public TdsMonitor(ucar.util.prefs.PreferencesExt prefs, JFrame parentFrame) throws HTTPException { this.mainPrefs = prefs; this.parentFrame = parentFrame; makeCache(); fileChooser = new FileManager(parentFrame, null, null, (PreferencesExt) prefs.node("FileManager")); // the top UI tabbedPane = new JTabbedPane(JTabbedPane.TOP); managePanel = new ManagePanel((PreferencesExt) mainPrefs.node("ManageLogs")); accessLogPanel = new AccessLogPanel((PreferencesExt) mainPrefs.node("LogTable")); servletLogPanel = new ServletLogPanel((PreferencesExt) mainPrefs.node("ServletLogPanel")); urlDump = new URLDumpPane((PreferencesExt) mainPrefs.node("urlDump")); tabbedPane.addTab("ManageLogs", managePanel); tabbedPane.addTab("AccessLogs", accessLogPanel); tabbedPane.addTab("ServletLogs", servletLogPanel); tabbedPane.addTab("UrlDump", urlDump); tabbedPane.setSelectedIndex(0); setLayout(new BorderLayout()); add(tabbedPane, BorderLayout.CENTER); CredentialsProvider provider = new UrlAuthenticatorDialog(null); session = new HTTPSession("TdsMonitor"); session.setCredentialsProvider(provider); session.setUserAgent("TdsMonitor"); }
// Create the primary panel with sub panels. private void createMainPanel() { // Create the panels in each tab. JPanel capturePanel = createCapturePanel(); JPanel replayPanel = createReplayPanel(); // Create the tabs and add the new panels to them. JTabbedPane tabbedPane = new JTabbedPane(); tabbedPane.addTab("Capture", capturePanel); tabbedPane.addTab("Replay", replayPanel); // Create the buttons that always show to select app. JPanel topButtons = new JPanel(); topButtons.setLayout(new BoxLayout(topButtons, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); JButton selectApp = new JButton("Select Application"); JLabel selectedApp = new JLabel("Selected App: "); appName = new JLabel(); topButtons.add(selectApp); topButtons.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(10, 0))); topButtons.add(selectedApp); topButtons.add(appName); selectApp.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) { displayAppFrame(); } }); // Add the buttons and tab structure. add(topButtons, BorderLayout.NORTH); add(tabbedPane, BorderLayout.CENTER); }
public MidiConfigurationCanvas( BlipBoxApplication application, MidiOutputEventHandler eventhandler, BlipBox sender) { this.eventhandler = eventhandler; this.sender = sender; JTabbedPane tabs = new JTabbedPane(); JPanel control = new BlipBoxControlPanel(application); tabs.addTab("Setup", control); ModeConfigurationPanel panel = new ModeConfigurationPanel("Cross"); modes.put(panel.getOperationMode(), panel); tabs.addTab("Cross Mode", panel); panel = new ModeConfigurationPanel("Criss"); modes.put(panel.getOperationMode(), panel); tabs.addTab("Criss Mode", panel); add(tabs); setup("Cross", true, false, false); setup("Cross", SensorType.X_SENSOR, "Unassigned"); setup("Cross", SensorType.Y_SENSOR, "Control Change", 1, Y_NOTES_CC, 0, 127); setup("Cross", SensorType.POT_SENSOR, "Control Change", 1, POT_CC, 0, 127); setup("Cross", SensorType.BUTTON1_SENSOR, "Mode Change", "Criss"); setup("Criss", false, false, false); setup("Criss", SensorType.X_SENSOR, "Control Change", 1, X_CC, 0, 127); setup("Criss", SensorType.Y_SENSOR, "Control Change", 1, Y_CC, 0, 127); setup("Criss", SensorType.POT_SENSOR, "Control Change", 1, POT_CC, 0, 127); setup("Criss", SensorType.BUTTON1_SENSOR, "Mode Change", "Cross"); }
public MainPanel() { super(new BorderLayout()); vcheck.setSelected(true); echeck.setSelected(true); tcheck.setSelected(true); JTabbedPane tab = new JTabbedPane(); tab.setTabLayoutPolicy(JTabbedPane.SCROLL_TAB_LAYOUT); button.addHierarchyListener( new HierarchyListener() { @Override public void hierarchyChanged(HierarchyEvent e) { if ((e.getChangeFlags() & HierarchyEvent.SHOWING_CHANGED) != 0) { printInfo("SHOWING_CHANGED"); } if ((e.getChangeFlags() & HierarchyEvent.DISPLAYABILITY_CHANGED) != 0) { printInfo("DISPLAYABILITY_CHANGED"); } } }); printInfo("after: new JButton, before: add(button); frame.setVisible(true)"); JPanel panel = new JPanel(); panel.add(button); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { panel.add(new JLabel("<html>asfasfdasdfasdfsa<br>asfdd134123fgh")); } tab.addTab("Main", new JScrollPane(panel)); tab.addTab("JTree", new JScrollPane(new JTree())); tab.addTab("JLabel", new JLabel("Test")); JPanel p1 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT)); p1.add(new JLabel("JButton:")); p1.add(vcheck); p1.add(echeck); JPanel p2 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT)); p2.add(new JLabel("Timer:")); p2.add(tcheck); JPanel p = new JPanel(new GridLayout(2, 1)); p.add(p1); p.add(p2); add(p, BorderLayout.NORTH); add(tab); timer = new Timer( 4000, new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { printInfo(new Date().toString()); } }); timer.start(); setPreferredSize(new Dimension(320, 240)); }
private JTabbedPane buildProblemsConsole() { // build the problems/console editor JTabbedPane tp = new JTabbedPane(); ImageIcon consoleIcon = makeImageIcon("stock_print-layout-16.png"); tp.addTab("Problems", addScrollers(problemsView)); tp.addTab("Console", consoleIcon, addScrollers(consoleView)); // empty border to give padding around tab pane tp.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(3, 3, 3, 3)); return tp; }
/** Create the tabbed panels for the GUI */ private void createTabs() { // Create the tabbed pane mainPanel = new JTabbedPane(JTabbedPane.BOTTOM); // Create the various panels workspacePanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); userListPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); searchPanel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(0, 2)); // Create the pieces of the workspace panel workspaceList.setLayoutOrientation(JList.VERTICAL_WRAP); workspacePanel.add(new JScrollPane(workspaceList)); workspacePanel.add(new JLabel("Local File Listing"), BorderLayout.NORTH); // Create the UserList tab JPanel labelPanel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(0, 2)); labelPanel.add(new JLabel("Users Connected:")); labelPanel.add(new JLabel("Selected User's Files:")); JPanel listPanel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(0, 2)); listPanel.add(new JScrollPane(userList)); listPanel.add(new JScrollPane(fileList)); userList.addMouseListener(mouseHandler); fileList.addMouseListener(mouseHandler); userListPanel.add(labelPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH); userListPanel.add(listPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); // Create Search Panel searchPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); JPanel searchOpsPanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT)); searchName = new JTextField(20); searchInit = new JButton("Search"); searchInit.addMouseListener(mouseHandler); String types[] = {"Image", "Video", "Audio", "Any"}; searchType = new JComboBox(types); searchType.setSelectedIndex(3); searchOpsPanel.add(new JLabel("Search String")); searchOpsPanel.add(searchName); searchOpsPanel.add(new JLabel("File Type")); searchOpsPanel.add(searchType); searchOpsPanel.add(searchInit); searchPanel.add(new JScrollPane(searchList)); searchPanel.add(searchOpsPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH); // Add panels to the tab pane mainPanel.addTab("Home", workspacePanel); mainPanel.addTab("Server", userListPanel); mainPanel.addTab("Search", searchPanel); }
