private void confirmNewKey(final Contact contact, final PGPUtils.PGPCoderKey key) { WebPanel panel = new GroupPanel(GAP_DEFAULT, false); panel.setOpaque(false); panel.add(new WebLabel("Received new key for contact")).setBoldFont()); panel.add(new WebSeparator(true, true)); panel.add(new WebLabel("Contact:"))); String contactText = + " " + Utils.jid(contact.getJID(), 30, true); panel.add(new WebLabel(contactText).setBoldFont()); panel.add(new WebLabel("Key fingerprint:"))); WebTextArea fpArea = Utils.createFingerprintArea(); fpArea.setText(Utils.fingerprint(key.fingerprint)); panel.add(fpArea); String expl = "When declining the key further communication to and from this contact will be blocked."); WebTextArea explArea = new WebTextArea(expl, 3, 30); explArea.setEditable(false); explArea.setLineWrap(true); explArea.setWrapStyleWord(true); panel.add(explArea); WebNotificationPopup popup = NotificationManager.showNotification( panel, NotificationOption.accept, NotificationOption.decline, NotificationOption.cancel); popup.setClickToClose(false); popup.addNotificationListener( new NotificationListener() { @Override public void optionSelected(NotificationOption option) { switch (option) { case accept: mControl.acceptKey(contact, key); break; case decline: mControl.declineKey(contact); } } @Override public void accepted() {} @Override public void closed() {} }); }
private void savewndstate() { if (prefs == null) { if (getExtendedState() == NORMAL) /* Apparent, getSize attempts to return the "outer * size" of the window, including WM decorations, even * though setSize sets the "inner size" of the * window. Therefore, use the Panel's size instead; it * ought to correspond to the inner size at all * times. */ { Dimension dim = p.getSize(); Utils.setprefc("wndsz", new Coord(dim.width, dim.height)); } Utils.setprefb("wndmax", (getExtendedState() & MAXIMIZED_BOTH) != 0); } }
private static void main2(String[] args) { Config.cmdline(args); try { javabughack(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { return; } setupres(); MainFrame f = new MainFrame(null); if (Utils.getprefb("fullscreen", false)) f.setfs();; try {; } catch (InterruptedException e) { f.g.interrupt(); return; } dumplist(Resource.remote().loadwaited(), Config.loadwaited); dumplist(Resource.remote().cached(), Config.allused); if ( != null) { try { Writer w = new OutputStreamWriter("tmp/allused"), "UTF-8"); try { Resource.dumplist(Resource.remote().used(), w); } finally { w.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { } } System.exit(0); }
public MainFrame(Coord isz) { super("Haven and Hearth"); version = "1.6 (12.22.2015)"; Coord sz; if (isz == null) { sz = Utils.getprefc("wndsz", new Coord(800, 600)); if (sz.x < 640) sz.x = 640; if (sz.y < 480) sz.y = 480; } else { sz = isz; } this.g = new ThreadGroup(, "Haven client"); = new HackThread(this.g, this, "Haven main thread"); p = new HavenPanel(sz.x, sz.y); if (fsmode == null) { Coord pfm = Utils.getprefc("fsmode", null); if (pfm != null) fsmode = findmode(pfm.x, pfm.y); } if (fsmode == null) { DisplayMode cm = getGraphicsConfiguration().getDevice().getDisplayMode(); fsmode = findmode(cm.getWidth(), cm.getHeight()); } if (fsmode == null) fsmode = findmode(800, 600); add(p); pack(); setResizable(!Utils.getprefb("wndlock", false)); p.requestFocusInWindow(); seticon(); setVisible(true); p.init(); addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { g.interrupt(); } public void windowActivated(WindowEvent e) { p.bgmode = false; } public void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent e) { p.bgmode = true; } }); if ((isz == null) && Utils.getprefb("wndmax", false)) setExtendedState(getExtendedState() | MAXIMIZED_BOTH); }
private void showException(KonException ex) { if (ex.getError() == KonException.Error.LOAD_KEY_DECRYPT) { this.showPasswordDialog(true); return; } String errorText = Utils.getErrorText(ex); Icon icon = NotificationIcon.error.getIcon(); NotificationManager.showNotification(mContent, errorText, icon); }
