Пример #1
  public void setPanel(Parameters pp, String s) {
    JPanel buttonsPanel = new JPanel();
    okButton = new JButton("确定");

    dialog = new JDialog(this, s + " 参数选择", true);

    Container contentPane = getContentPane();
    Container dialogContentPane = dialog.getContentPane();

    dialogContentPane.add(pp, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    dialogContentPane.add(buttonsPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
    dialog.setLocation(50, 330);
Пример #2
  protected void fireActionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
    try {

      // create the dialog if this has not been done yet.
      if (this.dialog == null) {
        // Get the top level ancestor as parent for the new dialog.
        // This ensures that on Mac OS X the global menu bar remains
        // visible while the dialog is open.
        final Container parent = this.getTopLevelAncestor();
        dialog =
                true, // modal
                this, // OK button handler
                null); // no CANCEL button handler

      // show the dialog

      /* A simpler option that is displaying the ugly preview panel:
      Color newColor = JColorChooser.showDialog(this.getTopLevelAncestor(),
              colorChooserTitle, color);
      if (newColor != null){
          // only set color and fire an event when user did not cancel.
    } catch (Exception e) {
    } finally {
Пример #3
  public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
    Graphics g = getGraphics();
    if (evt.getSource() == openItem) {
      JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser();
      common.chooseFile(chooser, "./images", 0); // 设置默认目录,过滤文件
      int r = chooser.showOpenDialog(null);

      if (r == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
        String name = chooser.getSelectedFile().getAbsolutePath();

        // 装载图像
        iImage = common.openImage(name, new MediaTracker(this));

        // 取载入图像的宽和高
        iw = iImage.getWidth(null);
        ih = iImage.getHeight(null);
        bImage = new BufferedImage(iw, ih, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
        Graphics2D g2 = bImage.createGraphics();
        g2.drawImage(iImage, 0, 0, null);
        loadflag = true;
    } else if (evt.getSource() == rotateItem) // 内置旋转
      setTitle("第4章 图像几何变换 内置旋转 作者 孙燮华");
      common.draw(g, iImage, bImage, common.getParam("旋转角(度):", "30"), 0, 0);
    } else if (evt.getSource() == scaleItem) // 内置缩放
      setTitle("第4章 图像几何变换 内置缩放 作者 孙燮华");
      // 参数选择面板
      Parameters pp = new Parameters("参数", "x方向:", "y方向:", "1.5", "1.5");
      setPanel(pp, "内置缩放");
      float x = pp.getPadx();
      float y = pp.getPady();
      common.draw(g, iImage, bImage, x, y, 1);
    } else if (evt.getSource() == shearItem) // 内置错切
      setTitle("第4章 图像几何变换 内置错切 作者 孙燮华");
      Parameters pp = new Parameters("参数", "x方向:", "y方向:", "0.5", "0.5");
      setPanel(pp, "内置错切");
      float x = pp.getPadx();
      float y = pp.getPady();
      common.draw(g, iImage, bImage, x, y, 2);
    } else if (evt.getSource() == transItem) // 内置平移
      setTitle("第4章 图像几何变换 内置平移 作者 孙燮华");
      Parameters pp = new Parameters("参数", "x方向:", "y方向:", "100", "50");
      setPanel(pp, "内置平移");
      float x = pp.getPadx();
      float y = pp.getPady();
      common.draw(g, iImage, bImage, x, y, 3);
    } else if (evt.getSource() == rotItem) // 旋转算法
      setTitle("第4章 图像几何变换 旋转算法 作者 孙燮华");
      pix = common.grabber(iImage, iw, ih);

      // 旋转,输出图像宽高
      int owh = (int) (Math.sqrt(iw * iw + ih * ih + 0.5));
      opix = geom.imRotate(pix, common.getParam("旋转角(度):", "30"), iw, ih, owh);

      // 将数组中的象素产生一个图像
      MemoryImageSource memoryImage =
          new MemoryImageSource(owh, owh, ColorModel.getRGBdefault(), opix, 0, owh);
      oImage = createImage(memoryImage);
      common.draw(g, iImage, oImage, iw, ih, owh, 4);
    } else if (evt.getSource() == mirItem) // 镜象算法(type:5)
      setTitle("第4章 图像几何变换 镜象算法 作者 孙燮华");
      Parameters pp = new Parameters("选择镜象类型", "水平", "垂直");
      setPanel(pp, "镜象算法");

      pix = common.grabber(iImage, iw, ih);
      opix = geom.imMirror(pix, iw, ih, pp.getRadioState());
      ImageProducer ip = new MemoryImageSource(iw, ih, opix, 0, iw);
      oImage = createImage(ip);
      common.draw(g, iImage, oImage, iw, ih, 0, 5);
    } else if (evt.getSource() == shrItem) // 错切算法(type:6)
      setTitle("第4章 图像几何变换 错切算法 作者 孙燮华");
      Parameters pp = new Parameters("参数", "x方向:", "y方向:", "0.5", "0.5");
      setPanel(pp, "错切算法");

      pix = common.grabber(iImage, iw, ih);

      float shx = pp.getPadx();
      float shy = pp.getPady();

