if (checkString.contains("-d")) showtrans = false; if (checkString.contains("-i")) inserttrans = false; } ; int x = 0; for (String atweet : mylatesttweetslist) { x++; // Display tweets to console if (showtrans == true) { System.out.println("tweet : " + atweet); System.out.println("Created_DateTime : " + sysdate); // was sysdate } ; // Insert JSON into MongoDB if (inserttrans == true) { BasicDBObject b = new BasicDBObject(); System.out.println("tweet : " + atweet); System.out.println("Created_DateTime : " + sysdate); // was sysdate // Insert the JSON object into the chosen collection collection.insert(b); } ; Thread.sleep(1); } ; System.out.println("End, the number of tweets inserted at this time was: " + x); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
public static void main(String[] args) { if (args.length != 2) { System.out.println( "This program expects two parameters: \n" + "1. Input predicted genes XML filename \n" + "2. Output GFF filename\n"); } else { String inFileString = args[0]; String outFileString = args[1]; File inFile = new File(inFileString); File outFile = new File(outFileString); try { BufferedWriter outBuff = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(outFile)); // writing header first outBuff.write(GFF_HEADER + "\n"); Date currentDate = new Date(); outBuff.write(DATE_HEADER + currentDate.toString() + "\n"); outBuff.write(TYPE_HEADER + "\n"); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(inFile)); String tempSt; StringBuilder stBuilder = new StringBuilder(); while ((tempSt = reader.readLine()) != null) { stBuilder.append(tempSt); } // closing input file reader reader.close(); Annotation annotation = new Annotation(stBuilder.toString()); HashMap<String, TreeSet<GffLine>> linesPerContig = new HashMap<String, TreeSet<GffLine>>(); // -----------POTATIZING GENES---------------- List<Element> contigsGenes = annotation .asJDomElement() .getChild(PredictedGenes.TAG_NAME) .getChildren(ContigXML.TAG_NAME); for (Element element : contigsGenes) { ContigXML contig = new ContigXML(element); TreeSet<GffLine> lines = new TreeSet<GffLine>(); linesPerContig.put(contig.getId(), lines); List<XMLElement> genes = contig.getChildrenWith(PredictedGene.TAG_NAME); for (XMLElement xMLElement : genes) { PredictedGene gene = new PredictedGene(xMLElement.asJDomElement()); String geneLine = contig.getId() + SEPARATOR + CHORIZO_GEN + SEPARATOR + GENE + SEPARATOR; int beginPos = gene.getStartPosition(); int endPos = gene.getEndPosition(); int initPos = beginPos; if (beginPos < endPos) { geneLine += beginPos + SEPARATOR + endPos + SEPARATOR; } else { geneLine += endPos + SEPARATOR + beginPos + SEPARATOR; initPos = endPos; } geneLine += gene.getEvalue() + SEPARATOR + gene.getStrand() + SEPARATOR + "." + SEPARATOR + LOCUS_TAG + gene.getId() + ";\n"; lines.add(new GffLine(initPos, geneLine)); // outBuff.write(geneLine); String cdsLine = contig.getId() + SEPARATOR + CHORIZO_GEN + SEPARATOR + CDS + SEPARATOR; if (gene.getStrand().equals(PredictedGene.POSITIVE_STRAND)) { cdsLine += gene.getStartPosition() + SEPARATOR + (gene.getEndPosition() - 3) + SEPARATOR; } else { cdsLine += (gene.getEndPosition() - 3) + SEPARATOR + gene.getStartPosition() + SEPARATOR; } cdsLine += gene.getEvalue() + SEPARATOR + gene.getStrand() + SEPARATOR + "0" + SEPARATOR; cdsLine += LOCUS_TAG + gene.getId() + ";" + PRODUCT + gene.getProteinNames() + ";" + CHORIZO_INFERENCE + gene.getAccession() + "\n"; // outBuff.write(cdsLine); lines.add(new GffLine(initPos, cdsLine)); String startCodonLine = contig.getId() + SEPARATOR + CHORIZO_GEN + SEPARATOR + START_CODON + SEPARATOR; if (gene.getStrand().equals(PredictedGene.POSITIVE_STRAND)) { startCodonLine += gene.getStartPosition() + SEPARATOR + (gene.getStartPosition() + 2) + SEPARATOR; } else { startCodonLine += (gene.getStartPosition() - 2) + SEPARATOR + gene.getStartPosition() + SEPARATOR; } startCodonLine += gene.getEvalue() + SEPARATOR + gene.getStrand() + SEPARATOR + "0" + SEPARATOR + LOCUS_TAG + gene.getId() + ";"; startCodonLine += PRODUCT + gene.getProteinNames() + ";" + CHORIZO_INFERENCE + gene.getAccession() + "\n"; // outBuff.write(startCodonLine); lines.add(new GffLine(initPos, startCodonLine)); String stopCodonLine = contig.getId() + SEPARATOR + CHORIZO_GEN + SEPARATOR + STOP_CODON + SEPARATOR; if (gene.getStrand().equals(PredictedGene.POSITIVE_STRAND)) { stopCodonLine += (gene.getEndPosition() + 1) + SEPARATOR + (gene.getEndPosition() + 3) + SEPARATOR; } else { stopCodonLine += (gene.getEndPosition() - 3) + SEPARATOR + (gene.getEndPosition() - 1) + SEPARATOR; } stopCodonLine += gene.getEvalue() + SEPARATOR + gene.getStrand() + SEPARATOR + "0" + SEPARATOR + LOCUS_TAG + gene.getId() + ";"; stopCodonLine += PRODUCT + gene.getProteinNames() + ";" + CHORIZO_INFERENCE + gene.getAccession() + "\n"; // outBuff.write(stopCodonLine); lines.add(new GffLine(initPos, stopCodonLine)); } } // -----------POTATIZING RNAS----------------- List<Element> contigsRnas = annotation .asJDomElement() .getChild(PredictedRnas.TAG_NAME) .getChildren(ContigXML.TAG_NAME); for (Element element : contigsRnas) { ContigXML contig = new ContigXML(element); List<XMLElement> rnas = contig.getChildrenWith(PredictedRna.TAG_NAME); TreeSet<GffLine> lines = linesPerContig.get(contig.getId()); if (lines == null) { lines = new TreeSet<GffLine>(); linesPerContig.put(contig.getId(), lines); } for (XMLElement xMLElement : rnas) { PredictedRna rna = new PredictedRna(xMLElement.asJDomElement()); String rnaLine = contig.getId() + SEPARATOR + CHORIZO_RNA + SEPARATOR + RNA + SEPARATOR; int beginPos = rna.getStartPosition(); int endPos = rna.getEndPosition(); int initPos = beginPos; if (beginPos < endPos) { rnaLine += beginPos + SEPARATOR + endPos + SEPARATOR; } else { rnaLine += endPos + SEPARATOR + beginPos + SEPARATOR; initPos = endPos; } rnaLine += rna.getEvalue() + SEPARATOR + rna.getStrand() + SEPARATOR + "." + SEPARATOR + LOCUS_TAG + rna.getId() + ";"; String columns[] = rna.getAnnotationUniprotId().split("\\|"); String rnaProduct = columns[3]; String refSeqId = columns[1]; String positions = columns[2].substring(1); // ref|NC_007413|:3894075-3895562|16S ribosomal RNA| [locus_tag=Ava_R0035] rnaLine += PRODUCT + rnaProduct + "," + "rna:RefSeq:" + refSeqId + " " + positions + "\n"; // outBuff.write(rnaLine); lines.add(new GffLine(initPos, rnaLine)); } } Set<String> keys = linesPerContig.keySet(); for (String key : keys) { TreeSet<GffLine> lines = linesPerContig.get(key); GffLine line = lines.pollFirst(); while (line != null) { outBuff.write(line.getLine()); line = lines.pollFirst(); } } outBuff.close(); System.out.println("Done!!! :D"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
int doSMTPTransaction(SMTPInputStream in, SMTPOutputStream out) throws IOException { int replyCode; Date today = new Date(); // GET SERVER RESPONSE on CONNECTION ESTABLISHMENT // WAIT FOR RESPONSE (WAIT_TIMEOUT) millis // NOT RESPONSE ON CONNECT ERROR CODE 1 replyCode = waitForTimeout(in); if (replyCode == 0) { infoArea.Println("NOT RESPONSE ON CONNECT ERROR CODE 1"); return 1; } if (replyCode == -1) { infoArea.Println("UNKNOWN REPLY CODE ERROR CODE 4"); return 4; } if (replyCode != SMTP_RCODE_READY) { infoArea.Println("UNSUCCESS CONNECTION "); return replyCode; } infoArea.Println("connection response is OK"); infoArea.Println("request HELO"); // SEND HELO CRLF out.WriteToStream(SMTPCommand[SMTP_CMD_HELO]); out.WriteToStream(SMTPCommand[SMTP_CMD_SPC]); out.WriteToStream(""); out.WriteToStream(SMTPCommand[SMTP_CMD_CRLF]); // WAIT FOR RESPONSE ON HELO replyCode = waitForTimeout(in); if (replyCode == 0) { infoArea.Println("NOT RESPONSE TO HELO ERROR CODE 2"); return 2; } if (replyCode == -1) { infoArea.Println("UNKNOWN REPLY CODE ERROR CODE 4"); return 4; } if (replyCode != SMTP_RCODE_COMPLETED) { infoArea.Println("UNABLE TO COMPLETE REPLY"); return replyCode; } infoArea.Println("HELO response is OK"); infoArea.Println("request MAIL FROM"); // SEND MAIL FROM: SPC <sender> CRLF out.WriteToStream(SMTPCommand[SMTP_CMD_MAIL_FROM]); out.WriteToStream(SMTPCommand[SMTP_CMD_SPC]); out.WriteToStream(senderMail.getText()); out.WriteToStream(SMTPCommand[SMTP_CMD_CRLF]); // WAIT FOR RESPONSE ON MAIL FROM replyCode = waitForTimeout(in); if (replyCode == 0) { infoArea.Println("NOT RESPONSE TO HELO ERROR CODE 2"); return 2; } if (replyCode == -1) { infoArea.Println("UNKNOWN REPLY CODE ERROR CODE 4"); return 4; } if (replyCode != SMTP_RCODE_COMPLETED) { infoArea.Println("UNABLE TO COMPLETE REPLY"); return replyCode; } infoArea.Println("MAIL FROM response is OK"); infoArea.Println("request RCPT TO"); // SEND RCPT TO: SPC <sender> CRLF out.WriteToStream(SMTPCommand[SMTP_CMD_RCPT_TO]); out.WriteToStream(SMTPCommand[SMTP_CMD_SPC]); out.WriteToStream(reciverMail.getText()); out.WriteToStream(SMTPCommand[SMTP_CMD_CRLF]); // WAIT FOR RESPONSE ON RCPT TO replyCode = waitForTimeout(in); if (replyCode == 0) { infoArea.Println("NOT RESPONSE TO HELO ERROR CODE 2"); return 2; } if (replyCode == -1) { infoArea.Println("UNKNOWN REPLY CODE ERROR CODE 4"); return 4; } if ((replyCode != SMTP_RCODE_COMPLETED) && (replyCode != SMTP_RCODE_FORWARD)) { infoArea.Println("UNABLE TO COMPLETE REPLY"); return replyCode; } infoArea.Println("RCPT TO response is OK"); // TRY TO SEND TO CC if ((ccMail.getText().length()) > 0) { infoArea.Println("request CC RCPT TO"); // SEND RCPT TO: SPC <sender> CRLF out.WriteToStream(SMTPCommand[SMTP_CMD_RCPT_TO]); out.WriteToStream(SMTPCommand[SMTP_CMD_SPC]); out.WriteToStream(ccMail.getText()); out.WriteToStream(SMTPCommand[SMTP_CMD_CRLF]); // WAIT FOR RESPONSE ON RCPT TO replyCode = waitForTimeout(in); if (replyCode == 0) { infoArea.Println("NOT RESPONSE TO HELO ERROR CODE 2"); return 2; } if (replyCode == -1) { infoArea.Println("UNKNOWN REPLY CODE ERROR CODE 4"); return 4; } if ((replyCode != SMTP_RCODE_COMPLETED) && (replyCode != SMTP_RCODE_FORWARD)) { infoArea.Println("UNABLE TO COMPLETE CC"); } else { infoArea.Println("CC.RCPT TO response is OK"); } } // TRY TO SEND TO BCC if ((bccMail.getText().length()) > 0) { // SEND RCPT TO: SPC <sender> CRLF out.WriteToStream(SMTPCommand[SMTP_CMD_RCPT_TO]); out.WriteToStream(SMTPCommand[SMTP_CMD_SPC]); out.WriteToStream(bccMail.getText()); out.WriteToStream(SMTPCommand[SMTP_CMD_CRLF]); // WAIT FOR RESPONSE ON RCPT TO replyCode = waitForTimeout(in); if (replyCode == 0) { infoArea.Println("NOT RESPONSE TO HELO ERROR CODE 2"); return 2; } if (replyCode == -1) { infoArea.Println("UNKNOWN REPLY CODE ERROR CODE 4"); return 4; } if ((replyCode != SMTP_RCODE_COMPLETED) && (replyCode != SMTP_RCODE_FORWARD)) { infoArea.Println("UNABLE TO COMPLETE BCC"); } else { infoArea.Println("BCC.RCPT TO response is OK"); } } infoArea.Println("request DATA"); // SEND DATA CRLF out.WriteToStream(SMTPCommand[SMTP_CMD_DATA]); out.WriteToStream(SMTPCommand[SMTP_CMD_CRLF]); // WAIT FOR RESPONSE ON DATA replyCode = waitForTimeout(in); if (replyCode == 0) { infoArea.Println("NOT RESPONSE TO HELO ERROR CODE 2"); return 2; } if (replyCode == -1) { infoArea.Println("UNKNOWN REPLY CODE ERROR CODE 4"); return 4; } if (replyCode != SMTP_RCODE_MAIL_START) { infoArea.Println("UNABLE TO COMPLETE REPLY"); return replyCode; } infoArea.Println("DATA response is OK"); infoArea.Println("request DATA"); // SEND mail content CRLF.CRLF out.WriteToStream("Subject: " + subjectMail.getText()); out.WriteToStream(SMTPCommand[SMTP_CMD_CRLF]); out.WriteToStream("From: " + senderMail.getText()); out.WriteToStream(SMTPCommand[SMTP_CMD_CRLF]); out.WriteToStream("To: " + reciverMail.getText()); out.WriteToStream(SMTPCommand[SMTP_CMD_CRLF]); out.WriteToStream("Date: " + today.toString()); out.WriteToStream(SMTPCommand[SMTP_CMD_CRLF]); out.WriteToStream(SMTPCommand[SMTP_CMD_CRLF]); out.WriteToStream(bodyMail.getText()); out.WriteToStream(SMTPCommand[SMTP_CMD_CRLF_CRLF]); // WAIT FOR RESPONSE ON mail content CRLF.CRLF replyCode = waitForTimeout(in); if (replyCode == 0) { infoArea.Println("NOT RESPONSE TO HELO ERROR CODE 2"); return 2; } if (replyCode == -1) { infoArea.Println("UNKNOWN REPLY CODE ERROR CODE 4"); return 4; } if (replyCode != SMTP_RCODE_COMPLETED) { infoArea.Println("UNABLE TO COMPLETE REPLY"); return