protected void updateByOpTree(javax.swing.text.DocumentFilter.FilterBypass fb) { String oldStr = JMathTextField.this.getText(); String newStr = operatorTree.toString(); int commonStart = Utils.equalStartLen(oldStr, newStr); int commonEnd = Utils.equalEndLen(oldStr, newStr); if (commonEnd + commonStart >= Math.min(oldStr.length(), newStr.length())) commonEnd = Math.min(oldStr.length(), newStr.length()) - commonStart; try { fb.replace( commonStart, oldStr.length() - commonEnd - commonStart, newStr.substring(commonStart, newStr.length() - commonEnd), null); } catch (BadLocationException e) { // this should not happen. we should have checked this. this whole function should be safe throw new AssertionError(e); } }
/** if this line can not be current => stepOver & return true. return false on the other hand. */ boolean resolveCanBeCurrent(ThreadReference tr) { try { Location l = tr.frame(0).location(); if (l == null) return false; return resolveCanBeCurrent( tr, Utils.getLineForSource(l.declaringType().name(), l.sourceName(), l.lineNumber())); } catch (Exception e) { } return false; }
/** Executes breakpoint hit event. */ public void exec(com.sun.jdi.event.Event ev) { // S ystem.out.println ("exec "); // NOI18N removeStepRequest(); StepEvent event = (StepEvent) ev; ThreadReference tr = event.thread(); Location loc = event.location(); int ln = -1; String methodName = "?"; // NOI18N String className = "?"; // NOI18N String lineNumber = "?"; // NOI18N String threadName =; Line l = null; if (loc != null) { if (loc.method() != null) methodName = loc.method().name(); className = loc.declaringType().name(); ln = loc.lineNumber(); if (ln >= 0) lineNumber = "" + loc.lineNumber(); } if (ln != -1) try { l = Utils.getLineForSource(className, loc.sourceName(), ln); } catch (AbsentInformationException e) { l = Utils.getLine(className, ln); } if (resolveCanBeCurrent(tr, l)) // if this line can not be current resolveCanBeCurrent () calls stepOver return; // line can be current if ((l == null) && (getLastAction() == ACTION_TRACE_INTO)) // try to find another "intelligent" line of code traceToSourceCode(tr); // you know - intelligent means that one with source code else { makeCurrent(threadName, className, methodName, lineNumber, l != null, tr); operator.stopRequest(); } }
/** Try to create a Java object using a one-string-param constructor. */ public static Object newStringConstructor(String type, String param) throws Exception { Constructor c = Utils.getClass(type).getConstructor(String.class); try { return c.newInstance(param); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { Throwable t = e.getTargetException(); if (t instanceof Exception) { throw (Exception) t; } else { throw e; } } }
private void updateFontPreview() { SikuliIDE ide = SikuliIDE.getInstance(); Font font = new Font( (String) _cmbFontName.getSelectedItem(), Font.PLAIN, (Integer) _spnFontSize.getValue()); SikuliCodePane codePane = SikuliIDE.getInstance().getCurrentCodePane(); if (Utils.typeOfCodePane(codePane) == Utils.SikuliCodePaneType.SIKULI_PANE_TYPE_TEXT) { // preview only supported on text code panes SikuliTextPane textPane = (SikuliTextPane) (codePane.getComponent()); textPane.setFont(font); } }
public void showHistory(final boolean byClickingToolbarButton, JTextComponent textField) { FeatureUsageTracker.getInstance().triggerFeatureUsed(""); FindSettings settings = FindSettings.getInstance(); String[] recent = textField == mySearchTextComponent ? settings.getRecentFindStrings() : settings.getRecentReplaceStrings(); final boolean toShowAd = textField == mySearchTextComponent && textField.getText().isEmpty() && FindManager.getInstance(myProject).getPreviousFindModel() != null; Utils.showCompletionPopup( byClickingToolbarButton ? mySearchActionsToolbar1 : null, new JBList((Object[]) ArrayUtil.reverseArray(recent)), "Recent " + (textField == mySearchTextComponent ? "Searches" : "Replaces"), textField, toShowAd ? RestorePreviousSettingsAction.getAd() : null); }