public static void main(String[] ss) { JFrame f = new JFrame("Sample Frame"); JTabbedPane jtp = new JTabbedPane(); jtp.addTab("Cities", new Citi()); jtp.addTab("Colors", new Colo()); jtp.addTab("Flavors", new Fla()); f.add(jtp); f.setVisible(true); f.setSize(400, 400); f.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); JButton b = new JButton("Sam"); f.add(b); }
// {{{ init() method private void init() { EditBus.addToBus(this); /* Setup panes */ JPanel content = new JPanel(new BorderLayout(12, 12)); content.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(12, 12, 12, 12)); setContentPane(content); tabPane = new JTabbedPane(); tabPane.addTab(jEdit.getProperty("manage-plugins.title"), manager = new ManagePanel(this)); tabPane.addTab( jEdit.getProperty("update-plugins.title"), updater = new InstallPanel(this, true)); tabPane.addTab( jEdit.getProperty("install-plugins.title"), installer = new InstallPanel(this, false)); EditBus.addToBus(installer); content.add(BorderLayout.CENTER, tabPane); tabPane.addChangeListener(new ListUpdater()); /* Create the buttons */ Box buttons = new Box(BoxLayout.X_AXIS); ActionListener al = new ActionHandler(); mgrOptions = new JButton(jEdit.getProperty("plugin-manager.mgr-options")); mgrOptions.addActionListener(al); pluginOptions = new JButton(jEdit.getProperty("plugin-manager.plugin-options")); pluginOptions.addActionListener(al); done = new JButton(jEdit.getProperty("plugin-manager.done")); done.addActionListener(al); buttons.add(Box.createGlue()); buttons.add(mgrOptions); buttons.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(6)); buttons.add(pluginOptions); buttons.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(6)); buttons.add(done); buttons.add(Box.createGlue()); getRootPane().setDefaultButton(done); content.add(BorderLayout.SOUTH, buttons); setDefaultCloseOperation(DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); setIconImage(GUIUtilities.getPluginIcon()); pack(); GUIUtilities.loadGeometry(this, parent, "plugin-manager"); GUIUtilities.addSizeSaver(this, parent, "plugin-manager"); setVisible(true); } // }}}
/** * Builds and returns the panel. * * @return the built panel */ public JComponent buildPanel() { initComponents(); initEventHandling(); JTabbedPane tabbedPane = new JTabbedPane(); tabbedPane.putClientProperty("jgoodies.noContentBorder", Boolean.TRUE); tabbedPane.addTab("Text", buildTextPanel()); tabbedPane.addTab("Formatted", buildFormattedPanel()); tabbedPane.addTab("Choices", buildChoicesPanel()); tabbedPane.addTab("List", buildListPanel()); tabbedPane.addTab("Misc", buildMiscPanel()); return tabbedPane; }
boolean initControlCenter(String title) { this.setTitle(title); // set up content pane Container content = this.getContentPane(); content.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); panelAbout.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); JTextArea textArea = new JTextArea( "PlayStation 2 Virtual File System release 1.0 \n\nSpecials thanks to our betatester\nPS2Linux Betatester: Mrbrown and Sarah\nPS2 betatester: Oobles, Caveman, Gamebytes, Ping^Spike, Josekenshin, Padawan, pakor, SandraThx and Rolando\n\nAdded little gui in java swing\nAdded feature to choose directory for media files\nAdded support for properties files\nCheck for updates at\n\nRelease 1.2\n\nRewrite io with java NIO\nadded console mode support\n"); textArea.setEditable(false); JScrollPane areaScrollPane = new JScrollPane(textArea); areaScrollPane.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS); areaScrollPane.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(250, 250)); TitledBorder aboutBorder = BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Change log and Greets"); aboutBorder.setTitleColor(; panelAbout.setBorder(aboutBorder); panelAbout.add(areaScrollPane); // set up tabbed pane content.add(jtpMain); jtpMain.addTab("Configure", panelChooser); jtpMain.addTab("About", panelAbout); // set up display area // jtaDisplay.setEditable(false); // jtaDisplay.setLineWrap(true); // jtaDisplay.setMargin(new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5)); // jtaDisplay.setFont( // new Font("Monospaced", Font.PLAIN, iDEFAULT_FontSize)); // jspDisplay.setViewportView(jtaDisplay); // jspDisplay.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS ); // panelConsole.add(jspDisplay, BorderLayout.CENTER); // panelConsole.add(jtfCommand, BorderLayout.SOUTH); // panelConsole.add(jtaDisplay, BorderLayout.CENTER); // listener: window closer this.addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { System.exit(0); } }); this.vResize(); return true; }
protected void addPage(String _typeOfPage, String _name, String _code, boolean _enabled) {, "TabbedPanel"); _name = getUniqueName(_name); Editor page = createPage(_typeOfPage, _name, _code); page.setFont(myFont); page.setColor(myColor); int index = tabbedPanel.getSelectedIndex(); if (index == -1) { pageList.addElement(page); if (tabbedPanel.getTabCount() == 0) { tabbedPanel.addTab( page.getName(), null, page.getComponent(), tooltip); // This causes an exception sometimes } else { tabbedPanel.insertTab( page.getName(), null, page.getComponent(), tooltip, tabbedPanel.getTabCount()); } index = 0; } else { index++; pageList.insertElementAt(page, index); tabbedPanel.insertTab(page.getName(), null, page.getComponent(), tooltip, index); } tabbedPanel.setSelectedComponent(page.getComponent()); page.setActive(_enabled); if (!_enabled) tabbedPanel.setTitleAt(index, page.getName() + " (D)"); updatePageCounterField(pageList.size()); // tabbedPanel.validate(); This hangs the computer when reading a file at start-up !!!??? tabbedPanel.repaint(); changed = true; }
public MainPanel() { super(new BorderLayout()); pop.add(new NewTabAction("Add", null)); pop.addSeparator(); pop.add(new CloseAllAction("Close All", null)); tabbedPane.setComponentPopupMenu(pop); tabbedPane.addTab("aaaaaa", new JScrollPane(new JTree())); tabbedPane.addTab("12345678901234567890", new JScrollPane(new JLabel("asdfasdfsadf"))); tabbedPane.addTab("b", new JScrollPane(new JTree())); // tab.setSelectedIndex(0); // TabPanel titleTab = (TabPanel) tab.getTabComponentAt(0); // titleTab.setButtonVisible(true); add(tabbedPane); setPreferredSize(new Dimension(320, 240)); }
/** @see #addTab(String, String, java.awt.Component, String, boolean) */ public void addTab( String title, Icon icon, Component component, String tooltip, boolean closable) { super.addTab(title, icon, component, tooltip); if (closable) { setTabComponentAt(indexOfComponent(component), new TabPanel()); } setSelectedComponent(component); }
