/** * Use the GUI results to set up the variables needed to run the algorithm. * * @return <code>true</code> if parameters set successfully, <code>false</code> otherwise. */ private boolean setVariables() { String tmpStr; System.gc(); if (replaceImage.isSelected()) { displayLoc = REPLACE; } else if (newImage.isSelected()) { displayLoc = NEW; } tmpStr = textSearchWindowSide.getText(); if (testParameter(tmpStr, 5, 101)) { searchWindowSide = Integer.valueOf(tmpStr).intValue(); } else { MipavUtil.displayError("Search window side must be between 5 and 101"); textSearchWindowSide.requestFocus(); textSearchWindowSide.selectAll(); return false; } if ((searchWindowSide % 2) == 0) { MipavUtil.displayError("Search window side must be an odd number"); textSearchWindowSide.requestFocus(); textSearchWindowSide.selectAll(); return false; } tmpStr = textSimilarityWindowSide.getText(); if (testParameter(tmpStr, 3, 99)) { similarityWindowSide = Integer.valueOf(tmpStr).intValue(); } else { MipavUtil.displayError("Similarity window side must be between 3 and 99"); textSimilarityWindowSide.requestFocus(); textSimilarityWindowSide.selectAll(); return false; } if ((similarityWindowSide % 2) == 0) { MipavUtil.displayError("Similarity window side must be an odd number"); textSimilarityWindowSide.requestFocus(); textSimilarityWindowSide.selectAll(); return false; } if (similarityWindowSide >= searchWindowSide) { MipavUtil.displayError("Similarity window side must be less than search window side"); textSimilarityWindowSide.requestFocus(); textSimilarityWindowSide.selectAll(); return false; } tmpStr = textNoiseStandardDeviation.getText(); if (testParameter(tmpStr, 0.001, 1000.0)) { noiseStandardDeviation = Float.valueOf(tmpStr).floatValue(); } else { MipavUtil.displayError("Radius must be between 0.001 and 1000.0"); textNoiseStandardDeviation.requestFocus(); textNoiseStandardDeviation.selectAll(); return false; } doRician = doRicianCheckBox.isSelected(); if (doRician) { tmpStr = textDegree.getText(); if (testParameter(tmpStr, 1.0, 10.0)) { degreeOfFiltering = Float.valueOf(tmpStr).floatValue(); } else { MipavUtil.displayError("Degree of filtering must be between 1.0 and 10.0"); textDegree.requestFocus(); textDegree.selectAll(); } } if (image.getNDims() > 2) { image25D = image25DCheckBox.isSelected(); } return true; }
/** * Initializes the GUI by creating the components, placing them in the dialog, and displaying * them. */ private void init() { setForeground(Color.black); setTitle("Nonlocal Means Filter"); JPanel mainPanel; mainPanel = new JPanel(); mainPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(3, 3, 3, 3)); mainPanel.setLayout(new GridBagLayout()); GridBagConstraints gbc = new GridBagConstraints(); gbc.gridwidth = 1; gbc.gridheight = 1; gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST; gbc.weightx = 1; gbc.insets = new Insets(3, 3, 3, 3); gbc.gridx = 0; gbc.gridy = 0; gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; paramPanel = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout()); paramPanel.setForeground(Color.black); paramPanel.setBorder(buildTitledBorder("Parameters")); mainPanel.add(paramPanel, gbc); GridBagConstraints gbc2 = new GridBagConstraints(); gbc2.gridwidth = 1; gbc2.gridheight = 1; gbc2.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST; gbc2.weightx = 1; gbc2.insets = new Insets(3, 3, 3, 3); gbc2.gridx = 0; gbc2.gridy = 0; gbc2.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; labelSearchWindowSide = createLabel("Search window side (odd)"); paramPanel.add(labelSearchWindowSide, gbc2); gbc2.gridx = 1; textSearchWindowSide = createTextField("15"); paramPanel.add(textSearchWindowSide, gbc2); gbc2.gridx = 0; gbc2.gridy = 1; labelSimilarityWindowSide = createLabel("Similarity window side (odd) "); paramPanel.add(labelSimilarityWindowSide, gbc2); gbc2.gridx = 1; textSimilarityWindowSide = createTextField("7"); paramPanel.add(textSimilarityWindowSide, gbc2); gbc2.gridx = 0; gbc2.gridy = 2; labelNoiseStandardDeviation = createLabel("Noise standard deviation "); paramPanel.add(labelNoiseStandardDeviation, gbc2); gbc2.gridx = 1; textNoiseStandardDeviation = createTextField("10.0"); paramPanel.add(textNoiseStandardDeviation, gbc2); gbc2.gridx = 0; gbc2.gridy = 3; labelDegree = createLabel("Degree of filtering "); labelDegree.setEnabled(doRician); paramPanel.add(labelDegree, gbc2); gbc2.gridx = 1; textDegree = createTextField("1.414"); textDegree.setEnabled(doRician); paramPanel.add(textDegree, gbc2); gbc2.gridx = 0; gbc2.gridy = 4; doRicianCheckBox = new JCheckBox("Deal with Rician noise in MRI"); doRicianCheckBox.setFont(serif12); doRicianCheckBox.setSelected(false); doRicianCheckBox.addActionListener(this); paramPanel.add(doRicianCheckBox, gbc2); if (image.getNDims() > 2) { gbc2.gridx = 0; gbc2.gridy = 5; gbc2.gridwidth = 2; image25DCheckBox = new JCheckBox("Process each slice independently (2.5D)"); image25DCheckBox.setFont(serif12); paramPanel.add(image25DCheckBox, gbc2); image25DCheckBox.setSelected(false); } // if (image.getNDims > 2) JPanel outputOptPanel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(1, 2)); destinationPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); destinationPanel.setForeground(Color.black); destinationPanel.setBorder(buildTitledBorder("Destination")); outputOptPanel.add(destinationPanel); destinationGroup = new ButtonGroup(); newImage = new JRadioButton("New image", true); newImage.setBounds(10, 16, 120, 25); newImage.setFont(serif12); destinationGroup.add(newImage); destinationPanel.add(newImage, BorderLayout.NORTH); replaceImage = new JRadioButton("Replace image", false); replaceImage.setFont(serif12); destinationGroup.add(replaceImage); destinationPanel.add(replaceImage, BorderLayout.CENTER); // Only if the image is unlocked can it be replaced. if (image.getLockStatus() == ModelStorageBase.UNLOCKED) { replaceImage.setEnabled(true); } else { replaceImage.setEnabled(false); } gbc.gridx = 0; gbc.gridy = 1; mainPanel.add(outputOptPanel, gbc); mainDialogPanel.add(mainPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); mainDialogPanel.add(buildButtons(), BorderLayout.SOUTH); getContentPane().add(mainDialogPanel); pack(); setResizable(true); // setVisible(true); System.gc(); }