Пример #1
  public ServiceInstance(Service service) {
    this.service = service;
    this.id = getName(service);
    ServiceSpec spec = KubernetesHelper.getOrCreateSpec(service);
    List<ServicePort> ports = spec.getPorts();
    if (spec.getPortalIP().equals(HEADLESS_PORTAL_IP)) {
      // do nothing service is headless
    } else if (ports != null && !ports.isEmpty()) {
      for (ServicePort servicePort : ports) {
        servicePorts.add(toNamedServicePort(id, servicePort));
    } else {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "Service: " + id + " doesn't have a valid port configuration.");
    this.selector = KubernetesHelper.getSelector(service);
    Objects.notNull(this.selector, "No selector for service " + id);
    if (selector.isEmpty()) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Empty selector for service " + id);
    this.filter = KubernetesHelper.createPodFilter(selector);

    // TODO should we use some service metadata to choose the load balancer?
    this.loadBalancer = new RoundRobinLoadBalancer();
Пример #2
  public static List<String> toServiceEndpointUrl(String serviceId, String serviceProtocol) {
    List<String> endpoints = new ArrayList<>();
    String namespace = Systems.getEnvVarOrSystemProperty(KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE, DEFAULT_NAMESPACE);
    String serviceProto = serviceProtocol != null ? serviceProtocol : DEFAULT_PROTO;

    try {
      for (String endpoint : KubernetesHelper.lookupServiceInDns(serviceId)) {
        endpoints.add(serviceProto + "://" + endpoint);
    } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
      // ignore and fallback to the api.

    if (!endpoints.isEmpty()) {
      return endpoints;

    for (io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.Endpoints item :
        KUBERNETES.getEndpoints(namespace).getItems()) {
      if (item.getMetadata().getName().equals(serviceId)
          && (namespace == null || namespace.equals(item.getMetadata().getNamespace()))) {
        for (EndpointSubset subset : item.getSubsets()) {
          for (EndpointAddress address : subset.getAddresses()) {
            endpoints.add(serviceProto + "://" + address.getIp());
    return endpoints;
Пример #3
  public static void cleanupAllMatching(
      KubernetesClient client, String key, Session session, List<Throwable> errors)
      throws MultiException {
    Map<String, String> labels = Collections.singletonMap(key, session.getId());
    Filter<Pod> podFilter = KubernetesHelper.createPodFilter(labels);
    Filter<Service> serviceFilter = KubernetesHelper.createServiceFilter(labels);
    Filter<ReplicationController> replicationControllerFilter =

    /** Lets use a loop to ensure we really do delete all the matching resources */
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
      try {
        deleteReplicationControllers(client, session.getLogger(), replicationControllerFilter);
      } catch (MultiException e) {

      try {
        deletePods(client, session.getLogger(), podFilter);
      } catch (MultiException e) {

      try {
        deleteServices(client, session.getLogger(), serviceFilter);
      } catch (MultiException e) {

      // lets see if there are any matching podList left
      PodList podList = client.getPods();
      List<Pod> filteredPods = Filters.filter(notNullList(podList.getItems()), podFilter);
      if (filteredPods.isEmpty()) {
      } else {
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
Пример #4
 private static ServicePort toNamedServicePort(String serviceId, ServicePort servicePort) {
   String portName = servicePort.getName();
   String protocol = servicePort.getProtocol();
   Integer nodePort = servicePort.getNodePort();
   IntOrString targetPort = servicePort.getTargetPort();
   String name =
       !Strings.isNullOrBlank(portName) ? portName : serviceId + "-" + targetPort.toString();
   int port = KubernetesHelper.intOrStringToInteger(targetPort, "service: " + name);
   return new ServicePort(name, nodePort, port, protocol, targetPort);
Пример #5
  public void testParsePodList() throws Exception {
    KubernetesList podList = assertParseExampleFile("pod-list.json", KubernetesList.class);
    List<HasMetadata> items = podList.getItems();
    assertNotEmpty("items", items);

    Pod pod = (Pod) items.get(0);
    assertNotNull("pod1", pod);
    assertEquals("pod1.name", "my-pod-1", KubernetesHelper.getName(pod));
    PodSpec podSpec = pod.getSpec();
    assertNotNull("pod1.podSpec", podSpec);
    List<Container> containers = podSpec.getContainers();
    assertNotEmpty("pod1.podSpec.containers", containers);
    Container container = containers.get(0);
    assertNotNull("pod1.podSpec.container[0]", container);
    assertEquals("pod1.podSpec.container[0].name", "nginx", container.getName());
    assertEquals("pod1.podSpec.container[0].image", "dockerfile/nginx", container.getImage());

