public GenericStructureInfo structureInfoFromZip(ZipInputStream zipInputStream) throws StructureLoadException { try { String json = null; NBTTagCompound worldData = null; ZipEntry zipEntry; while ((zipEntry = zipInputStream.getNextEntry()) != null) { byte[] bytes = completeByteArray(zipInputStream); if (bytes != null) { if (STRUCTURE_INFO_JSON_FILENAME.equals(zipEntry.getName())) json = new String(bytes); else if (WORLD_DATA_NBT_FILENAME.equals(zipEntry.getName())) worldData = CompressedStreamTools.func_152457_a(bytes, NBTSizeTracker.field_152451_a); } zipInputStream.closeEntry(); } zipInputStream.close(); if (json == null || worldData == null) throw new StructureInvalidZipException(json != null, worldData != null); GenericStructureInfo genericStructureInfo = registry.createStructureFromJSON(json); genericStructureInfo.worldDataCompound = worldData; return genericStructureInfo; } catch (IOException e) { throw new StructureLoadException(e); } }
public boolean saveGenericStructure( GenericStructureInfo info, String structureName, boolean activeFolder) { File parent = RCFileTypeRegistry.getStructuresDirectory(activeFolder); if (parent != null) { String json = registry.createJSONFromStructure(info); if (RecurrentComplex.USE_ZIP_FOR_STRUCTURE_FILES) { File newFile = new File(parent, structureName + "." + FILE_SUFFIX); boolean failed = false; try { ZipOutputStream zipOutputStream = new ZipOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(newFile)); addZipEntry(zipOutputStream, STRUCTURE_INFO_JSON_FILENAME, json.getBytes()); addZipEntry( zipOutputStream, WORLD_DATA_NBT_FILENAME, CompressedStreamTools.compress(info.worldDataCompound)); zipOutputStream.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { RecurrentComplex.logger.error("Could not write structure to zip file", ex); failed = true; } return !failed && newFile.exists(); } else { File newFile = new File(parent, structureName + ".json"); boolean failed = false; try { FileUtils.writeStringToFile(newFile, json); } catch (Exception e) { RecurrentComplex.logger.error("Could not write structure zip to folder", e); failed = true; } return !failed && newFile.exists(); } } return false; }
@Override public boolean loadFile(Path path, FileLoadContext context) { try { GenericStructureInfo genericStructureInfo = readGenericStructure(path); String structureID = context.customID != null ? context.customID : FilenameUtils.getBaseName(path.getFileName().toString()); if (registry.registerStructure( genericStructureInfo, structureID, context.domain,, context.custom)) return true; } catch (IOException | StructureLoadException e) { RecurrentComplex.logger.warn("Error reading structure", e); } return false; }