public static void main(final String[] args) { File logdir = new File(LOG_DIR); if (!logdir.exists()) logdir.mkdirs(); File log = new File(logdir, "client.log"); // redirect all console output to the file try { PrintStream out = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(log, true), true); out.format("[%s] ===== Client started =====%n", timestampf.format(new Date())); System.setOut(out); System.setErr(out); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } /* Set up the error handler as early as humanly possible. */ ThreadGroup g = new ThreadGroup("Haven main group"); String ed; if (!(ed = Utils.getprop("haven.errorurl", "")).equals("")) { try { final haven.error.ErrorHandler hg = new haven.error.ErrorHandler(new; hg.sethandler( new haven.error.ErrorGui(null) { public void errorsent() { hg.interrupt(); } }); g = hg; } catch ( e) { } } Thread main = new HackThread( g, new Runnable() { public void run() { main2(args); } }, "Haven main thread"); main.start(); }
public XTextField( Object value, Class<?> expectedClass, int colWidth, boolean isCallable, JButton button, XOperations operation) { super(new BorderLayout()); this.button = button; this.operation = operation; add(textField = new JTextField(value.toString(), colWidth), BorderLayout.CENTER); if (isCallable) textField.addActionListener(this); boolean fieldEditable = Utils.isEditableType(expectedClass.getName()); if (fieldEditable && isCallable) { textField.setEditable(true); } else { textField.setEditable(false); } }
protected void init(Object value, Class<?> expectedClass) { boolean fieldEditable = Utils.isEditableType(expectedClass.getName()); clearObject(); if (value != null) { textField.setText(value.toString()); } else { // null String value for the moment textField.setText(""); } textField.setToolTipText(null); if (fieldEditable) { if (!textField.isEditable()) { textField.setEditable(true); } } else { if (textField.isEditable()) { textField.setEditable(false); } } }
/** * This method attempts to create an object of the given "type" using the "value" parameter. e.g. * calling createObjectFromString("java.lang.Integer", "10") will return an Integer object * initialized to 10. */ public static Object createObjectFromString(String type, String value) throws Exception { Object result; if (primitiveToWrapper.containsKey(type)) { if (type.equals(Character.TYPE.getName())) { result = new Character(value.charAt(0)); } else { result = newStringConstructor(((Class<?>) primitiveToWrapper.get(type)).getName(), value); } } else if (type.equals(Character.class.getName())) { result = new Character(value.charAt(0)); } else if (Number.class.isAssignableFrom(Utils.getClass(type))) { result = createNumberFromStringValue(value); } else if (value == null || value.toString().equals("null")) { // hack for null value result = null; } else { // try to create a Java object using // the one-string-param constructor result = newStringConstructor(type, value); } return result; }
public void sendSubscribe(String localURL, String buddyURI, boolean EXPIRED) { try { logger.debug("Sending SUBSCRIBE in progress to the buddy: " + buddyURI); int proxyPort = imUA.getProxyPort(); String proxyAddress = imUA.getProxyAddress(); String imProtocol = imUA.getIMProtocol(); SipStack sipStack = imUA.getSipStack(); SipProvider sipProvider = imUA.getSipProvider(); MessageFactory messageFactory = imUA.getMessageFactory(); HeaderFactory headerFactory = imUA.getHeaderFactory(); AddressFactory addressFactory = imUA.getAddressFactory(); // Request-URI: // URI requestURI=addressFactory.createURI(buddyURI); SipURI requestURI = addressFactory.createSipURI(null, proxyAddress); requestURI.setPort(proxyPort); requestURI.setTransportParam(imProtocol); // Call-Id: CallIdHeader callIdHeader = null; // CSeq: CSeqHeader cseqHeader = null; // To header: ToHeader toHeader = null; // From Header: FromHeader fromHeader = null; // Via