private void init(EditorPatternButton imgBtn, boolean exact, float similarity, int numMatches) { setTitle(_I("winPatternSettings")); setDefaultCloseOperation(DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE); _imgBtn = imgBtn; Point pos = imgBtn.getLocationOnScreen(); Debug.log(4, "pattern window: " + pos); setLocation(pos.x + imgBtn.getWidth(), pos.y); takeScreenshot(); Container c = getContentPane(); c.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); tabPane = new JTabbedPane(); tabPane.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(790, 700)); msgApplied = new JLabel[tabMax]; msgApplied[tabSequence] = new JLabel("..."); paneNaming = new PatternPaneNaming(_imgBtn, msgApplied[tabSequence++]); tabPane.addTab(_I("tabNaming"), paneNaming); msgApplied[tabSequence] = new JLabel("..."); panePreview = createPreviewPanel(); tabSequence++; tabPane.addTab(_I("tabMatchingPreview"), panePreview); msgApplied[tabSequence] = new JLabel("..."); paneTarget = createTargetPanel(); tabSequence++; tabPane.addTab(_I("tabTargetOffset"), paneTarget); c.add(tabPane, BorderLayout.CENTER); c.add(createButtons(), BorderLayout.SOUTH); c.doLayout(); pack(); try { _screenshot.setParameters(_imgBtn.getFilename(), exact, similarity, numMatches); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.error(me + "Problem while setting up pattern pane\n%s", e.getMessage()); } setDirty(false); setVisible(true); }
public Main(JFrame frame) { super(new BorderLayout()); this.frame = frame; tabpane = new JTabbedPane(); algorithm_View = new Algorithm_View(); algorithm_View.setTabbedPane(tabpane); config_View = new Config_View(); menu = new JMenuBar(); file = new JMenu("File"); openFile = new JMenuItem("Load Graph"); resetView = new JMenuItem("Reset View"); openFile.addActionListener(this); resetView.addActionListener(this); file.add(openFile); file.add(resetView); help = new JMenu("Help"); about = new JMenuItem("About..."); helpGeneral = new JMenuItem("Manual"); about.addActionListener(this); helpGeneral.addActionListener(this); help.add(about); help.add(helpGeneral); algorithm_View.setPanel(); algorithm_View.setFrame(frame); algorithm_View.setDrawer(drawer); tabpane.addTab("Algorithm", null, algorithm_View, "Algorithm view"); tabpane.addTab("Config Algorithm", null, config_View, "Algorithm configuration"); menu.add(file); menu.add(help); this.add(menu, BorderLayout.NORTH); this.add(tabpane, BorderLayout.CENTER); }
public OptionFrame(JFrame f) { super("Options"); setSize(320, 240); setResizable(false); options = new JTabbedPane(); op1 = new JPanel(); op1.setLayout(new GridLayout(6, 2)); op1.add(new JLabel("Run:")); op1.add(new JTextField()); op1.add(new JLabel("Reset JVM:")); op1.add(new JTextField()); op1.add(new JLabel("Open options:")); op1.add(new JTextField()); op1.add(new JLabel("Toggle terminal:")); op1.add(new JTextField()); op2 = new JPanel(); options.addTab("Key bindings", op1); options.addTab("Preferences", op2); add(options); setLocationRelativeTo(f); // Makes this pop up in the center of the frame setVisible(true); }
/** Method that initializes any embedded plugins that would add an editor */ private void initPlugins() { plugins = ATPluginFactory.getInstance().getEmbeddedNameEditorPlugins(); if (plugins != null) { for (ATPlugin plugin : plugins) { plugin.setEditorField(this); HashMap pluginPanels = plugin.getEmbeddedPanels(); for (Object key : pluginPanels.keySet()) { String panelName = (String) key; JPanel pluginPanel = (JPanel) pluginPanels.get(key); tabbedPane.addTab(panelName, pluginPanel); } } } }
private QueryStatisticsPanel addDMLStatsTab( @NotNull Content content, SqlStatementMarker sqlMarker, Icon icon, String s) { // Component[] comps = (content.getComponent()).getComponents(); // JTabbedPane tabbedPane = (JTabbedPane) comps[1]; JTabbedPane tabbedPane = getTabComponent(content); QueryStatisticsPanel dmlStatsPanel = new QueryStatisticsPanel(); dmlStatsPanel.putClientProperty(CREATE_TIME, new Date().getTime()); tabbedPane.addTab(sqlMarker.getName(), dmlStatsPanel); int index = tabbedPane.indexOfTab(sqlMarker.getName()); tabbedPane.setTabComponentAt(index, new ButtonTabComponent(tabbedPane, icon, sqlMarker)); return dmlStatsPanel; }
private DataGridPanel addGridPanelTab( @NotNull Content content, SqlStatementMarker sqlMarker, Icon icon, String toolTip) { JTabbedPane tabbedPane = getTabComponent(content); DataGridPanel dataGridPanel = new DataGridPanel(); dataGridPanel.putClientProperty(CREATE_TIME, new Date().getTime()); tabbedPane.addTab(sqlMarker.getName(), dataGridPanel); int index = tabbedPane.indexOfTab(sqlMarker.getName()); ButtonTabComponent buttonTab = new ButtonTabComponent(tabbedPane, icon, sqlMarker); if (toolTip != null) { buttonTab.setToolTipText(toolTip); } tabbedPane.setTabComponentAt(index, buttonTab); return dataGridPanel; }
protected WMSPanel addNewPanel(final JTabbedPane tabPane) { final WMSPanel wmsPanel = new WMSPanel(null); // the null indicates not to register the panel wmsPanel.initialize(this.controller); wmsPanel.getJPanel().putClientProperty("WMS_PANEL", wmsPanel); tabPane.putClientProperty(wmsPanel.getURLString(), wmsPanel); tabPane.addTab("New Server", wmsPanel.getJPanel()); tabPane.setSelectedIndex(tabPane.getTabCount() - 1); tabPane.setToolTipTextAt(tabbedPane.getSelectedIndex(), "Server WMS Contents"); wmsPanel.addPropertyChangeListener( new PropertyChangeListener() { public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { if (evt.getPropertyName().equals("NewServer")) { String serverLocation = (String) evt.getNewValue(); if (WWUtil.isEmpty(serverLocation)) return; // // // Check to see if it's already open. // for (int i = 0; i < tabbedPane.getTabCount(); i++) // { // JPanel jp = (JPanel) tabbedPane.getTabComponentAt(i); // if (jp != null) // { // WMSPanel wp = (WMSPanel) // jp.getClientProperty("WMS_PANEL"); // if (wp != null && // wp.getURLString().equalsIgnoreCase(serverLocation)) // { // tabbedPane.setSelectedIndex(i); // make it the // visible one // return; // } // } // } try { addNewPanel(tabPane).contactWMSServer(serverLocation); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { e.printStackTrace(); // TODO } } } }); return wmsPanel; }
/** 認知症対応共同生活介護(短期利用)パターン領域に内部項目を追加します。 */ protected void addTypeSymbiosisNursingForDementiaPatterns() { typeSymbiosisNursingForDementiaPatterns.addTab("1", getTab1()); typeSymbiosisNursingForDementiaPatterns.addTab("2", getTab2()); }
// Constructor receives the filename Rolodex(String filename) throws FileNotFoundException { File file = new File(filename); Scanner scanner = new Scanner(file); // Split the line with ~ while (scanner.hasNext()) { tokens = scanner.nextLine().split("~"); name = tokens[0]; email = tokens[1]; pictures = tokens[tokens.length - 1]; User user = new User(); user.setUserName(name); user.setUserEmail(email); user.setPicture(pictures); userList.add(user); } frame = new JFrame("Rolodex"); frame.setSize(700, 200); // Menu JMenuBar jmb = new JMenuBar(); JMenu jmFile = new JMenu("File"); JMenuItem jmiOpen = new JMenuItem("Open"); jmiOpen.setEnabled(false); JMenuItem jmiExit = new JMenuItem("Exit"); jmiExit.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_X); jmFile.add(jmiOpen); jmFile.addSeparator(); jmFile.add(jmiExit); jmb.add(jmFile); jmiOpen.addActionListener(this); jmiExit.addActionListener(this); JMenu jmTabs = new JMenu("Tabs"); jmTabs.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_T); JMenu jmiplacement = new JMenu("Placement"); JMenuItem jmitop = new JMenuItem("Top"); JMenuItem jmiright = new JMenuItem("Right"); JMenuItem jmibottom = new JMenuItem("Bottom"); JMenuItem jmileft = new JMenuItem("Left"); jmiplacement.add(jmitop); jmiplacement.add(jmiright); jmiplacement.add(jmibottom); jmiplacement.add(jmileft); jmitop.addActionListener(this); jmiright.addActionListener(this); jmibottom.addActionListener(this); jmileft.addActionListener(this); JMenu jmilayoutpolicy = new JMenu("Layout policy"); JMenuItem jmiscroll = new JMenuItem("Scroll"); JMenuItem jmiwrap = new JMenuItem("Wrap"); jmilayoutpolicy.add(jmiscroll); jmilayoutpolicy.add(jmiwrap); jmiscroll.addActionListener(this); jmiwrap.addActionListener(this); JMenuItem jmidefaults = new JMenuItem("Defaults"); jmidefaults.