private void bornAgent(
        AID name, ContainerID cid, JADEPrincipal principal, Credentials credentials)
        throws NameClashException, NotFoundException {
      MainContainer impl = myContainer.getMain();
      if (impl != null) {
        // Retrieve the ownership from the credentials
        String ownership = "NONE";
        if (credentials != null) {
          JADEPrincipal ownerPr = credentials.getOwner();
          if (ownerPr != null) {
            ownership = ownerPr.getName();
        try {
          // If the name is already in the GADT, throws NameClashException
          impl.bornAgent(name, cid, principal, ownership, false);
        } catch (NameClashException nce) {
          try {
            ContainerID oldCid = impl.getContainerID(name);
            if (oldCid != null) {
              Node n = impl.getContainerNode(oldCid).getNode();

              // Perform a non-blocking ping to check...

              // Ping succeeded: rethrow the NameClashException
              throw nce;
            } else {
              // The old agent is registered with the AMS, but does not live in the platform -->
              // cannot check if it still exists
              throw nce;
          } catch (NameClashException nce2) {
            // This is the re-thrown NameClashException --> let it through
            throw nce2;
          } catch (Exception e) {
            // Either the old agent disappeared in the meanwhile or the Ping failed: forcibly
            // replace the old agent...
            impl.bornAgent(name, cid, principal, ownership, true);
          try {
          //System.out.println("Replacing old agent "+name.getName());
           myLogger.log(Logger.INFO,"Replacing old agent "+name.getName());
           ((jade.core.AgentManager) impl).kill(name, principal, credentials);
           impl.bornAgent(name, cid, principal, ownership, false);
           catch (Exception e) {
           impl.bornAgent(name, cid, principal, ownership, true);