public static FontMetrics getFontMetrics(JComponent c, Graphics g, Font f) { FontMetrics fm = null; if (getJavaVersion() >= 1.6) { try { Class swingUtilities2Class = Class.forName("sun.swing.SwingUtilities2"); Class classParams[] = {JComponent.class, Graphics.class, Font.class}; Method m = swingUtilities2Class.getMethod("getFontMetrics", classParams); Object methodParams[] = {c, g, f}; fm = (FontMetrics) m.invoke(null, methodParams); } catch (Exception ex) { // Nothing to do } } if (fm == null) { if (g == null) { if (c != null) { g = c.getGraphics(); } } if (g != null) { if (f != null) { fm = g.getFontMetrics(f); } else { fm = g.getFontMetrics(); } } else if (c != null) { if (f != null) { fm = c.getFontMetrics(f); } else { fm = c.getFontMetrics(c.getFont()); } } } return fm; }
/** * Function: drawNode Pre: Takes a graphics object g to draw on. Also takes two ints (x_size, * y_size) defining the screen size Also takes a node radius r Post: Prints out this node to the * screen appropriately */ public void drawNode(Graphics g, int x_size, int y_size, int r) { // Don't print nodes that aren't activated if (!activated) return; // First, get some stats based on the Graphics area size // In particular, the size of the Node int px = (int) (x_size * x) - r; // X & Y positions int py = (int) (y_size * y) - r; // Set the font to appropriate no matter what // int sizor; //The size for the text, based on radius g.setFont(new Font("Serif", Font.BOLD, r)); // Find the color for the text, it's used often... we'll do this later now // String textcol = getOtherTextColor(color); MOOF! UPDATE THIS LATER! // Make sure the color is correct no matter what... adjust also later! // Node insides... get this color correct later, moof! g.setColor(getMyJavaColor()); // g.setColor(Color.white); g.fillOval(px, py, r * 2, r * 2); // Node border g.setColor(getJavaColor(getOtherNodeColor(color))); g.drawOval(px, py, r * 2, r * 2); // Text inside... set up to be centered py = py + r + (int) (g.getFontMetrics().getAscent() / 2.2); px = px + r - (g.getFontMetrics().stringWidth("" + cindex) / 2); g.drawString("" + cindex, px, py); }
/** * Draws the Legend for the scatter plot * * @param g {@link Graphics} */ private void drawLegend(Graphics g) { // set the color of the legend rectangle g.setColor(LEGEND_BACKGROUND); int lineHeight = g.getFontMetrics().getHeight() + 2; // height of a legend line // draw the legend rectangle g.fillRect( getWidth() - legendWidth - LENGEND_PAD - (LEGEND_INSET * 2), LENGEND_PAD, legendWidth + (LEGEND_INSET * 2), ((data.size() + 2) * lineHeight) + (LEGEND_INSET * 2)); g.setColor(Colors.BLACK); g.drawRect( getWidth() - legendWidth - LENGEND_PAD - (LEGEND_INSET * 2), LENGEND_PAD, legendWidth + (LEGEND_INSET * 2), ((data.size() + 2) * lineHeight) + (LEGEND_INSET * 2)); // search the position where to start the text of the legend Point p = new Point( getWidth() - legendWidth - LENGEND_PAD - LEGEND_INSET, LENGEND_PAD + LEGEND_INSET + g.getFontMetrics().getHeight()); // draw the axis names g.drawString(X_AXIS_PREFIX + xAxis.getName(), p.x, p.y); // draw X-Axis legend g.drawString(Y_AXIS_PREFIX + yAxis.getName(), p.x, p.y + lineHeight); // draw Y-Axis legend // draw graph name legend for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) { Color graphColor = data.get(i).getColor(); String graphName = data.get(i).getName(); g.setColor(graphColor); int yLine = p.y + ((i + 2) * lineHeight); // y position of the current line g.drawLine(p.x, yLine - 5, p.x + 25, yLine - 5); // draw a line with the color of the graph g.setColor(Colors.BLACK); g.drawString(graphName, p.x + 30, yLine); // draw the name of the graph } }