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_D); jmidefaults.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_D, InputEvent.CTRL_MASK)); jmidefaults.addActionListener(this); jmTabs.add(jmiplacement); jmTabs.add(jmilayoutpolicy); jmTabs.addSeparator(); jmTabs.add(jmidefaults); jmb.add(jmTabs); JMenu jmHelp = new JMenu("Help"); JMenuItem jmiabout = new JMenuItem("About"); jmiabout.addActionListener(this); jmHelp.add(jmiabout); jmb.add(jmHelp); frame.setJMenuBar(jmb); jtp = new JTabbedPane(SwingConstants.TOP, JTabbedPane.SCROLL_TAB_LAYOUT); topPanel = new JPanel(); topPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); for (User user : userList) { image = new ImageIcon(user.getPicture()); panel = new JPanel(); labname = new JLabel("Name: "); txtname = new JTextField(20); txtname.setText(user.getUserName()); labemail = new JLabel("Email: "); txtemail = new JTextField(20); txtemail.setText(user.getUserEmail()); l = new JLabel(image); l.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.LEFT); panel.add(l); panel.add(labname); panel.add(txtname); panel.add(labemail); panel.add(txtemail); jtp.addTab(user.getUserName(), panel); topPanel.add(jtp); } frame.add(jtp); center(frame); frame.setVisible(true); }
/** Add a page to the notebook */ private void addPage(SOAPMonitorPage pg) { tabbed_pane.addTab(" " + pg.getHost() + " ", pg); pages.addElement(pg); }
/** Construct a new "about…" dialog */ public DialogAbout(MDIManager mdimgr) { buttonOk = new JButton(localize("button.OK")); buttonOk.addActionListener(this); JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(), false); buttonPanel.add(buttonOk); JPanel logoPanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(), false); logoPanel.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(10, 10, 10, 10)); logoPanel.add(PEToolKit.createJLabel("Frankenstein")); JPanel infoPanel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(9, 1, 5, 5), true); infoPanel.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(10, 60, 10, 10)); infoPanel.add( new JLabel("jPicEdt " + Version.getVersion() + " Built " + Version.getBuildDate())); infoPanel.add(new JLabel(localize("about.APictureEditorFor"))); final String[] addressLines = { "(c) Sylvain Reynal", "É.N.S.É.A. - Dept. of Physics", "6, avenue du Ponceau", "F-95014 CERGY Cedex", "Fax: +33 (0) 130 736 667", "*****@*****.**", "" }; for (String addressLine : addressLines) infoPanel.add(new JLabel(addressLine)); JTabbedPane caveatPanel = new JTabbedPane(); String[] tabKeys = {"license.lines", "license.thirdparty.lines"}; for (String tabKey : tabKeys) { JEditorPane caveatTA = new JEditorPane(); caveatTA.setContentType("text/html; charset=" + localize(tabKey + ".encoding")); caveatTA.setEditable(false); caveatTA.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(485, 300)); JScrollPane scrollCaveat = new JScrollPane(caveatTA); caveatTA.setText(localize(tabKey)); caveatPanel.addTab(localize(tabKey + ".tabname"), null, scrollCaveat, null); } caveatPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder()); JPanel upperPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout(), false); upperPanel.add(logoPanel, BorderLayout.WEST); upperPanel.add(infoPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); upperPanel.add(caveatPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); upperPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder()); JPanel contentPane = new JPanel(new BorderLayout(5, 5)); contentPane.add(upperPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH); contentPane.add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); String title = localize("about.AboutPicEdt") + " " + Version.getVersion(); boolean modal = true; frame = mdimgr.createDialog(title, modal, contentPane); frame.setResizable(true); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); Dimension dlgSize = frame.getPreferredSize(); frame.setSize(dlgSize); // this.pack(); frame.setVisible(true); }
private void makeFrame(final Editor editor) { dialog = new JFrame(title); dialog.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(750, 500)); tabbedPane = new JTabbedPane(); makeAndShowTab(false, true); tabbedPane.addTab("Libraries", null, librariesContributionTab.panel, "Libraries"); tabbedPane.setMnemonicAt(0, KeyEvent.VK_1); tabbedPane.addTab("Modes", null, modesContributionTab.panel, "Modes"); tabbedPane.setMnemonicAt(1, KeyEvent.VK_2); tabbedPane.addTab("Tools", null, toolsContributionTab.panel, "Tools"); tabbedPane.setMnemonicAt(2, KeyEvent.VK_3); tabbedPane.addTab("Examples", null, examplesContributionTab.panel, "Examples"); tabbedPane.setMnemonicAt(3, KeyEvent.VK_4); tabbedPane.addTab("Updates", null, updatesContributionTab.panel, "Updates"); tabbedPane.setMnemonicAt(4, KeyEvent.VK_5); tabbedPane.setUI(new SpacedTabbedPaneUI()); tabbedPane.setBackground(new Color(0x132638)); tabbedPane.setOpaque(true); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { tabbedPane.setToolTipTextAt(i, null); } makeAndSetTabComponents(); tabbedPane.addChangeListener( new ChangeListener() { @Override public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { tabLabels[i].setBackground(new Color(0x2d4251)); tabLabels[i].setForeground(Color.WHITE); } updateTabPanel.setBackground(new Color(0x2d4251)); updateTabLabel.setForeground(Color.WHITE); int currentIndex = tabbedPane.getSelectedIndex(); if (currentIndex != 4) { tabbedPane .getTabComponentAt(tabbedPane.getSelectedIndex()) .setBackground(new Color(0xe0fffd)); tabbedPane .getTabComponentAt(tabbedPane.getSelectedIndex()) .setForeground(Color.BLACK); } else { updateTabPanel.setBackground(new Color(0xe0fffd)); updateTabLabel.setForeground(Color.BLACK); } getActiveTab().contributionListPanel.scrollPane.requestFocusInWindow(); // // When the tab is changed update status to the current selected panel // ContributionPanel currentPanel = getActiveTab().contributionListPanel // .getSelectedPanel(); // if (currentPanel != null) { // getActiveTab().contributionListPanel.setSelectedPanel(currentPanel); // } } }); // tabbedPane.setSize(450, 400); setLayout(); restartButton = new JButton(Language.text("contrib.restart")); restartButton.setVisible(false); restartButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) { Iterator<Editor> iter = editor.getBase().getEditors().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Editor ed =; if (ed.getSketch().isModified()) { int option = Messages.showYesNoQuestion( editor, title, Language.text("contrib.unsaved_changes"), Language.text("contrib.unsaved_changes.prompt")); if (option == JOptionPane.NO_OPTION) return; else break; } } // Thanks to StringBuilder cmd = new StringBuilder(); cmd.append( System.getProperty("java.home") + File.separator + "bin" + File.separator + "java "); for (String jvmArg : ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getInputArguments()) { cmd.append(jvmArg + " "); } cmd.append("-cp ") .append(ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getClassPath()) .append(" "); cmd.append(Base.class.getName()); try { Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd.toString()); System.exit(0); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }); Toolkit.setIcon(dialog); registerDisposeListeners(); dialog.pack(); dialog.setLocationRelativeTo(null); }