header String branchId = Utils.generateBranchId(); ViaHeader viaHeader = headerFactory.createViaHeader( imUA.getIMAddress(), imUA.getIMPort(), imProtocol, branchId); Vector viaList = new Vector(); viaList.addElement(viaHeader); PresenceManager presenceManager = imUA.getPresenceManager(); Presentity presentity = presenceManager.getPresentity(buddyURI); Dialog dialog = null; if (presentity != null) dialog = presentity.getDialog(); if (dialog != null) { // We have to remove the subscriber and the Presentity related // with this Buddy... presenceManager.removePresentity(buddyURI); Subscriber subscriber = presenceManager.getSubscriber(buddyURI); if (subscriber == null) { // It means that the guy does not have us in his buddy list // nothing to do!!! } else { presenceManager.removeSubscriber(buddyURI); } Address localAddress = dialog.getLocalParty(); Address remoteAddress = dialog.getRemoteParty(); fromHeader = headerFactory.createFromHeader(localAddress, dialog.getLocalTag()); toHeader = headerFactory.createToHeader(remoteAddress, dialog.getRemoteTag()); long cseq = dialog.getLocalSeqNumber(); cseqHeader = headerFactory.createCSeqHeader(cseq, "MESSAGE"); callIdHeader = dialog.getCallId(); } else { String localTag = Utils.generateTag(); Address toAddress = addressFactory.createAddress(buddyURI); Address fromAddress = addressFactory.createAddress(localURL); fromHeader = headerFactory.createFromHeader(fromAddress, localTag); toHeader = headerFactory.createToHeader(toAddress, null); // CSeq: cseqHeader = headerFactory.createCSeqHeader(1L, "SUBSCRIBE"); callIdCounter++; // Call-ID: callIdHeader = (CallIdHeader) headerFactory.createCallIdHeader("nist-sip-im-subscribe-callId" + callIdCounter); } // MaxForwards header: MaxForwardsHeader maxForwardsHeader = headerFactory.createMaxForwardsHeader(70); Request request = messageFactory.createRequest( requestURI, "SUBSCRIBE", callIdHeader, cseqHeader, fromHeader, toHeader, viaList, maxForwardsHeader); RouteHeader rh = this.imUA.getRouteToProxy(); request.setHeader(rh); // Contact header: SipURI sipURI = addressFactory.createSipURI(null, imUA.getIMAddress()); sipURI.setPort(imUA.getIMPort()); sipURI.setTransportParam(imUA.getIMProtocol()); Address contactAddress = addressFactory.createAddress(sipURI); ContactHeader contactHeader = headerFactory.createContactHeader(contactAddress); request.setHeader(contactHeader); ExpiresHeader expiresHeader = null; if (EXPIRED) { expiresHeader = headerFactory.createExpiresHeader(0); } else { expiresHeader = headerFactory.createExpiresHeader(presenceManager.getExpiresTime()); } request.setHeader(expiresHeader); // WE have to add a new Header: "Event" Header eventHeader = headerFactory.createHeader("Event", "presence"); request.setHeader(eventHeader); // Add Acceptw Header Header acceptHeader = headerFactory.createHeader("Accept", "application/pidf+xml"); request.setHeader(acceptHeader); // ProxyAuthorization header if not null: ProxyAuthorizationHeader proxyAuthHeader = imUA.getProxyAuthorizationHeader(); if (proxyAuthHeader != null) request.setHeader(proxyAuthHeader); ClientTransaction clientTransaction = sipProvider.getNewClientTransaction(request); if (dialog != null) { dialog.sendRequest(clientTransaction); } else { clientTransaction.sendRequest(); } logger.debug("IMSubscribeProcessing, sendSubscribe(), SUBSCRIBE sent:\n" + request); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } }
private void setTxtHotkey(int code, int mod) { _cap_hkey = code; _cap_mod = mod; _txtHotkey.setText(Utils.convertKeyToText(code, mod)); }
