public void Special__gen(Xoa_app app, Xow_wiki wiki, Xoa_page page, Xoa_url url, Xoa_ttl ttl) { int slash_pos = Bry_find_.Find_fwd(ttl.Page_txt_wo_qargs(), Xoa_ttl.Subpage_spr); // check for slash byte[] special_name = slash_pos == Bry_find_.Not_found ? ttl .Base_txt_wo_qarg() // no slash found; use base_txt; ignore qry args and just get // page_names; EX: Search/Earth?fulltext=y; // Allpages?from=Earth... : Bry_.Mid( ttl.Page_txt_wo_qargs(), 0, slash_pos); // slash found; use root page; EX: Special:ItemByTitle/enwiki/Earth special_name = Xoa_ttl.Replace_spaces(special_name); // handle spaces; EX:Spezial:Zufällige_Seite Xow_special_page special = (Xow_special_page) hash.Get_by_bry(special_name); if (special != null) { // special found; generate it; special = special.Special__clone(); page.Db().Page().Modified_on_(Datetime_now.Get()); try { special.Special__gen(wiki, page, url, ttl); } catch (Exception e) { Gfo_log_.Instance.Warn( "failed to generate special page", "url", url.To_str(), "err", Err_.Message_gplx_log(e)); } } }
@Override public void Cmd_run() { wiki.Init_by_wiki(); Xow_db_file core_db = wiki.Data__core_mgr().Db__core(); Db_conn core_db_conn = core_db.Conn(); Gfo_usr_dlg usr_dlg = Gfo_usr_dlg_.Instance; usr_dlg.Plog_many("", "", "creating page_filter"); if (!core_db_conn.Meta_tbl_exists("page_filter")) { core_db_conn.Meta_tbl_create( Dbmeta_tbl_itm.New( "page_filter", new Dbmeta_fld_itm[] { Dbmeta_fld_itm.new_int("page_id").Primary_y_(), Dbmeta_fld_itm.new_int("page_text_db_id") }, Dbmeta_idx_itm.new_normal_by_tbl( "page_filter", "db_id__page", "page_text_db_id", "page_id"), Dbmeta_idx_itm.new_normal_by_tbl("page_filter", "page_id", "page_id"))); } core_db_conn.Exec_sql_plog_ntx( "finding missing redirects", String_.Concat_lines_nl_skip_last( "INSERT INTO page_filter (page_id, page_text_db_id)", "SELECT ptr.page_id, ptr.page_text_db_id", "FROM page ptr", " LEFT JOIN page orig ON ptr.page_redirect_id = orig.page_id", "WHERE ptr.page_is_redirect = 1", "AND orig.page_id IS NULL", "UNION", "SELECT ptr.page_id, ptr.page_text_db_id", "FROM page ptr", "WHERE ptr.page_is_redirect = 1", "AND ptr.page_redirect_id = -1", ";")); try { Xow_db_file[] db_file_ary = core_db.Tbl__db().Select_all(wiki.Data__core_mgr().Props(), wiki.Fsys_mgr().Root_dir()); int len = db_file_ary.length; for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { boolean db_file_is_text = Bool_.N, db_file_is_cat = Bool_.N, db_file_is_search = Bool_.N; Xow_db_file db_file = db_file_ary[i]; switch (db_file.Tid()) { case Xow_db_file_.Tid__core: case Xow_db_file_.Tid__wiki_solo: case Xow_db_file_.Tid__text_solo: if (wiki.Data__core_mgr().Props().Layout_text().Tid_is_lot()) continue; // if mode is lot, then "core" db does not have text, cat, search; skip; // DATE:2016-01-31 db_file_is_text = db_file_is_cat = db_file_is_search = Bool_.Y; break; case Xow_db_file_.Tid__text: db_file_is_text = Bool_.Y; break; case Xow_db_file_.Tid__cat: db_file_is_cat = Bool_.Y; break; case Xow_db_file_.Tid__search_core: db_file_is_search = Bool_.Y; break; } int db_id = db_file.Id(); if (db_file_is_text) Run_sql( core_db_conn, db_file.Url(), db_id, "deleting text: " + db_id, "DELETE FROM <data_db>text WHERE page_id IN (SELECT page_id FROM page_filter WHERE page_text_db_id = {0});"); if (db_file_is_cat) Run_sql( core_db_conn, db_file.Url(), db_id, "deleting cat: " + db_id, "DELETE FROM <data_db>cat_link WHERE cl_from IN (SELECT page_id FROM page_filter);"); if (db_file_is_search) Run_sql( core_db_conn, db_file.Url(), db_id, "deleting search:" + db_id, "DELETE FROM <data_db>search_link WHERE page_id IN (SELECT page_id FROM page_filter);"); if (db_file_is_text || db_file_is_cat || db_file_is_search) db_file.Conn().Env_vacuum(); } } catch (Exception e) { Gfo_usr_dlg_.Instance.Warn_many( "", "", "fatal error during page deletion: err=~{0}", Err_.Message_gplx_log(e)); } core_db_conn.Exec_sql_plog_ntx( "deleting from table: page", "DELETE FROM page WHERE page_id IN (SELECT page_id FROM page_filter);"); // core_db_conn.Meta_tbl_delete("page_filter"); core_db_conn.Env_vacuum(); usr_dlg.Plog_many("", "", ""); }