    LOG.info("pod1 container1 " + container);

    String json = KubernetesHelper.toJson(podList);
    LOG.info("Got JSON: " + json);
Пример #6
  public static void displaySessionStatus(KubernetesClient client, Session session)
      throws MultiException {
    Map<String, String> labels = Collections.singletonMap(Constants.ARQ_KEY, session.getId());
    Filter<Pod> podFilter = KubernetesHelper.createPodFilter(labels);
    Filter<Service> serviceFilter = KubernetesHelper.createServiceFilter(labels);
    Filter<ReplicationController> replicationControllerFilter =

    for (ReplicationController replicationController :
        client.getReplicationControllers().getItems()) {
      if (replicationControllerFilter.matches(replicationController)) {
        session.getLogger().info("Replication controller:" + getId(replicationController));

    for (Pod pod : client.getPods().getItems()) {
      if (podFilter.matches(pod)) {
            .info("Pod:" + getId(pod) + " Status:" + pod.getCurrentState().getStatus());
    for (Service service : client.getServices().getItems()) {
      if (serviceFilter.matches(service)) {
                    + getId(service)
                    + " IP:"
                    + getPortalIP(service)
                    + " Port:"
                    + getPort(service));
Пример #7
 protected static void listPods(Kubernetes kube) {
   System.out.println("Looking up pods");
   PodList pods = kube.getPods(Kubernetes.NAMESPACE_ALL);
   // System.out.println("Got pods: " + pods);
   List<Pod> items = pods.getItems();
   for (Pod item : items) {
     System.out.println("Pod " + getId(item) + " created: " + item.getCreationTimestamp());
     PodState desiredState = item.getDesiredState();
     if (desiredState != null) {
       ContainerManifest manifest = desiredState.getManifest();
       if (manifest != null) {
         List<Container> containers = manifest.getContainers();
         if (containers != null) {
           for (Container container : containers) {
                 "Container "
                     + container.getImage()
                     + " "
                     + container.getCommand()
                     + " ports: "
                     + container.getPorts());
     Map<String, ContainerStatus> currentContainers = KubernetesHelper.getCurrentContainers(item);
     System.out.println("Has " + currentContainers.size() + " container(s)");
     Set<Map.Entry<String, ContainerStatus>> entries = currentContainers.entrySet();
     for (Map.Entry<String, ContainerStatus> entry : entries) {
       String id = entry.getKey();
       ContainerStatus info = entry.getValue();
       System.out.println("Current container: " + id + " info: " + info);
Пример #8
public class DevOpsEditStep extends AbstractDevOpsCommand implements UIWizardStep {
  private static final transient Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DevOpsEditStep.class);
  private static final String DEFAULT_MAVEN_FLOW =

  public static final String JENKINSFILE = "Jenkinsfile";

  private String jenkinsFilePrefix = "workflows/";

      label = "Pipeline",
      required = false,
      description = "The Jenkinsfile used to define the Continous Delivery pipeline")
  private UIInput<PipelineDTO> pipeline;

      label = "Copy pipeline to project",
      required = false,
      description =
          "Should we copy the pipeline definition (in the Jenkinsfile) into the project source code")
  private UIInput<Boolean> copyPipelineToProject;

      label = "Chat room",
      required = false,
      description = "Name of chat room to use for this project")
  private UIInput<String> chatRoom;

      label = "IssueTracker Project name",
      required = false,
      description = "Name of the issue tracker project")
  private UIInput<String> issueProjectName;

      label = "Code review",
      required = false,
      description = "Enable code review of all commits")
  private UIInput<Boolean> codeReview;

  private String namespace = KubernetesHelper.defaultNamespace();
  private LetsChatClient letsChat;
  private TaigaClient taiga;
  private List<InputComponent> inputComponents;

  public UICommandMetadata getMetadata(UIContext context) {
    return Metadata.forCommand(getClass())
        .name(AbstractDevOpsCommand.CATEGORY + ": Configure")
        .description("Configure the Pipeline for the new project");