private VirtualMachine launch(DebuggerInfo info) throws DebuggerException { // create process & read password for local debugging // create main class & arguments ............................................... StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(mainClassName); String[] infoArgs = info.getArguments(); int i, k = infoArgs.length; for (i = 0; i < k; i++) sb.append(" \"").append(infoArgs[i]).append('"'); // NOI18N String main = new String(sb); // create connector .............................................................. VirtualMachineManager vmm = Bootstrap.virtualMachineManager(); java.util.List lcs = vmm.launchingConnectors(); k = lcs.size(); for (i = 0; i < k; i++) if (((LaunchingConnector) lcs.get(i)).name().indexOf("RawCommandLineLaunch") >= 0) // NOI18N break; if (i == k) { finishDebugger(); throw new DebuggerException( new MessageFormat(bundle.getString("EXC_Cannot_find_launcher")) .format( new Object[] { "RawCommandLineLaunch" // NOI18N })); } LaunchingConnector lc = (LaunchingConnector) lcs.get(i); String transport = lc.transport().name(); // create commandLine & NbProcessDescriptor .............................. NbProcessDescriptor debugerProcess; if (info instanceof ProcessDebuggerInfo) debugerProcess = ((ProcessDebuggerInfo) info).getDebuggerProcess(); else debugerProcess = ProcessDebuggerType.DEFAULT_DEBUGGER_PROCESS; // generate password String password; if (transport.equals("dt_shmem")) { // NOI18N connector = getAttachingConnectorFor("dt_shmem"); password = generatePassword(); args = connector.defaultArguments(); ((Argument) args.get("name")).setValue(password); } else { try { ss = new; password = "" + ss.getLocalPort(); // NOI18N ss.close(); } catch ( e) { finishDebugger(); throw new DebuggerException( new MessageFormat(bundle.getString("EXC_Cannot_find_empty_local_port")) .format(new Object[] {e.toString()})); } connector = getAttachingConnectorFor("dt_socket"); args = connector.defaultArguments(); ((Argument) args.get("port")).setValue(password); } HashMap map = Utils.processDebuggerInfo( info, "-Xdebug -Xnoagent -Xrunjdwp:transport=" + // NOI18N transport + ",address=" + // NOI18N password + ",suspend=y ", // NOI18N main); MapFormat format = new MapFormat(map); String commandLine = format.format( debugerProcess.getProcessName() + " " + // NOI18N debugerProcess.getArguments()); println(commandLine, ERR_OUT); /* We mus wait on process start to connect... try { process = debugerProcess.exec (format); } catch ( exc) { finishDebugger (); throw new DebuggerException ( new MessageFormat (bundle.getString ("EXC_While_create_debuggee")). format (new Object[] { debugerProcess.getProcessName (), exc.toString () }), exc ); } return connect ( null, connector, args );*/ /* S ystem.out.println ("attaching: "); Utils.showConnectors (vmm.attachingConnectors ()); S ystem.out.println ("launching: "); Utils.showConnectors (vmm.launchingConnectors ()); S ystem.out.println ("listening: "); Utils.showConnectors (vmm.listeningConnectors ());*/ // set debugger-start arguments Map params = lc.defaultArguments(); ((Argument) params.get("command")) .setValue( // NOI18N commandLine); ((Argument) params.get("address")) .setValue( // NOI18N password); // launch VM try { return lc.launch(params); } catch (VMStartException exc) { showOutput(process = exc.process(), ERR_OUT, ERR_OUT); finishDebugger(); throw new DebuggerException( new MessageFormat(bundle.getString("EXC_While_create_debuggee")) .format( new Object[] {format.format(debugerProcess.getProcessName()), exc.toString()}), exc); } catch (Exception exc) { finishDebugger(); throw new DebuggerException( new MessageFormat(bundle.getString("EXC_While_create_debuggee")) .format( new Object[] {format.format(debugerProcess.getProcessName()), exc.toString()}), exc); } }