// Here some legacy code makes use of generics. They are tested, so there // is no risk of an actual error, but Java issues a warning. @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public DialogParameters( JFrame parent, Vector<ParameterDescription> vec, boolean strict, Vector<LayerDesc> layers) { super(parent, Globals.messages.getString("Param_opt"), true); keyb1 = new OSKeybPanel(KEYBMODES.GREEK); keyb2 = new OSKeybPanel(KEYBMODES.MISC); keyb1.setField(this); keyb2.setField(this); keyb.addTab("Greek", keyb1); keyb.addTab("Misc", keyb2); keyb.setVisible(false); v = vec; int ycount = 0; // We create dynamically all the needed elements. // For this reason, we work on arrays of the potentially useful Swing // objects. jtf = new JTextField[MAX_ELEMENTS]; jcb = new JCheckBox[MAX_ELEMENTS]; jco = new JComboBox[MAX_ELEMENTS]; active = false; addComponentListener(this); GridBagLayout bgl = new GridBagLayout(); GridBagConstraints constraints = new GridBagConstraints(); Container contentPane = getContentPane(); contentPane.setLayout(bgl); boolean extStrict = strict; ParameterDescription pd; int top = 0; JLabel lab; tc = 0; cc = 0; co = 0; // We process all parameter passed. Depending on its type, a // corresponding interface element will be created. // A symmetrical operation is done when validating parameters. for (ycount = 0; ycount < v.size(); ++ycount) { if (ycount > MAX) break; pd = (ParameterDescription) v.elementAt(ycount); // We do not need to store label objects, since we do not need // to retrieve data from them. lab = new JLabel(pd.description); constraints.weightx = 100; constraints.weighty = 100; constraints.gridx = 1; constraints.gridy = ycount; constraints.gridwidth = 1; constraints.gridheight = 1; // The first element needs a little bit more space at the top. if (ycount == 0) top = 10; else top = 0; // Here we configure the grid layout constraints.insets = new Insets(top, 20, 0, 6); constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.VERTICAL; constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST; lab.setEnabled(!(pd.isExtension && extStrict)); if (!(pd.parameter instanceof Boolean)) contentPane.add(lab, constraints); constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST; constraints.insets = new Insets(top, 0, 0, 0); constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; // Now, depending on the type of parameter we create interface // elements and we populate the dialog. if (pd.parameter instanceof PointG) { jtf[tc] = new JTextField(10); jtf[tc].setText("" + ((PointG) (pd.parameter)).x); constraints.weightx = 100; constraints.weighty = 100; constraints.gridx = 2; constraints.gridy = ycount; constraints.gridwidth = 1; constraints.gridheight = 1; // Disable FidoCadJ extensions in the strict compatibility mode jtf[tc].setEnabled(!(pd.isExtension && extStrict)); contentPane.add(jtf[tc++], constraints); jtf[tc] = new JTextField(10); jtf[tc].setText("" + ((PointG) (pd.parameter)).y); constraints.weightx = 100; constraints.weighty = 100; constraints.gridx = 3; constraints.gridy = ycount; constraints.gridwidth = 1; constraints.gridheight = 1; constraints.insets = new Insets(top, 6, 0, 20); constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; jtf[tc].setEnabled(!(pd.isExtension && extStrict)); contentPane.add(jtf[tc++], constraints); } else if (pd.parameter instanceof String) { jtf[tc] = new JTextField(24); jtf[tc].setText((String) (pd.parameter)); // If we have a String text field in the first position, its // contents should be evidenced, since it is supposed to be // the most important field (e.g. for the AdvText primitive) if (ycount == 0) jtf[tc].selectAll(); constraints.weightx = 100; constraints.weighty = 100; constraints.gridx = 2; constraints.gridy = ycount; constraints.gridwidth = 2; constraints.gridheight = 1; constraints.insets = new Insets(top, 0, 0, 20); constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; jtf[tc].setEnabled(!(pd.isExtension && extStrict)); contentPane.add(jtf[tc++], constraints); } else if (pd.parameter instanceof Boolean) { jcb[cc] = new JCheckBox(pd.description); jcb[cc].setSelected(((Boolean) (pd.parameter)).booleanValue()); constraints.weightx = 100; constraints.weighty = 100; constraints.gridx = 2; constraints.gridy = ycount; constraints.gridwidth = 2; constraints.gridheight = 1; constraints.insets = new Insets(top, 0, 0, 20); constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; jcb[cc].setEnabled(!(pd.isExtension && extStrict)); contentPane.add(jcb[cc++], constraints); } else if (pd.parameter instanceof Integer) { jtf[tc] = new JTextField(24); jtf[tc].setText(((Integer) pd.parameter).toString()); constraints.weightx = 100; constraints.weighty = 100; constraints.gridx = 2; constraints.gridy = ycount; constraints.gridwidth = 2; constraints.gridheight = 1; constraints.insets = new Insets(top, 0, 0, 20); constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; jtf[tc].setEnabled(!(pd.isExtension && extStrict)); contentPane.add(jtf[tc++], constraints); } else if (pd.parameter instanceof Float) { // TODO. // WARNING: (DB) this is supposed to be temporary. In fact, I // am planning to upgrade some of the parameters from int // to float. But for a few months, the users should not be // aware of that, even if the internal representation is // slowing being adapted. jtf[tc] = new JTextField(24); int dummy = java.lang.Math.round((Float) pd.parameter); jtf[tc].setText("" + dummy); constraints.weightx = 100; constraints.weighty = 100; constraints.gridx = 2; constraints.gridy = ycount; constraints.gridwidth = 2; constraints.gridheight = 1; constraints.insets = new Insets(top, 0, 0, 20); constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; jtf[tc].setEnabled(!(pd.isExtension && extStrict)); contentPane.add(jtf[tc++], constraints); } else if (pd.parameter instanceof FontG) { GraphicsEnvironment gE; gE = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment(); String[] s = gE.getAvailableFontFamilyNames(); jco[co] = new JComboBox(); for (int i = 0; i < s.length; ++i) { jco[co].addItem(s[i]); if (s[i].equals(((FontG) pd.parameter).getFamily())) jco[co].setSelectedIndex(i); } constraints.weightx = 100; constraints.weighty = 100; constraints.gridx = 2; constraints.gridy = ycount; constraints.gridwidth = 2; constraints.gridheight = 1; constraints.insets = new Insets(top, 0, 0, 20); constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; jco[co].setEnabled(!(pd.isExtension && extStrict)); contentPane.add(jco[co++], constraints); } else if (pd.parameter instanceof LayerInfo) { jco[co] = new JComboBox(new Vector<LayerDesc>(layers)); jco[co].setSelectedIndex(((LayerInfo) pd.parameter).layer); jco[co].setRenderer(new LayerCellRenderer()); constraints.weightx = 100; constraints.weighty = 100; constraints.gridx = 2; constraints.gridy = ycount; constraints.gridwidth = 2; constraints.gridheight = 1; constraints.insets = new Insets(top, 0, 0, 20); constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; jco[co].setEnabled(!