public class TextFieldFilter extends IcyTextField { /** */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; Image img = ResourceUtil.getAlphaIconAsImage("zoom"); public TextFieldFilter() {} public TextFieldFilter(String name) { super(name); } @Override protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) { super.paintComponent(g); Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g.create(); int w = getWidth(); int h = getHeight(); // set rendering presets g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); g2.setRenderingHint( RenderingHints.KEY_INTERPOLATION, RenderingHints.VALUE_INTERPOLATION_BICUBIC); g2.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, 0.7f)); // draw images g2.drawImage(img, w - h, 5, h - 10, h - 10, null); g2.dispose(); } }
/** * @param title * @throws HeadlessException */ public IcyExternalFrame(String title) throws HeadlessException { super(title); getRootPane() .addPropertyChangeListener( "titlePane", new PropertyChangeListener() { @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { // invoke later so the titlePane variable is up to date ThreadUtil.invokeLater( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { updateTitlePane(); } }); } }); setIconImages(ResourceUtil.getIcyIconImages()); setVisible(false); systemMenuCallback = null; closeItemVisible = true; updateTitlePane(LookAndFeelUtil.getTitlePane(this)); titleBarVisible = true; initialized = true; }
/** @author Stephane */ public class ImageJTask extends RibbonTask implements PropertyChangeListener { static final BufferedImage detachForIJ = ResourceUtil.getImage("help/ij_detached.jpg"); private static class ImageJRibbonBand extends JRibbonBand { /** */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 4431425194428863269L; public static final String NAME = "ImageJ"; // ImageJ instance final ImageJWrapper imageJ; // internal final JRibbonComponent imageJComp; public ImageJRibbonBand() { super( NAME, new BasicResizableIcon(ImageUtil.loadImage(ImageJ.class.getResource("/microscope.gif")))); // initialize some static ImageJ stuff // home directory System.setProperty("plugins.dir", "ij"); // background color ImageJ.backgroundColor = LookAndFeelUtil.getBackground(this); // create ImageJ wrapper imageJ = new ImageJWrapper(); imageJComp = new JRibbonComponent(imageJ.getSwingPanel()); // add ImageJ GUI wrapper to ribbon addRibbonComponent(imageJComp, 3); RibbonUtil.setRestrictiveResizePolicies(this); } } private static class ImageJToolRibbonBand extends JRibbonBand { /** */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -6873081018953405306L; public static final String NAME = "Tools"; /** internals */ final IcyCommandButton button; final IcyCommandToggleButton detachedBtn; final CommandToggleButtonGroup detachedGrp; boolean toIJ; final ActionListener toIJAction; final ActionListener toICYAction; public ImageJToolRibbonBand() { super(NAME, new IcyIcon("brackets")); // action to convert to IJ image toIJAction = new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { ThreadUtil.bgRun( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { final Sequence seq = Icy.getMainInterface().getFocusedSequence(); if (seq != null) { final ProgressFrame pf = new ProgressFrame("Converting to ImageJ image..."); final ImagePlus ip = ImageJUtil.convertToImageJImage(seq, pf); pf.close(); ThreadUtil.invokeLater( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { // show the image; } }); } } }); } }; // action to convert to ICY sequence toICYAction = new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { ThreadUtil.bgRun( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { final ImagePlus ip = WindowManager.getCurrentImage(); if (ip != null) { final ProgressFrame pf = new ProgressFrame("Converting to ImageJ image..."); final Sequence seq = ImageJUtil.convertToIcySequence(ip, pf); pf.close(); ThreadUtil.invokeLater( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { // show the sequence new Viewer(seq); } }); } } }); } }; // convert operation button = new IcyCommandButton("Convert to ImageJ", new IcyIcon("to_ij")); toIJ = false; updateAction(true); addCommandButton(button, RibbonElementPriority.TOP); final RichTooltip richToolTip = new RichTooltip( "Detached windows", "Icy need to be set in detached mode to use ImageJ efficiently and enable image conversion."); richToolTip.setMainImage(detachForIJ); richToolTip.addDescriptionSection( "This button has the same effect as the detached mode button in the top toolbar."); // detach windows button detachedBtn = new IcyCommandToggleButton( "Detached mode", new IcyIcon(ResourceUtil.ICON_DETACHED_WINDOW)); detachedBtn.setActionRichTooltip(richToolTip); detachedBtn.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { final boolean value = (detachedGrp.getSelected() == detachedBtn); // set detached mode Icy.getMainInterface().setDetachedMode(value); // and save state GeneralPreferences.setMultiWindowMode(value); } }); detachedGrp = new CommandToggleButtonGroup(); detachedGrp.add(detachedBtn); addCommandButton(detachedBtn, RibbonElementPriority.TOP); RibbonUtil.setPermissiveResizePolicies(this); } public void updateAction(boolean ij) { if (toIJ != ij) { final RichTooltip toolTip = new RichTooltip(); toIJ = ij; if (ij) { toolTip.setTitle("Convert to ImageJ"); toolTip.addDescriptionSection("Convert the selected Icy sequence to ImageJ image."); toolTip.addFooterSection("Icy needs to be in detached mode to enabled this feature."); // convert to IJ image button.setText("Convert to IJ"); // button.setIcon(new IcyIcon("icon_icy_ij_2", false)); button.setIcon(new IcyIcon("to_ij", true)); button.setActionRichTooltip(toolTip); button.removeActionListener(toICYAction); button.addActionListener(toIJAction); } else { toolTip.setTitle("Convert to Icy"); toolTip.addDescriptionSection("Convert the selected ImageJ image to Icy sequence."); toolTip.addFooterSection("Icy needs to be in detached mode to enabled this feature."); // convert to ICY sequence button.setText("Convert to Icy"); // button.setIcon(new IcyIcon("icon_ij_icy_2", false)); button.setIcon(new IcyIcon("to_icy", true)); button.setActionRichTooltip(toolTip); button.removeActionListener(toIJAction); button.addActionListener(toICYAction); } } } public void updateEnable(boolean value) { button.setEnabled(value); } public void setDetachedBtnPressed(boolean value) { detachedGrp.setSelected(detachedBtn, value); } } public static final String NAME = "ImageJ"; public ImageJTask() { super(NAME, new ImageJRibbonBand(), new ImageJToolRibbonBand()); getImageJ() .addActiveImageListener( new ImageJActiveImageListener() { @Override public void imageActived(ImageWindow iw) { ((ImageJToolRibbonBand) getBand(1)).updateAction(iw == null); } }); } /** Initialization stuff which cannot be done at construction time */ public void init() { // refresh band state propertyChange(null); final MainFrame mainFrame = Icy.getMainInterface().getMainFrame(); // we listen detach mode change if (mainFrame != null) mainFrame.addPropertyChangeListener(MainFrame.PROPERTY_DETACHEDMODE, this); } /** @return the imageJ */ public ImageJWrapper getImageJ() { return ((ImageJRibbonBand) getBand(0)).imageJ; } /** Quit imageJ */ public void quitImageJ() { new Executer("Quit", null); } /** Handle {@link MainFrame#PROPERTY_DETACHEDMODE} property change here. */ @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { final boolean isDetached = Icy.getMainInterface().isDetachedMode(); final ImageJToolRibbonBand band = (ImageJToolRibbonBand) getBand(1); band.setDetachedBtnPressed(isDetached); band.updateEnable(isDetached); } }
/** * Return the icon resource from given resource name * * @param resourceName resource name */ public ImageIcon getIconResource(String resourceName) { return ResourceUtil.getImageIcon(getImageResource(resourceName)); }