Пример #1
  /** Encrypts a command to be sent to the recipient. */
  public EncryptedCommand(Server sender, byte[] senderKey, Server recipient, String data) {
    try {
      this.iv = ByteUtilities.toHexString(Aes.generateIv());

      // Nonce lists will be reset on app restart, but the serverID should be a new public key. This
      // means the nonce lists should all be trying to talk to a new entry, and should all agree on
      // the nonce.

      // Set up the nonce
      DecryptedPayload decryptedPayload = new DecryptedPayload();
      if (!outgoingNonces.containsKey(recipient.getServerId())) {
        outgoingNonces.put(recipient.getServerId(), 1L);
      this.nonce = decryptedPayload.getNonce();
      outgoingNonces.put(recipient.getServerId(), decryptedPayload.getNonce() + 1L);
      data = ByteUtilities.toHexString(decryptedPayload.toJson().getBytes("UTF-8"));
      this.sender = sender;

      byte[] otherKey = ByteUtilities.toByteArray(recipient.getServerId());
      byte[] sharedKey = Secp256k1.generateSharedSecret(senderKey, otherKey);
      this.payload = Aes.encrypt(sharedKey, ByteUtilities.toByteArray(iv), data);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      LOGGER.error(null, e);
Пример #2
  /** Attempt to handle the request in a cluster command. */
  public static String handleCommand(byte[] recipientKey, EncryptedCommand command) {
    try {
      byte[] senderKey = ByteUtilities.toByteArray(command.getSender().getServerId());
      byte[] sharedKey = Secp256k1.generateSharedSecret(recipientKey, senderKey);

      // Decrypt the payload
      String data =
          Aes.decrypt(sharedKey, ByteUtilities.toByteArray(command.getIv()), command.getPayload());
      data = new String(ByteUtilities.toByteArray(data), "UTF-8");
      DecryptedPayload payload = DecryptedPayload.parseData(data);

      // Validate the nonce.
      if (!incomingNonces.containsKey(command.sender.getServerId())) {
        incomingNonces.put(command.sender.getServerId(), 0L);
      long expectedNonce = incomingNonces.get(command.sender.getServerId());
      if (payload.getNonce() <= expectedNonce) {
        // Nonce is too low.
        throw new Exception("NONCE is too low from server: " + command.sender.getServerId());
      // Update so we only accept newer nonces after this command.
      incomingNonces.put(command.sender.getServerId(), payload.getNonce());

      return payload.getPayload();
    } catch (Exception e) {
      LOGGER.error(null, e);
      return "";