(pd.isExtension && extStrict)); contentPane.add(jco[co++], constraints); } else if (pd.parameter instanceof ArrowInfo) { jco[co] = new JComboBox<ArrowInfo>(); jco[co].addItem(new ArrowInfo(0)); jco[co].addItem(new ArrowInfo(1)); jco[co].addItem(new ArrowInfo(2)); jco[co].addItem(new ArrowInfo(3)); jco[co].setSelectedIndex(((ArrowInfo) pd.parameter).style); jco[co].setRenderer(new ArrowCellRenderer()); constraints.weightx = 100; constraints.weighty = 100; constraints.gridx = 2; constraints.gridy = ycount; constraints.gridwidth = 2; constraints.gridheight = 1; constraints.insets = new Insets(top, 0, 0, 20); constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; jco[co].setEnabled(!(pd.isExtension && extStrict)); contentPane.add(jco[co++], constraints); } else if (pd.parameter instanceof DashInfo) { jco[co] = new JComboBox<DashInfo>(); for (int k = 0; k < Globals.dashNumber; ++k) { jco[co].addItem(new DashInfo(k)); } jco[co].setSelectedIndex(((DashInfo) pd.parameter).style); jco[co].setRenderer(new DashCellRenderer()); constraints.weightx = 100; constraints.weighty = 100; constraints.gridx = 2; constraints.gridy = ycount; constraints.gridwidth = 2; constraints.gridheight = 1; constraints.insets = new Insets(top, 0, 0, 20); constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; jco[co].setEnabled(!(pd.isExtension && extStrict)); contentPane.add(jco[co++], constraints); } } // Put the OK and Cancel buttons and make them active. JButton ok = new JButton(Globals.messages.getString("Ok_btn")); JButton cancel = new JButton(Globals.messages.getString("Cancel_btn")); JButton keybd = new JButton("\u00B6\u2211\u221A"); // phylum keybd.setFocusable(false); keybd.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // If at this point, the keyboard is not visible, this means // that it will become visible in a while. It is better to // resize first and then show up the keyboard. if (keyb.isVisible()) { MIN_WIDTH = 400; MIN_HEIGHT = 350; } else { MIN_WIDTH = 400; MIN_HEIGHT = 500; } // setSize(MIN_WIDTH, MIN_HEIGHT); keyb.setVisible(!keyb.isVisible()); pack(); } }); constraints.gridx = 0; constraints.gridy = ycount++; constraints.gridwidth = 4; constraints.gridheight = 1; constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST; constraints.insets = new Insets(6, 20, 20, 20); // Put the OK and Cancel buttons and make them active. Box b = Box.createHorizontalBox(); b.add(keybd); // phylum b.add(Box.createHorizontalGlue()); ok.setPreferredSize(cancel.getPreferredSize()); if (Globals.okCancelWinOrder) { b.add(ok); b.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(12)); b.add(cancel); } else { b.add(cancel); b.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(12)); b.add(ok); } // b.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(12)); contentPane.add(b, constraints); constraints.gridx = 0; constraints.gridy = ycount; constraints.gridwidth = 4; constraints.gridheight = 1; constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST; constraints.insets = new Insets(6, 20, 20, 20); contentPane.add(keyb, constraints); ok.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { try { int ycount; ParameterDescription pd; tc = 0; cc = 0; co = 0; // Here we read all the contents of the interface and we // update the contents of the parameter description array. for (ycount = 0; ycount < v.size(); ++ycount) { if (ycount > MAX) break; pd = (ParameterDescription) v.elementAt(ycount); if (pd.parameter instanceof PointG) { ((PointG) (pd.parameter)).x = Integer.parseInt(jtf[tc++].getText()); ((PointG) (pd.parameter)).y = Integer.parseInt(jtf[tc++].getText()); } else if (pd.parameter instanceof String) { pd.parameter = jtf[tc++].getText(); } else if (pd.parameter instanceof Boolean) { pd.parameter = Boolean.valueOf(jcb[cc++].isSelected()); } else if (pd.parameter instanceof Integer) { pd.parameter = Integer.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(jtf[tc++].getText())); } else if (pd.parameter instanceof Float) { pd.parameter = Float.valueOf(Float.parseFloat(jtf[tc++].getText())); } else if (pd.parameter instanceof FontG) { pd.parameter = new FontG((String) jco[co++].getSelectedItem()); } else if (pd.parameter instanceof LayerInfo) { pd.parameter = new LayerInfo(jco[co++].getSelectedIndex()); } else if (pd.parameter instanceof ArrowInfo) { pd.parameter = new ArrowInfo(jco[co++].getSelectedIndex()); } else if (pd.parameter instanceof DashInfo) { pd.parameter = new DashInfo(jco[co++].getSelectedIndex()); } } } catch (NumberFormatException E) { // Error detected. Probably, the user has entered an // invalid string when FidoCadJ was expecting a numerical // input. JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, Globals.messages.getString("Format_invalid"), "", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); return; } active = true; // Globals.activeWindow.setEnabled(true); setVisible(false); keyb.setVisible(false); } }); cancel.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { // Globals.activeWindow.setEnabled(true); setVisible(false); keyb.setVisible(false); } }); // Here is an action in which the dialog is closed AbstractAction cancelAction = new AbstractAction() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // Globals.activeWindow.setEnabled(true); setVisible(false); keyb.setVisible(false); } }; DialogUtil.addCancelEscape(this, cancelAction); this.addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { // Globals.activeWindow.setEnabled(true); keyb.setVisible(false); } }); pack();; getRootPane().setDefaultButton(ok); }
public Check() { super( "Substance test with very very very very very very very very very very very very very very long title"); final ClassLoader cl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); if (UIManager.getLookAndFeel() instanceof SubstanceLookAndFeel) { setIconImage( SubstanceLogo.getLogoImage( SubstanceLookAndFeel.getCurrentSkin(this.getRootPane()) .getColorScheme( DecorationAreaType.PRIMARY_TITLE_PANE, ColorSchemeAssociationKind.FILL, ComponentState.ENABLED))); } SubstanceLookAndFeel.registerSkinChangeListener( new SkinChangeListener() { @Override public void skinChanged() { SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { setIconImage( SubstanceLogo.getLogoImage( SubstanceLookAndFeel.getCurrentSkin(Check.this.getRootPane()) .getColorScheme( DecorationAreaType.PRIMARY_TITLE_PANE, ColorSchemeAssociationKind.FILL, ComponentState.ENABLED))); } }); } }); setLayout(new BorderLayout()); jtp = new JTabbedPane(); try { mainTabPreviewPainter = new MyMainTabPreviewPainter(); jtp.putClientProperty(LafWidget.TABBED_PANE_PREVIEW_PAINTER, mainTabPreviewPainter); } catch (Throwable e) { } jtp.getModel().addChangeListener(new TabSwitchListener()); final JXPanel jxPanel = new JXPanel(new BorderLayout()); toolbar = getToolbar("", 22, true); jxPanel.add(toolbar, BorderLayout.NORTH); JXStatusBar statusBar = getStatusBar(jxPanel, jtp); this.add(statusBar, BorderLayout.SOUTH); taskPaneContainer = new JXTaskPaneContainer() { @Override public boolean getScrollableTracksViewportWidth() { return false; } }; taskPaneContainer.setScrollableTracksViewportHeight(false); taskPaneContainer.setScrollableTracksViewportWidth(false); mainTaskPane = new JXTaskPane(); mainTaskPane.