      // 计算包围盒的宽和高
      int ow = (int) (iw + (ih - 1) * shx);
      int oh = (int) ((iw - 1) * shy + ih);

      if (shx > 0 && shy > 0) {
        opix = geom.imShear(pix, shx, shy, iw, ih, ow, oh);
        ImageProducer ip = new MemoryImageSource(ow, oh, opix, 0, ow);
        oImage = createImage(ip);
        common.draw(g, iImage, oImage, iw, ih, 0, 6);
      } else JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "参数必须为正数!");
    } else if (evt.getSource() == trnItem) {
      setTitle("第4章 图像几何变换 平移算法 作者 孙燮华");
      Parameters pp = new Parameters("参数", "x方向:", "y方向:", "100", "50");
      setPanel(pp, "平移算法");
      pix = common.grabber(iImage, iw, ih);
      int tx = (int) pp.getPadx();
      int ty = (int) pp.getPady();

      if (tx > 0 && ty > 0) {
        int ow = iw + tx;
        int oh = ih + ty;
        opix = geom.imTrans(pix, tx, ty, iw, ih, ow, oh);
        ImageProducer ip = new MemoryImageSource(ow, oh, opix, 0, ow);
        oImage = createImage(ip);
        common.draw(g, iImage, oImage, iw, ih, 0, 7);
      } else JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "参数必须为正数!");
    } else if (evt.getSource() == nearItem) {
      setTitle("第4章 图像几何变换 最邻近插值算法 作者 孙燮华");
      pix = common.grabber(iImage, iw, ih);

      float p =
          (Float.valueOf(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "输入缩放参数(0.1-3.0)", "1.50")))
      int ow = (int) (p * iw); // 计算目标图宽高
      int oh = (int) (p * ih);
      opix = geom.nearNeighbor(pix, iw, ih, ow, oh, p);
      ImageProducer ip = new MemoryImageSource(ow, oh, opix, 0, ow);
      oImage = createImage(ip);
      common.draw(g, oImage, "最邻近插值", p);
    } else if (evt.getSource() == linrItem) {
      setTitle("第4章 图像几何变换 双线性插值算法 作者 孙燮华");
      pix = common.grabber(iImage, iw, ih);

      float p =
          (Float.valueOf(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "输入缩放参数(0.1-3.0)", "1.50")))
      int ow = (int) (p * iw); // 计算目标图宽高
      int oh = (int) (p * ih);
      opix = geom.bilinear(pix, iw, ih, ow, oh, p);
      ImageProducer ip = new MemoryImageSource(ow, oh, opix, 0, ow);
      oImage = createImage(ip);
      common.draw(g, oImage, "双线性插值", p);
    } else if (evt.getSource() == cubicItem) {
      setTitle("第4章 图像几何变换 三次卷积插值算法 作者 孙燮华");
      pix = common.grabber(iImage, iw, ih);

      float p =
          (Float.valueOf(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "输入缩放参数(1.1-3.0)", "1.50")))
      if (p < 1) {
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "参数p必须大于1!");
      int ow = (int) (p * iw); // 计算目标图宽高
      int oh = (int) (p * ih);
      opix = geom.scale(pix, iw, ih, ow, oh, p, p);
      ImageProducer ip = new MemoryImageSource(ow, oh, opix, 0, ow);
      oImage = createImage(ip);
      common.draw(g, oImage, "三次卷积插值", p);
    } else if (evt.getSource() == okButton) dialog.dispose();
    else if (evt.getSource() == exitItem) System.exit(0);
Пример #4
  public void run() {

    // Collect some user data.
    dlg = new JDialog(console.frame, "Example 1 Setup", true);
    dlg.getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout());

    // Properties area
    propPanel = new JPanel();
    dlg.getContentPane().add(propPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);

    GridBagLayout gbl = new GridBagLayout();

    // List of voice resources
    DefaultListModel dlm = new DefaultListModel();
    for (int x = 1; ; x++) {
      try {
        int c = x % 4 == 0 ? 4 : x % 4;
        int b = c == 4 ? x / 4 : x / 4 + 1;
        String devName = "dxxxB" + b + "C" + c;
        int dev = dx.open(devName, 0);
        try {
          // If any of the voice resources _are not_ connected to
          // analog loop-start lines, then they will be suppressed
          // here because sethook() will not be supported.
          dx.sethook(dev, dx.DX_ONHOOK, dx.EV_SYNC);
        } catch (Exception ignore) {
      } catch (Exception ignore) {
    analogDxList = new JList(dlm);
      GridBagConstraints gbc;
      // Choose a voice resource:
      gbc = new GridBagConstraints();
      gbc.gridx = 0;
      gbc.gridy = 0;
      gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH;
      JTextField t = new JTextField("Analog Voice Resource");
      gbl.setConstraints(t, gbc);
      gbc = new GridBagConstraints();
      gbc.gridx = 1;
      gbc.gridy = 0;
      gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH;
      JScrollPane s = new JScrollPane(analogDxList);
      gbl.setConstraints(s, gbc);

    // Dialog buttons at the bottom.
    JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel();
    buttonPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(buttonPanel, BoxLayout.X_AXIS));
    dlg.getContentPane().add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
    // "Run"
      JButton b = new JButton("Run");
          new AbstractAction() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
              final Object[] dx = analogDxList.getSelectedValues();
              if (dx.length != 1) {
                // "Please select one, and only one, voice resource."
                    "Please select one, and only one, resource.",
              Thread t =
                  new Thread() {
                    public void run() {
                      runExample((String) dx[0]);
    // "Cancel"
      JButton b = new JButton("Cancel");
          new AbstractAction() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

    // Pack and Show