public List<Workspace> call() throws Exception { final Server server = createServer(); final MockableVersionControlClient vcc = server.getVersionControlClient(); final TaskListener listener = server.getListener(); final PrintStream logger = listener.getLogger(); final String listWorkspacesMessage = String.format(ListingWorkspacesTemplate, server.getUrl()); logger.println(listWorkspacesMessage); final[] sdkWorkspaces = vcc.queryWorkspaces( null, null, Util.fixEmpty(computer), WorkspacePermissions.NONE_OR_NOT_SUPPORTED); final List<Workspace> result = new ArrayList<Workspace>(sdkWorkspaces.length); for (final sdkWorkspace : sdkWorkspaces) { final String name = sdkWorkspace.getName(); final String computer = sdkWorkspace.getComputer(); final String ownerName = sdkWorkspace.getOwnerName(); final String comment = Util.fixNull(sdkWorkspace.getComment()); final Workspace workspace = new Workspace(name, computer, ownerName, comment); result.add(workspace); } log(result, logger); return result; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected SCMRevision retrieve(String unparsedRevision, TaskListener listener) throws IOException, InterruptedException { try { listener.getLogger().println("Opening connection to " + remoteBase); SVNURL repoURL = SVNURL.parseURIEncoded(remoteBase); SVNRepositoryView repository = openSession(repoURL); String repoPath = SubversionSCM.DescriptorImpl.getRelativePath(repoURL, repository.getRepository()); String base; long revision; Matcher pathAtRev = Pattern.compile("(.+)@(\\d+)").matcher(unparsedRevision); if (pathAtRev.matches()) { base =; revision = Long.parseLong(; } else { base = unparsedRevision; revision = -1; } String path = SVNPathUtil.append(repoPath, base); long resolvedRevision = repository.getNode(path, -1).getRevision(); if (resolvedRevision == -1) { listener.getLogger().println("Could not find " + path); return null; } return new SCMRevisionImpl(new SCMHead(base), revision == -1 ? resolvedRevision : revision); } catch (SVNException e) { throw new IOException(e); } }
/** * Fetch information from a particular remote repository. Attempt to fetch from submodules, if * they exist in the local WC * * @param git * @param listener * @param remoteRepository * @throws */ private void fetchFrom( IGitAPI git, File workspace, TaskListener listener, RemoteConfig remoteRepository) { try { listener.getLogger().println("Fetching from " + remoteRepository.getName()); git.fetch(remoteRepository); List<IndexEntry> submodules = new GitUtils(listener, git).getSubmodules("HEAD"); for (IndexEntry submodule : submodules) { try { RemoteConfig submoduleRemoteRepository = getSubmoduleRepository(remoteRepository, submodule.getFile()); File subdir = new File(workspace, submodule.getFile()); IGitAPI subGit = new GitAPI(git.getGitExe(), new FilePath(subdir), listener, git.getEnvironment()); subGit.fetch(submoduleRemoteRepository); } catch (Exception ex) { listener.error( "Problem fetching from " + remoteRepository.getName() + " - could be unavailable. Continuing anyway"); } } } catch (GitException ex) { listener.error( "Problem fetching from " + remoteRepository.getName() + " / " + remoteRepository.getName() + " - could be unavailable. Continuing anyway"); } }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ public void addIdentity(String privateKey, final String passphrase, String comment) throws IOException { if (!SecurityUtils.isBouncyCastleRegistered()) { throw new IllegalStateException("BouncyCastle must be registered as a JCE provider"); } try { PEMReader r = new PEMReader( new StringReader(privateKey), passphrase == null ? null : new PasswordFinder() { public char[] getPassword() { return passphrase.toCharArray(); } }); try { Object o = r.readObject(); if (o instanceof KeyPair) { agent.getAgent().addIdentity((KeyPair) o, comment); } } finally { r.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { listener.getLogger().println(Messages.SSHAgentBuildWrapper_UnableToReadKey(e.getMessage())); e.printStackTrace(listener.getLogger()); } }
