public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent action) { player.Update(); viewScreen.CenterOnObject(player.getBoundingBox()); map.centerOnWorldCoordinates( new Point((int) player.getBoundingBox().x, (int) player.getBoundingBox().y)); collisionManager.handleCollisions(); this.repaint(); this.requestFocus(); }
public GamePanel() { GraphicsEnvironment ge = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment(); GraphicsDevice gs = ge.getDefaultScreenDevice(); GraphicsConfiguration gc = gs.getDefaultConfiguration(); // Create an image that does not support transparency backBufferImage = gc.createCompatibleImage( TopDownShooter_Main.screenWidth, TopDownShooter_Main.screenHeight, Transparency.OPAQUE); backBuffer = backBufferImage.getGraphics(); player = new Player(new Point(750, 750)); map = Map.getInstance(); map.loadWorld("World 1"); viewScreen = ViewScreen.getInstance(); collisionManager = CollisionManager.getInstance(); SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable() { // The GUI needs to be added to the JPanel at a later time, since there is // no way to know the size of this panel yet. public void run() { viewScreen.setSize( new Rectangle( new Point(0, 0), new Dimension( GamePanel.this.getWidth(), GamePanel.this .getHeight()))); // Size the ViewScreen to the actual dimensions of the // viewable area now that we know them viewScreen.CenterOnObject(player.getBoundingBox()); } }); this.setFocusable(true); this.addKeyListener(player); new Timer(16, this).start(); // Master game timer }
public void paintEntities() { player.Draw(backBuffer, viewScreen.getScreen()); }
public void paintBackground() { map.Draw(backBuffer, viewScreen.getScreen()); }