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { if (name == "" && serialport == "") { Map<String, String> boardPreferences = Base.getBoardPreferences(); if (boardPreferences != null) setBoardName(boardPreferences.get("name")); else setBoardName("-"); setSerialPort(Preferences.get("serial.port")); } g.setColor(background); Dimension size = getSize(); g.fillRect(0, 0, size.width, size.height); g.setFont(font); g.setColor(foreground); int baseline = (high + g.getFontMetrics().getAscent()) / 2; g.drawString(text, 6, baseline); g.setColor(messageForeground); String tmp = name + " on " + serialport; Rectangle2D bounds = g.getFontMetrics().getStringBounds(tmp, null); g.drawString(tmp, size.width - (int) bounds.getWidth() - 20, baseline); if (Base.isMacOS()) { g.drawImage(resize, size.width - 20, 0, this); } }
public void paintFPS(int x, int y, Graphics g) { // Skip if not needed: if (usingMenu) { return; } if (showFPS) { // Update FPS count: if (--fpsCounter <= 0) { long ct = nes.getGui().getTimer().currentMicros(); long frameT = (ct - prevFrameTime) / 45; if (frameT == 0) { fps = "FPS: -"; } else { fps = "FPS: " + (1000000 / frameT); } fpsCounter = 45; prevFrameTime = ct; } // Draw FPS. gfx.setColor(; gfx.fillRect( x, y - gfx.getFontMetrics().getAscent(), gfx.getFontMetrics().stringWidth(fps) + 3, gfx.getFontMetrics().getHeight()); gfx.setColor(Color.cyan); gfx.drawString(fps, x, y); } }
public static void drawString( Graphics g, String str, int x, int y, HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment verticalAlignment) { int textWidth = g.getFontMetrics().stringWidth(str); final int textHeight = g.getFontMetrics().getAscent(); int resultX = x; int resultY = y; if (horizontalAlignment == HorizontalAlignment.left) resultX = x; else if (horizontalAlignment == resultX = x - textWidth / 2; else if (horizontalAlignment == HorizontalAlignment.right) resultX = x - textWidth; if (verticalAlignment == resultY = y + textHeight; else if (verticalAlignment == resultY = y + textHeight / 2 - 1; else if (verticalAlignment == VerticalAlignment.bottom) resultY = y; Color previousColor = g.getColor(); g.setColor(new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.7f)); // g.setColor(new Color(0.7f, 0.7f, 1f, 0.7f)); //debug with this g.fillRect(resultX, resultY - textHeight + 1, textWidth, g.getFontMetrics().getHeight() - 1); g.setColor(previousColor); g.drawString(str, resultX, resultY); }
protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) { g.setColor(GroupedElementsRenderer.POPUP_SEPARATOR_FOREGROUND); if (hasCaption()) { Rectangle viewR = new Rectangle(0, getVgap(), getWidth() - 1, getHeight() - getVgap() - 1); Rectangle iconR = new Rectangle(); Rectangle textR = new Rectangle(); String s = SwingUtilities.layoutCompoundLabel( g.getFontMetrics(), myCaption, null, CENTER, myCaptionCentered ? CENTER : LEFT, CENTER, myCaptionCentered ? CENTER : LEFT, viewR, iconR, textR, 0); final int lineY = textR.y + textR.height / 2; if (s.equals(myCaption) && viewR.width - textR.width > 2 * getHgap()) { if (myCaptionCentered) { g.drawLine(0, lineY, textR.x - getHgap(), lineY); } g.drawLine(textR.x + textR.width + getHgap(), lineY, getWidth() - 1, lineY); } UIUtil.applyRenderingHints(g); g.setColor(GroupedElementsRenderer.POPUP_SEPARATOR_TEXT_FOREGROUND); g.drawString(s, textR.x, textR.y + g.getFontMetrics().getAscent()); } else { g.drawLine(0, getVgap(), getWidth() - 1, getVgap()); } }