@Override protected void launch(EC2Computer computer, TaskListener listener, Instance inst) throws AmazonClientException, IOException, InterruptedException { int processedTime = 0; JIException exception = null; // TODO 自動生成されたメソッド・スタブ = getHostName(computer); while (TIMEOUT > processedTime) { try { wmiLaunch(computer, listener); return; } catch (JIException e) { listener.getLogger().println("Waiting for DCOM to come up. Sleeping " + WAIT); Thread.sleep(WAIT * 1000); processedTime += WAIT * 1000; exception = e; } } // if not return, then print error. if (exception.getErrorCode() == 5) { // access denied error exception.printStackTrace( listener.error(Messages.ManagedWindowsServiceLauncher_AccessDenied())); } else { exception.printStackTrace(listener.error(exception.getMessage())); } }
private void createCommitStatus( AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, TaskListener listener, String message, GHRepository repo, GHCommitState state) throws GhprcCommitStatusException { GhprcCause cause = Ghprc.getCause(build); String sha1 = cause.getCommit(); String url = Jenkins.getInstance().getRootUrl() + build.getUrl(); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(statusUrl)) { url = Ghprc.replaceMacros(build, listener, statusUrl); } String context = Util.fixEmpty(commitStatusContext); context = Ghprc.replaceMacros(build, listener, context); listener .getLogger() .println( String.format( "Setting status of %s to %s with url %s and message: '%s'", sha1, state, url, message)); if (context != null) { listener.getLogger().println(String.format("Using context: " + context)); } try { repo.createCommitStatus(sha1, state, url, message, context); } catch (IOException e) { throw new GhprcCommitStatusException(e, state, message, cause.getPullID()); } }
private void listenerWarnOrError(TaskListener listener, String message) { if (allowEmptyArchive) { listener.getLogger().println(String.format("WARN: %s", message)); } else { listener.error(message); } }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @NonNull @Override protected void retrieve(@NonNull final SCMHeadObserver observer, @NonNull TaskListener listener) throws IOException { SVNRepositoryView repository = null; try { listener.getLogger().println("Opening conection to " + remoteBase); SVNURL repoURL = SVNURL.parseURIEncoded(remoteBase); repository = openSession(repoURL); String repoPath = SubversionSCM.DescriptorImpl.getRelativePath(repoURL, repository.getRepository()); List<String> prefix = Collections.emptyList(); fetch( listener, repository, -1, repoPath, toPaths(splitCludes(includes)), prefix, prefix, toPaths(splitCludes(excludes)), getCriteria(), observer); } catch (SVNException e) { e.printStackTrace(listener.error("Could not communicate with Subversion server")); throw new IOException(e); } finally { closeSession(repository); } }
/* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see hudson.FilePath.FileCallable#invoke(, * hudson.remoting.VirtualChannel) */ public Boolean invoke(File workspace, VirtualChannel channel) throws IOException { File localCheckoutPath = new File(workspace, destinationpath); StarTeamConnection connection = new StarTeamConnection( hostname, port, user, passwd, projectname, viewname, foldername, config); try { connection.initialize(); } catch (StarTeamSCMException e) { listener.getLogger().println(e.getLocalizedMessage()); connection.close(); return false; } StarTeamChangeSet changeSet = null; try { changeSet = connection.computeChangeSet( connection.getRootFolder(), localCheckoutPath, historicFilePoints, listener.getLogger()); } catch (StarTeamSCMException e) { e.printStackTrace(listener.getLogger()); } connection.close(); if (changeSet != null && changeSet.hasChanges()) { return true; } return false; }
