public void runAllBenchmarks() throws IOException { ExecutorService executor = newCachedThreadPool(daemonThreadsNamed("test")); try { List<AbstractBenchmark> benchmarks = createBenchmarks(executor);"=== Pre-running all benchmarks for JVM warmup ==="); for (AbstractBenchmark benchmark : benchmarks) { benchmark.runBenchmark(); }"=== Actually running benchmarks for metrics ==="); for (AbstractBenchmark benchmark : benchmarks) { try (OutputStream jsonOut = new FileOutputStream( createOutputFile( String.format( "%s/json/%s.json", outputDirectory, benchmark.getBenchmarkName()))); OutputStream jsonAvgOut = new FileOutputStream( createOutputFile( String.format( "%s/json-avg/%s.json", outputDirectory, benchmark.getBenchmarkName()))); OutputStream csvOut = new FileOutputStream( createOutputFile( String.format( "%s/csv/%s.csv", outputDirectory, benchmark.getBenchmarkName()))); OutputStream odsOut = new FileOutputStream( createOutputFile( String.format( "%s/ods/%s.json", outputDirectory, benchmark.getBenchmarkName())))) { benchmark.runBenchmark( new ForwardingBenchmarkResultWriter( ImmutableList.of( new JsonBenchmarkResultWriter(jsonOut), new JsonAvgBenchmarkResultWriter(jsonAvgOut), new SimpleLineBenchmarkResultWriter(csvOut), new OdsBenchmarkResultWriter( "presto.benchmark." + benchmark.getBenchmarkName(), odsOut)))); } } } finally { executor.shutdownNow(); } }
// TODO : make wait time configurable ? public static void shutdownExecutor(ExecutorService executor, final String name) { executor.shutdown(); try {"Waiting for %s to shutdown", name); if (!executor.awaitTermination(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) { log.warn("%s did not shutdown properly", name); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.warn("Interrupted while waiting for %s to shutdown", name); Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } }
// TODO: get the right partitions right here @Override public ConnectorPartitionResult getPartitions( ConnectorTableHandle tableHandle, TupleDomain<ColumnHandle> tupleDomain) { checkArgument( tableHandle instanceof RiakTableHandle, "tableHandle is not an instance of RiakTableHandle"); RiakTableHandle riakTableHandle = (RiakTableHandle) tableHandle;"==========================tupleDomain=============================");; try { String parentTable = PRSubTable.parentTableName(riakTableHandle.getTableName()); SchemaTableName parentSchemaTable = new SchemaTableName(riakTableHandle.getSchemaName(), parentTable); PRTable table = riakClient.getTable(parentSchemaTable); List<String> indexedColumns = new LinkedList<String>(); for (RiakColumn riakColumn : table.getColumns()) { if (riakColumn.getIndex()) { indexedColumns.add(riakColumn.getName()); } } // Riak connector has only one partition List<ConnectorPartition> partitions = ImmutableList.<ConnectorPartition>of( new RiakPartition( riakTableHandle.getSchemaName(), riakTableHandle.getTableName(), tupleDomain, indexedColumns)); // Riak connector does not do any additional processing/filtering with the TupleDomain, so // just return the whole TupleDomain return new ConnectorPartitionResult(partitions, tupleDomain); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("interrupted: %s", e.toString()); throw new TableNotFoundException(riakTableHandle.toSchemaTableName()); } }
public static void closeChannels(ChannelGroup allChannels) { if (allChannels.size() > 0) { // TODO : allow an option here to control if we need to drain connections and wait instead of // killing them all try {"Closing %s open client connections", allChannels.size()); if (!allChannels.close().await(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) { log.warn("Failed to close all open client connections"); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.warn("Interrupted while closing client connections"); Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } }
@PostConstruct public void start() throws IOException { // This is somewhat of a hack, but the jmx agent in Oracle/OpenJDK doesn't // have a programmatic API for starting it and controlling its parameters System.setProperty("", "true"); System.setProperty("", Integer.toString(registryPort)); System.setProperty("", Integer.toString(serverPort)); System.setProperty("", "false"); System.setProperty("", "false"); try { Agent.startAgent(); } catch (Exception e) { throw Throwables.propagate(e); }"JMX Agent listening on %s:%s", url.getHost(), url.getPort()); }
public void installCodeCacheGcTrigger() { if (installed.getAndSet(true)) { return; } // Hack to work around bugs in java 8 (8u45+) related to code cache management. // See // // for more info. MemoryPoolMXBean codeCacheMbean = findCodeCacheMBean(); Thread gcThread = new Thread( () -> { while (!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) { long used = codeCacheMbean.getUsage().getUsed(); long max = codeCacheMbean.getUsage().getMax(); if (used > 0.95 * max) { log.error("Code Cache is more than 95% full. JIT may stop working."); } if (used > (max * collectionThreshold) / 100) { // Due to some obscure bug in hotspot (java 8), once the code cache fills up the // JIT stops compiling // By forcing a GC, we let the code cache evictor make room before the cache fills // up."Triggering GC to avoid Code Cache eviction bugs"); System.gc(); } try { TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(interval.toMillis()); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } }); gcThread.setDaemon(true); gcThread.setName("Code-Cache-GC-Trigger"); gcThread.start(); }