@Override public void draw(Graphics g) { g.setFont(_textFont); if (_enabled) { if (_isHovered) { g.setColor(_hoverBackgroundColor); } else { g.setColor(_backgroundColor); } } else { g.setColor(new Color(150, 150, 150)); } g.fillRect(_bounds.x, _bounds.y, _bounds.width, _bounds.height); g.setColor(; g.drawRect(_bounds.x, _bounds.y, _bounds.width, _bounds.height); int strPosX = _bounds.x + 1 + (_bounds.width - g.getFontMetrics().stringWidth(_text)) / 2; int strPosY = _bounds.y + (_bounds.height + g.getFontMetrics().getAscent() - g.getFontMetrics().getDescent()) / 2; g.setColor(_fontColor); g.drawString(_text, strPosX, strPosY); }
@Override public void draw(Graphics g, GamePanel parent) { int width = parent.getWidth() * 3 / 5; tgs.getOPS().draw(g, parent); g.setColor(new Color(255, 255, 255)); g.setFont(new Font("Rockwell", 0, 32)); g.fillRect(parent.getWidth() / 5, parent.getHeight() / 5, width, parent.getHeight() * 3 / 5); g.setColor(Color.BLACK); g.drawString( name, parent.getWidth() / 5 + width / 2 - g.getFontMetrics().stringWidth(name), parent.getHeight() / 5 + g.getFontMetrics().getHeight()); for (int i = 0; i < abilities.length; i++) { if (abilities[i] != null) { g.drawString( abilities[i], parent.getWidth() / 5, parent.getHeight() / 5 + g.getFontMetrics().getHeight() * (8 + i)); } } for (int i = 0; i < traits.length; i++) { if (i == currentIndex) { g.setColor(Color.RED); } else { g.setColor(Color.BLACK); } g.drawString( traits[i], parent.getWidth() / 5, parent.getHeight() / 5 + g.getFontMetrics().getHeight() * (2 + i)); } }
/** * Ecrit le nom de l'element. * * @param g graphics * @param vueElement vue de l'element a dessiner * @param coordX abscisse de l'element * @param coordY ordonnee de l'element * @return vrai si le texte a ete ecrit en dessous de la forme representant l'element, faux sinon */ private boolean dessineElementNom(Graphics g, VueElement<?> vueElement, int coordX, int coordY) { Rectangle rect = this.getBounds(); // affiche au dessus du point ses informations String s = vueElement.getElement().getNom(); int stringWidth = (int) g.getFontMetrics().getStringBounds(s, g).getWidth(); int stringHeight = (int) g.getFontMetrics().getStringBounds(s, g).getHeight(); int start = (stringWidth / 2) - (ELEMENT_SIZE / 2); // gestion du debordement des infos int coordXString = Math.max(coordX - start, 2); if (coordXString + stringWidth > rect.getWidth()) { coordXString = (int) (rect.getWidth() - 2 - stringWidth); } int coordYString = coordY - 10; boolean descendu = false; if (coordY < stringHeight) { coordYString = coordY + 29; descendu = true; } g.drawString(s, coordXString, coordYString); return descendu; }
/** * handy little utility for determining the length in pixels the given string will use if drawn * into the given Graphics object. Note: perhaps belongs in some utility package. */ public static Dimension stringSize(String str, Graphics g) { if (g instanceof Graphics2D) { java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D bounds = g.getFont().getStringBounds(str, ((Graphics2D) g).getFontRenderContext()); return new Dimension((int) (bounds.getWidth() + .5), (int) (bounds.getHeight() + .5)); } else return new Dimension(g.getFontMetrics().stringWidth(str), g.getFontMetrics().getHeight()); }
