private String getPackage(UmlClass klass) { UmlPackage pkg = null; if (_omPkg != null) { pkg = UML13Utils.getPackage(UML13Utils.getModel(klass), _omPkg); } else { pkg = UML13Utils.getModel(klass); } return UML13Utils.getNamespaceName(pkg, klass); }
/** * @param classifiers * @return */ private Document generateConfig(Collection classifiers) { Element configEl = new Element("hibernate-configuration"); Element sessEl = new Element("session-factory"); configEl.addContent(sessEl); for (Iterator i = classifiers.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { Classifier klass = (Classifier); UmlPackage pkg = null; if (_pkgName != null) { pkg = UML13Utils.getPackage(UML13Utils.getModel(klass), _pkgName); } else { pkg = UML13Utils.getModel(klass); } String fileSuffix = _fileSuffix; if (fileSuffix == null) { fileSuffix = ".hbm.xml"; } UmlClass superClass = UML13Utils.getSuperClass((UmlClass) klass); if (superClass == null) { String nn = UML13Utils.getNamespaceName(pkg, klass); String resourceName = nn.replace('.', '/') + Constant.FORWARD_SLASH + klass.getName() + fileSuffix; // String implResourceName = resourceName + "/impl"; Element mappingEl = new Element("mapping"); sessEl.addContent(mappingEl); mappingEl.setAttribute("resource", resourceName); String resourceName1 = nn.replace('.', '/') + "/impl/" + klass.getName() + "Impl" + fileSuffix; Element mappingE2 = new Element("mapping"); sessEl.addContent(mappingE2); mappingE2.setAttribute("resource", resourceName1); } } DocType docType = new DocType( "hibernate-configuration", "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Configuration DTD 3.0//EN", ""); Document doc = new Document(); doc.setDocType(docType); doc.setRootElement(configEl); return doc; }
/** * @param classifiers * @return */ private String generateConfig(Collection classifiers) { String methodList = ""; String method = ""; for (Iterator i = classifiers.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { Classifier klass = (Classifier); // System.out.println("classifier class name: " + klass.getName()); for (Iterator j = UML13Utils.getAssociationEnds(klass).iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) { AssociationEnd thisEnd = (AssociationEnd); AssociationEnd otherEnd = UML13Utils.getOtherAssociationEnd(thisEnd); UmlPackage pkg = null; if (_pkgName != null) { pkg = UML13Utils.getPackage(UML13Utils.getModel(klass), _pkgName); } else { pkg = UML13Utils.getModel(klass); } String nn = UML13Utils.getNamespaceName(pkg, klass); if (_pkgName != null) { pkg = UML13Utils.getPackage(UML13Utils.getModel((UmlClass) otherEnd.getType()), _pkgName); } else { pkg = UML13Utils.getModel((UmlClass) otherEnd.getType()); } String temp1 = UML13Utils.getNamespaceName(pkg, (UmlClass) otherEnd.getType()); method = ""; // the other end is collection, form a string if ((UML13Utils.isOne2Many(thisEnd, otherEnd) || UML13Utils.isMany2Many(thisEnd, otherEnd)) && otherEnd.isNavigable()) { method = method + otherEnd.getName(); method = method + nn; method = method + "."; // method = method + ".impl."; method = method + thisEnd.getType().getName(); // method = method + "Impl"; method = method + "="; method = method + temp1; // method = method + ".impl."; method = method + "."; method = method + otherEnd.getType().getName(); // method = method + "Impl"; method = method + "\n"; // 3.0.1 release method = method + otherEnd.getName(); method = method + nn; method = method + ".impl."; method = method + thisEnd.getType().getName(); method = method + "Impl"; method = method + "="; method = method + temp1; method = method + ".impl."; method = method + otherEnd.getType().getName(); method = method + "Impl"; method = method + "\n\n"; } if (method != null && methodList != null) { methodList = methodList + method; } else if (method != null && methodList == null) { methodList = method; } } } String setUp = ""; setUp = setUp + methodList; return setUp; }
/** * @see * gov.nih.nci.codegen.framework.ArtifactHandler#execute(gov.nih.nci.codegen.framework.Artifact) */ public void execute(Artifact artifact) { RefObject ro = artifact.getSource(); if (!(ro instanceof ModelElement)) { log.error("Artifact source is not instance of " + ""); throw new RuntimeException( "Artifact source is not instance of " + ""); } ModelElement me = (ModelElement) ro; try { UmlPackage pkg = null; if (_basePackage != null) { pkg = UML13Utils.getPackage(UML13Utils.getModel(me), _basePackage); } else { pkg = UML13Utils.getModel(me); } String nn = UML13Utils.getNamespaceName(pkg, me); String no = ""; // based on whether the interfaceFlag in the control file is set to yes or no // the outputted file will or will not have a directory named impl in its path if (_interfaceFlag.equals("yes")) { no = nn; } else if (_wsFlag.equals("yes")) { no = nn + ".ws."; } else if (_pojoFlag != null && _pojoFlag.equals("yes")) { log.error("_pojoFlag.equals(yes)"); no = nn + ".bean."; } else { if (nn.indexOf("evs") == -1) { no = nn + ".impl"; } else { no = nn + ""; } } StringBuffer nameBuf = new StringBuffer(); if (_pkgPrefix != null && _pkgPrefix.trim().length() > 0) { nameBuf.append(_pkgPrefix.trim()); } nameBuf.append(no); if (_pkgSuffix != null && _pkgSuffix.trim().length() > 0) { nameBuf.append(_pkgSuffix.trim()); } nameBuf.append('.'); if (_classPrefix != null && _classPrefix.trim().length() > 0) { nameBuf.append(_classPrefix.trim()); } nameBuf.append(me.getName()); if (_classSuffix != null && _classSuffix.trim().length() > 0) { nameBuf.append(_classSuffix.trim()); } if (_classSuffix != null && _classSuffix.equals("Impl")) { String temp = nameBuf.toString(); nameBuf = new StringBuffer(temp); } String fileSuffix = _fileSuffix; if (fileSuffix == null) { fileSuffix = "hbm.xml"; } File f = new File( _baseDir + '/' + nameBuf.toString().replace('.', '/') + '.' + _fileSuffix.trim()); File p = f.getParentFile(); if (!p.exists()) { p.mkdirs(); } f.createNewFile(); FileWriter w = new FileWriter(f); w.write(artifact.getTarget().toString()); w.flush(); w.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("error handling artifact" + ex.getMessage()); throw new RuntimeException("error handling artifact", ex); } }