VirtualChannel start(TaskListener listener, String rootPassword) throws IOException, InterruptedException { final int uid = LIBC.geteuid(); if (uid == 0) // already running as root return newLocalChannel(); String javaExe = System.getProperty("java.home") + "/bin/java"; File slaveJar = Which.jarFile(Launcher.class); ArgumentListBuilder args = new ArgumentListBuilder().add(javaExe); if (slaveJar.isFile()) args.add("-jar").add(slaveJar); else // in production code this never happens, but during debugging this is convenientud args.add("-cp").add(slaveJar).add(hudson.remoting.Launcher.class.getName()); if (rootPassword == null) { // try sudo, in the hope that the user has the permission to do so without password return new LocalLauncher(listener) .launchChannel( args.prepend(sudoExe()).toCommandArray(), listener.getLogger(), null, Collections.<String, String>emptyMap()); } else { // try sudo with the given password. Also run in pfexec so that we can elevate the // privileges Process proc = sudoWithPass(args); return Channels.forProcess( args.toStringWithQuote(), Computer.threadPoolForRemoting, proc, listener.getLogger()); } }
public void setBuildOpts(Workspace workspace) throws AbortException { ClientHelper p4 = new ClientHelper(credential, listener, client); try { // setup the client workspace to use for the build. if (!p4.setClient(workspace)) { String err = "Undefined workspace: " + workspace.getFullName(); logger.severe(err); listener.error(err); throw new AbortException(err); } // fetch and calculate change to sync to or review to unshelve. status = getStatus(workspace); head = p4.getClientHead(); review = getReview(workspace); buildChange = getBuildChange(workspace); } catch (Exception e) { String err = "Unable to setup workspace: " + e; logger.severe(err); listener.error(err); throw new AbortException(err); } finally { p4.disconnect(); } }
@Override public void run() { ReviewInput reviewInput = createReview(); String reviewEndpoint = resolveEndpointURL(); HttpPost httpPost = createHttpPostEntity(reviewInput, reviewEndpoint); if (httpPost == null) { return; } DefaultHttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient(); httpclient .getCredentialsProvider() .setCredentials( new AuthScope(null, -1), new UsernamePasswordCredentials( config.getGerritHttpUserName(), config.getGerritHttpPassword())); try { HttpResponse httpResponse = httpclient.execute(httpPost); String response = IOUtils.toString(httpResponse.getEntity().getContent(), "UTF-8"); listener.getLogger().print(response); if (httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() != HttpStatus.SC_OK) { listener.error(httpResponse.getStatusLine().getReasonPhrase()); } } catch (Exception e) { listener.error("Failed to submit result", e); } }
@Override public void perform(Run build, FilePath workspace, Launcher launcher, TaskListener listener) throws InterruptedException, IOException { listener.getLogger().println(Messages.JUnitResultArchiver_Recording()); final String testResults = build.getEnvironment(listener).expand(this.testResults); TestResult result = parse(testResults, build, workspace, launcher, listener); synchronized (build) { // TODO can the build argument be omitted now, or is it used prior to the call to addAction? TestResultAction action = build.getAction(TestResultAction.class); boolean appending; if (action == null) { appending = false; action = new TestResultAction(build, result, listener); } else { appending = true; result.freeze(action); action.mergeResult(result, listener); } action.setHealthScaleFactor(getHealthScaleFactor()); // overwrites previous value if appending if (result.isEmpty()) { if (build.getResult() == Result.FAILURE) { // most likely a build failed before it gets to the test phase. // don't report confusing error message. return; } if (this.allowEmptyResults) { // User allow empty results listener.getLogger().println(Messages.JUnitResultArchiver_ResultIsEmpty()); return; } // most likely a configuration error in the job - e.g. false pattern to match the JUnit // result files throw new AbortException(Messages.JUnitResultArchiver_ResultIsEmpty()); } // TODO: Move into JUnitParser [BUG 3123310] List<Data> data = action.getData(); if (testDataPublishers != null) { for (TestDataPublisher tdp : testDataPublishers) { Data d = tdp.contributeTestData(build, workspace, launcher, listener, result); if (d != null) { data.add(d); } } } if (appending) {; } else { build.addAction(action); } if (action.getResult().getFailCount() > 0) build.setResult(Result.UNSTABLE); } }