private void drawColumn( Graphics g, State state, EcoIdentity onGround, int x, int y, int cubeSize) { String label; int strWidth; EcoState ecoState; EcoIdentity entity = onGround; int yy = y - cubeSize; int strHeight = g.getFontMetrics().getHeight() / 2; Color backColor, frontColor; while (entity != null) { ecoState = state.ecoStates.get(entity); if (ecoState == null) { backColor = Color.DARK_GRAY; frontColor = Color.WHITE; } else { switch (ecoState) { case ESCAPING: backColor = Color.RED; frontColor = Color.BLACK; break; case ESCAPED: backColor = Color.PINK; frontColor = Color.BLACK; break; case SATISFACTING: backColor = Color.WHITE; frontColor = Color.BLACK; break; case SATISFACTED: backColor = Color.GREEN; frontColor = Color.BLACK; break; case INITIALIZED: case INITIALIZING: default: backColor = Color.DARK_GRAY; frontColor = Color.WHITE; break; } } g.setColor(backColor); g.fillRect(x, yy, cubeSize, cubeSize); g.setColor(frontColor); g.drawRect(x, yy, cubeSize, cubeSize); label = entity.toString(); strWidth = SwingUtilities.computeStringWidth(g.getFontMetrics(), label); g.drawString(label, x + (cubeSize - strWidth) / 2, yy + (cubeSize - strHeight) / 2); yy -= cubeSize; entity =; } }
protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) { // Set up rendering hints to look as close to native as possible Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g; Object old = null; // First, try to use the rendering hint set that is "native". Map hints = (Map) getToolkit().getDesktopProperty("awt.font.desktophints"); if (hints != null) { old = g2d.getRenderingHints(); g2d.addRenderingHints(hints); } // If a "native" set isn't found, just turn on standard text AA. else { old = g2d.getRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING); g2d.setRenderingHint( RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_ON); } // if (jsc!=null) { // setText(null); // Stop "Foobar" from being painted // } // We never paint "selection" around the icon, to imitate Eclipse final int iconW = 18; int h = getHeight(); if (!selected) { g.setColor(getBackground()); g.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), h); } else { g.setColor(altBG != null && evenRow ? altBG : list.getBackground()); g.fillRect(0, 0, iconW, h); g.setColor(getBackground()); // Selection color g.fillRect(iconW, 0, getWidth() - iconW, h); } if (getIcon() != null) { int y = (h - getIcon().getIconHeight()) / 2; getIcon().paintIcon(this, g, 0, y); } int x = getX() + iconW + 2; g.setColor(selected ? list.getSelectionForeground() : list.getForeground()); if (jsc != null && !simpleText) { jsc.rendererText(g, x, g.getFontMetrics().getHeight(), selected); } else { Completion c = jsc != null ? (Completion) jsc : nonJavaCompletion; if (c != null) { g.drawString(c.toString(), x, g.getFontMetrics().getHeight()); } } // Restore rendering hints appropriately. if (hints != null) { g2d.addRenderingHints((Map) old); } else { g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING, old); } }
/** * @param g Graphics context. * @param ch The character. * @return the width of the character. */ public int charWidth(Graphics g, char ch) { FontMetrics fm; if (g == null) return 0; if (font == null) fm = g.getFontMetrics(); else fm = g.getFontMetrics(font); return fm.charWidth(ch); }
public void paint(Graphics g) { g.drawImage(logo, 0, 0, this); int h = logo.getHeight(this) + 20; g.drawString(about1 + " v" + version + " (" + build + ")", 0, h); h += g.getFontMetrics().getHeight(); g.drawString(about2, 0, h); h += g.getFontMetrics().getHeight(); g.drawString(about3, 0, h); }
