public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String s = e.getActionCommand(); diag.jpm = null; if (s.equals("Edit Upstream Port Name")) { String ans = (String) MyOptionPane.showInputDialog( driver.frame, "Enter or change text", "Edit upstream port name", JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE, null, null, upStreamPort); if (ans != null /* && ans.length() > 0 */) { Block b = diag.blocks.get(new Integer(fromId)); // upStreamPort = ans; diag.changed = true; boolean found = false; for (Arrow a : diag.arrows.values()) { if (a.fromId == fromId && a.upStreamPort != null && a.upStreamPort.equals(ans) && !(upStreamPort.equals(ans)) || a.toId == fromId && a.downStreamPort != null && a.downStreamPort.equals(ans)) found = true; } if (found) { MyOptionPane.showMessageDialog(driver.frame, "Duplicate port name: " + ans); // upStreamPort = ""; // return; } upStreamPort = ans; if (b.type.equals(Block.Types.EXTPORT_IN_BLOCK) || b instanceof IIPBlock) { MyOptionPane.showMessageDialog(driver.frame, "Upstream port must be blank"); upStreamPort = ""; } } driver.frame.repaint(); } else if (s.equals("Edit Downstream Port Name") && endsAtBlock) { String ans = (String) MyOptionPane.showInputDialog( driver.frame, "Enter or change text", "Edit downstream port name", JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE, null, null, downStreamPort); if (ans != null /* && ans.length() > 0 */) { Block b = diag.blocks.get(new Integer(toId)); diag.changed = true; boolean found = false; for (Arrow a : diag.arrows.values()) { if (a.fromId == toId && a.upStreamPort != null && a.upStreamPort.equals(ans) || a.toId == toId && a.downStreamPort != null && a.downStreamPort.equals(ans) && !(downStreamPort.equals(ans))) found = true; } if (found) { MyOptionPane.showMessageDialog(driver.frame, "Duplicate port name: " + ans); // downStreamPort = ""; // return; } downStreamPort = ans; if (b.type.equals(Block.Types.EXTPORT_OUT_BLOCK)) { MyOptionPane.showMessageDialog(driver.frame, "Downstream port must be blank"); downStreamPort = ""; } } driver.frame.repaint(); } else if (s.equals("Set Capacity")) { String capString = null; if (capacity == 0) capString = ""; else capString = Integer.toString(capacity); String ans = (String) MyOptionPane.showInputDialog( driver.frame, "Enter or change text", "Set Capacity", JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE, null, null, capString); if ((ans != null) && (ans.length() > 0)) { capacity = Integer.parseInt(ans); if (capLegend == null) { diag.xa = 2; // get around fudge in DrawFBP diag.ya = 2; // get around fudge in DrawFBP capLegend = (LegendBlock) diag.driver.createBlock(Block.Types.LEGEND_BLOCK, false); int x = toX; int y = toY; if (bends != null) { Bend bd = bends.peek(); x = bd.x; y = bd.y; } = (fromX + x) / 2; = (fromY + y) / 2 + 20; if (fromX == x) -= 20; } capLegend.description = "(" + capacity + ")"; } driver.frame.repaint(); diag.changed = true; } else if (s.equals("Remove Capacity")) { capacity = 0; diag.delBlock(capLegend, false); capLegend = null; driver.frame.repaint(); diag.changed = true; } else if (s.equals("Toggle Upstream Port Automatic / Normal")) { if (upStreamPort == null || !upStreamPort.equals("*")) upStreamPort = "*"; else upStreamPort = null; driver.frame.repaint(); diag.changed = true; } else if (s.equals("Toggle Downstream Port Automatic / Normal")) { if (downStreamPort == null || !downStreamPort.equals("*")) downStreamPort = "*"; else downStreamPort = null; driver.frame.repaint(); diag.changed = true; } else if (s.equals("Toggle DropOldest")) { dropOldest = !dropOldest; } else if (s.equals("Drag Tail")) { tailMarked = true; driver.arrowEndForDragging = this; } else if (s.equals("Drag Head")) { headMarked = true; driver.arrowEndForDragging = this; } else if (s.equals("Drag New or Existing Bend")) { createBend(driver.curx, driver.cury); } else if (s.equals("Add Extra Arrowhead")) { Point p = new Point(driver.curx, driver.cury); int fx = fromX; int fy = fromY; int tx, ty; if (bends != null) { for (Bend bend : bends) { tx = bend.x; ty = bend.y; if (pointInLine(p, fx, fy, tx, ty)) { extraArrowhead = new Arrowhead(fx, fy, driver.curx, driver.cury); return; } fx = tx; fy = ty; } } tx = toX; ty = toY; if (pointInLine(p, fx, fy, tx, ty)) extraArrowhead = new Arrowhead(fx, fy, driver.curx, driver.cury); return; } else if (s.equals("Remove Extra Arrowhead")) { extraArrowhead = null; return; } else if (s.equals("Delete")) { if (JOptionPane.YES_OPTION == MyOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( driver.frame, "Do you want to delete this arrow?", "Delete arrow", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION)) { diag.delArrow(this); diag.changed = true; diag.currentArrow = null; } driver.frame.repaint(); diag.foundArrow = null; } // if (s.equals("Exit")) { // diag.foundArrow = null; // driver.frame.repaint(); // } }
void buildArrowPopupMenu() { diag.jpm = new JPopupMenu(" Arrow-related Actions"); // driver.curPopup = jpm; diag.jpm.setVisible(true); JLabel label2 = new JLabel(); label2.setText(diag.jpm.getLabel()); label2.setFont(driver.fontg); // label2.setForeground(Color.BLUE); diag.jpm.add(label2); diag.jpm.addSeparator(); JMenuItem menuItem; Block from = diag.blocks.get(new Integer(fromId)); Block to = diag.blocks.get(new Integer(toId)); if (!(from instanceof ExtPortBlock) && !(from instanceof IIPBlock)) { menuItem = new JMenuItem("Edit Upstream Port Name"); menuItem.addActionListener(this); diag.jpm.add(menuItem); } if (!(to instanceof ExtPortBlock)) { menuItem = new JMenuItem("Edit Downstream Port Name"); menuItem.addActionListener(this); diag.jpm.add(menuItem); } diag.jpm.addSeparator(); menuItem = new JMenuItem("Set Capacity"); menuItem.addActionListener(this); diag.jpm.add(menuItem); menuItem = new JMenuItem("Remove Capacity"); menuItem.addActionListener(this); diag.jpm.add(menuItem); diag.jpm.addSeparator(); menuItem = new JMenuItem("Toggle Upstream Port Automatic / Normal"); menuItem.addActionListener(this); diag.jpm.add(menuItem); menuItem = new JMenuItem("Toggle Downstream Port Automatic / Normal"); menuItem.addActionListener(this); diag.jpm.add(menuItem); diag.jpm.addSeparator(); menuItem = new JMenuItem("Toggle DropOldest"); menuItem.addActionListener(this); diag.jpm.add(menuItem); diag.jpm.addSeparator(); menuItem = new JMenuItem("Drag Tail"); menuItem.addActionListener(this); diag.jpm.add(menuItem); menuItem = new JMenuItem("Drag Head"); menuItem.addActionListener(this); diag.jpm.add(menuItem); menuItem = new JMenuItem("Drag New or Existing Bend"); menuItem.addActionListener(this); diag.jpm.add(menuItem); diag.jpm.addSeparator(); menuItem = new JMenuItem("Add Extra Arrowhead"); menuItem.addActionListener(this); diag.jpm.add(menuItem); menuItem = new JMenuItem("Remove Extra Arrowhead"); menuItem.addActionListener(this); diag.jpm.add(menuItem); diag.jpm.addSeparator(); menuItem = new JMenuItem("Delete"); diag.jpm.add(menuItem); menuItem.addActionListener(this); // menuItem = new JMenuItem("Exit"); // jpm.add(menuItem); // menuItem.addActionListener(this); // diag.curMenuRect = new Rectangle(p.x, p.y, d.width, d.height); // return jpm; }