private List<AppliedRegion> filtered() throws InvalidRegionException { List<AppliedRegion> filtered = new ArrayList<>(); Element regions = document.getRootElement().element("regions"); for (Element region : XMLUtil.getElements(regions, "apply")) { AppliedRegion applied = RegionBuilder.parseFiltered(this, region); filtered.add(applied); //"Found an AppliedRegion (" + (applied instanceof AppliedRegion) + ") current total // = " + filtered.size()); } return filtered; }
public DestroyableModule parseDestroyable(SporkMap map, Element element) throws ModuleBuildException { String name = XMLUtil.getElementOrParentValue(element, "name"); String[] names = new String[0]; String types = XMLUtil.getElementOrParentValue(element, "materials"); if (types != null) { names = new String[] {types}; if (types.contains(";")) { types.split(";"); } } List<Material> materialList = new ArrayList<>(); for (String type : names) { Material material = StringUtil.convertStringToMaterial(type); if (material == null) { throw new ModuleBuildException("'" + type + "' is not a valid Minecraft material"); } materialList.add(material); } int i = 0; Material[] materials = new Material[materialList.size()]; for (Material material : materialList) { materials[i] = material; i++; } int completion = 0; String complete = XMLUtil.getElementOrParentValue(element, "completion"); if (complete != null) { if (complete.endsWith("%")) { complete = complete.substring(0, complete.length() - 1); } completion = Integer.parseInt(complete); } TeamModule other = null; String team = XMLUtil.getElementOrParentValue(element, "owner"); if (team != null) { other = map.getTeams().getTeam(team); } Region region = RegionBuilder.parseRegion(element.getChildren().get(0)); TeamModule owner = other.getOpposite(); if (name == null) { throw new ModuleBuildException("A Destroyable name could not be found"); } else if (materials.length == 0) { throw new ModuleBuildException("No Materials were supplied"); } else if (materialList.contains(null)) { throw new ModuleBuildException("An invalid list of Materials was found"); } else if (completion <= 0) { throw new ModuleBuildException("Completion % must be greater than 0"); } else if (owner == null) { throw new ModuleBuildException("The owner of a Destroyable can't be null"); } else if (region == null) { throw new ModuleBuildException("The region of a Destroyable can't be null"); } return new DestroyableModule(name, owner, region, materials, completion); }