  public void initializeUI(UIBuilder builder) throws Exception {
    final UIContext context = builder.getUIContext();
        new UICompleter<PipelineDTO>() {
          public Iterable<PipelineDTO> getCompletionProposals(
              UIContext context, InputComponent<?, PipelineDTO> input, String value) {
            return getPipelines(context, true);
        new Converter<String, PipelineDTO>() {
          public PipelineDTO convert(String text) {
            return getPipelineForValue(context, text);
        new ValueChangeListener() {
          public void valueChanged(ValueChangeEvent event) {
            String value = event.getNewValue() != null ? event.getNewValue().toString() : null;
            if (value != null) {
              String description = getDescriptionForFlow(value);
              pipeline.setNote(description != null ? description : "");
            } else {
            boolean canCopy = Strings.isNotBlank(value);
    if (getCurrentSelectedProject(context) != null) {
      PipelineDTO defaultValue = getPipelineForValue(context, DEFAULT_MAVEN_FLOW);
      if (defaultValue != null) {
        new UICompleter<String>() {
          public Iterable<String> getCompletionProposals(
              UIContext context, InputComponent<?, String> input, String value) {
            return filterCompletions(getChatRoomNames(), value);
        new ValueChangeListener() {
          public void valueChanged(ValueChangeEvent event) {
            String value = event.getNewValue() != null ? event.getNewValue().toString() : null;
            if (value != null) {
              String description = getDescriptionForChatRoom(value);
              chatRoom.setNote(description != null ? description : "");
            } else {
        new UICompleter<String>() {
          public Iterable<String> getCompletionProposals(
              UIContext context, InputComponent<?, String> input, String value) {
            return filterCompletions(getIssueProjectNames(), value);
        new ValueChangeListener() {
          public void valueChanged(ValueChangeEvent event) {
            String value = event.getNewValue() != null ? event.getNewValue().toString() : null;
            if (value != null) {
              String description = getDescriptionForIssueProject(value);
              issueProjectName.setNote(description != null ? description : "");
            } else {

    // lets initialise the data from the current config if it exists
    ProjectConfig config = null;
    Project project = getCurrentSelectedProject(context);
    File configFile = getProjectConfigFile(context, getSelectedProject(context));
    if (configFile != null && configFile.exists()) {
      config = ProjectConfigs.parseProjectConfig(configFile);
    if (config != null) {
      PipelineDTO flow = getPipelineForValue(context, config.getPipeline());
      if (flow != null) {
        CommandHelpers.setInitialComponentValue(this.pipeline, flow);
      CommandHelpers.setInitialComponentValue(chatRoom, config.getChatRoom());
      CommandHelpers.setInitialComponentValue(issueProjectName, config.getIssueProjectName());
      CommandHelpers.setInitialComponentValue(codeReview, config.getCodeReview());
    inputComponents = new ArrayList<>();
    File jenkinsFile = CommandHelpers.getProjectContextFile(context, project, "Jenkinsfile");
    boolean hasJenkinsFile = Files.isFile(jenkinsFile);
    LOG.debug("Has Jenkinsfile " + hasJenkinsFile + " with file: " + jenkinsFile);
    if (!hasJenkinsFile) {
          CommandHelpers.addInputComponents(builder, pipeline, copyPipelineToProject));
        CommandHelpers.addInputComponents(builder, chatRoom, issueProjectName, codeReview));

  public static Iterable<String> filterCompletions(Iterable<String> values, String inputValue) {
    boolean ignoreFilteringAsItBreaksHawtio = true;
    if (ignoreFilteringAsItBreaksHawtio) {
      return values;
    } else {
      List<String> answer = new ArrayList<>();
      String lowerInputValue = inputValue.toLowerCase();
      for (String value : values) {
        if (value != null) {
          if (value.toLowerCase().contains(lowerInputValue)) {
      return answer;

  public NavigationResult next(UINavigationContext context) throws Exception {
    return null;

  public Result execute(UIExecutionContext context) throws Exception {
    LOG.info("Creating the fabric8.yml file");

    String fileName = ProjectConfigs.FILE_NAME;
    Project project = getSelectedProject(context);
    File configFile = getProjectConfigFile(context.getUIContext(), getSelectedProject(context));
    if (configFile == null) {
      // lets not fail as we typically want to execute SaveDevOpsStep next...
      return Results.success();
    ProjectConfig config = null;
    boolean hasFile = false;
    if (configFile.exists()) {
      config = ProjectConfigs.parseProjectConfig(configFile);
      hasFile = true;
    if (config == null) {
      config = new ProjectConfig();

    CommandHelpers.putComponentValuesInAttributeMap(context, inputComponents);
    updateConfiguration(context, config);
    LOG.info("Result: " + config);