@Override public void paintComponent(final Graphics g) { super.paintComponent(g); // draw entire component white g.setColor(Color.white); g.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight()); // yellow circle g.setColor(Color.yellow); g.fillOval(0, 0, 240, 240); // magenta circle g.setColor(Color.magenta); g.fillOval(160, 160, 240, 240); // paint the icon below blue sqaure int w = java2sLogo.getIconWidth(); int h = java2sLogo.getIconHeight(); java2sLogo.paintIcon(this, g, 280 - (w / 2), 120 - (h / 2)); // paint the icon below red sqaure java2sLogo.paintIcon(this, g, 120 - (w / 2), 280 - (h / 2)); // transparent red square g.setColor(m_tRed); g.fillRect(60, 220, 120, 120); // transparent green circle g.setColor(m_tGreen); g.fillOval(140, 140, 120, 120); // transparent blue square g.setColor(m_tBlue); g.fillRect(220, 60, 120, 120); g.setColor(; g.setFont(monoFont); FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics(); w = fm.stringWidth("Java Source"); h = fm.getAscent(); g.drawString("Java Source", 120 - (w / 2), 120 + (h / 4)); g.setFont(sanSerifFont); fm = g.getFontMetrics(); w = fm.stringWidth("and"); h = fm.getAscent(); g.drawString("and", 200 - (w / 2), 200 + (h / 4)); g.setFont(serifFont); fm = g.getFontMetrics(); w = fm.stringWidth("Support."); h = fm.getAscent(); g.drawString("Support.", 280 - (w / 2), 280 + (h / 4)); }
@Override public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { super.paintComponent(g); Dimension sz = getSize(); int top = Math.max(0, (sz.height - tableHeight) / 2); int left = Math.max(0, (sz.width - tableWidth) / 2); Model model = getModel(); if (model == null) return; Selection sel = model.getSelection(); int columns = sel.size(); if (columns == 0) { g.setFont(BODY_FONT); GraphicsUtil.drawCenteredText( g, Strings.get("tableEmptyMessage"), sz.width / 2, sz.height / 2); return; } g.setColor(Color.GRAY); int lineY = top + cellHeight + HEADER_SEP / 2; g.drawLine(left, lineY, left + tableWidth, lineY); g.setColor(Color.BLACK); g.setFont(HEAD_FONT); FontMetrics headerMetric = g.getFontMetrics(); int x = left; int y = top + headerMetric.getAscent() + 1; for (int i = 0; i < columns; i++) { x = paintHeader(sel.get(i).toShortString(), x, y, g, headerMetric); } g.setFont(BODY_FONT); FontMetrics bodyMetric = g.getFontMetrics(); Rectangle clip = g.getClipBounds(); int firstRow = Math.max(0, (clip.y - y) / cellHeight - 1); int lastRow = Math.min(rowCount, 2 + (clip.y + clip.height - y) / cellHeight); int y0 = top + cellHeight + HEADER_SEP; x = left; for (int col = 0; col < columns; col++) { SelectionItem item = sel.get(col); ValueLog log = model.getValueLog(item); int radix = item.getRadix(); int offs = rowCount - log.size(); y = y0 + Math.max(offs, firstRow) * cellHeight; for (int row = Math.max(offs, firstRow); row < lastRow; row++) { Value val = log.get(row - offs); String label = val.toDisplayString(radix); int width = bodyMetric.stringWidth(label); g.drawString(label, x + (cellWidth - width) / 2, y + bodyMetric.getAscent()); y += cellHeight; } x += cellWidth + COLUMN_SEP; } }
public void origenEscalas(Graphics g) { cAlto = g.getFontMetrics().getHeight(); cAncho = g.getFontMetrics().stringWidth("0"); wAncho = getSize().width; wAlto = getSize().height; orgX = 12 * 4 * cAncho; orgXX = 4 * cAncho; orgY = (7 * wAlto) / 10; escalaY = (double) wAlto / (double) 500; escalaX = (double) (wAncho - orgX) / (double) 20; }