private boolean updateTextComponent(final boolean search) { JTextComponent oldComponent = search ? mySearchTextComponent : myReplaceTextComponent; Color oldBackground = oldComponent != null ? oldComponent.getBackground() : null; Wrapper wrapper = search ? mySearchFieldWrapper : myReplaceFieldWrapper; boolean multiline = myFindModel.isMultiline(); if (multiline && oldComponent instanceof JTextArea) return false; if (!multiline && oldComponent instanceof JTextField) return false; final JTextComponent textComponent; if (multiline) { textComponent = new JTextArea(); ((JTextArea) textComponent).setColumns(25); ((JTextArea) textComponent).setRows(2); wrapper.setContent( new SearchWrapper(textComponent, new ShowHistoryAction(textComponent, this))); } else { SearchTextField searchTextField = new SearchTextField(true); searchTextField.setOpaque(false); textComponent = searchTextField.getTextEditor(); searchTextField.getTextEditor().setColumns(25); if (UIUtil.isUnderGTKLookAndFeel()) { textComponent.setOpaque(false); } setupHistoryToSearchField( searchTextField, search ? FindSettings.getInstance().getRecentFindStrings() : FindSettings.getInstance().getRecentReplaceStrings()); textComponent.registerKeyboardAction( new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { final String text = textComponent.getText(); myFindModel.setMultiline(true); ApplicationManager.getApplication() .invokeLater( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (search) { mySearchTextComponent.setText(text + "\n"); } else { myReplaceTextComponent.setText(text + "\n"); } } }); } }, KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER, InputEvent.ALT_DOWN_MASK), JComponent.WHEN_FOCUSED); wrapper.setContent(searchTextField); } if (search) { mySearchTextComponent = textComponent; } else { myReplaceTextComponent = textComponent; } UIUtil.addUndoRedoActions(textComponent); Utils.setSmallerFont(textComponent); textComponent.putClientProperty("AuxEditorComponent", Boolean.TRUE); if (oldBackground != null) { textComponent.setBackground(oldBackground); } textComponent.addFocusListener( new FocusListener() { @Override public void focusGained(final FocusEvent e) { textComponent.repaint(); } @Override public void focusLost(final FocusEvent e) { textComponent.repaint(); } }); new CloseOnESCAction(this, textComponent); return true; }
private void initReplaceToolBars() { DefaultActionGroup actionGroup1 = new DefaultActionGroup("replace bar 1", false); myReplaceActionsToolbar1 = (ActionToolbarImpl) ActionManager.getInstance() .createActionToolbar(ActionPlaces.EDITOR_TOOLBAR, actionGroup1, true); myReplaceActionsToolbar1.setForceMinimumSize(true); final JButton myReplaceButton = new JButton("Replace"); myReplaceButton.setFocusable(false); myReplaceButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent actionEvent) { replaceCurrent(); } }); final JButton myReplaceAllButton = new JButton("Replace all"); myReplaceAllButton.setFocusable(false); myReplaceAllButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent actionEvent) { myLivePreviewController.performReplaceAll(); } }); final JButton myExcludeButton = new JButton(""); myExcludeButton.setFocusable(false); myExcludeButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent actionEvent) { myLivePreviewController.exclude(); moveCursor(SearchResults.Direction.DOWN); } }); if (!UISettings.getInstance().DISABLE_MNEMONICS_IN_CONTROLS) { myReplaceButton.setMnemonic('p'); myReplaceAllButton.setMnemonic('a'); myExcludeButton.setMnemonic('l'); } actionGroup1.addAction( new DefaultCustomComponentAction(myReplaceButton) { @Override public void update(AnActionEvent e) { myReplaceButton.setEnabled(canReplaceCurrent()); } }); actionGroup1.addAction( new DefaultCustomComponentAction(myReplaceAllButton) { @Override public void update(AnActionEvent e) { myReplaceAllButton.setEnabled(mySearchResults != null && mySearchResults.hasMatches()); } }); actionGroup1.addAction( new DefaultCustomComponentAction(myExcludeButton) { @Override public void update(AnActionEvent e) { FindResult cursor = mySearchResults != null ? mySearchResults.getCursor() : null; myExcludeButton.setEnabled(cursor != null); myExcludeButton.setText( cursor != null && mySearchResults.isExcluded(cursor) ? "Include" : "Exclude"); } }); myReplaceActionsToolbar1.setLayoutPolicy(ActionToolbar.AUTO_LAYOUT_POLICY); myReplaceActionsToolbar1.setBorder(null); myReplaceActionsToolbar1.setOpaque(false); DefaultActionGroup actionGroup2 = new DefaultActionGroup("replace bar 2", false); myReplaceActionsToolbar2 = (ActionToolbarImpl) ActionManager.getInstance() .createActionToolbar(ActionPlaces.EDITOR_TOOLBAR, actionGroup2, true); actionGroup2.addAction(new TogglePreserveCaseAction(this)); actionGroup2.addAction(new ToggleSelectionOnlyAction(this)); myReplaceActionsToolbar2.setLayoutPolicy(ActionToolbar.AUTO_LAYOUT_POLICY); myReplaceActionsToolbar2.setBorder(null); myReplaceActionsToolbar2.setOpaque(false); Utils.setSmallerFontForChildren(myReplaceActionsToolbar1); Utils.setSmallerFontForChildren(myReplaceActionsToolbar2); }