    String message;
    if (config.isEmpty() && !hasFile) {
      message = "No " + fileName + " need be generated as there is no configuration";
      return Results.success(message);
    } else {
      String operation = "Updated";
      if (!configFile.exists()) {
        operation = "Created";
      ProjectConfigs.saveConfig(config, configFile);
      message = operation + " " + fileName;

    // now lets update the devops stuff
    UIContext uiContext = context.getUIContext();
    Map<Object, Object> attributeMap = uiContext.getAttributeMap();

    String gitUrl = getStringAttribute(attributeMap, "gitUrl");
    if (Strings.isNullOrBlank(gitUrl)) {
      gitUrl = getStringAttribute(attributeMap, "gitAddress");

    Object object = attributeMap.get(Project.class);
    String user = getStringAttribute(attributeMap, "gitUser");
    String named = getStringAttribute(attributeMap, "projectName");
    File basedir = CommandHelpers.getBaseDir(project);
    if (basedir == null && configFile != null) {
      basedir = configFile.getParentFile();

    if (object instanceof Project) {
      Project newProject = (Project) object;
      MetadataFacet facet = newProject.getFacet(MetadataFacet.class);
      if (facet != null) {
        if (Strings.isNullOrBlank(named)) {
          named = facet.getProjectName();
        if (Strings.isNullOrBlank(gitUrl)) {
          String address = getStringAttribute(attributeMap, "gitAddress");
          gitUrl = address + user + "/" + named + ".git";
      } else {
        LOG.error("No MetadataFacet for newly created project " + newProject);
    } else {
      // updating an existing project - so lets try find the git url from the current source code
      if (Strings.isNullOrBlank(gitUrl)) {
        gitUrl = GitHelpers.extractGitUrl(basedir);
      if (basedir != null) {
        if (Strings.isNullOrBlank(named)) {
          named = basedir.getName();
    // lets default the environments from the pipeline
    PipelineDTO pipelineValue = pipeline.getValue();
    LOG.info("Using pipeline " + pipelineValue);
    String buildName = config.getBuildName();
    if (Strings.isNotBlank(buildName)) {
      if (pipelineValue != null) {
        List<String> environments = pipelineValue.getEnvironments();
        if (environments == null) {
          environments = new ArrayList<>();
        LinkedHashMap<String, String> environmentMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
        if (environments.isEmpty()) {
          environmentMap.put("Current", namespace);
        } else {
          for (String environment : environments) {
            String envNamespace = namespace + "-" + environment.toLowerCase();
            environmentMap.put(environment, envNamespace);
    LOG.info("Configured project " + buildName + " environments: " + config.getEnvironments());
    ProjectConfigs.defaultEnvironments(config, namespace);

    String projectName = config.getBuildName();
    if (Strings.isNullOrBlank(projectName)) {
      projectName = named;

    LOG.info("Project name is: " + projectName);
    if (Strings.isNotBlank(projectName) && project != null) {
      MavenFacet maven = project.getFacet(MavenFacet.class);
      Model pom = maven.getModel();
      if (pom != null
          && !isFunktionParentPom(project)
          && !isFabric8MavenPlugin3OrGreater(project)) {
        Properties properties = pom.getProperties();
        boolean updated = false;
        updated =
                properties, "fabric8.label.project", projectName, updated);
        updated =
                properties, "fabric8.label.version", "${project.version}", updated);
        if (updated) {
          LOG.info("Updating pom.xml properties!");
        } else {
          LOG.warn("Did not update pom.xml properties!");
      } else {
        LOG.warn("No pom.xml found!");

    Boolean copyFlowToProjectValue = copyPipelineToProject.getValue();
    if (copyFlowToProjectValue != null && copyFlowToProjectValue.booleanValue()) {
      if (basedir == null || !basedir.isDirectory()) {
        LOG.warn("Cannot copy the pipeline to the project as no basedir!");
      } else {
        String flow = null;
        PipelineDTO pipelineDTO = pipelineValue;
        if (pipelineDTO != null) {
          flow = pipelineDTO.getValue();
        if (Strings.isNullOrBlank(flow)) {
          LOG.warn("Cannot copy the pipeline to the project as no pipeline selected!");
        } else {
          String flowText = getFlowContent(flow, uiContext);
          if (Strings.isNullOrBlank(flowText)) {
                "Cannot copy the pipeline to the project as no pipeline text could be loaded!");
          } else {
            flowText = Strings.replaceAllWithoutRegex(flowText, "GIT_URL", "'" + gitUrl + "'");
            File newFile = new File(basedir, ProjectConfigs.LOCAL_FLOW_FILE_NAME);
            Files.writeToFile(newFile, flowText.getBytes());
            LOG.info("Written pipeline to " + newFile);
            if (config != null) {

    final DevOpsConnector connector = new DevOpsConnector();
    connector.setPassword(getStringAttribute(attributeMap, "gitPassword"));
    connector.setBranch(getStringAttribute(attributeMap, "gitBranch", "master"));


