Пример #1
 void lineToArea(ImagePlus imp) {
   Roi roi = imp.getRoi();
   if (roi == null || !roi.isLine()) {
     IJ.error("Line to Area", "Line selection required");
   Undo.setup(Undo.ROI, imp);
   Roi roi2 = null;
   if (roi.getType() == Roi.LINE) {
     double width = roi.getStrokeWidth();
     if (width <= 1.0) roi.setStrokeWidth(1.0000001);
     FloatPolygon p = roi.getFloatPolygon();
     roi2 = new PolygonRoi(p, Roi.POLYGON);
   } else {
     ImageProcessor ip2 = new ByteProcessor(imp.getWidth(), imp.getHeight());
     // new ImagePlus("ip2", ip2.duplicate()).show();
     ip2.setThreshold(255, 255, ImageProcessor.NO_LUT_UPDATE);
     ThresholdToSelection tts = new ThresholdToSelection();
     roi2 = tts.convert(ip2);
   transferProperties(roi, roi2);
   Color c = roi2.getStrokeColor();
   if (c != null) // remove any transparency
   roi2.setStrokeColor(new Color(c.getRed(), c.getGreen(), c.getBlue()));
   Roi.previousRoi = (Roi) roi.clone();
Пример #2
 void lineToArea(ImagePlus imp) {
   Roi roi = imp.getRoi();
   if (roi == null || !roi.isLine()) {
     IJ.error("Line to Area", "Line selection required");
   if (roi.getType() == Roi.LINE && roi.getStrokeWidth() == 1) {
     IJ.error("Line to Area", "Straight line width must be > 1");
   ImageProcessor ip2 = new ByteProcessor(imp.getWidth(), imp.getHeight());
   if (roi.getType() == Roi.LINE) ip2.fillPolygon(roi.getPolygon());
   else {
     // BufferedImage bi = new BufferedImage(imp.getWidth(), imp.getHeight(),
     // BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY);
     // Graphics g = bi.getGraphics();
     // Roi roi2 = (Roi)roi.clone();
     // roi2.setStrokeColor(Color.white);
     // roi2.drawOverlay(g);
     // ip2 = new ByteProcessor(bi);
   // new ImagePlus("ip2", ip2.duplicate()).show();
   ip2.setThreshold(255, 255, ImageProcessor.NO_LUT_UPDATE);
   ThresholdToSelection tts = new ThresholdToSelection();
   Roi roi2 = tts.convert(ip2);
   Roi.previousRoi = (Roi) roi.clone();
Пример #3
 void lineToArea(ImagePlus imp) {
   Roi roi = imp.getRoi();
   if (roi == null || !roi.isLine()) {
     IJ.error("Line to Area", "Line selection required");
   ImageProcessor ip2 = new ByteProcessor(imp.getWidth(), imp.getHeight());
   if (roi.getType() == Roi.LINE && roi.getStrokeWidth() > 1) ip2.fillPolygon(roi.getPolygon());
   else roi.drawPixels(ip2);
   // new ImagePlus("ip2", ip2.duplicate()).show();
   ip2.setThreshold(255, 255, ImageProcessor.NO_LUT_UPDATE);
   ThresholdToSelection tts = new ThresholdToSelection();
   Roi roi2 = tts.convert(ip2);
   Roi.previousRoi = (Roi) roi.clone();
Пример #4
    void apply(ImagePlus imp, ImageProcessor ip) {
      // this.setCursor(wait);
      // IJ.showStatus("Bandpassing slice "+previousSlice);
      java.awt.Color col;

      if (invert.getState()) col = Toolbar.getForegroundColor();
      else col = Toolbar.getBackgroundColor();


      int fill = ip.BLACK;
      int keep = 0;

