private java.nio.ByteBuffer readElevations(Object source) throws {
    if (!(source instanceof && !(source instanceof {
      String message = Logging.getMessage("DataRaster.CannotRead", source);
      throw new;

    if (source instanceof { file = ( source;

      // handle,, and .bil32.gz files
      if (file.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".zip")) {
        return WWIO.readZipEntryToBuffer(file, null);
      // handle bil.gz, bil16.gz, and bil32.gz files
      else if (file.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".gz")) {
        return WWIO.readGZipFileToBuffer(file);
      } else if (!this.isMapLargeFiles() || (this.getLargeFileThreshold() > file.length())) {
        return WWIO.readFileToBuffer(file);
      } else {
        return WWIO.mapFile(file);
    } else // (source instanceof
    { url = ( source;
      return WWIO.readURLContentToBuffer(url);
    public ByteBuffer run(Retriever retriever) {
      if (!retriever.getState().equals(Retriever.RETRIEVER_STATE_SUCCESSFUL)) return null;

      HTTPRetriever htr = (HTTPRetriever) retriever;
      if (htr.getResponseCode() == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NO_CONTENT) {
        // Mark tile as missing to avoid excessive attempts
        return null;

      if (htr.getResponseCode() != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) return null;

      URLRetriever r = (URLRetriever) retriever;
      ByteBuffer buffer = r.getBuffer();

      String suffix = WWIO.makeSuffixForMimeType(htr.getContentType());
      if (suffix == null) {
        return null; // TODO: log error

      String path = tile.getPath().substring(0, tile.getPath().lastIndexOf("."));
      path += suffix;

      final File outFile = WorldWind.getDataFileStore().newFile(path);
      if (outFile == null) return null;

      try {
        WWIO.saveBuffer(buffer, outFile);
        return buffer;
      } catch (IOException e) {
        e.printStackTrace(); // TODO: log error
        return null;
  protected static String buildLocationPath(String property, String append, String wwDir) {
    String path = propertyToPath(property);

    if (append != null && append.length() != 0) path = WWIO.appendPathPart(path, append.trim());

    if (wwDir != null && wwDir.length() != 0) path = WWIO.appendPathPart(path, wwDir.trim());

    return path;
  protected static String normalizeFileStoreName(String fileName) {
    // Convert all file separators to forward slashes, and strip any leading or trailing file
    // separators
    // from the path.
    String normalizedName = fileName.replaceAll("\\\\", "/");
    normalizedName = WWIO.stripLeadingSeparator(normalizedName);
    normalizedName = WWIO.stripTrailingSeparator(normalizedName);

    return normalizedName;
  protected boolean loadTile(Tile tile, url) {
    if (WWIO.isFileOutOfDate(url, this.placeNameServiceSet.getExpiryTime())) {
      // The file has expired. Delete it then request download of newer.
      String message = Logging.getMessage("generic.DataFileExpired", url);
      return false;

    PlaceNameChunk tileData;
    synchronized (this.fileLock) {
      tileData = readTileData(tile, url);

    if (tileData == null) {
      // Assume that something's wrong with the file and delete it.
          .markResourceAbsent(tile.getPlaceNameService().getTileNumber(tile.row, tile.column));
      String message = Logging.getMessage("generic.DeletedCorruptDataFile", url);
      return false;

    WorldWind.getMemoryCache(Tile.class.getName()).add(tile.getFileCachePath(), tile);
    return true;
   * Resolves a reference to a local element identified by address and identifier, where {@code
   * linkBase} identifies a document, including the current document, and {@code linkRef} is the id
   * of the desired element.
   * <p>If {@code linkBase} refers to a local COLLADA file and {@code linkRef} is non-null, the
   * return value is the element identified by {@code linkRef}. If {@code linkRef} is null, the
   * return value is a parsed {@link ColladaRoot} for the COLLADA file identified by {@code
   * linkBase}. Otherwise, {@code linkBase} is returned.
   * @param linkBase the address of the document containing the requested element.
   * @param linkRef the element's identifier.
   * @return the requested element, or null if the element is not found.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the address is null.
  protected Object resolveLocalReference(String linkBase, String linkRef) {
    if (linkBase == null) {
      String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.DocumentSourceIsNull");
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);

    try {
      File file = new File(linkBase);

      if (!file.exists()) return null;

      // Determine whether the file is a COLLADA document. If not, just return the file path.
      if (!WWIO.isContentType(file, ColladaConstants.COLLADA_MIME_TYPE))
        return file.toURI().toString();

      // Attempt to open and parse the COLLADA file.
      ColladaRoot refRoot = ColladaRoot.createAndParse(file);
      // An exception is thrown if parsing fails, so no need to check for null.