@Override public void perform(Run<?, ?> build, FilePath ws, Launcher launcher, TaskListener listener) throws InterruptedException { if (artifacts.length() == 0) { listener.error(Messages.ArtifactArchiver_NoIncludes()); build.setResult(Result.FAILURE); return; } if (onlyIfSuccessful && build.getResult() != null && build.getResult().isWorseThan(Result.UNSTABLE)) { listener.getLogger().println(Messages.ArtifactArchiver_SkipBecauseOnlyIfSuccessful()); return; } listener.getLogger().println(Messages.ArtifactArchiver_ARCHIVING_ARTIFACTS()); try { String artifacts = build.getEnvironment(listener).expand(this.artifacts); Map<String, String> files = ws.act(new ListFiles(artifacts, excludes, defaultExcludes, caseSensitive)); if (!files.isEmpty()) { build .pickArtifactManager() .archive(ws, launcher, BuildListenerAdapter.wrap(listener), files); if (fingerprint) { new Fingerprinter(artifacts).perform(build, ws, launcher, listener); } } else { Result result = build.getResult(); if (result != null && result.isBetterOrEqualTo(Result.UNSTABLE)) { // If the build failed, don't complain that there was no matching artifact. // The build probably didn't even get to the point where it produces artifacts. listenerWarnOrError(listener, Messages.ArtifactArchiver_NoMatchFound(artifacts)); String msg = null; try { msg = ws.validateAntFileMask( artifacts, FilePath.VALIDATE_ANT_FILE_MASK_BOUND, caseSensitive); } catch (Exception e) { listenerWarnOrError(listener, e.getMessage()); } if (msg != null) listenerWarnOrError(listener, msg); } if (!allowEmptyArchive) { build.setResult(Result.FAILURE); } return; } } catch (IOException e) { Util.displayIOException(e, listener); e.printStackTrace(listener.error(Messages.ArtifactArchiver_FailedToArchive(artifacts))); build.setResult(Result.FAILURE); return; } }
public String call() throws IOException { File home = new File(mvnHome); if (MavenProcessFactory.debug) listener.getLogger().println("Using mvnHome: " + mvnHome); File bootDir = new File(home, "boot"); File[] classworlds = bootDir.listFiles(CLASSWORLDS_FILTER); if (classworlds == null || classworlds.length == 0) { listener.error(Messages.MavenProcessFactory_ClassWorldsNotFound(home)); throw new RunnerAbortedException(); } return classworlds[0].getAbsolutePath(); }
private void install(Computer c, TaskListener listener) { try { final List<SlaveRestarter> restarters = new ArrayList<SlaveRestarter>(SlaveRestarter.all()); VirtualChannel ch = c.getChannel(); if (ch==null) return; // defensive check List<SlaveRestarter> effective = Callable<List<SlaveRestarter>, IOException>() { public List<SlaveRestarter> call() throws IOException { Engine e = Engine.current(); if (e == null) return null; // not running under Engine try { Engine.class.getMethod("addListener", EngineListener.class); } catch (NoSuchMethodException _) { return null; // running with older version of remoting that doesn't support adding listener } // filter out ones that doesn't apply for (Iterator<SlaveRestarter> itr = restarters.iterator(); itr.hasNext(); ) { SlaveRestarter r =; if (!r.canWork()) itr.remove(); } e.addListener(new EngineListenerAdapter() { @Override public void onDisconnect() { try { for (SlaveRestarter r : restarters) { try {"Restarting slave via "+r); r.restart(); } catch (Exception x) { LOGGER.log(SEVERE, "Failed to restart slave with "+r, x); } } } finally { // if we move on to the reconnection without restart, // don't let the current implementations kick in when the slave loses connection again restarters.clear(); } } }); return restarters; } }); listener.getLogger().println("Effective SlaveRestarter on " + c.getDisplayName() + ": " + effective); } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(listener.error("Failed to install restarter")); } }