    // lets not trigger the jenkins webhook yet as the git push should trigger the build

    LOG.info("Using connector: " + connector);

            attributeMap.put("registerWebHooks", new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    LOG.info("Now registering webhooks!");
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
      LOG.error("Failed to update DevOps resources: " + e, e);

    return Results.success(message);

  protected String getStringAttribute(
      Map<Object, Object> attributeMap, String name, String defaultValue) {
    String answer = getStringAttribute(attributeMap, name);
    return Strings.isNullOrBlank(answer) ? defaultValue : answer;

  protected String getStringAttribute(Map<Object, Object> attributeMap, String name) {
    Object value = attributeMap.get(name);
    if (value != null) {
      return value.toString();
    return null;

  protected String getDescriptionForFlow(String flow) {
    return null;

  protected String getFlowContent(String flow, UIContext context) {
    File dir = getJenkinsWorkflowFolder(context);
    if (dir != null) {
      File file = new File(dir, flow);
      if (file.isFile() && file.exists()) {
        try {
          return IOHelpers.readFully(file);
        } catch (IOException e) {
          LOG.warn("Failed to load local pipeline " + file + ". " + e, e);
    return null;

  protected PipelineDTO getPipelineForValue(UIContext context, String value) {
    if (Strings.isNotBlank(value)) {
      Iterable<PipelineDTO> pipelines = getPipelines(context, false);
      for (PipelineDTO pipelineDTO : pipelines) {
        if (pipelineDTO.getValue().equals(value) || pipelineDTO.toString().equals(value)) {
          return pipelineDTO;
    return null;

  protected Iterable<PipelineDTO> getPipelines(UIContext context, boolean filterPipelines) {
    Set<String> builders = null;
    ProjectOverviewDTO projectOveriew = null;
    if (filterPipelines) {
      projectOveriew = getProjectOverview(context);
      builders = projectOveriew.getBuilders();
    File dir = getJenkinsWorkflowFolder(context);
    Set<String> buildersFound = new HashSet<>();
    if (dir != null) {
      Filter<File> filter =
          new Filter<File>() {
            public boolean matches(File file) {
              return file.isFile() && Objects.equal(JENKINSFILE, file.getName());
      Set<File> files = Files.findRecursive(dir, filter);
      List<PipelineDTO> pipelines = new ArrayList<>();
      for (File file : files) {
        try {
          String relativePath = Files.getRelativePath(dir, file);
          String value = Strings.stripPrefix(relativePath, "/");
          String label = value;
          String postfix = "/" + JENKINSFILE;
          if (label.endsWith(postfix)) {
            label = label.substring(0, label.length() - postfix.length());
          if (label.startsWith(jenkinsFilePrefix)) {
            label = label.substring(jenkinsFilePrefix.length());
          // Lets ignore the fabric8 specific pipelines
          if (label.startsWith("fabric8-release/")) {
          String builder = null;
          int idx = label.indexOf("/");
          if (idx > 0) {
            builder = label.substring(0, idx);
            if (filterPipelines && !builders.contains(builder)) {
              // ignore this builder
            } else {
          String descriptionMarkdown = null;
          File markdownFile = new File(file.getParentFile(), "ReadMe.md");
          if (Files.isFile(markdownFile)) {
            descriptionMarkdown = IOHelpers.readFully(markdownFile);
          PipelineDTO pipeline = new PipelineDTO(value, label, builder, descriptionMarkdown);

          File yamlFile = new File(file.getParentFile(), "metadata.yml");
          if (Files.isFile(yamlFile)) {
            PipelineMetadata metadata = null;
            try {
              metadata = loadYaml(yamlFile, PipelineMetadata.class);
            } catch (IOException e) {
              LOG.warn("Failed to parse yaml file " + yamlFile + ". " + e, e);
            if (metadata != null) {
        } catch (IOException e) {
              "Failed to find relative path for folder " + dir + " and file " + file + ". " + e, e);
      if (buildersFound.size() == 1) {
        // lets trim the builder prefix from the labels
        for (String first : buildersFound) {
          String prefix = first + "/";
          for (PipelineDTO pipeline : pipelines) {
            String label = pipeline.getLabel();
            if (label.startsWith(prefix)) {
              label = label.substring(prefix.length());
      return pipelines;
    } else {
      LOG.warn("No jenkinsWorkflowFolder!");
      return new ArrayList<>();