      // Add the parsed file to the session cache so it doesn't have to be parsed again.
      WorldWind.getSessionCache().put(linkBase, refRoot);

      // Now check the newly opened COLLADA file for the referenced item, if a reference was
      // specified.
      if (linkRef != null) return refRoot.getItemByID(linkRef);
      else return refRoot;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      String message =
          Logging.getMessage("generic.UnableToResolveReference", linkBase + "/" + linkRef);
      return null;
  protected BufferedImage getImage(Object imageSource) {
    if (imageSource instanceof String) {
      String path = (String) imageSource;

      Object streamOrException = WWIO.getFileOrResourceAsStream(path, this.getClass());
      if (streamOrException == null || streamOrException instanceof Exception) {
                streamOrException != null ? streamOrException : path);
        return null;

      try {
        return streamOrException);
      } catch (Exception e) {
                java.util.logging.Level.SEVERE, "generic.ExceptionAttemptingToReadImageFile", path);
        return null;
    } else if (imageSource instanceof BufferedImage) {
      return (BufferedImage) imageSource;

    return null;
Пример #8
  public static String getFeatureTypeName(String tableName) {
    if (tableName == null) {
      String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.StringIsNull");
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);

    String suffix = WWIO.getSuffix(tableName);
    if (suffix == null) return null;

    suffix = "." + suffix;

    if (suffix.equalsIgnoreCase(VPFConstants.POINT_FEATURE_TABLE))
      return VPFConstants.POINT_FEATURE_TYPE;
    else if (suffix.equalsIgnoreCase(VPFConstants.LINE_FEATURE_TABLE))
      return VPFConstants.LINE_FEATURE_TYPE;
    else if (suffix.equalsIgnoreCase(VPFConstants.AREA_FEATURE_TABLE))
      return VPFConstants.AREA_FEATURE_TYPE;
    else if (suffix.equalsIgnoreCase(VPFConstants.TEXT_FEATURE_TABLE))
      return VPFConstants.TEXT_FEATURE_TYPE;
    else if (suffix.equalsIgnoreCase(VPFConstants.COMPLEX_FEATURE_TABLE))
      return VPFConstants.COMPLEX_FEATURE_TYPE;

    return null;
 protected void saveBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer, outFile)
     throws {
   synchronized (this.fileLock) // sychronized with read of file in
     WWIO.saveBuffer(buffer, outFile);
   * Resolves a reference to a remote element identified by address and identifier, where {@code
   * linkBase} identifies a remote document, and {@code linkRef} is the id of the desired element.
   * This method retrieves resources asynchronously using the {@link
   * gov.nasa.worldwind.cache.FileStore}.
   * <p>The return value is null if the file is not yet available in the FileStore. If {@code
   * linkBase} refers to a COLLADA file and {@code linkRef} is non-null, the return value is the
   * element identified by {@code linkRef}. If {@code linkBase} refers to a COLLADA file and {@code
   * linkRef} is null, the return value is a parsed {@link ColladaRoot} for the COLLADA file
   * identified by {@code linkBase}. Otherwise the return value is a {@link URL} to the file in the
   * file cache.
   * @param linkBase the address of the document containing the requested element.
   * @param linkRef the element's identifier.
   * @return URL to the requested file, parsed ColladaRoot, or COLLADA element. Returns null if the
   *     document is not yet available in the FileStore.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the {@code linkBase} is null.
  public Object resolveRemoteReference(String linkBase, String linkRef) {
    if (linkBase == null) {
      String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.DocumentSourceIsNull");
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);

    try {
      // See if it's in the cache. If not, requestFile will start another thread to retrieve it and
      // return null.
      URL url = WorldWind.getDataFileStore().requestFile(linkBase);
      if (url == null) return null;

      // It's in the cache. If it's a COLLADA file try to parse it so we can search for the
      // specified reference.
      // If it's not COLLADA, just return the url for the cached file.
      String contentType = WorldWind.getDataFileStore().getContentType(linkBase);
      if (contentType == null) {
        String suffix = WWIO.getSuffix(linkBase.split(";")[0]); // strip of trailing garbage
        if (!WWUtil.isEmpty(suffix)) contentType = WWIO.makeMimeTypeForSuffix(suffix);

      if (!this.canParseContentType(contentType)) return url;

      // If the file is a COLLADA document, attempt to open it. We can't open it as a File with
      // createAndParse
      // because the ColladaRoot that will be created needs to have the remote address in order to
      // resolve any
      // relative references within it.
      ColladaRoot refRoot = this.parseCachedColladaFile(url, linkBase);

      // Add the parsed file to the session cache so it doesn't have to be parsed again.
      WorldWind.getSessionCache().put(linkBase, refRoot);