private void initSearchToolbars() { DefaultActionGroup actionGroup1 = new DefaultActionGroup("search bar 1", false); mySearchActionsToolbar1 = (ActionToolbarImpl) ActionManager.getInstance() .createActionToolbar(ActionPlaces.EDITOR_TOOLBAR, actionGroup1, true); mySearchActionsToolbar1.setForceMinimumSize(true); mySearchActionsToolbar1.setReservePlaceAutoPopupIcon(false); mySearchActionsToolbar1.setSecondaryButtonPopupStateModifier( new ActionToolbarImpl.PopupStateModifier() { @Override public int getModifiedPopupState() { return ActionButtonComponent.PUSHED; } @Override public boolean willModify() { return myFindModel.getSearchContext() != FindModel.SearchContext.ANY; } }); mySearchActionsToolbar1.setSecondaryActionsTooltip( "More Options(" + ShowMoreOptions.SHORT_CUT + ")"); actionGroup1.add(new PrevOccurrenceAction(this, mySearchFieldWrapper)); actionGroup1.add(new NextOccurrenceAction(this, mySearchFieldWrapper)); actionGroup1.add(new FindAllAction(this)); actionGroup1.addSeparator(); actionGroup1.add(new AddOccurrenceAction(this)); actionGroup1.add(new RemoveOccurrenceAction(this)); actionGroup1.add(new SelectAllAction(this)); // actionGroup1.addSeparator(); // actionGroup1.add(new ToggleMultiline(this));//todo get rid of it! actionGroup1.addSeparator(); actionGroup1.addAction(new ToggleInCommentsAction(this)).setAsSecondary(true); actionGroup1.addAction(new ToggleInLiteralsOnlyAction(this)).setAsSecondary(true); actionGroup1.addAction(new ToggleExceptCommentsAction(this)).setAsSecondary(true); actionGroup1.addAction(new ToggleExceptLiteralsAction(this)).setAsSecondary(true); actionGroup1.addAction(new ToggleExceptCommentsAndLiteralsAction(this)).setAsSecondary(true); DefaultActionGroup actionGroup2 = new DefaultActionGroup("search bar 2", false); mySearchActionsToolbar2 = (ActionToolbarImpl) ActionManager.getInstance() .createActionToolbar(ActionPlaces.EDITOR_TOOLBAR, actionGroup2, true); actionGroup2.add(new ToggleMatchCase(this)); actionGroup2.add(new ToggleRegex(this)); actionGroup2.add(new ToggleWholeWordsOnlyAction(this)); myMatchInfoLabel = new JLabel() { @Override public Font getFont() { Font font = super.getFont(); return font != null ? font.deriveFont(Font.BOLD) : null; } }; myMatchInfoLabel.setBorder(JBUI.Borders.empty(2, 20, 0, 20)); myClickToHighlightLabel = new LinkLabel<Object>( "Click to highlight", null, new LinkListener<Object>() { @Override public void linkSelected(LinkLabel aSource, Object aLinkData) { setMatchesLimit(Integer.MAX_VALUE); updateResults(true); } }); myClickToHighlightLabel.setVisible(false); mySearchActionsToolbar2 = (ActionToolbarImpl) ActionManager.getInstance() .createActionToolbar(ActionPlaces.EDITOR_TOOLBAR, actionGroup2, true); actionGroup2.add(new DefaultCustomComponentAction(myMatchInfoLabel)); actionGroup2.add(new DefaultCustomComponentAction(myClickToHighlightLabel)); mySearchActionsToolbar1.setLayoutPolicy(ActionToolbar.AUTO_LAYOUT_POLICY); mySearchActionsToolbar2.setLayoutPolicy(ActionToolbar.AUTO_LAYOUT_POLICY); mySearchActionsToolbar1.setBorder(null); mySearchActionsToolbar2.setBorder(null); mySearchActionsToolbar1.setOpaque(false); mySearchActionsToolbar2.setOpaque(false); new ShowMoreOptions(mySearchActionsToolbar1, mySearchFieldWrapper); Utils.setSmallerFontForChildren(mySearchActionsToolbar1); Utils.setSmallerFontForChildren(mySearchActionsToolbar2); }
public static void main(String[] args) { Utils.createInEDT(SampleApp.class); }