  protected File getJenkinsWorkflowFolder(UIContext context) {
    File dir = null;
    Object workflowFolder = context.getAttributeMap().get("jenkinsWorkflowFolder");
    if (workflowFolder instanceof File) {
      dir = (File) workflowFolder;
    return dir;

  protected String getDescriptionForIssueProject(String value) {
    return null;

  protected Iterable<String> getIssueProjectNames() {
    Set<String> answer = new TreeSet<>();
    try {
      TaigaClient letschat = getTaiga();
      if (letschat != null) {
        List<ProjectDTO> projects = null;
        try {
          projects = letschat.getProjects();
        } catch (Exception e) {
          LOG.warn("Failed to load chat projects! " + e, e);
        if (projects != null) {
          for (ProjectDTO project : projects) {
            String name = project.getName();
            if (name != null) {
    } catch (Exception e) {
      LOG.warn("Failed to get issue project names: " + e, e);
    return answer;

  protected String getDescriptionForChatRoom(String chatRoom) {
    return null;

  protected Iterable<String> getChatRoomNames() {
    Set<String> answer = new TreeSet<>();
    try {
      LetsChatClient letschat = getLetsChat();
      if (letschat != null) {
        List<RoomDTO> rooms = null;
        try {
          rooms = letschat.getRooms();
        } catch (Exception e) {
          LOG.warn("Failed to load chat rooms! " + e, e);
        if (rooms != null) {
          for (RoomDTO room : rooms) {
            String name = room.getSlug();
            if (name != null) {
    } catch (Exception e) {
      LOG.warn("Failed to find chat room names: " + e, e);
    return answer;

  public LetsChatClient getLetsChat() {
    if (letsChat == null) {
      letsChat = LetsChatKubernetes.createLetsChat(getKubernetes());
    return letsChat;

  public void setLetsChat(LetsChatClient letsChat) {
    this.letsChat = letsChat;

  public TaigaClient getTaiga() {
    if (taiga == null) {
      taiga = TaigaKubernetes.createTaiga(getKubernetes(), namespace);
    return taiga;

  public void setTaiga(TaigaClient taiga) {
    this.taiga = taiga;
/** An abstract base class for kubernetes related commands */
public abstract class AbstractKubernetesCommand extends AbstractProjectCommand
    implements UICommand {
  public static String CATEGORY = "Kubernetes";

  private static String namespace = KubernetesHelper.defaultNamespace();
  private KubernetesClient kubernetes;

  @Inject private ProjectFactory projectFactory;

  UIProvider uiProvider;

  @WithAttributes(name = "kubernetesUrl", label = "The URL where the kubernetes master is running")
  UIInput<String> kubernetesUrl;

  protected boolean isProjectRequired() {
    return false;

  protected ProjectFactory getProjectFactory() {
    return projectFactory;

  public KubernetesClient getKubernetes() {
    if (kubernetes == null) {
      String kubernetesAddress = kubernetesUrl.getValue();
      if (Strings.isNotBlank(kubernetesAddress)) {
        kubernetes =
            new DefaultKubernetesClient(
                new ConfigBuilder().withMasterUrl(kubernetesAddress).build());
      } else {
        kubernetes = new DefaultKubernetesClient();
    Objects.notNull(kubernetes, "kubernetes");
    return kubernetes;

  public void setKubernetes(KubernetesClient kubernetes) {
    this.kubernetes = kubernetes;

  public boolean isGUI() {
    return getUiProvider().isGUI();

  public UIOutput getOutput() {
    UIProvider provider = getUiProvider();
    return provider != null ? provider.getOutput() : null;

  public UIProvider getUiProvider() {
    return uiProvider;

  public void setUiProvider(UIProvider uiProvider) {
    this.uiProvider = uiProvider;

  public void initializeUI(UIBuilder uiBuilder) throws Exception {}

  /** Prints the given table and returns success */
  protected Result tableResults(TablePrinter table) {
    return Results.success();

  public PrintStream getOut() {
    UIOutput output = getOutput();
    if (output != null) {
      return output.out();
    } else {
      return System.out;

  public String getNamespace() {
    return namespace;

  public void setNamespace(String namespace) {
    AbstractKubernetesCommand.namespace = namespace;