      if (bandPassH.getState() && bandPassS.getState() && bandPassB.getState()) { // PPP All pass
        for (int j = 0; j < numPixels; j++) {
          int hue = hSource[j] & 0xff;
          int sat = sSource[j] & 0xff;
          int bri = bSource[j] & 0xff;
          if (((hue < minHue) || (hue > maxHue))
              || ((sat < minSat) || (sat > maxSat))
              || ((bri < minBri) || (bri > maxBri))) fillMask[j] = fill;
          else fillMask[j] = keep;
      } else if (!bandPassH.getState()
          && !bandPassS.getState()
          && !bandPassB.getState()) { // SSS All stop
        for (int j = 0; j < numPixels; j++) {
          int hue = hSource[j] & 0xff;
          int sat = sSource[j] & 0xff;
          int bri = bSource[j] & 0xff;
          if (((hue >= minHue) && (hue <= maxHue))
              || ((sat >= minSat) && (sat <= maxSat))
              || ((bri >= minBri) && (bri <= maxBri))) fillMask[j] = fill;
          else fillMask[j] = keep;
      } else if (bandPassH.getState() && bandPassS.getState() && !bandPassB.getState()) { // PPS
        for (int j = 0; j < numPixels; j++) {
          int hue = hSource[j] & 0xff;
          int sat = sSource[j] & 0xff;
          int bri = bSource[j] & 0xff;
          if (((hue < minHue) || (hue > maxHue))
              || ((sat < minSat) || (sat > maxSat))
              || ((bri >= minBri) && (bri <= maxBri))) fillMask[j] = fill;
          else fillMask[j] = keep;
      } else if (!bandPassH.getState() && !bandPassS.getState() && bandPassB.getState()) { // SSP
        for (int j = 0; j < numPixels; j++) {
          int hue = hSource[j] & 0xff;
          int sat = sSource[j] & 0xff;
          int bri = bSource[j] & 0xff;
          if (((hue >= minHue) && (hue <= maxHue))
              || ((sat >= minSat) && (sat <= maxSat))
              || ((bri < minBri) || (bri > maxBri))) fillMask[j] = fill;
          else fillMask[j] = keep;
      } else if (bandPassH.getState() && !bandPassS.getState() && !bandPassB.getState()) { // PSS
        for (int j = 0; j < numPixels; j++) {
          int hue = hSource[j] & 0xff;
          int sat = sSource[j] & 0xff;
          int bri = bSource[j] & 0xff;
          if (((hue < minHue) || (hue > maxHue))
              || ((sat >= minSat) && (sat <= maxSat))
              || ((bri >= minBri) && (bri <= maxBri))) fillMask[j] = fill;
          else fillMask[j] = keep;
      } else if (!bandPassH.getState() && bandPassS.getState() && bandPassB.getState()) { // SPP
        for (int j = 0; j < numPixels; j++) {
          int hue = hSource[j] & 0xff;
          int sat = sSource[j] & 0xff;
          int bri = bSource[j] & 0xff;
          if (((hue >= minHue) && (hue <= maxHue))
              || ((sat < minSat) || (sat > maxSat))
              || ((bri < minBri) || (bri > maxBri))) fillMask[j] = fill;
          else fillMask[j] = keep;
      } else if (!bandPassH.getState() && bandPassS.getState() && !bandPassB.getState()) { // SPS
        for (int j = 0; j < numPixels; j++) {
          int hue = hSource[j] & 0xff;
          int sat = sSource[j] & 0xff;
          int bri = bSource[j] & 0xff;
          if (((hue >= minHue) && (hue <= maxHue))
              || ((sat < minSat) || (sat > maxSat))
              || ((bri >= minBri) && (bri <= maxBri))) fillMask[j] = fill;
          else fillMask[j] = keep;
      } else if (bandPassH.getState() && !bandPassS.getState() && bandPassB.getState()) { // PSP
        for (int j = 0; j < numPixels; j++) {
          int hue = hSource[j] & 0xff;
          int sat = sSource[j] & 0xff;
          int bri = bSource[j] & 0xff;
          if (((hue < minHue) || (hue > maxHue))
              || ((sat >= minSat) && (sat <= maxSat))
              || ((bri < minBri) || (bri > maxBri))) fillMask[j] = fill;
          else fillMask[j] = keep;


      if (threshold.getState()) {
        for (int j = 0; j < numPixels; j++) {
          if (fillMask[j] == fill) fillMask[j] = keep;
          else fillMask[j] = fill;