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); JPanel mainControlPanel = ControlPanelFactory.getMainControlPanel(this, jtp, mainTabPreviewPainter, toolbar); // mainControlPanel.setOpaque(false); mainTaskPane.add(mainControlPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); mainTaskPane.setTitle("General settings"); mainTaskPane.setIcon(getIcon("JFrameColor16")); mainTaskPane.setCollapsed(true); taskPaneContainer.add(mainTaskPane); JPanel dialogControlPanel = ControlPanelFactory.getDialogControlPanel(this); JXTaskPane dialogTaskPane = new JXTaskPane(); dialogTaskPane.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); dialogTaskPane.add(dialogControlPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); dialogTaskPane.setTitle("Frames & Dialogs"); dialogTaskPane.setIcon(getIcon("JDialogColor16")); dialogTaskPane.setCollapsed(true); // dialogTaskPane.setOpaque(false); taskPaneContainer.add(dialogTaskPane); currentSpecificTaskPane = null; final JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane( taskPaneContainer, JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS, JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED); SubstanceLookAndFeel.setDecorationType(scrollPane, DecorationAreaType.GENERAL); // scrollPane.setOpaque(false); // scrollPane.getViewport().setOpaque(false); JPanel mainPanel = new JPanel(); mainPanel.add(scrollPane); mainPanel.add(jtp); mainPanel.setLayout( new LayoutManager() { @Override public void addLayoutComponent(String name, Component comp) {} @Override public Dimension minimumLayoutSize(Container parent) { Dimension min1 = scrollPane.getMinimumSize(); Dimension min2 = jtp.getMinimumSize(); return new Dimension(min1.width + min2.width, min1.height + min2.height); } @Override public void layoutContainer(Container parent) { // give 30% width to task pane container and // 70% width to the tabbed pane with controls. int width = parent.getWidth(); int height = parent.getHeight(); scrollPane.setBounds(0, 0, (int) (0.3 * width), height); jtp.setBounds((int) (0.3 * width), 0, width - (int) (0.3 * width), height); } @Override public Dimension preferredLayoutSize(Container parent) { Dimension pref1 = scrollPane.getPreferredSize(); Dimension pref2 = jtp.getPreferredSize(); return new Dimension(pref1.width + pref2.width, pref1.height + pref2.height); } @Override public void removeLayoutComponent(Component comp) {} }); jxPanel.add(mainPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); this.add(jxPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); setPreferredSize(new Dimension(400, 400)); this.setSize(getPreferredSize()); setMinimumSize(getPreferredSize()); ButtonsPanel buttonsPanel = new ButtonsPanel(); jtp.addTab("Buttons", getIcon("JButtonColor16"), buttonsPanel); getRootPane().setDefaultButton(buttonsPanel.defaultButton); jtp.addTab("Combo box", getIcon("JComboBoxColor16"), new CombosPanel()); jtp.addTab("Scroll pane", getIcon("JScrollPaneColor16"), new ScrollPanel()); TabCloseCallback closeCallback = new TabCloseCallback() { @Override public TabCloseKind onAreaClick( JTabbedPane tabbedPane, int tabIndex, MouseEvent mouseEvent) { if (mouseEvent.getButton() != MouseEvent.BUTTON3) return TabCloseKind.NONE; if (mouseEvent.isShiftDown()) { return TabCloseKind.ALL; } return TabCloseKind.THIS; } @Override public TabCloseKind onCloseButtonClick( JTabbedPane tabbedPane, int tabIndex, MouseEvent mouseEvent) { if (mouseEvent.isAltDown()) { return TabCloseKind.ALL_BUT_THIS; } if (mouseEvent.isShiftDown()) { return TabCloseKind.ALL; } return TabCloseKind.THIS; } @Override public String getAreaTooltip(JTabbedPane tabbedPane, int tabIndex) { return null; } @Override public String getCloseButtonTooltip(JTabbedPane tabbedPane, int tabIndex) { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); result.append("<html><body>"); result.append("Mouse click closes <b>" + tabbedPane.getTitleAt(tabIndex) + "</b> tab"); result.append( "<br><b>Alt</b>-Mouse click closes all tabs but <b>" + tabbedPane.getTitleAt(tabIndex) + "</b> tab"); result.append("<br><b>Shift</b>-Mouse click closes all tabs"); result.append("</body></html>"); return result.toString(); } }; try { TabPanel tp = new TabPanel(); tp.jtp.putClientProperty(SubstanceLookAndFeel.TABBED_PANE_CLOSE_CALLBACK, closeCallback); jtp.addTab("Tabs", getIcon("JTabbedPaneColor16"), tp); } catch (NoClassDefFoundError ncdfe) { } jtp.addTab("Split", new SplitPanel()); jtp.addTab("Desktop", getIcon("JDesktopPaneColor16"), new DesktopPanel()); jtp.addTab("Text fields", getIcon("JTextPaneColor16"), new TextFieldsPanel()); jtp.addTab("Table", getIcon("JTableColor16"), new TablePanel()); try { jtp.addTab("List", getIcon("JListColor16"), new ListPanel()); } catch (NoClassDefFoundError ncdfe) { } jtp.addTab("Slider", getIcon("JSliderColor16"), new SliderPanel()); jtp.addTab("Progress bar", getIcon("JProgressBarColor16"), new ProgressBarPanel()); jtp.addTab("Spinner", getIcon("JSpinnerColor16"), new SpinnerPanel()); jtp.addTab("Tree", getIcon("JTreeColor16"), new TreePanel()); jtp.addTab("File tree", getIcon("JTreeColor16"), new FileTreePanel()); jtp.addTab("Cards", new CardPanel()); JPanel verticalButtonPanel = new JPanel(); verticalButtonPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 3)); verticalButtonPanel.add(new JButton("Vert button 1")); verticalButtonPanel.add(new JButton("Vert button 2")); JPanel smallVerticalButtonPanel = new JPanel(); smallVerticalButtonPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(4, 4)); for (int row = 0; row < 4; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < 4; col++) { JButton vertButton = new JButton("vert"); vertButton.setToolTipText("Vertical button " + row + ":" + col); smallVerticalButtonPanel.add(vertButton); } } verticalButtonPanel.add(smallVerticalButtonPanel); jtp.addTab("V-Buttons", verticalButtonPanel); jtp.addTab("Colored", new ColoredControlsPanel()); jtp.addTab("Colorized", new ColorizedControlsPanel()); jtp.addTab("Cells", new CellsPanel()); jtp.addTab("Sizes", new SizesPanel()); jtp.addTab("H-Align", new HAlignmentPanel()); jtp.addTab("V-Align", new VAlignmentPanel()); // sample menu bar JMenuBar jmb = new JMenuBar(); if (UIManager.getLookAndFeel() instanceof SubstanceLookAndFeel) { jmb.add(SampleMenuFactory.getSkinMenu()); jmb.add(SampleMenuFactory.getTransformMenu()); } JMenu coloredMenu = new JMenu("Colors"); coloredMenu.setMnemonic('0'); JMenuItem coloredMI = new JMenuItem("Italic red"); coloredMI.setFont(coloredMI.getFont().deriveFont(Font.ITALIC)); coloredMI.setForeground(; coloredMenu.add(coloredMI); JRadioButtonMenuItem coloredRBMI = new JRadioButtonMenuItem("Bold green"); coloredRBMI.setFont(coloredRBMI.getFont().deriveFont(Font.BOLD)); coloredRBMI.setForeground(; coloredMenu.add(coloredRBMI); JCheckBoxMenuItem coloredCBMI = new JCheckBoxMenuItem("Big blue"); coloredCBMI.setFont(coloredCBMI.getFont().deriveFont(32f)); coloredCBMI.setForeground(; coloredMenu.add(coloredCBMI); JMenu coloredM = new JMenu("Always big magenta"); coloredM.setForeground(Color.magenta); coloredM.setFont(coloredM.getFont().deriveFont(24f)); coloredMenu.add(coloredM); jmb.add(coloredMenu); JMenu testMenu = SampleMenuFactory.getTestMenu(); jmb.add(testMenu); JMenu jm4 = new JMenu("Disabled"); jm4.add(new JMenuItem("dummy4")); jm4.setMnemonic('4'); jmb.add(jm4); jm4.setEnabled(false); // LAF changing jmb.add(SampleMenuFactory.getLookAndFeelMenu(this)); setJMenuBar(jmb); TabCloseCallback closeCallbackMain = new TabCloseCallback() { @Override public TabCloseKind