/** Performs tagging. */ public void perform(String tagName, TaskListener listener) { File destdir = null; try { destdir = Util.createTempDir(); // unzip the archive listener .getLogger() .println(hudson.scm.cvs.Messages.CVSSCM_ExpandingWorkspaceArchive(destdir)); Expand e = new Expand(); e.setProject(new; e.setDest(destdir); e.setSrc(CVSSCM.getArchiveFile(build)); e.setTaskType("unzip"); e.execute(); // run cvs tag command listener.getLogger().println(hudson.scm.cvs.Messages.CVSSCM_TaggingWorkspace()); for (ModuleLocation moduleLocation : scmInstance.getModuleLocations()) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") ModuleLocation parametrizedLocation = new ParametrizedModuleLocationImpl(moduleLocation, build.getBuildVariables()); for (String module : parametrizedLocation.getNormalizedModules()) { if (!createTag( tagName, listener, destdir, parametrizedLocation.getLocalDir(), module, scmInstance.isFlatten())) { return; } } } // completed successfully onTagCompleted(tagName);; } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(listener.fatalError(e.getMessage())); } finally { try { if (destdir != null) { listener.getLogger().println("cleaning up " + destdir); Util.deleteRecursive(destdir); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(listener.fatalError(e.getMessage())); } } }
@Override public void decorateCloneCommand( GitSCM scm, Run<?, ?> build, GitClient git, TaskListener listener, CloneCommand cmd) throws IOException, InterruptedException, GitException { if (shallow) { listener.getLogger().println("Using shallow clone"); cmd.shallow(); } if (noTags) { listener.getLogger().println("Avoid fetching tags"); cmd.tags(false); } cmd.timeout(timeout); cmd.reference(build.getEnvironment(listener).expand(reference)); }
/** * ************************************************** * * <p>private int joinWithPossibleTimeout(ProcStarter proc, final TaskListener listener, * StringBuffer strBuf, AbstractBuild currentBuild) throws IOException, InterruptedException * * <p>************************************************** */ protected int joinWithPossibleTimeout( ProcStarter proc, final TaskListener listener, StringBuffer strBuf, AbstractBuild currentBuild, String stringToHide) throws IOException, InterruptedException { boolean useTimeout = configuration.isUseTimeout(); long timeoutValue = configuration.getTimeoutValue(); int result = -1; try { PipedInputStream pis = null; if (strBuf != null) { PipedOutputStream pos = new PipedOutputStream(); pis = new PipedInputStream(pos, 1000000); proc = proc.stdout(pos); } hudson.Proc procStarted = proc.start(); if (useTimeout) { result = procStarted.joinWithTimeout(timeoutValue, TimeUnit.SECONDS, listener); } else { result = procStarted.join(); } if (strBuf != null) { byte[] stdoutDataArr = new byte[pis.available()];, 0, stdoutDataArr.length); String stdoutStr = new String(stdoutDataArr); if (stringToHide != null) { stdoutStr = stdoutStr.replaceAll(stringToHide, "****"); } strBuf.append(stdoutStr); PrintStream output = listener.getLogger(); output.println(stdoutStr); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { if (listener != null) { listener.error("Exception caught in joinWithPossibleTimeout: " + e); } } return result; } // End: joinWithPossibleTimeout(...)
private GroovyShell createEngine(AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, TaskListener listener) { ClassLoader cl = Jenkins.getInstance().getPluginManager().uberClassLoader; ScriptSandbox sandbox = null; CompilerConfiguration cc = new CompilerConfiguration(); cc.addCompilationCustomizers( new ImportCustomizer() .addStarImports("jenkins", "jenkins.model", "hudson", "hudson.model")); ExtendedEmailPublisher publisher = build.getProject().getPublishersList().get(ExtendedEmailPublisher.class); if (publisher.getDescriptor().isSecurityEnabled()) { cc.addCompilationCustomizers(new SandboxTransformer()); sandbox = new ScriptSandbox(); } Binding binding = new Binding(); binding.setVariable("build", build); binding.setVariable("project", build.getParent()); binding.setVariable("rooturl", publisher.getDescriptor().getHudsonUrl()); binding.setVariable("out", listener.getLogger()); GroovyShell shell = new GroovyShell(cl, binding, cc); if (sandbox != null) { sandbox.register(); } return shell; }