@Override public void paint(Graphics g, int p0, int p1, Shape bounds, JTextComponent c) { Rectangle r0 = null, r1 = null; try { r0 = c.modelToView(p0); r1 = c.modelToView(p1); } catch (BadLocationException ex) { // Nothing } if (r0 != null && r1 != null) { if (c instanceof JTextField) { g.setColor(color); g.fillRect(r0.x, r0.y, r1.x - r0.x, r0.height); g.setColor(; g.drawString(c.getText().substring(p0, p1), r0.x, r0.y + r0.height - 2); } else if (c instanceof JTextArea) { String str = c.getText().substring(p0, p1); int strMeasure = g.getFontMetrics().stringWidth(str); if (r0.x + strMeasure > c.getWidth() - 12) { int posX = r0.x, posY = r0.y + r0.height - 3; double countLine = 1; for (char ch : str.toCharArray()) { int chMeasure = g.getFontMetrics().charWidth(ch); if (posX + chMeasure > c.getWidth() - 12) { Double d1 = new Double(posX + ""); Double d2 = new Double(strMeasure + ""); Double d3 = new Double(c.getWidth() + ""); if ((d1 + d2) / d3 > countLine) { posX = 6; posY += r0.height; countLine += 1.0d; } } g.setColor(color); g.fillRect(posX, posY - r0.height - 3, chMeasure, r0.height); g.setColor(; g.drawString(ch + "", posX, posY); posX += chMeasure; } } else { int RX = r1.x - r0.x < 0 ? strMeasure : r1.x - r0.x; g.setColor(color); g.fillRect(r0.x, r0.y, RX, r0.height); g.setColor(; g.drawString(str, r0.x, r0.y + r0.height - 3); } } } }
public void displayMetrics(Graphics g) { leading = g.getFontMetrics().getLeading(); ascent = g.getFontMetrics().getAscent(); descent = g.getFontMetrics().getDescent(); height = g.getFontMetrics().getHeight(); g.drawString(movieQuote, x, y += height); g.drawString("Leading is " + leading, x, y += height); g.drawString("Ascent is " + ascent, x, y += height); g.drawString("Descent is " + descent, x, y += height); g.drawString("Height is " + height, x, y += height); y += height * 2; }
public void paint(Graphics g) { g.setColor(new Color(0xFFFFFF)); g.fillRect(0, 0, g.getClipBounds().width, g.getClipBounds().height); g.setColor(new Color(0x000000)); int width = g.getFontMetrics().stringWidth("Launching Elusiva Everywhere session..."); int x = (int) (g.getClipBounds().getWidth() / 2) - (width / 2); int y = (int) (g.getClipBounds().getHeight() / 2); if (!redirectOutput) g.drawString("Launching Elusiva Everywhere session...", x, y); width = g.getFontMetrics().stringWidth("Connect to:" + getParameter("server")); x = (int) (g.getClipBounds().getWidth() / 2) - (width / 2); y = (int) (g.getClipBounds().getHeight() / 2) + 20; if (!redirectOutput) g.drawString("Connecting to:" + getParameter("server"), x, y); }
/** * Helper method for redraw to draw screen during phase of maze generation, screen is hard coded * only attribute percentdone is dynamic * * @param gc graphics is the off screen image */ void redrawGenerating(Graphics gc) { gc.setColor(Color.yellow); gc.fillRect(0, 0, Constants.VIEW_WIDTH, Constants.VIEW_HEIGHT); gc.setFont(largeBannerFont); FontMetrics fm = gc.getFontMetrics(); gc.setColor(; centerString(gc, fm, "Building maze", 150); gc.setFont(smallBannerFont); fm = gc.getFontMetrics(); gc.setColor(; centerString(gc, fm, maze.getPercentDone() + "% completed", 200); centerString(gc, fm, "Hit escape to stop", 300); }
private static java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D getTextBounds(String text, java.awt.Font font) { if (text != null) { java.awt.Graphics g =; java.awt.FontMetrics fm; if (font != null) { fm = g.getFontMetrics(font); } else { fm = g.getFontMetrics(); } return fm.getStringBounds(text, g); } else { return new java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D.Float(0, 0, 0, 0); } }