onAreaClick( JTabbedPane tabbedPane, int tabIndex, MouseEvent mouseEvent) { if (mouseEvent.getButton() != MouseEvent.BUTTON2) return TabCloseKind.NONE; if (mouseEvent.isShiftDown()) { return TabCloseKind.ALL; } return TabCloseKind.THIS; } @Override public TabCloseKind onCloseButtonClick( JTabbedPane tabbedPane, int tabIndex, MouseEvent mouseEvent) { if (mouseEvent.isAltDown()) { return TabCloseKind.ALL_BUT_THIS; } if (mouseEvent.isShiftDown()) { return TabCloseKind.ALL; } return TabCloseKind.THIS; } @Override public String getAreaTooltip(JTabbedPane tabbedPane, int tabIndex) { return null; } @Override public String getCloseButtonTooltip(JTabbedPane tabbedPane, int tabIndex) { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); result.append("<html><body>"); result.append("Mouse click closes <b>" + tabbedPane.getTitleAt(tabIndex) + "</b> tab"); result.append( "<br><b>Alt</b>-Mouse click closes all tabs but <b>" + tabbedPane.getTitleAt(tabIndex) + "</b> tab"); result.append("<br><b>Shift</b>-Mouse click closes all tabs"); result.append("</body></html>"); return result.toString(); } }; jtp.putClientProperty(SubstanceLookAndFeel.TABBED_PANE_CLOSE_CALLBACK, closeCallbackMain); SubstanceLookAndFeel.registerTabCloseChangeListener( new TabCloseListener() { @Override public void tabClosed(JTabbedPane tabbedPane, Component tabComponent) { out("Closed tab"); } @Override public void tabClosing(JTabbedPane tabbedPane, Component tabComponent) { out("Closing tab"); } }); SubstanceLookAndFeel.registerTabCloseChangeListener( jtp, new VetoableTabCloseListener() { @Override public void tabClosed(JTabbedPane tabbedPane, Component tabComponent) { out("Closed tab - specific"); } @Override public void tabClosing(JTabbedPane tabbedPane, Component tabComponent) { out("Closing tab - specific"); } @Override public boolean vetoTabClosing(JTabbedPane tabbedPane, Component tabComponent) { int userCloseAnswer = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( Check.this, "Are you sure you want to close '" + tabbedPane.getTitleAt(tabbedPane.indexOfComponent(tabComponent)) + "' tab?", "Confirm dialog", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); return (userCloseAnswer == JOptionPane.NO_OPTION); } }); SubstanceLookAndFeel.registerTabCloseChangeListener( jtp, new VetoableMultipleTabCloseListener() { @Override public void tabsClosed(JTabbedPane tabbedPane, Set<Component> tabComponents) { out("Closed " + tabComponents.size() + " tabs - specific"); } @Override public void tabsClosing(JTabbedPane tabbedPane, Set<Component> tabComponents) { out("Closing " + tabComponents.size() + " tabs - specific"); } @Override public boolean vetoTabsClosing(JTabbedPane tabbedPane, Set<Component> tabComponents) { int userCloseAnswer = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( Check.this, "Are you sure you want to close " + tabComponents.size() + " tabs?", "Confirm dialog", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); return (userCloseAnswer == JOptionPane.NO_OPTION); } }); addComponentListener( new ComponentAdapter() { @Override public void componentResized(ComponentEvent e) { System.out.println("Size " + getSize()); } }); }
@Override public void addTab(String title, final Component content) { super.addTab(title, content); setTabComponentAt(getTabCount() - 1, new TabPanel(this, title, content)); }
public TestFrame(String title) throws HeadlessException { super(title); this.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); Container contentPane = this.getContentPane(); contentPane.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); JPanel topPanel = new JPanel(); topPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); JPanel bottomPanel = new JPanel(); bottomPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); final JTextField textField = new JTextField(); this.addressField = textField; JButton button = new JButton("Parse & Render"); final JTabbedPane tabbedPane = new JTabbedPane(); final JTree tree = new JTree(); final JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(tree); this.tree = tree; contentPane.add(topPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH); contentPane.add(bottomPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); topPanel.add(new JLabel("URL: "), BorderLayout.WEST); topPanel.add(textField, BorderLayout.CENTER); topPanel.add(button, BorderLayout.EAST); bottomPanel.add(tabbedPane, BorderLayout.CENTER); final HtmlPanel panel = new HtmlPanel(); panel.addSelectionChangeListener( new SelectionChangeListener() { public void selectionChanged(SelectionChangeEvent event) { if (logger.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {"selectionChanged(): selection node: " + panel.getSelectionNode()); } } }); this.htmlPanel = panel; UserAgentContext ucontext = new SimpleUserAgentContext(); this.rcontext = new LocalHtmlRendererContext(panel, ucontext); final JTextArea textArea = new JTextArea(); this.textArea = textArea; textArea.setEditable(false); final JScrollPane textAreaSp = new JScrollPane(textArea); tabbedPane.addTab("HTML", panel); tabbedPane.addTab("Tree", scrollPane); tabbedPane.addTab("Source", textAreaSp); tabbedPane.addChangeListener( new ChangeListener() { public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { Component component = tabbedPane.getSelectedComponent(); if (component == scrollPane) { tree.setModel(new NodeTreeModel(panel.getRootNode())); } else if (component == textAreaSp) { textArea.setText(rcontext.getSourceCode()); } } }); button.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { process(textField.getText()); } }); }
// The init method public void init() { // Set the look and feel try { UIManager.setLookAndFeel(UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName()); } catch (Exception e) { return; } // Create the menuListener MenuListener menuListener = new MenuListener(); // Create the menu bar JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar(); setJMenuBar(menuBar); // Create the file menu JMenu fileMenu = new JMenu("File"); menuBar.add(fileMenu); // Create the menuitems JMenuItem menuItem; menuItem = new JMenuItem("Read Particle Location Data"); fileMenu.add(menuItem); menuItem.addActionListener(menuListener); menuItem = new JMenuItem("Save Uintah Input File"); fileMenu.add(menuItem); menuItem.addActionListener(menuListener); menuItem = new JMenuItem("Exit"); fileMenu.add(menuItem); menuItem.addActionListener(menuListener); // Create the main tabbed pane mainTabbedPane = new JTabbedPane(); // Create the panels to be added to the tabbed pane uintahInputPanel = new UintahInputPanel(d_partList, this); particleGenPanel = new ParticleGeneratePanel(d_partList, this); // Add the tabs mainTabbedPane.addTab("Uintah Inputs", null, uintahInputPanel, null); mainTabbedPane.addTab("Generate Particle Locations", null, particleGenPanel, null); mainTabbedPane.setSelectedIndex(0); getContentPane().add(mainTabbedPane); // Create the help menu JMenu helpMenu = new JMenu("Help"); menuBar.add(helpMenu); // Create the menuitems menuItem = new JMenuItem("About"); helpMenu.add(menuItem); menuItem.addActionListener(menuListener); // Create the invisible help frames helpAboutFrame = new HelpAboutFrame(); helpAboutFrame.pack(); // Create the Tab Listener TabListener tabListener = new TabListener(); mainTabbedPane.addChangeListener(tabListener); }