replyCode; } infoArea.Println("mail content response is OK"); infoArea.Println("request QUIT"); // SEND QUIT CRLF out.WriteToStream(SMTPCommand[SMTP_CMD_QUIT]); out.WriteToStream(SMTPCommand[SMTP_CMD_CRLF]); // WAIT FOR RESPONSE (WAIT_TIMEOUT) millis // NOT RESPONSE TO QUIT ERROR CODE 3 replyCode = waitForTimeout(in); if (replyCode == 0) { infoArea.Println("NOT RESPONSE TO QUIT ERROR CODE 3"); return 3; } if (replyCode == -1) { infoArea.Println("UNKNOWN REPLY CODE ERROR CODE 4"); return 4; } if (replyCode != SMTP_RCODE_CLOSING) { infoArea.Println("UNCLOSED CONNECTION REPLY"); return replyCode; } infoArea.Println("QUIT response is BYE"); infoArea.Println("end of SMTP transaction"); // TRANSACTION OK ERROR CODE 0 return 0; }
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { double[] clustrLat = { 41.1767, 40.909, 41.129, 41.1747, 41.1826, 41.1444, 41.341, 41.1611, 41.155, 41.1601, 41.2426, 41.1576, 41.1528, 41.1782, 39.2218 }; double[] clustrLong = { -8.5408, -8.5939, -7.592, -8.653, -8.6051, -8.6145, -8.3149, -8.6275, -8.6448, -8.5832, -8.6709, -8.6697, -8.6052, -8.6877, -8.9714 }; final int CLUSTER_SIZE = clustrLat.length; final int[] DAY_IN_MONTH = {31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30}; String filename = "train_month_"; String formatIn = "_filtered.csv"; String formatOut = "_dailyClstPrft.csv"; final int LIMIT = 12; final Object EOF = null; for (int ii = 0; ii < LIMIT; ii++) { double[][] clusterProfit = new double[DAY_IN_MONTH[ii]][CLUSTER_SIZE]; String fileIn = filename + (ii + 1) + formatIn; String fileOut = filename + (ii + 1) + formatOut; BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileIn)); System.out.print("Processing : " + fileIn + " "); PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(fileOut))); String inp; StringTokenizer st; Map<String, Integer> dateMap = new HashMap<>(); int part = 0; in.readLine(); while ((inp = in.readLine()) != EOF) { st = new StringTokenizer(inp, ",\""); long timestamp = (Long.parseLong(st.nextToken()) - 28800) * 1000; double latitude = Double.parseDouble(st.nextToken()); double longitude = Double.parseDouble(st.nextToken()); double cost = Double.parseDouble(st.nextToken()); double distance = Double.parseDouble(st.nextToken()); int clustIdx = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); Date date = new Date(timestamp); String dateKey = date.toString().substring(0, 10); if (!dateMap.containsKey(dateKey)) { dateMap.put(dateKey, part); part++; } int dayIdx = dateMap.get(dateKey); // System.out.println(dayIdx + " " + clustIdx + " " + dateKey); clusterProfit[dayIdx][clustIdx] += cost; } out.print("\"DAY_IDX\""); for (int i = 0; i < CLUSTER_SIZE; i++) { out.print(",\"CLUSTER_" + (i + 1) + "\""); } out.println(); for (int i = 0; i < DAY_IN_MONTH[ii]; i++) { out.print("\"" + (i + 1) + "\","); for (int j = 0; j < CLUSTER_SIZE; j++) { if (j == CLUSTER_SIZE - 1) { out.println("\"" + clusterProfit[i][j] + "\""); } else { out.print("\"" + clusterProfit[i][j] + "\","); } } } out.flush(); System.out.println("Done"); } }