      // Now check the newly opened COLLADA file for the referenced item, if a reference was
      // specified.
      if (linkRef != null) return refRoot.getItemByID(linkRef);
      else return refRoot;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      String message =
          Logging.getMessage("generic.UnableToResolveReference", linkBase + "/" + linkRef);
      return null;
Пример #11
   * Unzips the sole entry in the specified zip file, and saves it in a temporary directory, and
   * returns a File to the temporary location.
   * @param path the path to the source file.
   * @param suffix the suffix to give the temp file.
   * @return a {@link File} for the temp file.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the <code>path</code> is <code>null</code> or empty.
  public static File unzipAndSaveToTempFile(String path, String suffix) {
    if (WWUtil.isEmpty(path)) {
      String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.PathIsNull");
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);

    InputStream stream = null;

    try {
      stream = WWIO.openStream(path);

      ByteBuffer buffer = WWIO.readStreamToBuffer(stream);
      File file = WWIO.saveBufferToTempFile(buffer, WWIO.getFilename(path));

      buffer = WWIO.readZipEntryToBuffer(file, null);
      return WWIO.saveBufferToTempFile(buffer, suffix);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    } finally {
      WWIO.closeStream(stream, path);

    return null;
    public ComposeImageTile(Sector sector, String mimeType, Level level, int width, int height)
        throws IOException {
      super(sector, level, -1, -1); // row and column aren't used and need to signal that

      this.width = width;
      this.height = height;

      this.file =
          File.createTempFile(WWIO.DELETE_ON_EXIT_PREFIX, WWIO.makeSuffixForMimeType(mimeType));
Пример #13
    protected ByteBuffer handleXMLContent() throws IOException {
      // Check for an exception report
      String s = WWIO.byteBufferToString(this.getRetriever().getBuffer(), 1024, null);
      if (s.contains("<ExceptionReport>")) {
        // TODO: Parse the xml and include only the message text in the log message.

        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(this.getRetriever().getName());

        sb.append(WWIO.byteBufferToString(this.getRetriever().getBuffer(), 2048, null));

        return null;


      return this.getRetriever().getBuffer();
Пример #14
  protected List<DBaseRecord> readRecordsFromFile(File file) throws IOException {
    List<DBaseRecord> records;
    InputStream is = null;

    try {
      is = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
      WWIO.skipBytes(is, this.header.headerLength); // Skip over header
      records = this.readRecordsFromStream(is);
    } finally {
      if (is != null) is.close();

    return records;
   * Create a new <code>ColladaRoot</code> for a {@link URL}.
   * @param docSource the URL of the document.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the document source is null.
   * @throws IOException if an error occurs while reading the Collada document.
  public ColladaRoot(URL docSource) throws IOException {

    if (docSource == null) {
      String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.DocumentSourceIsNull");
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);

    URLConnection conn = docSource.openConnection();
    this.colladaDoc = new ColladaInputStream(conn.getInputStream(), WWIO.makeURI(docSource));

  private BufferedImage requestImage(MercatorTextureTile tile, String mimeType)
      throws URISyntaxException {
    String pathBase = tile.getPath().substring(0, tile.getPath().lastIndexOf("."));
    String suffix = WWIO.makeSuffixForMimeType(mimeType);
    String path = pathBase + suffix;
    URL url = WorldWind.getDataFileStore().findFile(path, false);

    if (url == null) // image is not local
    return null;

    if (WWIO.isFileOutOfDate(url, tile.getLevel().getExpiryTime())) {
      // The file has expired. Delete it.
      String message = Logging.getMessage("generic.DataFileExpired", url);
    } else {
      try {
        File imageFile = new File(url.toURI());
        BufferedImage image =;
        if (image == null) {
          String message = Logging.getMessage("generic.ImageReadFailed", imageFile);
          throw new RuntimeException(message);

        return image;
      } catch (IOException e) {
        // Assume that something's wrong with the file and delete it.
        String message = Logging.getMessage("generic.DeletedCorruptDataFile", url);

    return null;
   * Resolves a reference to a local or remote file or element. If the link refers to an element in
   * the current document, this method returns that element. If the link refers to a remote
   * document, this method will initiate asynchronous retrieval of the document, and return a URL of
   * the downloaded document in the file cache, if it is available locally. If the link identifies a
   * COLLADA document, the document will be returned as a parsed ColladaRoot.
   * @param link the address of the document or element to resolve. This may be a full URL, a URL
   *     fragment that identifies an element in the current document ("#myElement"), or a URL and a
   *     fragment identifier ("").
   * @return the requested element, or null if the element is not found.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the address is null.
  public Object resolveReference(String link) {
    if (link == null) {
      String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.DocumentSourceIsNull");
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);

    try {
      String[] linkParts = link.split("#");
      String linkBase = linkParts[0];
      String linkRef = linkParts.length > 1 ? linkParts[1] : null;

