private boolean depthFirstSearchRecursive( VertexType vertex, VertexType fromVertex, PreWorkPostWorkHandler<VertexType> handler) throws InvalidVertexException { // TODO:Implementing non-recursive version // int vertexId = vertex.getId(); vertex.setMark(true); if (handler != null) if (handler.doPreWork(fromVertex, vertex)) return true; dispatchEvent(new PreWorkEvent<VertexType, EdgeType>(fromVertex, vertex, graph)); EventUtils.algorithmStep(this, "visit: " + vertex.getId()); VertexType lastInDepthVertex = vertex; for (VertexType i : graph) { if (graph.isEdge(vertex, i)) { if (!i.getMark()) { lastInDepthVertex = i; if (depthFirstSearchRecursive(i, vertex, handler)) return true; } } } dispatchEvent(new PostWorkEvent<VertexType, EdgeType>(lastInDepthVertex, vertex, graph)); EventUtils.algorithmStep(this, "leave: " + vertex.getId()); if (handler != null) if (handler.doPostWork(lastInDepthVertex, vertex)) return true; return false; }
private void informVertices() { if (isSubgraph) superGraph.informVertices(); for (VertexType v : this) { v.informNewSubgraph(); } }
/** * Get new id for a new subgraph; * * @param b */ public int getNewSubgraphIndex() { if (isSubgraph) return superGraph.getNewSubgraphIndex(); return lastSubgraphIndex + 1; }
/** * Sets the graph as a subgraph. * * @param b */ public void registerSubgraph(BaseGraph<VertexType, EdgeType> superGraph) { isSubgraph = true; this.superGraph = superGraph; superGraph.informVertices(); }
static <Vertex extends BaseVertex, Edge extends BaseEdge<Vertex>> Vector<Edge> convertToDag( BaseGraph<Vertex, Edge> graph) { System.out.println("start convertToDag"); System.out.println(graph.getEdgesCount()); // copied from Dag.finACycle byte[] mark = new byte[graph.getVerticesCount()]; BaseVertex[] V = graph.getVertexArray(); BaseVertex[] parent = new BaseVertex[mark.length]; BaseVertex[] root = new BaseVertex[mark.length]; Integer[] height = new Integer[mark.length]; LibraryUtils.falsifyVertexMarks(graph); // start from one vertex and go to it's neighbors [BFS], continue until // you meet a MARKed vertex HashSet<Vertex> visitedVertices = new HashSet<Vertex>(); LinkedList<Vertex> bfsStack = new LinkedList<Vertex>(); Vertex cycleStart = null; Vertex cycleEnd = null; // visitedVertices.add(current); int scan = 0; int counter = 0; Vertex current; // perform a nonrecursive dfs for (scan = 0; scan < V.length; scan++) { Vertex u = (Vertex) V[scan]; if (!u.getMark()) { /* Start a new search from u */ bfsStack.addFirst(u); root[u.getId()] = u; height[u.getId()] = 0; while (!bfsStack.isEmpty()) { Vertex v = bfsStack.removeFirst(); if (!v.getMark()) { v.setMark(true); counter++; for (Vertex w : graph.getNeighbors(v)) if (!w.getMark()) { bfsStack.push(w); parent[w.getId()] = v; root[w.getId()] = u; height[w.getId()] = height[v.getId()] + 1; } } } } } Vector<Edge> ret = new Vector<Edge>(); // try to find backedges for (Edge e : graph.edges()) { int src = e.source.getId(); int trg =; if (root[src] == root[trg] && height[src] > height[trg]) { ret.add(e); System.out.println(ret.size()); // cycleStart =; // cycleEnd = e.source; // // // current = cycleEnd; // LinkedList<Vertex> ret = new LinkedList<Vertex>(); // ret.addFirst(current); // while (current != null && current != cycleStart) { // current = (Vertex) parent[current.getId()]; // ret.addFirst(current); // } // if (current != null) // return; } } return ret; }