Пример #1
  // method to retrieve all the skills that are stored in the database and add it to arraylist
  public void getSkills() throws SQLException {

    skill_list = new ArrayList<JCheckBox>(); // initialise list

    SqlConnection.connect(); // connect to database
    SqlConnection.statement = SqlConnection.connection.createStatement();
    SqlConnection.statement.executeQuery("SELECT skill_id FROM SKILL"); // get all skills
    SqlConnection.result = SqlConnection.statement.getResultSet(); // store skills

    while (SqlConnection.result.next()) {

          new JCheckBox(SqlConnection.result.getString("skill_id"))); // add skill skill to list
Пример #2
  public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {

    // if clear button is pressed, clear all fields
    if (event.getSource() == clear_button) {
      // erase all fields


      // isallocatedcheckbox.setSelected(false);

    // if submit button is pressed, save all data onto database
    if (event.getSource() == submit_button) {
      try {
          Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
          calendar.setTime(new Date()); // set to current date
                  - 1); // add days required... then:
          // ^ subtract one day, because if task is created today and allocated tomorrow for one
          // day,
          // then it should be done by end of day tomorrow
          Date date = calendar.getTime(); // (see next *1) use this date to be the earliest
          // because of expected task duration

          /*This is a constraint
           * the date and the length of days that user expected to take
           * if not feasible then the program will say so
           * */
          // method compares the current date and the date that was entered by the user
          if (this.task_idfield.getText().length() != 7 // check chars
              || this.taskname_field.getText().length() > 50 // check chars
              || this.taskdesc_field.getText().length() > 50
              || ((Date) this.duedate_field.getValue()).compareTo(date)
                  < 0 // check that the date is possible (see last *1)
              || this.numberofdays_field.getText().length() > 2
              || this.numberofdays_field.getText().length() == 0 // check number of digits
              || Integer.parseInt(this.numberofdays_field.getText())
                  < 1) // check number of days required for task
                "Task ID has to be 7 chars; "
                    + "\n"
                    + "Description <= 50 chars; "
                    + "\n"
                    + "Because the expected duration of the task is "
                    + Integer.parseInt(this.numberofdays_field.getText())
                    + " days, the due date cannot be earlier than: "
                    + new StringBuffer(new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy").format(date)).toString()
                    + "; "
                    + "\n"
                    + "Task duration must be 2 digit number maximum and must be an integer greater than 0");
          } else

          // check if taskid_field is equals to any of the fields on the database

          if (task_idfield.equals("")) {
                this, "Please insert an identification number for a task");

          } else // add constraint and tell customer to enter 7 values
          if (taskname_field.equals("")) {
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Please insert a name to identity the task");

          } else {

            // get all inputs from user inputs and store in variables
            taskid_input = task_idfield.getText();
            taskname_input = taskname_field.getText();
            taskdesc_input = taskdesc_field.getText();

            if (priority_checkbox.isSelected()) {
              priority_input = 1;
            } else {
              priority_input = 0;

            // create and store date from user input
            date = (Date) duedate_field.getValue();

            // store number of days input from user
            numberofdays_input = Integer.parseInt(numberofdays_field.getText());

            // 	String[] column_names = { "Task ID", "Task Name", "Task Description", "Task
            // Priority", "Due Date", "Number of Days", "Is Allocated" , "Unallocateable" };

            task = new Object[8];
            task[0] = taskid_input;
            task[1] = taskname_input;
            task[2] = taskdesc_input;
            task[3] = priority_input;
            task[4] = date;
            task[5] = numberofdays_input;
            task[6] = 0;
            task[7] = 0;

            try {

              SqlConnection.ps =
                      "INSERT  INTO TASK VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");

              SqlConnection.ps.setString(1, taskid_input);
              SqlConnection.ps.setString(2, taskname_input);
              SqlConnection.ps.setString(3, taskdesc_input);
              SqlConnection.ps.setInt(4, priority_input);
              SqlConnection.ps.setDate(5, new java.sql.Date(date.getTime()));
              SqlConnection.ps.setInt(6, numberofdays_input);
              SqlConnection.ps.setInt(7, 0);
              SqlConnection.ps.setInt(8, 0);


              // now enter skills into TASK SKILL database
              for (int i = 0; i < skill_list.size(); i++) {
                if (skill_list.get(i).isSelected()) {
                  String skillid = skill_list.get(i).getText();
                      "INSERT INTO TASKSKILL VALUES ('" + taskid_input + "', '" + skillid + "')");

            } catch (SQLException e) {
              // TODO Auto-generated catch block
            // SqlConnection.ps.close();

      } catch (Exception exc) {
            "Check your inputs:"
                + "\n"
                + "Priority has to be a 1-digit number;"
                + "\n"
                + "Date has to be in the format dd/MM/yyyy;"
                + "\n"
                + "Task length has to be 2-digit number");
    // display dialog box asking task manager if they want to quit,
    // if task manager does not want to quit, go back to adding more tasks
    // if customer quits, close the dialog box and the frame

    // now close the window after saving