      // See if it's a reference to an internal element.
      if (WWUtil.isEmpty(linkBase) && !WWUtil.isEmpty(linkRef)) return this.getItemByID(linkRef);

      // Interpret the path relative to the current document.
      String path = this.getSupportFilePath(linkBase);
      if (path == null) path = linkBase;

      // See if it's an already found and parsed COLLADA file.
      Object o = WorldWind.getSessionCache().get(path);
      if (o != null && o instanceof ColladaRoot)
        return linkRef != null ? ((ColladaRoot) o).getItemByID(linkRef) : o;

      URL url = WWIO.makeURL(path);
      if (url == null) {
        // See if the reference can be resolved to a local file.
        o = this.resolveLocalReference(path, linkRef);

      // If we didn't find a local file, treat it as a remote reference.
      if (o == null) o = this.resolveRemoteReference(path, linkRef);

      if (o != null) return o;

      // If the reference was not resolved as a remote reference, look for a local element
      // identified by the
      // reference string. This handles the case of malformed internal references that omit the #
      // sign at the
      // beginning of the reference.
      return this.getItemByID(link);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      String message = Logging.getMessage("generic.UnableToResolveReference", link);

    return null;
   * Open and parse the specified file expressed as a file: URL..
   * @param url the URL of the file to open, expressed as a URL with a scheme of "file".
   * @param linkBase the original address of the document if the file is a retrieved and cached
   *     file.
   * @return A {@code ColladaRoot} representing the file's COLLADA contents.
   * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs during opening and parsing.
   * @throws XMLStreamException if a server parsing error is encountered.
  protected ColladaRoot parseCachedColladaFile(URL url, String linkBase)
      throws IOException, XMLStreamException {
    ColladaDoc colladaDoc;

    InputStream refStream = url.openStream();

    colladaDoc = new ColladaInputStream(refStream, WWIO.makeURI(linkBase));

    try {
      ColladaRoot refRoot = new ColladaRoot(colladaDoc);
      refRoot.parse(); // also closes the URL's stream
      return refRoot;
    } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
      refStream.close(); // parsing failed, so explicitly close the stream
      throw e;
Пример #19
    protected void loadAirspacesFromPath(String path, Collection<Airspace> airspaces) {
      File file = ExampleUtil.saveResourceToTempFile(path, ".zip");
      if (file == null) return;

      try {
        ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile(file);

        ZipEntry entry = null;
        for (Enumeration<? extends ZipEntry> e = zipFile.entries();
            entry = e.nextElement()) {
          if (entry == null) continue;

          String name = WWIO.getFilename(entry.getName());

          if (!(name.startsWith("gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces") && name.endsWith(".xml")))

          String[] tokens = name.split("-");

          try {
            Class c = Class.forName(tokens[0]);
            Airspace airspace = (Airspace) c.newInstance();
            BufferedReader input =
                new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(zipFile.getInputStream(entry)));
            String s = input.readLine();

            if (tokens.length >= 2) {
              airspace.setValue(AVKey.DISPLAY_NAME, tokens[1]);
          } catch (Exception ex) {
      } catch (IOException e) {
   * Creates a Collada root for an untyped source. The source must be either a {@link File} or a
   * {@link String} identifying either a file path or a {@link URL}. Null is returned if the source
   * type is not recognized.
   * @param docSource either a {@link File} or a {@link String} identifying a file path or {@link
   *     URL}.
   * @return a new {@link ColladaRoot} for the specified source, or null if the source type is not
   *     supported.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the source is null.
   * @throws IOException if an error occurs while reading the source.
  public static ColladaRoot create(Object docSource) throws IOException {
    if (docSource == null) {
      String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.DocumentSourceIsNull");
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);

    if (docSource instanceof File) {
      return new ColladaRoot((File) docSource);
    } else if (docSource instanceof URL) {
      return new ColladaRoot((URL) docSource);
    } else if (docSource instanceof String) {
      File file = new File((String) docSource);
      if (file.exists()) return new ColladaRoot(file);

      URL url = WWIO.makeURL(docSource);
      if (url != null) return new ColladaRoot(url);
    } else if (docSource instanceof InputStream) {
      return new ColladaRoot((InputStream) docSource);

    return null;
 /** {@inheritDoc} */
 public URL getContentURL() {
   if (this.webViewWindowPtr != 0) {
     return WWIO.makeURL(WindowsWebViewJNI.getContentURL(this.webViewWindowPtr));
   return null;