public Object invoke(File ws, VirtualChannel channel) throws IOException, InterruptedException { File workingCopy = new File(ws, location.getLocalDir()).getCanonicalFile(); try { SVNURL svnUrl = SVNURL.parseURIEncoded(tagUrl); ISVNAuthenticationManager sam = SVNWCUtil.createDefaultAuthenticationManager(); sam.setAuthenticationProvider(authProvider); SVNCopyClient copyClient = new SVNCopyClient(sam, null); buildListener.getLogger().println("[RELEASE] Creating subversion tag: " + tagUrl); SVNCopySource source = new SVNCopySource(SVNRevision.WORKING, SVNRevision.WORKING, workingCopy); SVNCommitInfo commitInfo = copyClient.doCopy( new SVNCopySource[] {source}, svnUrl, false, true, true, commitMessage, new SVNProperties()); SVNErrorMessage errorMessage = commitInfo.getErrorMessage(); if (errorMessage != null) { throw new IOException("Failed to create tag: " + errorMessage.getFullMessage()); } return null; } catch (SVNException e) { throw new IOException("Subversion tag creation failed: " + e.getMessage()); } }
public Object invoke(File ws, VirtualChannel channel) throws IOException, InterruptedException { File workingCopy = new File(ws, location.getLocalDir()).getCanonicalFile(); try { ISVNAuthenticationManager sam = SVNWCUtil.createDefaultAuthenticationManager(); sam.setAuthenticationProvider(authProvider); SVNCommitClient commitClient = new SVNCommitClient(sam, null); buildListener.getLogger().println("[RELEASE] " + commitMessage); debuggingLogger.fine(String.format("Committing working copy: '%s'", workingCopy)); SVNCommitInfo commitInfo = commitClient.doCommit( new File[] {workingCopy}, true, commitMessage, null, null, true, true, SVNDepth.INFINITY); SVNErrorMessage errorMessage = commitInfo.getErrorMessage(); if (errorMessage != null) { throw new IOException("Failed to commit working copy: " + errorMessage.getFullMessage()); } return null; } catch (SVNException e) { throw new IOException(e.getMessage()); } }
private boolean createTag( String tagName, TaskListener listener, File destdir, String moduleLocalDir, String module, boolean isFlatten) throws IOException, InterruptedException { FilePath path = (isFlatten ? new FilePath(destdir).child(module) : new FilePath(destdir).child(moduleLocalDir).child(module)); boolean isDir = path.isDirectory(); ArgumentListBuilder cmd = new ArgumentListBuilder(); cmd.add(scmInstance.getDescriptor().getCvsExeOrDefault(), "tag"); if (isDir) { cmd.add("-R"); } cmd.add(tagName); if (!isDir) { cmd.add(path.getName()); path = path.getParent(); } if (! Launcher.LocalLauncher(listener), cmd, listener, path)) { listener.getLogger().println(Messages.CVSSCM_TaggingFailed()); return false; } return true; }
/** Runs the command and captures the output. */ public String popen( FilePath repository, TaskListener listener, boolean useTimeout, ArgumentListBuilder args) throws IOException, InterruptedException { args = seed().add(args.toCommandArray()); ByteArrayOutputStream rev = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); if (MercurialSCM.joinWithPossibleTimeout( l(args).pwd(repository).stdout(rev), useTimeout, listener) == 0) { return rev.toString(); } else { listener.error("Failed to run " + args.toStringWithQuote()); listener.getLogger().write(rev.toByteArray()); throw new AbortException(); } }
public void onBuildComplete(AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, TaskListener listener, GHRepository repo) throws GhprcCommitStatusException { GHCommitState state = Ghprc.getState(build); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (completedStatus == null || completedStatus.isEmpty()) { sb.append("Build finished."); } else { for (GhprcBuildResultMessage buildStatus : completedStatus) { sb.append(buildStatus.postBuildComment(build, listener)); } } sb.append(" "); GhprcTrigger trigger = Ghprc.extractTrigger(build); if (trigger == null) { listener.getLogger().println("Unable to get pull request builder trigger!!"); } else { JobConfiguration jobConfiguration = JobConfiguration.builder() .printStackTrace(trigger.isDisplayBuildErrorsOnDownstreamBuilds()) .build(); GhprcBuildManager buildManager = GhprcBuildManagerFactoryUtil.getBuildManager(build, jobConfiguration); sb.append(buildManager.getOneLineTestResults()); } createCommitStatus(build, listener, sb.toString(), repo, state); }