/** * Draws a progress bar using the co-ordinates, dimensions and skill provided. This also displays * current level in the skill, percent till the next level & exp needed to reach the next level * * @param g An instance of Graphics to paintType to. * @param skill The number of the skill wanting to display. E.g Skills.MAGIC * @param x The "x" co-ordinate. * @param y The "y" co-ordinate. * @param w The width of the progress bar. * @param h The height of the progress bar. * @param hover If you want extra info to be displayed (Usually for when the skill is "Hovered") * @author Rudday, UberMouse */ public void drawProgressBar(Graphics g, int skill, int x, int y, int w, int h, boolean hover) { Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g; Paint p = g2.getPaint(); GradientPaint grad1 = new GradientPaint(x, y, scheme.firstGradient1, x, y + h + 3, scheme.firstGradient2); GradientPaint grad2 = new GradientPaint(x, y, scheme.secondGradient1, x, y + h + 3, scheme.secondGradient2); g2.setPaint(grad1); g2.fillRect(x, y, w, h); g2.setPaint(grad2); g2.fillRect(x, y, (int) (w * (UberSkills.getPercentToNextLevel(skill) / 100.0)), h); g2.setColor(scheme.text); g2.drawRect(x, y, w, h); g2.setFont(new Font("Arial", 0, 9)); String progress = UberSkills.getPercentToNextLevel(skill) + "% to " + ((UberSkills.getRealLevel(skill) + 1 <= 120) ? UberSkills.getRealLevel(skill) + 1 : 120) + " " + name + " | " + UberSkills.getExpToNextLevel(skill) + " XPTL"; g2.drawString( progress, x + ((w - (g.getFontMetrics().stringWidth(progress))) / 2), (int) (y + ((g.getFontMetrics().getHeight() / 2) + (h / 4) * 1.75))); g2.setPaint(p); if (hover) { g2.setColor(scheme.hover); g2.fillRect(x, y - (height + 2), width, height); g2.setColor(scheme.text); g2.drawRect(x, y - (height + 2), width, height); progress = "TTL: " + skillInfo.timeToLevel() + " XPG: " + skillInfo.xpGained() + " XPPH: " + skillInfo.xpPH() + " LG: " + skillInfo.levelsGained(); g2.drawString( progress, x + ((w - (g.getFontMetrics().stringWidth(progress))) / 2), (int) ((y - (height + 2)) + ((g.getFontMetrics().getHeight() / 2) + (h / 4) * 1.75))); } }
/** * Helper method for redraw to draw final screen, screen is hard coded * * @param gc graphics is the off screen image */ void redrawFinish(Graphics gc) { gc.setColor(; gc.fillRect(0, 0, Constants.VIEW_WIDTH, Constants.VIEW_HEIGHT); gc.setFont(largeBannerFont); FontMetrics fm = gc.getFontMetrics(); gc.setColor(Color.yellow); centerString(gc, fm, "You won!", 100); gc.setColor(; gc.setFont(smallBannerFont); fm = gc.getFontMetrics(); centerString(gc, fm, "Congratulations!", 160); gc.setColor(Color.white); centerString(gc, fm, "Hit any key to restart", 300); }
@Override protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) { measures.ensureComputed(g); Rectangle clip = g.getClipBounds(); if (isOpaque()) { g.setColor(getBackground()); g.fillRect(clip.x, clip.y, clip.width, clip.height); } long addr0 = model.getFirstOffset(); long addr1 = model.getLastOffset(); long xaddr0 = measures.toAddress(0, clip.y); if (xaddr0 == addr0) xaddr0 = measures.getBaseAddress(model); long xaddr1 = measures.toAddress(getWidth(), clip.y + clip.height) + 1; highlighter.paint(g, xaddr0, xaddr1); g.setColor(getForeground()); Font baseFont = g.getFont(); FontMetrics baseFm = g.getFontMetrics(baseFont); Font labelFont = baseFont.deriveFont(Font.ITALIC); FontMetrics labelFm = g.getFontMetrics(labelFont); int cols = measures.getColumnCount(); int baseX = measures.getBaseX(); int baseY = measures.toY(xaddr0) + baseFm.getAscent() + baseFm.getLeading() / 2; int dy = measures.getCellHeight(); int labelWidth = measures.getLabelWidth(); int labelChars = measures.getLabelChars(); int cellWidth = measures.getCellWidth(); int cellChars = measures.getCellChars(); for (long a = xaddr0; a < xaddr1; a += cols, baseY += dy) { String label = toHex(a, labelChars); g.setFont(labelFont); g.drawString( label, baseX - labelWidth + (labelWidth - labelFm.stringWidth(label)) / 2, baseY); g.setFont(baseFont); long b = a; for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++, b++) { if (b >= addr0 && b <= addr1) { String val = toHex(model.get(b), cellChars); int x = measures.toX(b) + (cellWidth - baseFm.stringWidth(val)) / 2; g.drawString(val, x, baseY); } } } caret.paintForeground(g, xaddr0, xaddr1); }
private Dimension getContainerDimensions(Graphics g, steps.array.bucket.Container c) { int spacingWidth = (int) g.getFontMetrics(g.getFont()).getStringBounds(CONTAINER_VALUE_SPACING, g).getHeight(); int totalWidth = spacingWidth; int totalHeight = 0; for (int i = 0; i < c.theValues.length; i++) { totalHeight = (int) g.getFontMetrics(g.getFont()).getStringBounds("" + c.theValues[0], g).getHeight() * 2; totalWidth += (int) g.getFontMetrics(g.getFont()).getStringBounds("" + c.theValues[i], g).getWidth(); totalWidth += spacingWidth; } return new Dimension(totalWidth, totalHeight); }
/* * Draws menu header (logo and particles) */ private void drawMenuHeader(Graphics g) { g.setFont(Fonts.largefont); FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics(); g.setColor(Color.YELLOW); // Draw logo Image img = game.imgs[0]; g.drawImage(img, (winSize.width - img.getWidth(null)) / 2, 30, null); g.setFont(Fonts.smallfont); fm = g.getFontMetrics(); g.drawString("by Ben Homer", 10, winSize.height - 20); if (DBClient.loggedIn) { g.drawString("Logged in as: " + DBClient.getName(), 10, 30); } }
protected void paintText(Graphics g, JComponent com, Rectangle rect, String s) { JButtonLinkA bn = (JButtonLinkA) com; ButtonModel bnModel = bn.getModel(); Color color = bn.getForeground(); Object obj = null; if (bnModel.isEnabled()) { if (bnModel.isPressed()) bn.setForeground(bn.getActiveLinkColor()); else if (bn.isLinkVisited()) bn.setForeground(bn.getVisitedLinkColor()); else bn.setForeground(bn.getLinkColor()); } else { if (bn.getDisabledLinkColor() != null) bn.setForeground(bn.getDisabledLinkColor()); } super.paintText(g, com, rect, s); int behaviour = bn.getLinkBehavior(); boolean drawLine = false; if (behaviour == JButtonLinkA.HOVER_UNDERLINE) { if (bnModel.isRollover()) drawLine = true; } else if (behaviour == JButtonLinkA.ALWAYS_UNDERLINE || behaviour == JButtonLinkA.SYSTEM_DEFAULT) drawLine = true; if (!drawLine) return; FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics(); int x = rect.x + getTextShiftOffset(); int y = (rect.y + fm.getAscent() + fm.getDescent() + getTextShiftOffset()) - 1; if (bnModel.isEnabled()) { g.setColor(bn.getForeground()); g.drawLine(x, y, (x + rect.width) - 1, y); } else { g.setColor(bn.getBackground().brighter()); g.drawLine(x, y, (x + rect.width) - 1, y); } }
/** * @param font where to get the descent * @return the descent of the font */ private int getDescent(Font font) { Graphics g = new BufferedImage(1, 1, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB).createGraphics(); g.setFont(font); int d = (int) (g.getFontMetrics().getDescent() + 0.99f); g.dispose(); return d; }