public void failAbandonedQueries() { for (QueryExecution queryExecution : queries.values()) { try { QueryInfo queryInfo = queryExecution.getQueryInfo(); if (queryInfo.getState().isDone()) { continue; } if (isAbandoned(queryExecution)) {"Failing abandoned query %s", queryExecution.getQueryInfo().getQueryId()); new AbandonedException( "Query " + queryInfo.getQueryId(), queryInfo.getQueryStats().getLastHeartbeat(),; } } catch (RuntimeException e) { log.warn( e, "Error while inspecting age of query %s", queryExecution.getQueryInfo().getQueryId()); } } }
// TODO: return correct splits from partitions @Override public ConnectorSplitSource getPartitionSplits( ConnectorTableHandle tableHandle, List<ConnectorPartition> partitions) { checkNotNull(partitions, "partitions is null"); checkArgument(partitions.size() == 1, "Expected one partition but got %s", partitions.size()); ConnectorPartition partition = partitions.get(0); checkArgument( partition instanceof RiakPartition, "partition is not an instance of RiakPartition"); // RiakPartition riakPartition = (RiakPartition) partition; RiakTableHandle riakTableHandle = (RiakTableHandle) tableHandle; try { String parentTable = PRSubTable.parentTableName(riakTableHandle.getTableName()); SchemaTableName parentSchemaTable = new SchemaTableName(riakTableHandle.getSchemaName(), parentTable); PRTable table = riakClient.getTable(parentSchemaTable); log.debug("> %s", table.getColumns().toString()); // add all nodes at the cluster here List<ConnectorSplit> splits = Lists.newArrayList(); String hosts = riakClient.getHosts(); log.debug(hosts); if (riakConfig.getLocalNode() != null) { // TODO: make coverageSplits here // try { DirectConnection conn = directConnection; // conn.connect(riak); //; Coverage coverage = new Coverage(conn); coverage.plan(); List<SplitTask> splitTasks = coverage.getSplits(); log.debug("print coverage plan=============="); log.debug(coverage.toString()); for (SplitTask split : splitTasks) {"============printing split data at " + split.getHost() + "==============="); // log.debug(((OtpErlangObject)split.getTask()).toString());; CoverageSplit coverageSplit = new CoverageSplit( riakTableHandle, // maybe toplevel or subtable table, // toplevel PRTable split.getHost(), split.toString(), partition.getTupleDomain()); // JsonCodecFactory().jsonCodec(CoverageSplit.class).toJson(coverageSplit)); splits.add(coverageSplit); } } else { // TODO: in Riak connector, you only need single access point for each presto worker??? log.error("localNode must be set and working"); log.debug(hosts); // splits.add(new CoverageSplit(connectorId, riakTableHandle.getSchemaName(), // riakTableHandle.getTableName(), hosts, // partition.getTupleDomain(), // ((RiakPartition) partition).getIndexedColumns())); } log.debug( "table %s.%s has %d splits.", riakTableHandle.getSchemaName(), riakTableHandle.getTableName(), splits.size()); Collections.shuffle(splits); return new FixedSplitSource(connectorId, splits); } catch (Exception e) { throw new TableNotFoundException(riakTableHandle.toSchemaTableName()); } // this can happen if table is removed during a query }
private void logQueryTimeline(QueryInfo queryInfo) { try { QueryStats queryStats = queryInfo.getQueryStats(); DateTime queryStartTime = queryStats.getCreateTime(); DateTime queryEndTime = queryStats.getEndTime(); // query didn't finish cleanly if (queryStartTime == null || queryEndTime == null) { return; } // planning duration -- start to end of planning Duration planning = queryStats.getTotalPlanningTime(); if (planning == null) { planning = new Duration(0, MILLISECONDS); } List<StageInfo> stages = StageInfo.getAllStages(queryInfo.getOutputStage()); // long lastSchedulingCompletion = 0; long firstTaskStartTime = queryEndTime.getMillis(); long lastTaskStartTime = queryStartTime.getMillis() + planning.toMillis(); long lastTaskEndTime = queryStartTime.getMillis() + planning.toMillis(); for (StageInfo stage : stages) { // only consider leaf stages if (!stage.getSubStages().isEmpty()) { continue; } for (TaskInfo taskInfo : stage.getTasks()) { TaskStats taskStats = taskInfo.getStats(); DateTime firstStartTime = taskStats.getFirstStartTime(); if (firstStartTime != null) { firstTaskStartTime = Math.min(firstStartTime.getMillis(), firstTaskStartTime); } DateTime lastStartTime = taskStats.getLastStartTime(); if (lastStartTime != null) { lastTaskStartTime = Math.max(lastStartTime.getMillis(), lastTaskStartTime); } DateTime endTime = taskStats.getEndTime(); if (endTime != null) { lastTaskEndTime = Math.max(endTime.getMillis(), lastTaskEndTime); } } } Duration elapsed = millis(queryEndTime.getMillis() - queryStartTime.getMillis()); Duration scheduling = millis(firstTaskStartTime - queryStartTime.getMillis() - planning.toMillis()); Duration running = millis(lastTaskEndTime - firstTaskStartTime); Duration finishing = millis(queryEndTime.getMillis() - lastTaskEndTime); "TIMELINE: Query %s :: elapsed %s :: planning %s :: scheduling %s :: running %s :: finishing %s :: begin %s :: end %s", queryInfo.getQueryId(), elapsed, planning, scheduling, running, finishing, queryStartTime, queryEndTime); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e, "Error logging query timeline"); } }