protected void makeCombination(Map<IndexEntry, Revision> settings) { // Assume we are checked out String name = "combine-" + tid + "-" + (idx++); git.branch(name); git.checkout(name); String commit = "Hudson generated combination of:\n"; for (IndexEntry submodule : settings.keySet()) { Revision branch = settings.get(submodule); commit += " " + submodule.getFile() + " " + branch.toString() + "\n"; } listener.getLogger().print(commit); for (IndexEntry submodule : settings.keySet()) { Revision branch = settings.get(submodule); File subdir = new File(workspace, submodule.getFile()); IGitAPI subGit = new GitAPI(git.getGitExe(), new FilePath(subdir), listener, git.getEnvironment()); subGit.checkout(; git.add(submodule.file); } git.commit(commit); }
/** * ************************************************** * * <p>private Map<String, JazzChangeSet> accept(Collection<String> changeSets) throws IOException, * InterruptedException { * * <p>************************************************** */ private Map<String, JazzChangeSet> accept(Collection<String> changeSets) throws IOException, InterruptedException { // output to console. PrintStream output = listener.getLogger(); output.println(" RTC SCM - Jazz Client: Accept..."); String version = getVersion(); // TODO The version should be checked when configuring the Jazz Executable String[] streams = configuration.getStreamNames(); Map<String, JazzChangeSet> returnObject = new LinkedHashMap<String, JazzChangeSet>(); for (int i = 0; i < streams.length; i++) { configuration.setStreamIndex(i); AcceptCommand cmd = new AcceptCommand(configuration, changeSets, version, listener, jazzExecutable); Map<String, JazzChangeSet> acceptResults = execute(cmd); // for debugging /* output.println("DEBUG: results of calling accept..."); for (String key : acceptResults.keySet()) { output.println("DEBUG: accept key = " + key + ": " + acceptResults.get(key).toStringDetails()); } */ returnObject.putAll(acceptResults); } return returnObject; }
/** * An attempt to generate at least semi-useful EnvVars for polling calls, based on previous build. * Cribbed from various places. */ public static EnvVars getPollEnvironment( AbstractProject p, FilePath ws, Launcher launcher, TaskListener listener) throws IOException, InterruptedException { EnvVars env; AbstractBuild b = (AbstractBuild) p.getLastBuild(); if (b != null) { Node lastBuiltOn = b.getBuiltOn(); if (lastBuiltOn != null) { env = lastBuiltOn.toComputer().getEnvironment().overrideAll(b.getCharacteristicEnvVars()); } else { env = new EnvVars(System.getenv()); } String rootUrl = Hudson.getInstance().getRootUrl(); if (rootUrl != null) { env.put("HUDSON_URL", rootUrl); env.put("BUILD_URL", rootUrl + b.getUrl()); env.put("JOB_URL", rootUrl + p.getUrl()); } if (!env.containsKey("HUDSON_HOME")) { env.put("HUDSON_HOME", Hudson.getInstance().getRootDir().getPath()); } if (ws != null) { env.put("WORKSPACE", ws.getRemote()); } p.getScm().buildEnvVars(b, env); StreamBuildListener buildListener = new StreamBuildListener((OutputStream) listener.getLogger()); for (NodeProperty nodeProperty : Hudson.getInstance().getGlobalNodeProperties()) { Environment environment = nodeProperty.setUp(b, launcher, (BuildListener) buildListener); if (environment != null) { environment.buildEnvVars(env); } } if (lastBuiltOn != null) { for (NodeProperty nodeProperty : lastBuiltOn.getNodeProperties()) { Environment environment = nodeProperty.setUp(b, launcher, buildListener); if (environment != null) { environment.buildEnvVars(env); } } } EnvVars.resolve(env); } else { env = new EnvVars(System.getenv()); } return env; }
protected void perform(TaskListener listener) { for (Map.Entry<AbstractBuild, String> e : tagSet.entrySet()) { TagAction ta = e.getKey().getAction(TagAction.class); if (ta == null) { listener.error(e.getKey() + " doesn't have CVS tag associated with it. Skipping"); continue; } listener.getLogger().println(Messages.CVSSCM_TagginXasY(e.getKey(), e.getValue())); try { e.getKey().keepLog(); } catch (IOException x) { x.printStackTrace(listener.error(Messages.CVSSCM_FailedToMarkForKeep(e.getKey()))); } ta.perform(e.getValue(), listener); listener.getLogger().println(); } }
private String getWspFilter(AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, TaskListener listener) { try { return TokenMacro.expandAll(build, listener, getWspFilter()); } catch (Exception e) { listener.error("failed to expand tokens in: %s%n", getWspFilter()); } return getWspFilter(); }